/* * find.cpp - search facility * Program: kalarm * Copyright © 2005,2006,2008 by David Jarvie <djarvie@kde.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kalarm.h" #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqwhatsthis.h> #include <tqgroupbox.h> #include <tqcheckbox.h> #include <kfinddialog.h> #include <kfind.h> #include <kseparator.h> #include <kwin.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "alarmlistview.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "find.moc" // KAlarm-specific options for Find dialog enum { FIND_LIVE = KFindDialog::MinimumUserOption, FIND_EXPIRED = KFindDialog::MinimumUserOption << 1, FIND_MESSAGE = KFindDialog::MinimumUserOption << 2, FIND_FILE = KFindDialog::MinimumUserOption << 3, FIND_COMMAND = KFindDialog::MinimumUserOption << 4, FIND_EMAIL = KFindDialog::MinimumUserOption << 5 }; static long FIND_KALARM_OPTIONS = FIND_LIVE | FIND_EXPIRED | FIND_MESSAGE | FIND_FILE | FIND_COMMAND | FIND_EMAIL; Find::Find(EventListViewBase* parent) : TQObject(parent), mListView(parent), mDialog(0), mFind(0), mOptions(0) { } Find::~Find() { delete mDialog; // automatically set to 0 delete mFind; mFind = 0; } /****************************************************************************** * Display the Find dialog. */ void Find::display() { if (!mOptions) // Set defaults the first time the Find dialog is activated mOptions = FIND_LIVE | FIND_EXPIRED | FIND_MESSAGE | FIND_FILE | FIND_COMMAND | FIND_EMAIL; bool noExpired = !Preferences::expiredKeepDays(); bool showExpired = mListView->isA("AlarmListView") && ((AlarmListView*)mListView)->showingExpired(); if (noExpired || !showExpired) // these settings could change between activations mOptions &= ~FIND_EXPIRED; if (mDialog) { KWin::activateWindow(mDialog->winId()); } else { #ifdef MODAL_FIND mDialog = new KFindDialog(mListView, "FindDlg", mOptions, mHistory, (mListView->selectedCount() > 1)); #else mDialog = new KFindDialog(false, mListView, "FindDlg", mOptions, mHistory, (mListView->selectedCount() > 1)); #endif mDialog->setHasSelection(false); TQWidget* kalarmWidgets = mDialog->findExtension(); // Alarm types TQBoxLayout* layout = new TQVBoxLayout(kalarmWidgets, 0, KDialog::spacingHint()); TQGroupBox* group = new TQGroupBox(i18n("Alarm Type"), kalarmWidgets); layout->addWidget(group); TQGridLayout* grid = new TQGridLayout(group, 2, 2, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(0, mDialog->fontMetrics().lineSpacing()/2); grid->setColStretch(1, 1); // Live & expired alarm selection mLive = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Acti&ve"), group); mLive->setFixedSize(mLive->sizeHint()); TQWhatsThis::add(mLive, i18n("Check to include active alarms in the search.")); grid->addWidget(mLive, 1, 0, Qt::AlignAuto); mExpired = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Ex&pired"), group); mExpired->setFixedSize(mExpired->sizeHint()); TQWhatsThis::add(mExpired, i18n("Check to include expired alarms in the search. " "This option is only available if expired alarms are currently being displayed.")); grid->addWidget(mExpired, 1, 2, Qt::AlignAuto); mActiveExpiredSep = new KSeparator(Qt::Horizontal, kalarmWidgets); grid->addMultiCellWidget(mActiveExpiredSep, 2, 2, 0, 2); // Alarm actions mMessageType = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Text"), group, "message"); mMessageType->setFixedSize(mMessageType->sizeHint()); TQWhatsThis::add(mMessageType, i18n("Check to include text message alarms in the search.")); grid->addWidget(mMessageType, 3, 0); mFileType = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Fi&le"), group, "file"); mFileType->setFixedSize(mFileType->sizeHint()); TQWhatsThis::add(mFileType, i18n("Check to include file alarms in the search.")); grid->addWidget(mFileType, 3, 2); mCommandType = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Co&mmand"), group, "command"); mCommandType->setFixedSize(mCommandType->sizeHint()); TQWhatsThis::add(mCommandType, i18n("Check to include command alarms in the search.")); grid->addWidget(mCommandType, 4, 0); mEmailType = new TQCheckBox(i18n("&Email"), group, "email"); mEmailType->setFixedSize(mEmailType->sizeHint()); TQWhatsThis::add(mEmailType, i18n("Check to include email alarms in the search.")); grid->addWidget(mEmailType, 4, 2); // Set defaults mLive->setChecked(mOptions & FIND_LIVE); mExpired->setChecked(mOptions & FIND_EXPIRED); mMessageType->setChecked(mOptions & FIND_MESSAGE); mFileType->setChecked(mOptions & FIND_FILE); mCommandType->setChecked(mOptions & FIND_COMMAND); mEmailType->setChecked(mOptions & FIND_EMAIL); #ifndef MODAL_FIND connect(mDialog, TQT_SIGNAL(okClicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotFind())); #endif } // Only display active/expired options if expired alarms are being kept if (noExpired) { mLive->hide(); mExpired->hide(); mActiveExpiredSep->hide(); } else { mLive->show(); mExpired->show(); mActiveExpiredSep->show(); } // Disable options where no displayed alarms match them bool live = false; bool expired = false; bool text = false; bool file = false; bool command = false; bool email = false; for (EventListViewItemBase* item = mListView->firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling()) { const KAEvent& event = item->event(); if (event.expired()) expired = true; else live = true; switch (event.action()) { case KAEvent::MESSAGE: text = true; break; case KAEvent::FILE: file = true; break; case KAEvent::COMMAND: command = true; break; case KAEvent::EMAIL: email = true; break; } } mLive->setEnabled(live); mExpired->setEnabled(expired); mMessageType->setEnabled(text); mFileType->setEnabled(file); mCommandType->setEnabled(command); mEmailType->setEnabled(email); mDialog->setHasCursor(mListView->currentItem()); #ifdef MODAL_FIND if (mDialog->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) slotFind(); else delete mDialog; #else mDialog->show(); #endif } /****************************************************************************** * Called when the user requests a search by clicking the dialog OK button. */ void Find::slotFind() { if (!mDialog) return; mHistory = mDialog->findHistory(); // save search history so that it can be displayed again mOptions = mDialog->options() & ~FIND_KALARM_OPTIONS; mOptions |= (mLive->isEnabled() && mLive->isChecked() ? FIND_LIVE : 0) | (mExpired->isEnabled() && mExpired->isChecked() ? FIND_EXPIRED : 0) | (mMessageType->isEnabled() && mMessageType->isChecked() ? FIND_MESSAGE : 0) | (mFileType->isEnabled() && mFileType->isChecked() ? FIND_FILE : 0) | (mCommandType->isEnabled() && mCommandType->isChecked() ? FIND_COMMAND : 0) | (mEmailType->isEnabled() && mEmailType->isChecked() ? FIND_EMAIL : 0); if (!(mOptions & (FIND_LIVE | FIND_EXPIRED)) || !(mOptions & (FIND_MESSAGE | FIND_FILE | FIND_COMMAND | FIND_EMAIL))) { KMessageBox::sorry(mDialog, i18n("No alarm types are selected to search")); return; } // Supply KFind with only those options which relate to the text within alarms long options = mOptions & (KFindDialog::WholeWordsOnly | KFindDialog::CaseSensitive | KFindDialog::RegularExpression); bool newFind = !mFind; bool newPattern = (mDialog->pattern() != mLastPattern); mLastPattern = mDialog->pattern(); if (mFind) { mFind->resetCounts(); mFind->setPattern(mLastPattern); mFind->setOptions(options); } else { #ifdef MODAL_FIND mFind = new KFind(mLastPattern, options, mListView); mDialog->deleteLater(); // automatically set to 0 #else mFind = new KFind(mLastPattern, options, mListView, mDialog); #endif connect(mFind, TQT_SIGNAL(destroyed()), TQT_SLOT(slotKFindDestroyed())); mFind->closeFindNextDialog(); // prevent 'Find Next' dialog appearing } // Set the starting point for the search mStartID = TQString::null; mNoCurrentItem = newPattern; bool checkEnd = false; if (newPattern) { mFound = false; if (mOptions & KFindDialog::FromCursor) { EventListViewItemBase* item = mListView->currentItem(); if (item) { mStartID = item->event().id(); mNoCurrentItem = false; checkEnd = true; } } } // Execute the search findNext(true, true, checkEnd, false); if (mFind && newFind) emit active(true); } /****************************************************************************** * Perform the search. * If 'fromCurrent' is true, the search starts with the current search item; * otherwise, it starts from the next item. */ void Find::findNext(bool forward, bool sort, bool checkEnd, bool fromCurrent) { if (sort) mListView->sort(); // ensure the whole list is sorted, not just the visible items EventListViewItemBase* item = mNoCurrentItem ? 0 : mListView->currentItem(); if (!fromCurrent) item = nextItem(item, forward); // Search successive alarms until a match is found or the end is reached bool found = false; bool last = false; for ( ; item && !last; item = nextItem(item, forward)) { const KAEvent& event = item->event(); if (!fromCurrent && !mStartID.isNull() && mStartID == event.id()) last = true; // we've wrapped round and reached the starting alarm again fromCurrent = false; bool live = !event.expired(); if (live && !(mOptions & FIND_LIVE) || !live && !(mOptions & FIND_EXPIRED)) continue; // we're not searching this type of alarm switch (event.action()) { case KAEvent::MESSAGE: if (!(mOptions & FIND_MESSAGE)) break; mFind->setData(event.cleanText()); found = (mFind->find() == KFind::Match); break; case KAEvent::FILE: if (!(mOptions & FIND_FILE)) break; mFind->setData(event.cleanText()); found = (mFind->find() == KFind::Match); break; case KAEvent::COMMAND: if (!(mOptions & FIND_COMMAND)) break; mFind->setData(event.cleanText()); found = (mFind->find() == KFind::Match); break; case KAEvent::EMAIL: if (!(mOptions & FIND_EMAIL)) break; mFind->setData(event.emailAddresses(", ")); found = (mFind->find() == KFind::Match); if (found) break; mFind->setData(event.emailSubject()); found = (mFind->find() == KFind::Match); if (found) break; mFind->setData(event.emailAttachments().join(", ")); found = (mFind->find() == KFind::Match); if (found) break; mFind->setData(event.cleanText()); found = (mFind->find() == KFind::Match); break; } if (found) break; } // Process the search result mNoCurrentItem = !item; if (found) { // A matching alarm was found - highlight it and make it current mFound = true; mListView->clearSelection(); mListView->setSelected(item, true); mListView->setCurrentItem(item); mListView->ensureItemVisible(item); } else { // No match was found if (mFound || checkEnd) { TQString msg = forward ? i18n("End of alarm list reached.\nContinue from the beginning?") : i18n("Beginning of alarm list reached.\nContinue from the end?"); if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(mListView, msg, TQString::null, KStdGuiItem::cont(), KStdGuiItem::cancel()) == KMessageBox::Yes) { mNoCurrentItem = true; findNext(forward, false); return; } } else mFind->displayFinalDialog(); // display "no match was found" mNoCurrentItem = false; // restart from the currently highlighted alarm if Find Next etc selected } } /****************************************************************************** * Get the next alarm item to search. */ EventListViewItemBase* Find::nextItem(EventListViewItemBase* item, bool forward) const { TQListViewItem* it; if (mOptions & KFindDialog::FindBackwards) forward = !forward; if (forward) it = item ? item->itemBelow() : mListView->firstChild(); else it = item ? item->itemAbove() : mListView->lastItem(); return (EventListViewItemBase*)it; }