 *  alarmevent.h  -  represents calendar alarms and events
 *  Program:  kalarm
 *  Copyright © 2001-2008 by David Jarvie <djarvie@kde.org>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


/**  @file alarmevent.h - represents calendar alarms and events */

#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqfont.h>

#include <libkcal/person.h>
#include <libkcal/event.h>
namespace KCal {
	class Calendar;
	class CalendarLocal;

#include "datetime.h"
#include "karecurrence.h"

class AlarmCalendar;
class KARecurrence;
struct AlarmData;

typedef KCal::Person  EmailAddress;
class EmailAddressList : public TQValueList<KCal::Person>
		EmailAddressList() : TQValueList<KCal::Person>() { }
		EmailAddressList(const TQValueList<KCal::Person>& list)  { operator=(list); }
		EmailAddressList& operator=(const TQValueList<KCal::Person>&);
		TQString join(const TQString& separator) const;

// Base class containing data common to KAAlarm and KAEvent
class KAAlarmEventBase
		~KAAlarmEventBase()  { }
		const TQString&     cleanText() const           { return mText; }
		TQString            message() const             { return (mActionType == T_MESSAGE || mActionType == T_EMAIL) ? mText : TQString(); }
		TQString            fileName() const            { return (mActionType == T_FILE) ? mText : TQString(); }
		TQString            command() const             { return (mActionType == T_COMMAND) ? mText : TQString(); }
		uint               emailFromId() const         { return mEmailFromIdentity; }
		const EmailAddressList& emailAddresses() const { return mEmailAddresses; }
		TQString            emailAddresses(const TQString& sep) const  { return mEmailAddresses.join(sep); }
		const TQString&     emailSubject() const        { return mEmailSubject; }
		const TQStringList& emailAttachments() const    { return mEmailAttachments; }
		TQString            emailAttachments(const TQString& sep) const  { return mEmailAttachments.join(sep); }
		bool               emailBcc() const            { return mEmailBcc; }
		const TQColor&      bgColour() const            { return mBgColour; }
		const TQColor&      fgColour() const            { return mFgColour; }
		bool               defaultFont() const         { return mDefaultFont; }
		const TQFont&       font() const;
		int                lateCancel() const          { return mLateCancel; }
		bool               autoClose() const           { return mAutoClose; }
		bool               commandScript() const       { return mCommandScript; }
		bool               confirmAck() const          { return mConfirmAck; }
		bool               repeatAtLogin() const       { return mRepeatAtLogin; }
		int                repeatCount() const         { return mRepeatCount; }
		int                repeatInterval() const      { return mRepeatInterval; }
		bool               displaying() const          { return mDisplaying; }
		bool               beep() const                { return mBeep; }
		bool               speak() const               { return (mActionType == T_MESSAGE) && mSpeak; }
		int                flags() const;
#ifdef NDEBUG
		void               dumpDebug() const  { }
		void               dumpDebug() const;


		KAAlarmEventBase() : mRepeatCount(0), mLateCancel(0), mAutoClose(false), mBeep(false), mRepeatAtLogin(false),
		                     mDisplaying(false), mEmailBcc(false), mConfirmAck(false) { }
		KAAlarmEventBase(const KAAlarmEventBase& rhs)             { copy(rhs); }
		KAAlarmEventBase& operator=(const KAAlarmEventBase& rhs)  { copy(rhs);  return *this; }
		void               copy(const KAAlarmEventBase&);
		void               set(int flags);

		TQString            mEventID;          // UID: KCal::Event unique ID
		TQString            mText;             // message text, file URL, command, email body [or audio file for KAAlarm]
		DateTime           mNextMainDateTime; // next time to display the alarm, excluding repetitions
		TQColor             mBgColour;         // background colour of alarm message
		TQColor             mFgColour;         // foreground colour of alarm message, or invalid for default
		TQFont              mFont;             // font of alarm message (ignored if mDefaultFont true)
		uint               mEmailFromIdentity;// KMail identity for email 'From' field, or empty
		EmailAddressList   mEmailAddresses;   // ATTENDEE: addresses to send email to
		TQString            mEmailSubject;     // SUMMARY: subject line of email
		TQStringList        mEmailAttachments; // ATTACH: email attachment file names
		float              mSoundVolume;      // volume for sound file, or < 0 for unspecified
		float              mFadeVolume;       // initial volume for sound file, or < 0 for no fade
		int                mFadeSeconds;      // fade time for sound file, or 0 if none
		Type               mActionType;       // alarm action type
		int                mRepeatCount;      // sub-repetition count (excluding the first time)
		int                mRepeatInterval;   // sub-repetition interval (minutes)
		int                mNextRepeat;       // repetition count of next due sub-repetition
		int                mLateCancel;       // how many minutes late will cancel the alarm, or 0 for no cancellation
		bool               mAutoClose;        // whether to close the alarm window after the late-cancel period
		bool               mCommandScript;    // the command text is a script, not a shell command line
		bool               mBeep;             // whether to beep when the alarm is displayed
		bool               mSpeak;            // whether to speak the message when the alarm is displayed
		bool               mRepeatSound;      // whether to repeat the sound file while the alarm is displayed
		bool               mRepeatAtLogin;    // whether to repeat the alarm at every login
		bool               mDisplaying;       // whether the alarm is currently being displayed
		bool               mEmailBcc;         // blind copy the email to the user
		bool               mConfirmAck;       // alarm acknowledgement requires confirmation by user
		bool               mDefaultFont;      // use default message font, not mFont

	friend class AlarmData;

// KAAlarm corresponds to a single KCal::Alarm instance.
// A KAEvent may contain multiple KAAlarm's.
class KAAlarm : public KAAlarmEventBase
		// Define the basic KAAlaem action types
		enum Action
			MESSAGE = T_MESSAGE,   // KCal::Alarm::Display type: display a text message
			FILE    = T_FILE,      // KCal::Alarm::Display type: display a file (URL given by the alarm text)
			COMMAND = T_COMMAND,   // KCal::Alarm::Procedure type: execute a shell command
			EMAIL   = T_EMAIL,     // KCal::Alarm::Email type: send an email
			AUDIO   = T_AUDIO      // KCal::Alarm::Audio type: play a sound file
		// Define the KAAlarm types.
		// KAAlarm's of different types may be contained in a KAEvent,
		// each defining a different component of the overall alarm.
		enum Type
			INVALID_ALARM       = 0,     // not an alarm
			MAIN_ALARM          = 1,     // THE real alarm. Must be the first in the enumeration.
			// The following values may be used in combination as a bimask 0x0E
			REMINDER_ALARM      = 0x02,  // reminder in advance of main alarm
			DEFERRED_ALARM      = 0x04,  // deferred alarm
			// The following values must be greater than the preceding ones, to
			// ensure that in ordered processing they are processed afterwards.
			AT_LOGIN_ALARM      = 0x10,  // additional repeat-at-login trigger
			DISPLAYING_ALARM    = 0x20,  // copy of the alarm currently being displayed
			// The following values are for internal KAEvent use only
			AUDIO_ALARM         = 0x30,  // sound to play when displaying the alarm
			PRE_ACTION_ALARM    = 0x40,  // command to execute before displaying the alarm
			POST_ACTION_ALARM   = 0x50   // command to execute after the alarm window is closed
		enum SubType
			INVALID__ALARM                = INVALID_ALARM,
			MAIN__ALARM                   = MAIN_ALARM,
			// The following values may be used in combination as a bimask 0x0E
			TIMED_DEFERRAL_FLAG           = 0x08,  // deferral has a time; if clear, it is date-only
			DEFERRED_DATE__ALARM          = DEFERRED_ALARM,  // deferred alarm - date-only
			DEFERRED_REMINDER_DATE__ALARM = REMINDER_ALARM | DEFERRED_ALARM,  // deferred early warning (date-only)
			// The following values must be greater than the preceding ones, to
			// ensure that in ordered processing they are processed afterwards.
			AT_LOGIN__ALARM               = AT_LOGIN_ALARM,
			// The following values are for internal KAEvent use only
			AUDIO__ALARM                  = AUDIO_ALARM,

		KAAlarm()          : mType(INVALID__ALARM), mDeferred(false) { }
		KAAlarm(const KAAlarm&);
		~KAAlarm()  { }
		Action             action() const               { return (Action)mActionType; }
		bool               valid() const                { return mType != INVALID__ALARM; }
		Type               type() const                 { return static_cast<Type>(mType & ~TIMED_DEFERRAL_FLAG); }
		SubType            subType() const              { return mType; }
		const TQString&     eventID() const              { return mEventID; }
		DateTime           dateTime(bool withRepeats = false) const
		                                                { return (withRepeats && mNextRepeat && mRepeatInterval)
		                                                    ? mNextMainDateTime.addSecs(mNextRepeat * mRepeatInterval * 60) : mNextMainDateTime; }
		TQDate              date() const                 { return mNextMainDateTime.date(); }
		TQTime              time() const                 { return mNextMainDateTime.time(); }
		TQString            audioFile() const            { return (mActionType == T_AUDIO) && !mBeep ? mText : TQString(); }
		float              soundVolume() const          { return (mActionType == T_AUDIO) && !mBeep && !mText.isEmpty() ? mSoundVolume : -1; }
		float              fadeVolume() const           { return (mActionType == T_AUDIO) && mSoundVolume >= 0 && mFadeSeconds && !mBeep && !mText.isEmpty() ? mFadeVolume : -1; }
		int                fadeSeconds() const          { return (mActionType == T_AUDIO) && mSoundVolume >= 0 && mFadeVolume >= 0 && !mBeep && !mText.isEmpty() ? mFadeSeconds : 0; }
		bool               repeatSound() const          { return (mActionType == T_AUDIO) && mRepeatSound && !mBeep && !mText.isEmpty(); }
		bool               reminder() const             { return mType == REMINDER__ALARM; }
		bool               deferred() const             { return mDeferred; }
		void               setTime(const DateTime& dt)  { mNextMainDateTime = dt; }
		void               setTime(const TQDateTime& dt) { mNextMainDateTime = dt; }
		int                flags() const;
#ifdef NDEBUG
		void               dumpDebug() const  { }
		static const char* debugType(Type)   { return ""; }
		void               dumpDebug() const;
		static const char* debugType(Type);

		SubType            mType;             // alarm type
		bool               mRecurs;           // there is a recurrence rule for the alarm
		bool               mDeferred;         // whether the alarm is an extra deferred/deferred-reminder alarm

	friend class KAEvent;

/** KAEvent corresponds to a KCal::Event instance */
class KAEvent : public KAAlarmEventBase
		enum            // flags for use in DCOP calls, etc.
#ifdef OLD_DCOP
			// because they are part of KAlarm's external DCOP interface.
			// (But it's alright to add new values.)
			LATE_CANCEL     = 0x01,    // cancel alarm if not triggered within a minute of its scheduled time
			BEEP            = 0x02,    // sound audible beep when alarm is displayed
			REPEAT_AT_LOGIN = 0x04,    // repeat alarm at every login
			ANY_TIME        = 0x08,    // only a date is specified for the alarm, not a time
			CONFIRM_ACK     = 0x10,    // closing the alarm message window requires confirmation prompt
			EMAIL_BCC       = 0x20,    // blind copy the email to the user
			DEFAULT_FONT    = 0x40,    // use default alarm message font
			REPEAT_SOUND    = 0x80,    // repeat sound file while alarm is displayed
			DISABLED        = 0x100,   // alarm is currently disabled
			AUTO_CLOSE      = 0x200,   // auto-close alarm window after late-cancel period
			SCRIPT          = 0x400,   // command is a script, not a shell command line
			EXEC_IN_XTERM   = 0x800,   // execute command in terminal window
			SPEAK           = 0x1000,  // speak the message when the alarm is displayed
		        COPY_KORGANIZER = 0x2000,  // KOrganizer should hold a copy of the event
#ifdef OLD_DCOP
			// The following are read-only internal values, and may be changed
			// The following are read-only internal values
			REMINDER        = 0x10000,
			DEFERRAL        = 0x20000,
			TIMED_FLAG      = 0x40000,
			DISPLAYING_     = 0x80000,
			READ_ONLY_FLAGS = 0xF0000   // mask for all read-only internal values
		/** The category of an event, indicated by the middle part of its UID. */
		enum Status
			ACTIVE,      // the event is currently active
			EXPIRED,     // the event has expired
			DISPLAYING,  // the event is currently being displayed
			TEMPLATE,    // the event is an alarm template
			KORGANIZER   // the event is a copy of a KAlarm event, held by KOrganizer
		enum Action
			FILE    = T_FILE,
		enum OccurType     // what type of occurrence is due
			NO_OCCURRENCE               = 0,      // no occurrence is due
			FIRST_OR_ONLY_OCCURRENCE    = 0x01,   // the first occurrence (takes precedence over LAST_RECURRENCE)
			RECURRENCE_DATE             = 0x02,   // a recurrence with only a date, not a time
			RECURRENCE_DATE_TIME        = 0x03,   // a recurrence with a date and time
			LAST_RECURRENCE             = 0x04,   // the last recurrence
			OCCURRENCE_REPEAT = 0x10,    // (bimask for a repetition of an occurrence)
			RECURRENCE_DATE_REPEAT      = OCCURRENCE_REPEAT | RECURRENCE_DATE,      // a repetition of a date-only recurrence
			RECURRENCE_DATE_TIME_REPEAT = OCCURRENCE_REPEAT | RECURRENCE_DATE_TIME, // a repetition of a date/time recurrence
			LAST_RECURRENCE_REPEAT      = OCCURRENCE_REPEAT | LAST_RECURRENCE       // a repetition of the last recurrence
		enum OccurOption     // options for nextOccurrence()
			IGNORE_REPETITION,    // check for recurrences only, ignore repetitions
			RETURN_REPETITION,    // return repetition if it's the next occurrence
			ALLOW_FOR_REPETITION  // check for repetition being the next occurrence, but return recurrence
		enum DeferLimitType    // what type of occurrence currently limits a deferral

		KAEvent()          : mRevision(0), mRecurrence(0), mAlarmCount(0) { }
		KAEvent(const TQDateTime& dt, const TQString& message, const TQColor& bg, const TQColor& fg, const TQFont& f, Action action, int lateCancel, int flags)
		                                        : mRecurrence(0) { set(dt, message, bg, fg, f, action, lateCancel, flags); }
		explicit KAEvent(const KCal::Event& e)  : mRecurrence(0) { set(e); }
		KAEvent(const KAEvent& e)               : KAAlarmEventBase(e), mRecurrence(0) { copy(e); }
		~KAEvent()         { delete mRecurrence; }
		KAEvent&           operator=(const KAEvent& e)       { if (&e != this) copy(e);  return *this; }
		void               set(const KCal::Event&);
		void               set(const TQDateTime&, const TQString& message, const TQColor& bg, const TQColor& fg, const TQFont&, Action, int lateCancel, int flags);
		void               setEmail(uint from, const EmailAddressList&, const TQString& subject, const TQStringList& attachments);
		void               setAudioFile(const TQString& filename, float volume, float fadeVolume, int fadeSeconds);
		void               setTemplate(const TQString& name, int afterTime = -1)  { mTemplateName = name;  mTemplateAfterTime = afterTime;  mUpdated = true; }
		void               setActions(const TQString& pre, const TQString& post)   { mPreAction = pre;  mPostAction = post;  mUpdated = true; }
		OccurType          setNextOccurrence(const TQDateTime& preDateTime);
		void               setFirstRecurrence();
		void               setEventID(const TQString& id)                     { mEventID = id;  mUpdated = true; }
		void               setDate(const TQDate& d)                           { mNextMainDateTime.set(d);  mUpdated = true; }
		void               setTime(const TQDateTime& dt)                      { mNextMainDateTime.set(dt);  mUpdated = true; }
		void               setSaveDateTime(const TQDateTime& dt)              { mSaveDateTime = dt;  mUpdated = true; }
		void               setLateCancel(int lc)                             { mLateCancel = lc;  mUpdated = true; }
		void               setAutoClose(bool ac)                             { mAutoClose = ac;  mUpdated = true; }
		void               setRepeatAtLogin(bool rl)                         { mRepeatAtLogin = rl;  mUpdated = true; }
		void               setUid(Status s)                                  { mEventID = uid(mEventID, s);  mUpdated = true; }
		void               setKMailSerialNumber(unsigned long n)             { mKMailSerialNumber = n; }
		void               setLogFile(const TQString& logfile);
		void               setReminder(int minutes, bool onceOnly);
		bool               defer(const DateTime&, bool reminder, bool adjustRecurrence = false);
		void               cancelDefer();
		void               cancelCancelledDeferral();
		void               setDeferDefaultMinutes(int minutes)               { mDeferDefaultMinutes = minutes;  mUpdated = true; }
		bool               setDisplaying(const KAEvent&, KAAlarm::Type, const TQDateTime&);
		void               reinstateFromDisplaying(const KAEvent& dispEvent);
		void               setArchive()                                      { mArchive = true;  mUpdated = true; }
		void               setEnabled(bool enable)                           { mEnabled = enable;  mUpdated = true; }
		void               setUpdated()                                      { mUpdated = true; }
		void               clearUpdated() const                              { mUpdated = false; }
		void               removeExpiredAlarm(KAAlarm::Type);
		void               incrementRevision()                               { ++mRevision;  mUpdated = true; }

		KCal::Event*       event() const;    // convert to new Event
		bool               isTemplate() const             { return !mTemplateName.isEmpty(); }
		const TQString&     templateName() const           { return mTemplateName; }
		bool               usingDefaultTime() const       { return mTemplateAfterTime == 0; }
		int                templateAfterTime() const      { return mTemplateAfterTime; }
		KAAlarm            alarm(KAAlarm::Type) const;
		KAAlarm            firstAlarm() const;
		KAAlarm            nextAlarm(const KAAlarm& al) const  { return nextAlarm(al.type()); }
		KAAlarm            nextAlarm(KAAlarm::Type) const;
		KAAlarm            convertDisplayingAlarm() const;
		bool               updateKCalEvent(KCal::Event&, bool checkUid = true, bool original = false, bool cancelCancelledDefer = false) const;
		Action             action() const                 { return (Action)mActionType; }
		bool               displayAction() const          { return mActionType == T_MESSAGE || mActionType == T_FILE; }
		const TQString&     id() const                     { return mEventID; }
		bool               valid() const                  { return mAlarmCount  &&  (mAlarmCount != 1 || !mRepeatAtLogin); }
		int                alarmCount() const             { return mAlarmCount; }
		const DateTime&    startDateTime() const          { return mStartDateTime; }
		DateTime           mainDateTime(bool withRepeats = false) const
		                                                  { return (withRepeats && mNextRepeat && mRepeatInterval)
		                                                    ? mNextMainDateTime.addSecs(mNextRepeat * mRepeatInterval * 60) : mNextMainDateTime; }
		TQDate              mainDate() const               { return mNextMainDateTime.date(); }
		TQTime              mainTime() const               { return mNextMainDateTime.time(); }
		DateTime           mainEndRepeatTime() const      { return (mRepeatCount > 0 && mRepeatInterval)
		                                                    ? mNextMainDateTime.addSecs(mRepeatCount * mRepeatInterval * 60) : mNextMainDateTime; }
		int                reminder() const               { return mReminderMinutes; }
		bool               reminderOnceOnly() const       { return mReminderOnceOnly; }
		bool               reminderDeferral() const       { return mDeferral == REMINDER_DEFERRAL; }
		int                reminderArchived() const       { return mArchiveReminderMinutes; }
		DateTime           deferDateTime() const          { return mDeferralTime; }
		DateTime           deferralLimit(DeferLimitType* = 0) const;
		int                deferDefaultMinutes() const    { return mDeferDefaultMinutes; }
		DateTime           displayDateTime() const;
		const TQString&     messageFileOrCommand() const   { return mText; }
		TQString            logFile() const                { return mLogFile; }
		bool               commandXterm() const           { return mCommandXterm; }
		unsigned long      kmailSerialNumber() const      { return mKMailSerialNumber; }
		bool               copyToKOrganizer() const       { return mCopyToKOrganizer; }
		const TQString&     audioFile() const              { return mAudioFile; }
		float              soundVolume() const            { return !mAudioFile.isEmpty() ? mSoundVolume : -1; }
		float              fadeVolume() const             { return !mAudioFile.isEmpty() && mSoundVolume >= 0 && mFadeSeconds ? mFadeVolume : -1; }
		int                fadeSeconds() const            { return !mAudioFile.isEmpty() && mSoundVolume >= 0 && mFadeVolume >= 0 ? mFadeSeconds : 0; }
		bool               repeatSound() const            { return mRepeatSound  &&  !mAudioFile.isEmpty(); }
		const TQString&     preAction() const              { return mPreAction; }
		const TQString&     postAction() const             { return mPostAction; }
		bool               recurs() const                 { return checkRecur() != KARecurrence::NO_RECUR; }
		KARecurrence::Type recurType() const              { return checkRecur(); }
		KARecurrence*      recurrence() const             { return mRecurrence; }
		int                recurInterval() const;    // recurrence period in units of the recurrence period type (minutes, days, etc)
		int                longestRecurrenceInterval() const    { return mRecurrence ? mRecurrence->longestInterval() : 0; }
		TQString            recurrenceText(bool brief = false) const;
		TQString            repetitionText(bool brief = false) const;
		bool               occursAfter(const TQDateTime& preDateTime, bool includeRepetitions) const;
		OccurType          nextOccurrence(const TQDateTime& preDateTime, DateTime& result, OccurOption = IGNORE_REPETITION) const;
		OccurType          previousOccurrence(const TQDateTime& afterDateTime, DateTime& result, bool includeRepetitions = false) const;
		int                flags() const;
		bool               deferred() const               { return mDeferral > 0; }
		bool               toBeArchived() const           { return mArchive; }
		bool               enabled() const                { return mEnabled; }
		bool               updated() const                { return mUpdated; }
		bool               mainExpired() const            { return mMainExpired; }
		bool               expired() const                { return mDisplaying && mMainExpired  ||  uidStatus(mEventID) == EXPIRED; }
		Status             uidStatus() const              { return uidStatus(mEventID); }
		static Status      uidStatus(const TQString& uid);
		static TQString     uid(const TQString& id, Status);
		static KAEvent     findTemplateName(AlarmCalendar&, const TQString& name);

		struct MonthPos
			MonthPos() : days(7) { }
			int        weeknum;     // week in month, or < 0 to count from end of month
			TQBitArray  days;        // days in week
		bool               setRepetition(int interval, int count);
		void               setNoRecur()                   { clearRecur(); }
		void               setRecurrence(const KARecurrence&);
		bool               setRecurMinutely(int freq, int count, const TQDateTime& end);
		bool               setRecurDaily(int freq, const TQBitArray& days, int count, const TQDate& end);
		bool               setRecurWeekly(int freq, const TQBitArray& days, int count, const TQDate& end);
		bool               setRecurMonthlyByDate(int freq, const TQValueList<int>& days, int count, const TQDate& end);
		bool               setRecurMonthlyByPos(int freq, const TQValueList<MonthPos>& pos, int count, const TQDate& end);
		bool               setRecurAnnualByDate(int freq, const TQValueList<int>& months, int day, KARecurrence::Feb29Type, int count, const TQDate& end);
		bool               setRecurAnnualByPos(int freq, const TQValueList<MonthPos>& pos, const TQValueList<int>& months, int count, const TQDate& end);
//		static TQValueList<MonthPos> convRecurPos(const TQValueList<KCal::RecurrenceRule::WDayPos>&);
#ifdef NDEBUG
		void               dumpDebug() const  { }
		void               dumpDebug() const;
		static int         calVersion();
		static TQString     calVersionString();
		static bool        adjustStartOfDay(const KCal::Event::List&);
		static void        convertKCalEvents(KCal::Calendar&, int version, bool adjustSummerTime);
		static void        convertRepetitions(KCal::CalendarLocal&);

		enum DeferType {
			CANCEL_DEFERRAL = -1,   // there was a deferred alarm, but it has been cancelled
			NO_DEFERRAL = 0,        // there is no deferred alarm
			NORMAL_DEFERRAL,        // the main alarm, a recurrence or a repeat is deferred
			REMINDER_DEFERRAL       // a reminder alarm is deferred

		void               copy(const KAEvent&);
		bool               setRecur(KCal::RecurrenceRule::PeriodType, int freq, int count, const TQDateTime& end, KARecurrence::Feb29Type = KARecurrence::FEB29_FEB29);
		void               clearRecur();
		KARecurrence::Type checkRecur() const;
		void               checkRepetition() const;
		OccurType          nextRecurrence(const TQDateTime& preDateTime, DateTime& result) const;
		OccurType          previousRecurrence(const TQDateTime& afterDateTime, DateTime& result) const;
		static bool        convertRepetition(KCal::Event*);
		KCal::Alarm*       initKCalAlarm(KCal::Event&, const DateTime&, const TQStringList& types, KAAlarm::Type = KAAlarm::INVALID_ALARM) const;
		KCal::Alarm*       initKCalAlarm(KCal::Event&, int startOffsetSecs, const TQStringList& types, KAAlarm::Type = KAAlarm::INVALID_ALARM) const;
		static DateTime    readDateTime(const KCal::Event&, bool dateOnly, DateTime& start);
		static void        readAlarms(const KCal::Event&, void* alarmMap);
		static void        readAlarm(const KCal::Alarm&, AlarmData&);
		inline void        set_deferral(DeferType);
		inline void        set_reminder(int minutes);
		inline void        set_archiveReminder();

		TQString            mTemplateName;     // alarm template's name, or null if normal event
		TQString            mAudioFile;        // ATTACH: audio file to play
		TQString            mPreAction;        // command to execute before alarm is displayed
		TQString            mPostAction;       // command to execute after alarm window is closed
		DateTime           mStartDateTime;    // DTSTART and DTEND: start and end time for event
		TQDateTime          mSaveDateTime;     // CREATED: date event was created, or saved in expired calendar
		TQDateTime          mAtLoginDateTime;  // repeat-at-login time
		DateTime           mDeferralTime;     // extra time to trigger alarm (if alarm or reminder deferred)
		DateTime           mDisplayingTime;   // date/time shown in the alarm currently being displayed
		int                mDisplayingFlags;  // type of alarm which is currently being displayed
		int                mReminderMinutes;  // how long in advance reminder is to be, or 0 if none
		int                mArchiveReminderMinutes;  // original reminder period if now expired, or 0 if none
		int                mDeferDefaultMinutes; // default number of minutes for deferral dialogue, or 0 to select time control
		int                mRevision;         // SEQUENCE: revision number of the original alarm, or 0
		KARecurrence*      mRecurrence;       // RECUR: recurrence specification, or 0 if none
		int                mAlarmCount;       // number of alarms: count of !mMainExpired, mRepeatAtLogin, mDeferral, mReminderMinutes, mDisplaying
		DeferType          mDeferral;         // whether the alarm is an extra deferred/deferred-reminder alarm
		unsigned long      mKMailSerialNumber;// if email text, message's KMail serial number
		int                mTemplateAfterTime;// time not specified: use n minutes after default time, or -1 (applies to templates only)
		TQString            mLogFile;          // alarm output is to be logged to this URL
		bool               mCommandXterm;     // command alarm is to be executed in a terminal window
		bool               mCopyToKOrganizer; // KOrganizer should hold a copy of the event
		bool               mReminderOnceOnly; // the reminder is output only for the first recurrence
		bool               mMainExpired;      // main alarm has expired (in which case a deferral alarm will exist)
		bool               mArchiveRepeatAtLogin; // if now expired, original event was repeat-at-login
		bool               mArchive;          // event has triggered in the past, so archive it when closed
		bool               mEnabled;          // false if event is disabled
		mutable bool       mUpdated;          // event has been updated but not written to calendar file