/* * kalarmapp.h - the KAlarm application object * Program: kalarm * Copyright © 2001-2008 by David Jarvie <djarvie@kde.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KALARMAPP_H #define KALARMAPP_H /** @file kalarmapp.h - the KAlarm application object */ #include <tqguardedptr.h> class TQTimer; class TQDateTime; #include <kuniqueapplication.h> #include <kurl.h> class TDEProcess; namespace KCal { class Event; } #include "alarmevent.h" class DcopHandler; #ifdef OLD_DCOP class DcopHandlerOld; #endif class AlarmCalendar; class MainWindow; class AlarmListView; class MessageWin; class TrayWindow; class ShellProcess; class KAlarmApp : public KUniqueApplication { Q_OBJECT public: ~KAlarmApp(); virtual int newInstance(); static KAlarmApp* getInstance(); bool checkCalendarDaemon() { return initCheck(); } bool haveSystemTray() const { return mHaveSystemTray; } bool wantRunInSystemTray() const; bool alarmsDisabledIfStopped() const { return mDisableAlarmsIfStopped; } bool speechEnabled() const { return mSpeechEnabled; } bool korganizerEnabled() const { return mKOrganizerEnabled; } bool restoreSession(); bool sessionClosingDown() const { return mSessionClosingDown; } void quitIf() { quitIf(0); } void doQuit(TQWidget* parent); static void displayFatalError(const TQString& message); void addWindow(TrayWindow* w) { mTrayWindow = w; } void removeWindow(TrayWindow*); TrayWindow* trayWindow() const { return mTrayWindow; } MainWindow* trayMainWindow() const; bool displayTrayIcon(bool show, MainWindow* = 0); bool trayIconDisplayed() const { return !!mTrayWindow; } bool editNewAlarm(MainWindow* = 0); virtual void commitData(TQSessionManager&); void* execAlarm(KAEvent&, const KAAlarm&, bool reschedule, bool allowDefer = true, bool noPreAction = false); void alarmShowing(KAEvent&, KAAlarm::Type, const DateTime&); void alarmCompleted(const KAEvent&); bool deleteEvent(const TQString& eventID) { return handleEvent(eventID, EVENT_CANCEL); } void commandMessage(ShellProcess*, TQWidget* parent); // Methods called indirectly by the DCOP interface bool scheduleEvent(KAEvent::Action, const TQString& text, const TQDateTime&, int lateCancel, int flags, const TQColor& bg, const TQColor& fg, const TQFont&, const TQString& audioFile, float audioVolume, int reminderMinutes, const KARecurrence& recurrence, int repeatInterval, int repeatCount, uint mailFromID = 0, const EmailAddressList& mailAddresses = EmailAddressList(), const TQString& mailSubject = TQString(), const TQStringList& mailAttachments = TQStringList()); bool handleEvent(const TQString& calendarFile, const TQString& eventID) { return handleEvent(calendarFile, eventID, EVENT_HANDLE); } bool triggerEvent(const TQString& calendarFile, const TQString& eventID) { return handleEvent(calendarFile, eventID, EVENT_TRIGGER); } bool deleteEvent(const TQString& calendarFile, const TQString& eventID) { return handleEvent(calendarFile, eventID, EVENT_CANCEL); } public slots: void processQueue(); signals: void trayIconToggled(); protected: KAlarmApp(); private slots: void quitFatal(); void slotPreferencesChanged(); void slotCommandOutput(TDEProcess*, char* buffer, int bufflen); void slotLogProcExited(ShellProcess*); void slotCommandExited(ShellProcess*); void slotSystemTrayTimer(); void slotExpiredPurged(); private: enum EventFunc { EVENT_HANDLE, // if the alarm is due, execute it and then reschedule it EVENT_TRIGGER, // execute the alarm regardless, and then reschedule it if it already due EVENT_CANCEL // delete the alarm }; struct ProcData { ProcData(ShellProcess* p, ShellProcess* logp, KAEvent* e, KAAlarm* a, int f = 0); ~ProcData(); enum { PRE_ACTION = 0x01, POST_ACTION = 0x02, RESCHEDULE = 0x04, ALLOW_DEFER = 0x08, TEMP_FILE = 0x10, EXEC_IN_XTERM = 0x20 }; bool preAction() const { return flags & PRE_ACTION; } bool postAction() const { return flags & POST_ACTION; } bool reschedule() const { return flags & RESCHEDULE; } bool allowDefer() const { return flags & ALLOW_DEFER; } bool tempFile() const { return flags & TEMP_FILE; } bool execInXterm() const { return flags & EXEC_IN_XTERM; } ShellProcess* process; TQGuardedPtr<ShellProcess> logProcess; KAEvent* event; KAAlarm* alarm; TQGuardedPtr<TQWidget> messageBoxParent; TQStringList tempFiles; int flags; }; struct DcopTQEntry { DcopTQEntry(EventFunc f, const TQString& id) : function(f), eventId(id) { } DcopTQEntry(const KAEvent& e, EventFunc f = EVENT_HANDLE) : function(f), event(e) { } DcopTQEntry() { } EventFunc function; TQString eventId; KAEvent event; }; bool initCheck(bool calendarOnly = false); void quitIf(int exitCode, bool force = false); void redisplayAlarms(); bool checkSystemTray(); void changeStartOfDay(); void setUpDcop(); bool handleEvent(const TQString& calendarFile, const TQString& eventID, EventFunc); bool handleEvent(const TQString& eventID, EventFunc); void rescheduleAlarm(KAEvent&, const KAAlarm&, bool updateCalAndDisplay); void cancelAlarm(KAEvent&, KAAlarm::Type, bool updateCalAndDisplay); ShellProcess* doShellCommand(const TQString& command, const KAEvent&, const KAAlarm*, int flags = 0); TQString createTempScriptFile(const TQString& command, bool insertShell, const KAEvent&, const KAAlarm&); void commandErrorMsg(const ShellProcess*, const KAEvent&, const KAAlarm*, int flags = 0); static KAlarmApp* theInstance; // the one and only KAlarmApp instance static int mActiveCount; // number of active instances without main windows static int mFatalError; // a fatal error has occurred - just wait to exit static TQString mFatalMessage; // fatal error message to output bool mInitialised; // initialisation complete: ready to handle DCOP calls DcopHandler* mDcopHandler; // the parent of the main DCOP receiver object #ifdef OLD_DCOP DcopHandlerOld* mDcopHandlerOld; // the parent of the old main DCOP receiver object #endif TrayWindow* mTrayWindow; // active system tray icon TQTime mStartOfDay; // start-of-day time currently in use TQColor mPrefsExpiredColour; // expired alarms text colour int mPrefsExpiredKeepDays;// how long expired alarms are being kept TQValueList<ProcData*> mCommandProcesses; // currently active command alarm processes TQValueList<DcopTQEntry> mDcopQueue; // DCOP command queue int mPendingQuitCode; // exit code for a pending quit bool mPendingQuit; // quit once the DCOP command and shell command queues have been processed bool mProcessingQueue; // a mDcopQueue entry is currently being processed bool mHaveSystemTray; // whether there is a system tray bool mNoSystemTray; // no KDE system tray exists bool mSavedNoSystemTray; // mNoSystemTray before mCheckingSystemTray was true bool mCheckingSystemTray; // the existence of the system tray is being checked bool mSessionClosingDown; // session manager is closing the application bool mOldRunInSystemTray; // running continuously in system tray was selected bool mDisableAlarmsIfStopped; // disable alarms whenever KAlarm is not running bool mRefreshExpiredAlarms; // need to refresh the expired alarms display bool mSpeechEnabled; // speech synthesis is enabled (kttsd exists) bool mKOrganizerEnabled; // KOrganizer options are enabled (korganizer exists) }; inline KAlarmApp* theApp() { return KAlarmApp::getInstance(); } #endif // KALARMAPP_H