/* This file is part of KAddressBook. Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Mirko Boehm 2002 Mike Pilone This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of TQt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for TQt in the source distribution. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "printingwizard.h" #include "printprogress.h" #include "printstyle.h" #include "mikesstyle.h" using namespace KABPrinting; const int mFieldSpacingHint = 2; MikesStyle::MikesStyle( PrintingWizard *parent, const char *name ) : PrintStyle( parent, name ) { setPreview( "mike-style.png" ); } MikesStyle::~MikesStyle() { } void MikesStyle::print( const TDEABC::Addressee::List &contacts, PrintProgress *progress ) { TQFont mFont; TQFont mBoldFont; TQPainter p; p.begin( wizard()->printer() ); int yPos = 0, count = 0; int spacingHint = 10; // Now do the actual printing mFont = p.font(); mBoldFont = p.font(); mBoldFont.setBold( true ); TQFontMetrics fm( mFont ); TQPaintDeviceMetrics metrics( p.device() ); int height = 0; TDEABC::Addressee::List::ConstIterator it; progress->addMessage( i18n( "Preparing" ) ); progress->addMessage( i18n( "Printing" ) ); for ( it = contacts.begin(); it != contacts.end(); ++it ) { progress->setProgress( (count++ * 100) / contacts.count() ); tdeApp->processEvents(); // Get the total height so we know if it will fit on the current page height = calcHeight( *it, mFont, mBoldFont ); if ( (yPos + spacingHint + height) > (metrics.height() - fm.height() - 5) ) { p.save(); p.translate( 0, metrics.height() - fm.height() - 5 ); paintTagLine( p, mFont ); p.restore(); wizard()->printer()->newPage(); yPos = 0; } // Move the painter to the proper position and then paint the addressee yPos += spacingHint; p.save(); p.translate( 0, yPos ); doPaint( p, *it, height, mFont, mBoldFont ); p.restore(); yPos += height; } progress->addMessage( i18n( "Done" ) ); // print the tag line on the last page p.save(); p.translate( 0, metrics.height() - fm.height() - 5 ); paintTagLine( p, mFont ); p.restore(); // send to the printer p.end(); } TQString MikesStyle::trimString( const TQString &text, int width, TQFontMetrics &fm ) { if ( fm.width( text ) <= width ) return text; TQString dots = "..."; int dotWidth = fm.width( dots ); TQString trimmed; int charNum = 0; while ( fm.width( trimmed ) + dotWidth < width ) { trimmed += text[ charNum ]; charNum++; } // Now trim the last char, since it put the width over the top trimmed = trimmed.left( trimmed.length() - 1 ); trimmed += dots; return trimmed; } void MikesStyle::doPaint( TQPainter &painter, const TDEABC::Addressee &addr, int maxHeight, const TQFont &font, const TQFont &bFont ) { TQFontMetrics fm( font ); TQFontMetrics bfm( bFont ); TQPaintDeviceMetrics metrics( painter.device() ); int margin = 10; int width = metrics.width() - 10; int xPos = 5; int yPos = 0; TQBrush brush( TQt::lightGray ); painter.setPen( TQt::black ); painter.drawRect( xPos, yPos, width, maxHeight ); // The header painter.fillRect( xPos + 1, yPos + 1, width - 2, bfm.height() + 2 * mFieldSpacingHint - 2, brush ); painter.setFont( bFont ); xPos += mFieldSpacingHint; painter.drawText( xPos, yPos + bfm.height(), addr.formattedName() ); yPos += bfm.height() + 2 * mFieldSpacingHint; xPos = margin; // now the fields, in two halves painter.setFont( font ); TDEABC::Field::List fields = wizard()->addressBook()->fields(); int numFields = fields.count(); TQString label; TQString value; for ( int i = 0; i < numFields / 2; i++ ) { label = fields[ i ]->label(); value = trimString( fields[ i ]->value( addr ), (width - 10) / 4, fm ); yPos += fm.height(); painter.drawText( xPos, yPos, label + ":" ); xPos += (width - (2 * margin)) / 4; painter.drawText( xPos, yPos, value ); yPos += mFieldSpacingHint; xPos = margin; } yPos = bfm.height() + 2 * mFieldSpacingHint; xPos = margin + width / 2; for ( int i = numFields / 2; i < numFields; i++ ) { label = fields[ i ]->label(); value = value = trimString( fields[ i ]->value( addr ), (width - 10) / 4, fm ); yPos += fm.height(); painter.drawText( xPos, yPos, label + ":" ); xPos += (width - (2 * margin)) / 4; painter.drawText( xPos, yPos, value ); yPos += mFieldSpacingHint; xPos = margin + width / 2; } } void MikesStyle::paintTagLine( TQPainter &p, const TQFont &font ) { TQFontMetrics fm( font ); TQString text = i18n( "Printed on %1 by KAddressBook (http://www.kde.org)" ) .arg( TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( TQDateTime::currentDateTime() ) ); p.setPen( TQt::black ); p.drawText( 0, fm.height(), text ); } int MikesStyle::calcHeight( const TDEABC::Addressee &addr, const TQFont &font, const TQFont &bFont ) { TQFontMetrics fm( font ); TQFontMetrics bfm( bFont ); int height = 0; // get the fields TDEABC::Field::List fieldList = wizard()->addressBook()->fields(); int numFields = fieldList.count(); int halfHeight = 0; // Determine which half of the fields is higher for ( int i = 0; i < numFields / 2; i++ ) halfHeight += fm.height() * (fieldList[ i ]->value( addr ).contains( '\n' ) + 1); height = halfHeight; // now the second half halfHeight = 0; for ( int i = numFields / 2; i < numFields; i++ ) halfHeight += fm.height() * (fieldList[ i ]->value( addr ).contains( '\n' ) + 1); height = TQMAX( height, halfHeight ); // Add the title and the spacing height += bfm.height() + ((numFields / 2 + 3) * mFieldSpacingHint); return height; } MikesStyleFactory::MikesStyleFactory( PrintingWizard *parent, const char *name ) : PrintStyleFactory( parent, name ) { } PrintStyle *MikesStyleFactory::create() const { return new MikesStyle( mParent, mName ); } TQString MikesStyleFactory::description() const { return i18n( "Mike's Printing Style" ); } #include "mikesstyle.moc"