<chapter id="intro">



<para>The &kmail; Team welcomes you to &kmail;, a user-friendly email client for the
Trinity Desktop Environment. Our goal is to make &kmail; a program that is beautiful
and intuitive without sacrificing power. </para>

<para>If you have never set up an email client on a &UNIX; system
before, we suggest that you read through the <link
linkend="getting-started">Getting Started</link> section first so that
your setup goes smoothly.</para>

<para>Since most people do not read documentation anyway, here is a
collection of the most helpful tips:</para>

<para>You do not have to use your mouse to use &kmail;. Everything can
be done by using <link linkend="keyboard-shortcuts">Keyboard Shortcuts</link>.</para>
<para>Although &kmail; can be considered reliable you should keep 
backups of your messages, &ie; just copy the files and folders 
in <filename class="directory">~/Mail</filename>
(including the hidden ones that start with a dot) to a safe place.</para>
<!-- TODO: add other tips for "invisible" features here -->


<para>&kmail;'s homepage can be found at <ulink
url="http://kmail.kde.org">http://kmail.kde.org</ulink>. There you will
find useful links, &eg; to the user and developer mailing lists.
Please report bugs in &kmail; using

<para>We hope you will enjoy &kmail;!</para>
