/* * birthdaydlg.cpp - dialog to pick birthdays from address book * Program: kalarm * Copyright © 2002-2008 by David Jarvie <djarvie@kde.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kalarm.h" #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqgroupbox.h> #include <tqhbox.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqlineedit.h> #include <tqwhatsthis.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tdeglobal.h> #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <tdemessagebox.h> #include <tdeaccel.h> #include <tdeabc/addressbook.h> #include <tdeabc/stdaddressbook.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "alarmcalendar.h" #include "checkbox.h" #include "colourcombo.h" #include "editdlg.h" #include "fontcolourbutton.h" #include "kalarmapp.h" #include "latecancel.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "reminder.h" #include "repetition.h" #include "shellprocess.h" #include "soundpicker.h" #include "specialactions.h" #include "birthdaydlg.moc" using namespace KCal; class AddresseeItem : public TQListViewItem { public: enum columns { NAME = 0, BIRTHDAY = 1 }; AddresseeItem(TQListView* parent, const TQString& name, const TQDate& birthday); TQDate birthday() const { return mBirthday; } virtual TQString key(int column, bool ascending) const; private: TQDate mBirthday; TQString mBirthdayOrder; }; const TDEABC::AddressBook* BirthdayDlg::mAddressBook = 0; BirthdayDlg::BirthdayDlg(TQWidget* parent) : KDialogBase(KDialogBase::Plain, i18n("Import Birthdays From KAddressBook"), Ok|Cancel, Ok, parent, "BirthdayDlg"), mSpecialActionsButton(0) { TQWidget* topWidget = plainPage(); TQBoxLayout* topLayout = new TQVBoxLayout(topWidget); topLayout->setSpacing(spacingHint()); // Prefix and suffix to the name in the alarm text // Get default prefix and suffix texts from config file TDEConfig* config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup(TQString::fromLatin1("General")); mPrefixText = config->readEntry(TQString::fromLatin1("BirthdayPrefix"), i18n("Birthday: ")); mSuffixText = config->readEntry(TQString::fromLatin1("BirthdaySuffix")); TQGroupBox* textGroup = new TQGroupBox(2, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Alarm Text"), topWidget); topLayout->addWidget(textGroup); TQLabel* label = new TQLabel(i18n("Pre&fix:"), textGroup); mPrefix = new BLineEdit(mPrefixText, textGroup); mPrefix->setMinimumSize(mPrefix->sizeHint()); label->setBuddy(mPrefix); connect(mPrefix, TQT_SIGNAL(focusLost()), TQT_SLOT(slotTextLostFocus())); TQWhatsThis::add(mPrefix, i18n("Enter text to appear before the person's name in the alarm message, " "including any necessary trailing spaces.")); label = new TQLabel(i18n("S&uffix:"), textGroup); mSuffix = new BLineEdit(mSuffixText, textGroup); mSuffix->setMinimumSize(mSuffix->sizeHint()); label->setBuddy(mSuffix); connect(mSuffix, TQT_SIGNAL(focusLost()), TQT_SLOT(slotTextLostFocus())); TQWhatsThis::add(mSuffix, i18n("Enter text to appear after the person's name in the alarm message, " "including any necessary leading spaces.")); TQGroupBox* group = new TQGroupBox(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Select Birthdays"), topWidget); topLayout->addWidget(group); mAddresseeList = new BListView(group); mAddresseeList->setMultiSelection(true); mAddresseeList->setSelectionMode(TQListView::Extended); mAddresseeList->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); mAddresseeList->setFullWidth(true); mAddresseeList->addColumn(i18n("Name")); mAddresseeList->addColumn(i18n("Birthday")); connect(mAddresseeList, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), TQT_SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); TQWhatsThis::add(mAddresseeList, i18n("Select birthdays to set alarms for.\n" "This list shows all birthdays in KAddressBook except those for which alarms already exist.\n\n" "You can select multiple birthdays at one time by dragging the mouse over the list, " "or by clicking the mouse while pressing Ctrl or Shift.")); group = new TQGroupBox(i18n("Alarm Configuration"), topWidget); topLayout->addWidget(group); TQBoxLayout* groupLayout = new TQVBoxLayout(group, marginHint(), spacingHint()); groupLayout->addSpacing(fontMetrics().lineSpacing()/2); // Font and colour choice button and sample text mFontColourButton = new FontColourButton(group); mFontColourButton->setMaximumHeight(mFontColourButton->sizeHint().height() * 3/2); groupLayout->addWidget(mFontColourButton); // Sound checkbox and file selector mSoundPicker = new SoundPicker(group); mSoundPicker->setFixedSize(mSoundPicker->sizeHint()); groupLayout->addWidget(mSoundPicker, 0, TQt::AlignAuto); // How much to advance warning to give mReminder = new Reminder(i18n("&Reminder"), i18n("Check to display a reminder in advance of the birthday."), i18n("Enter the number of days before each birthday to display a reminder. " "This is in addition to the alarm which is displayed on the birthday."), false, false, group); mReminder->setFixedSize(mReminder->sizeHint()); mReminder->setMaximum(0, 364); mReminder->setMinutes(0, true); groupLayout->addWidget(mReminder, 0, TQt::AlignAuto); // Acknowledgement confirmation required - default = no confirmation TQHBoxLayout* layout = new TQHBoxLayout(groupLayout, 2*spacingHint()); mConfirmAck = EditAlarmDlg::createConfirmAckCheckbox(group); layout->addWidget(mConfirmAck); layout->addSpacing(2*spacingHint()); layout->addStretch(); if (ShellProcess::authorised()) // don't display if shell commands not allowed (e.g. kiosk mode) { // Special actions button mSpecialActionsButton = new SpecialActionsButton(i18n("Special Actions..."), group); layout->addWidget(mSpecialActionsButton); } // Late display checkbox - default = allow late display layout = new TQHBoxLayout(groupLayout, 2*spacingHint()); mLateCancel = new LateCancelSelector(false, group); layout->addWidget(mLateCancel); layout->addStretch(); // Sub-repetition button mSubRepetition = new RepetitionButton(i18n("Sub-Repetition"), false, group); mSubRepetition->set(0, 0, true, 364*24*60); TQWhatsThis::add(mSubRepetition, i18n("Set up an additional alarm repetition")); layout->addWidget(mSubRepetition); // Set the values to their defaults mFontColourButton->setDefaultFont(); mFontColourButton->setBgColour(Preferences::defaultBgColour()); mFontColourButton->setFgColour(Preferences::defaultFgColour()); // set colour before setting alarm type buttons mLateCancel->setMinutes(Preferences::defaultLateCancel(), true, TimePeriod::DAYS); mConfirmAck->setChecked(Preferences::defaultConfirmAck()); mSoundPicker->set(Preferences::defaultSoundType(), Preferences::defaultSoundFile(), Preferences::defaultSoundVolume(), -1, 0, Preferences::defaultSoundRepeat()); if (mSpecialActionsButton) mSpecialActionsButton->setActions(Preferences::defaultPreAction(), Preferences::defaultPostAction()); // Initialise the birthday selection list and disable the OK button loadAddressBook(); } /****************************************************************************** * Load the address book in preparation for displaying the birthday selection list. */ void BirthdayDlg::loadAddressBook() { if (!mAddressBook) { #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,1,90) mAddressBook = TDEABC::StdAddressBook::self(true); if (mAddressBook) connect(mAddressBook, TQT_SIGNAL(addressBookChanged(AddressBook*)), TQT_SLOT(updateSelectionList())); #else mAddressBook = TDEABC::StdAddressBook::self(); if (mAddressBook) updateSelectionList(); #endif } else updateSelectionList(); if (!mAddressBook) KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Error reading address book")); } /****************************************************************************** * Close the address book.This is called at program termination. */ void BirthdayDlg::close() { if (mAddressBook) { TDEABC::StdAddressBook::close(); mAddressBook = 0; } } /****************************************************************************** * Initialise or update the birthday selection list by fetching all birthdays * from the address book and displaying those which do not already have alarms. */ void BirthdayDlg::updateSelectionList() { // Compile a list of all pending alarm messages which look like birthdays TQStringList messageList; KAEvent event; Event::List events = AlarmCalendar::activeCalendar()->events(); for (Event::List::ConstIterator it = events.begin(); it != events.end(); ++it) { Event* kcalEvent = *it; event.set(*kcalEvent); if (event.action() == KAEvent::MESSAGE && event.recurType() == KARecurrence::ANNUAL_DATE && (mPrefixText.isEmpty() || event.message().startsWith(mPrefixText))) messageList.append(event.message()); } // Fetch all birthdays from the address book for (TDEABC::AddressBook::ConstIterator abit = mAddressBook->begin(); abit != mAddressBook->end(); ++abit) { const TDEABC::Addressee& addressee = *abit; if (addressee.birthday().isValid()) { // Create a list entry for this birthday TQDate birthday = addressee.birthday().date(); TQString name = addressee.nickName(); if (name.isEmpty()) name = addressee.realName(); // Check if the birthday already has an alarm TQString text = mPrefixText + name + mSuffixText; bool alarmExists = (messageList.find(text) != messageList.end()); // Check if the birthday is already in the selection list bool inSelectionList = false; AddresseeItem* item = 0; for (TQListViewItem* qitem = mAddresseeList->firstChild(); qitem; qitem = qitem->nextSibling()) { item = dynamic_cast<AddresseeItem*>(qitem); if (item && item->text(AddresseeItem::NAME) == name && item->birthday() == birthday) { inSelectionList = true; break; } } if (alarmExists && inSelectionList) delete item; // alarm exists, so remove from selection list else if (!alarmExists && !inSelectionList) new AddresseeItem(mAddresseeList, name, birthday); // add to list } } // mAddresseeList->setUpdatesEnabled(true); // Enable/disable OK button according to whether anything is currently selected bool selection = false; for (TQListViewItem* item = mAddresseeList->firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling()) if (mAddresseeList->isSelected(item)) { selection = true; break; } enableButtonOK(selection); } /****************************************************************************** * Return a list of events for birthdays chosen. */ TQValueList<KAEvent> BirthdayDlg::events() const { TQValueList<KAEvent> list; TQDate today = TQDate::currentDate(); TQDateTime todayNoon(today, TQTime(12, 0, 0)); int thisYear = today.year(); int reminder = mReminder->minutes(); for (TQListViewItem* item = mAddresseeList->firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling()) { if (mAddresseeList->isSelected(item)) { AddresseeItem* aItem = dynamic_cast<AddresseeItem*>(item); if (aItem) { TQDate date = aItem->birthday(); date.setYMD(thisYear, date.month(), date.day()); if (date <= today) date.setYMD(thisYear + 1, date.month(), date.day()); KAEvent event(date, mPrefix->text() + aItem->text(AddresseeItem::NAME) + mSuffix->text(), mFontColourButton->bgColour(), mFontColourButton->fgColour(), mFontColourButton->font(), KAEvent::MESSAGE, mLateCancel->minutes(), mFlags); float fadeVolume; int fadeSecs; float volume = mSoundPicker->volume(fadeVolume, fadeSecs); event.setAudioFile(mSoundPicker->file(), volume, fadeVolume, fadeSecs); TQValueList<int> months; months.append(date.month()); event.setRecurAnnualByDate(1, months, 0, Preferences::defaultFeb29Type(), -1, TQDate()); event.setRepetition(mSubRepetition->interval(), mSubRepetition->count()); event.setNextOccurrence(todayNoon); if (reminder) event.setReminder(reminder, false); if (mSpecialActionsButton) event.setActions(mSpecialActionsButton->preAction(), mSpecialActionsButton->postAction()); list.append(event); } } } return list; } /****************************************************************************** * Called when the OK button is selected to import the selected birthdays. */ void BirthdayDlg::slotOk() { // Save prefix and suffix texts to use as future defaults TDEConfig* config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup(TQString::fromLatin1("General")); config->writeEntry(TQString::fromLatin1("BirthdayPrefix"), mPrefix->text()); config->writeEntry(TQString::fromLatin1("BirthdaySuffix"), mSuffix->text()); config->sync(); mFlags = (mSoundPicker->sound() == SoundPicker::BEEP ? KAEvent::BEEP : 0) | (mSoundPicker->repeat() ? KAEvent::REPEAT_SOUND : 0) | (mConfirmAck->isChecked() ? KAEvent::CONFIRM_ACK : 0) | (mFontColourButton->defaultFont() ? KAEvent::DEFAULT_FONT : 0) | KAEvent::ANY_TIME; KDialogBase::slotOk(); } /****************************************************************************** * Called when the group of items selected changes. * Enable/disable the OK button depending on whether anything is selected. */ void BirthdayDlg::slotSelectionChanged() { for (TQListViewItem* item = mAddresseeList->firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling()) if (mAddresseeList->isSelected(item)) { enableButtonOK(true); return; } enableButtonOK(false); } /****************************************************************************** * Called when the prefix or suffix text has lost keyboard focus. * If the text has changed, re-evaluates the selection list according to the new * birthday alarm text format. */ void BirthdayDlg::slotTextLostFocus() { TQString prefix = mPrefix->text(); TQString suffix = mSuffix->text(); if (prefix != mPrefixText || suffix != mSuffixText) { // Text has changed - re-evaluate the selection list mPrefixText = prefix; mSuffixText = suffix; loadAddressBook(); } } /*============================================================================= = Class: AddresseeItem =============================================================================*/ AddresseeItem::AddresseeItem(TQListView* parent, const TQString& name, const TQDate& birthday) : TQListViewItem(parent), mBirthday(birthday) { setText(NAME, name); setText(BIRTHDAY, TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDate(mBirthday, true)); mBirthdayOrder.sprintf("%04d%03d", mBirthday.year(), mBirthday.dayOfYear()); } TQString AddresseeItem::key(int column, bool) const { if (column == BIRTHDAY) return mBirthdayOrder; return text(column).lower(); } /*============================================================================= = Class: BListView =============================================================================*/ BListView::BListView(TQWidget* parent, const char* name) : TDEListView(parent, name) { TDEAccel* accel = new TDEAccel(this); accel->insert(TDEStdAccel::SelectAll, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotSelectAll())); accel->insert(TDEStdAccel::Deselect, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotDeselect())); accel->readSettings(); }