 *  kamail.cpp  -  email functions
 *  Program:  kalarm
 *  Copyright © 2002-2005,2008 by David Jarvie <djarvie@kde.org>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "kalarm.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <pwd.h>

#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>

#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <dcopref.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdeaboutdata.h>
#include <tdefileitem.h>
#include <tdeio/netaccess.h>
#include <tdetempfile.h>
#include <tdeemailsettings.h>
#include <kdebug.h>

#include <libkpimidentities/identitymanager.h>
#include <libkpimidentities/identity.h>
#include <libemailfunctions/email.h>
#include <libkcal/person.h>

#include <kmime_header_parsing.h>

#include "alarmevent.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "kalarmapp.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include "kamail.h"

namespace HeaderParsing
bool parseAddress( const char* & scursor, const char * const send,
                   KMime::Types::Address & result, bool isCRLF=false );
bool parseAddressList( const char* & scursor, const char * const send,
                       TQValueList<KMime::Types::Address> & result, bool isCRLF=false );

TQString getHostName();

struct KAMailData
	KAMailData(const KAEvent& e, const TQString& fr, const TQString& bc, bool allownotify)
	                 : event(e), from(fr), bcc(bc), allowNotify(allownotify) { }
	const KAEvent& event;
	TQString        from;
	TQString        bcc;
	bool           allowNotify;

TQString KAMail::i18n_NeedFromEmailAddress()
{ return i18n("A 'From' email address must be configured in order to execute email alarms."); }

TQString KAMail::i18n_sent_mail()
{ return i18n("KMail folder name: this should be translated the same as in kmail", "sent-mail"); }

KPIM::IdentityManager* KAMail::mIdentityManager = 0;
KPIM::IdentityManager* KAMail::identityManager()
	if (!mIdentityManager)
		mIdentityManager = new KPIM::IdentityManager(true);   // create a read-only kmail identity manager
	return mIdentityManager;

* Send the email message specified in an event.
* Reply = true if the message was sent - 'errmsgs' may contain copy error messages.
*       = false if the message was not sent - 'errmsgs' contains the error messages.
bool KAMail::send(const KAEvent& event, TQStringList& errmsgs, bool allowNotify)
	TQString err;
	TQString from;
	KPIM::Identity identity;
	if (!event.emailFromId())
		from = Preferences::emailAddress();
		identity = mIdentityManager->identityForUoid(event.emailFromId());
		if (identity.isNull())
			kdError(5950) << "KAMail::send(): identity" << event.emailFromId() << "not found" << endl;
			errmsgs = errors(i18n("Invalid 'From' email address.\nKMail identity '%1' not found.").arg(event.emailFromId()));
			return false;
		from = identity.fullEmailAddr();
		if (from.isEmpty())
			kdError(5950) << "KAMail::send(): identity" << identity.identityName() << "uoid" << identity.uoid() << ": no email address" << endl;
			errmsgs = errors(i18n("Invalid 'From' email address.\nEmail identity '%1' has no email address").arg(identity.identityName()));
			return false;
	if (from.isEmpty())
		switch (Preferences::emailFrom())
			case Preferences::MAIL_FROM_KMAIL:
				errmsgs = errors(i18n("No 'From' email address is configured (no default KMail identity found)\nPlease set it in KMail or in the KAlarm Preferences dialog."));
			case Preferences::MAIL_FROM_CONTROL_CENTRE:
				errmsgs = errors(i18n("No 'From' email address is configured.\nPlease set it in the Trinity Control Center or in the KAlarm Preferences dialog."));
			case Preferences::MAIL_FROM_ADDR:
				errmsgs = errors(i18n("No 'From' email address is configured.\nPlease set it in the KAlarm Preferences dialog."));
		return false;
	KAMailData data(event, from,
	                (event.emailBcc() ? Preferences::emailBccAddress() : TQString()),
	kdDebug(5950) << "KAlarmApp::sendEmail(): To: " << event.emailAddresses(", ")
	              << "\nSubject: " << event.emailSubject() << endl;

	if (Preferences::emailClient() == Preferences::SENDMAIL)
		// Use sendmail to send the message
		TQString textComplete;
		TQString command = TDEStandardDirs::findExe(TQString::fromLatin1("sendmail"),
		if (!command.isNull())
			command += TQString::fromLatin1(" -f ");
			command += KPIM::getEmailAddress(from);
			command += TQString::fromLatin1(" -oi -t ");
			textComplete = initHeaders(data, false);
			command = TDEStandardDirs::findExe(TQString::fromLatin1("mail"));
			if (command.isNull())
				errmsgs = errors(i18n("%1 not found").arg(TQString::fromLatin1("sendmail"))); // give up
				return false;

			command += TQString::fromLatin1(" -s ");
			command += KShellProcess::quote(event.emailSubject());

			if (!data.bcc.isEmpty())
				command += TQString::fromLatin1(" -b ");
				command += KShellProcess::quote(data.bcc);

			command += ' ';
			command += event.emailAddresses(" "); // locally provided, okay

		// Add the body and attachments to the message.
		// (Sendmail requires attachments to have already been included in the message.)
		err = appendBodyAttachments(textComplete, event);
		if (!err.isNull())
			errmsgs = errors(err);
			return false;

		// Execute the send command
		FILE* fd = popen(command.local8Bit(), "w");
		if (!fd)
			kdError(5950) << "KAMail::send(): Unable to open a pipe to " << command << endl;
			errmsgs = errors();
			return false;
		fwrite(textComplete.local8Bit(), textComplete.length(), 1, fd);

		if (Preferences::emailCopyToKMail())
			// Create a copy of the sent email in KMail's 'Sent-mail' folder
			err = addToKMailFolder(data, "sent-mail", true);
			if (!err.isNull())
				errmsgs = errors(err, false);    // not a fatal error - continue

		if (allowNotify)
		// Use KMail to send the message
		err = sendKMail(data);
		if (!err.isNull())
			errmsgs = errors(err);
			return false;
	return true;

* Send the email message via KMail.
* Reply = reason for failure (which may be the empty string)
*       = null string if success.
TQString KAMail::sendKMail(const KAMailData& data)
	TQString err = KAlarm::runKMail(true);
	if (!err.isNull())
		return err;

	// KMail is now running. Determine which DCOP call to use.
	bool useSend = false;
	TQCString sendFunction = "sendMessage(TQString,TQString,TQString,TQString,TQString,TQString,KURL::List)";
	QCStringList funcs = kapp->dcopClient()->remoteFunctions("kmail", "MailTransportServiceIface");
	for (QCStringList::Iterator it=funcs.begin();  it != funcs.end() && !useSend;  ++it)
		TQCString func = DCOPClient::normalizeFunctionSignature(*it);
		if (func.left(5) == "bool ")
			func = func.mid(5);
			func.replace(TQRegExp(" [0-9A-Za-z_:]+"), "");
			useSend = (func == sendFunction);

	TQByteArray  callData;
	TQDataStream arg(callData, IO_WriteOnly);
	kdDebug(5950) << "KAMail::sendKMail(): using " << (useSend ? "sendMessage()" : "dcopAddMessage()") << endl;
	if (useSend)
		// This version of KMail has the sendMessage() function,
		// which transmits the message immediately.
		arg << data.from;
		arg << data.event.emailAddresses(", ");
		arg << "";    // CC:
		arg << data.bcc;
		arg << data.event.emailSubject();
		arg << data.event.message();
		arg << KURL::List(data.event.emailAttachments());
		if (!callKMail(callData, "MailTransportServiceIface", sendFunction, "bool"))
			return i18n("Error calling KMail");
		// KMail is an older version, so use dcopAddMessage()
		// to add the message to the outbox for later transmission.
		err = addToKMailFolder(data, "outbox", false);
		if (!err.isNull())
			return err;
	if (data.allowNotify)
	return TQString();

* Add the message to a KMail folder.
* Reply = reason for failure (which may be the empty string)
*       = null string if success.
TQString KAMail::addToKMailFolder(const KAMailData& data, const char* folder, bool checkKmailRunning)
	TQString err;
	if (checkKmailRunning)
		err = KAlarm::runKMail(true);
	if (err.isNull())
		TQString message = initHeaders(data, true);
		err = appendBodyAttachments(message, data.event);
		if (!err.isNull())
			return err;

		// Write to a temporary file for feeding to KMail
		KTempFile tmpFile;
		tmpFile.setAutoDelete(true);     // delete file when it is destructed
		TQTextStream* stream = tmpFile.textStream();
		if (!stream)
			kdError(5950) << "KAMail::addToKMailFolder(" << folder << "): Unable to open a temporary mail file" << endl;
			return TQString("");
		*stream << message;
		if (tmpFile.status())
			kdError(5950) << "KAMail::addToKMailFolder(" << folder << "): Error " << tmpFile.status() << " writing to temporary mail file" << endl;
			return TQString("");

		// Notify KMail of the message in the temporary file
		TQByteArray  callData;
		TQDataStream arg(callData, IO_WriteOnly);
		arg << TQString::fromLatin1(folder) << tmpFile.name();
		if (callKMail(callData, "KMailIface", "dcopAddMessage(TQString,TQString)", "int"))
			return TQString();
		err = i18n("Error calling KMail");
	kdError(5950) << "KAMail::addToKMailFolder(" << folder << "): " << err << endl;
	return err;

* Call KMail via DCOP. The DCOP function must return an 'int'.
bool KAMail::callKMail(const TQByteArray& callData, const TQCString& iface, const TQCString& function, const TQCString& funcType)
	TQCString   replyType;
	TQByteArray replyData;
	if (!kapp->dcopClient()->call("kmail", iface, function, callData, replyType, replyData)
	||  replyType != funcType)
		TQCString funcname = function;
		funcname.replace(TQRegExp("(.+$"), "()");
		kdError(5950) << "KAMail::callKMail(): kmail " << funcname << " call failed\n";;
		return false;
	TQDataStream replyStream(replyData, IO_ReadOnly);
	TQCString funcname = function;
	funcname.replace(TQRegExp("(.+$"), "()");
	if (replyType == "int")
		int result;
		replyStream >> result;
		if (result <= 0)
			kdError(5950) << "KAMail::callKMail(): kmail " << funcname << " call returned error code = " << result << endl;
			return false;
	else if (replyType == "bool")
		bool result;
		replyStream >> result;
		if (!result)
			kdError(5950) << "KAMail::callKMail(): kmail " << funcname << " call returned error\n";
			return false;
	return true;

* Create the headers part of the email.
TQString KAMail::initHeaders(const KAMailData& data, bool dateId)
	TQString message;
	if (dateId)
		struct timeval tod;
		gettimeofday(&tod, 0);
		time_t timenow = tod.tv_sec;
		char buff[64];
		strftime(buff, sizeof(buff), "Date: %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", localtime(&timenow));
		TQString from = data.from;
		from.replace(TQRegExp("^.*<"), TQString()).replace(TQRegExp(">.*$"), TQString());
		message = TQString::fromLatin1(buff);
		message += TQString::fromLatin1("\nMessage-Id: <%1.%2.%3>\n").arg(timenow).arg(tod.tv_usec).arg(from);
	message += TQString::fromLatin1("From: ") + data.from;
	message += TQString::fromLatin1("\nTo: ") + data.event.emailAddresses(", ");
	if (!data.bcc.isEmpty())
		message += TQString::fromLatin1("\nBcc: ") + data.bcc;
	message += TQString::fromLatin1("\nSubject: ") + data.event.emailSubject();
	message += TQString::fromLatin1("\nX-Mailer: %1/" KALARM_VERSION).arg(kapp->aboutData()->programName());
	return message;

* Append the body and attachments to the email text.
* Reply = reason for error
*       = 0 if successful.
TQString KAMail::appendBodyAttachments(TQString& message, const KAEvent& event)
	static const char* textMimeTypes[] = {
		"application/x-sh", "application/x-csh", "application/x-shellscript",
		"application/x-nawk", "application/x-gawk", "application/x-awk",
		"application/x-perl", "application/x-desktop",
	TQStringList attachments = event.emailAttachments();
	if (!attachments.count())
		// There are no attachments, so simply append the message body
		message += "\n\n";
		message += event.message();
		// There are attachments, so the message must be in MIME format
		// Create a boundary string
		time_t timenow;
		TQCString boundary;
		boundary.sprintf("------------_%lu_-%lx=", 2*timenow, timenow);
		message += TQString::fromLatin1("\nMIME-Version: 1.0");
		message += TQString::fromLatin1("\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed;\n  boundary=\"%1\"\n").arg(boundary.data());

		if (!event.message().isEmpty())
			// There is a message body
			message += TQString::fromLatin1("\n--%1\nContent-Type: text/plain\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n").arg(boundary.data());
			message += event.message();

		// Append each attachment in turn
		TQString attachError = i18n("Error attaching file:\n%1");
		for (TQStringList::Iterator at = attachments.begin();  at != attachments.end();  ++at)
			TQString attachment = (*at).local8Bit();
			KURL url(attachment);
			TDEIO::UDSEntry uds;
			if (!TDEIO::NetAccess::stat(url, uds, MainWindow::mainMainWindow())) {
				kdError(5950) << "KAMail::appendBodyAttachments(): not found: " << attachment << endl;
				return i18n("Attachment not found:\n%1").arg(attachment);
			KFileItem fi(uds, url);
			if (fi.isDir()  ||  !fi.isReadable()) {
				kdError(5950) << "KAMail::appendBodyAttachments(): not file/not readable: " << attachment << endl;
				return attachError.arg(attachment);

			// Check if the attachment is a text file
			TQString mimeType = fi.mimetype();
			bool text = mimeType.startsWith("text/");
			if (!text)
				for (int i = 0;  !text && textMimeTypes[i];  ++i)
					text = (mimeType == textMimeTypes[i]);

			message += TQString::fromLatin1("\n--%1").arg(boundary.data());
			message += TQString::fromLatin1("\nContent-Type: %2; name=\"%3\"").arg(mimeType).arg(fi.text());
			message += TQString::fromLatin1("\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: %1").arg(TQString::fromLatin1(text ? "8bit" : "BASE64"));
			message += TQString::fromLatin1("\nContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"%4\"\n\n").arg(fi.text());

			// Read the file contents
			TQString tmpFile;
			if (!TDEIO::NetAccess::download(url, tmpFile, MainWindow::mainMainWindow())) {
				kdError(5950) << "KAMail::appendBodyAttachments(): load failure: " << attachment << endl;
				return attachError.arg(attachment);
			TQFile file(tmpFile);
			if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) {
				kdDebug(5950) << "KAMail::appendBodyAttachments() tmp load error: " << attachment << endl;
				return attachError.arg(attachment);
			TQIODevice::Offset size = file.size();
			char* contents = new char [size + 1];
			TQ_LONG bytes = file.readBlock(contents, size);
			contents[size] = 0;
			bool atterror = false;
			if (bytes == -1  ||  (TQIODevice::Offset)bytes < size) {
				kdDebug(5950) << "KAMail::appendBodyAttachments() read error: " << attachment << endl;
				atterror = true;
			else if (text)
				// Text attachment doesn't need conversion
				message += contents;
				// Convert the attachment to BASE64 encoding
				TQIODevice::Offset base64Size;
				char* base64 = base64Encode(contents, size, base64Size);
				if (base64Size == (TQIODevice::Offset)-1) {
					kdDebug(5950) << "KAMail::appendBodyAttachments() base64 buffer overflow: " << attachment << endl;
					atterror = true;
					message += TQString::fromLatin1(base64, base64Size);
				delete[] base64;
			delete[] contents;
			if (atterror)
				return attachError.arg(attachment);
		message += TQString::fromLatin1("\n--%1--\n.\n").arg(boundary.data());
	return TQString();

* If any of the destination email addresses are non-local, display a
* notification message saying that an email has been queued for sending.
void KAMail::notifyQueued(const KAEvent& event)
	KMime::Types::Address addr;
	TQString localhost = TQString::fromLatin1("localhost");
	TQString hostname  = getHostName();
	const EmailAddressList& addresses = event.emailAddresses();
	for (TQValueList<KCal::Person>::ConstIterator it = addresses.begin();  it != addresses.end();  ++it)
		TQCString email = (*it).email().local8Bit();
		const char* em = email;
		if (!email.isEmpty()
		&&  HeaderParsing::parseAddress(em, em + email.length(), addr))
			TQString domain = addr.mailboxList.first().addrSpec.domain;
			if (!domain.isEmpty()  &&  domain != localhost  &&  domain != hostname)
				TQString text = (Preferences::emailClient() == Preferences::KMAIL)
				             ? i18n("An email has been queued to be sent by KMail")
				             : i18n("An email has been queued to be sent");
				KMessageBox::information(0, text, TQString(), Preferences::EMAIL_QUEUED_NOTIFY);

*  Return whether any KMail identities exist.
bool KAMail::identitiesExist()
	identityManager();    // create identity manager if not already done
	return mIdentityManager->begin() != mIdentityManager->end();
*  Fetch the uoid of an email identity name or uoid string.
uint KAMail::identityUoid(const TQString& identityUoidOrName)
	bool ok;
	uint id = identityUoidOrName.toUInt(&ok);
	if (!ok  ||  identityManager()->identityForUoid(id).isNull())
		identityManager();   // fetch it if not already done
		for (KPIM::IdentityManager::ConstIterator it = mIdentityManager->begin();
		     it != mIdentityManager->end();  ++it)
			if ((*it).identityName() == identityUoidOrName)
				id = (*it).uoid();
	return id;

*  Fetch the user's email address configured in the TDE Control Centre.
TQString KAMail::controlCentreAddress()
	KEMailSettings e;
	return e.getSetting(KEMailSettings::EmailAddress);

*  Parse a list of email addresses, optionally containing display names,
*  entered by the user.
*  Reply = the invalid item if error, else empty string.
TQString KAMail::convertAddresses(const TQString& items, EmailAddressList& list)
	TQCString addrs = items.local8Bit();
	const char* ad = static_cast<const char*>(addrs);

	// parse an address-list
	TQValueList<KMime::Types::Address> maybeAddressList;
	if (!HeaderParsing::parseAddressList(ad, ad + addrs.length(), maybeAddressList))
		return TQString::fromLocal8Bit(ad);    // return the address in error

	// extract the mailboxes and complain if there are groups
	for (TQValueList<KMime::Types::Address>::ConstIterator it = maybeAddressList.begin();
	     it != maybeAddressList.end();  ++it)
		TQString bad = convertAddress(*it, list);
		if (!bad.isEmpty())
			return bad;
	return TQString();

#if 0
*  Parse an email address, optionally containing display name, entered by the
*  user, and append it to the specified list.
*  Reply = the invalid item if error, else empty string.
TQString KAMail::convertAddress(const TQString& item, EmailAddressList& list)
	TQCString addr = item.local8Bit();
	const char* ad = static_cast<const char*>(addr);
	KMime::Types::Address maybeAddress;
	if (!HeaderParsing::parseAddress(ad, ad + addr.length(), maybeAddress))
		return item;     // error
	return convertAddress(maybeAddress, list);

*  Convert a single KMime::Types address to a KCal::Person instance and append
*  it to the specified list.
TQString KAMail::convertAddress(KMime::Types::Address addr, EmailAddressList& list)
	if (!addr.displayName.isEmpty())
		kdDebug(5950) << "mailbox groups not allowed! Name: \"" << addr.displayName << "\"" << endl;
		return addr.displayName;
	const TQValueList<KMime::Types::Mailbox>& mblist = addr.mailboxList;
	for (TQValueList<KMime::Types::Mailbox>::ConstIterator mb = mblist.begin();
	     mb != mblist.end();  ++mb)
		TQString addrPart = (*mb).addrSpec.localPart;
		if (!(*mb).addrSpec.domain.isEmpty())
			addrPart += TQChar('@');
			addrPart += (*mb).addrSpec.domain;
		list += KCal::Person((*mb).displayName, addrPart);
	return TQString();

TQString KAMail::convertAddresses(const TQString& items, TQStringList& list)
	EmailAddressList addrs;
	TQString item = convertAddresses(items, addrs);
	if (!item.isEmpty())
		return item;
	for (EmailAddressList::Iterator ad = addrs.begin();  ad != addrs.end();  ++ad)
		item = (*ad).fullName().local8Bit();
		switch (checkAddress(item))
			case 1:      // OK
				list += item;
			case 0:      // null address
			case -1:     // invalid address
				return item;
	return TQString();

*  Check the validity of an email address.
*  Because internal email addresses don't have to abide by the usual internet
*  email address rules, only some basic checks are made.
*  Reply = 1 if alright, 0 if empty, -1 if error.
int KAMail::checkAddress(TQString& address)
	address = address.stripWhiteSpace();
	// Check that there are no list separator characters present
	if (address.find(',') >= 0  ||  address.find(';') >= 0)
		return -1;
	int n = address.length();
	if (!n)
		return 0;
	int start = 0;
	int end   = n - 1;
	if (address[end] == '>')
		// The email address is in <...>
		if ((start = address.find('<')) < 0)
			return -1;
	int i = address.find('@', start);
	if (i >= 0)
		if (i == start  ||  i == end)          // check @ isn't the first or last character
//		||  address.find('@', i + 1) >= 0)    // check for multiple @ characters
			return -1;
/*	else
		// Allow the @ character to be missing if it's a local user
		if (!getpwnam(address.mid(start, end - start + 1).local8Bit()))
			return false;
	for (int i = start;  i <= end;  ++i)
		char ch = address[i].latin1();
		if (ch == '.'  ||  ch == '@'  ||  ch == '-'  ||  ch == '_'
		||  (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')  ||  (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')
		||  (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'))
		return false;
	return 1;

*  Convert a comma or semicolon delimited list of attachments into a
*  TQStringList. The items are checked for validity.
*  Reply = the invalid item if error, else empty string.
TQString KAMail::convertAttachments(const TQString& items, TQStringList& list)
	KURL url;
	int length = items.length();
	for (int next = 0;  next < length;  )
		// Find the first delimiter character (, or ;)
		int i = items.find(',', next);
		if (i < 0)
			i = items.length();
		int sc = items.find(';', next);
		if (sc < 0)
			sc = items.length();
		if (sc < i)
			i = sc;
		TQString item = items.mid(next, i - next).stripWhiteSpace();
		switch (checkAttachment(item))
			case 1:   list += item;  break;
			case 0:   break;          // empty attachment name
			case -1:
			default:  return item;    // error
		next = i + 1;
	return TQString();

#if 0
*  Convert a comma or semicolon delimited list of attachments into a
*  KURL::List. The items are checked for validity.
*  Reply = the invalid item if error, else empty string.
TQString KAMail::convertAttachments(const TQString& items, KURL::List& list)
	KURL url;
	TQCString addrs = items.local8Bit();
	int length = items.length();
	for (int next = 0;  next < length;  )
		// Find the first delimiter character (, or ;)
		int i = items.find(',', next);
		if (i < 0)
			i = items.length();
		int sc = items.find(';', next);
		if (sc < 0)
			sc = items.length();
		if (sc < i)
			i = sc;
		TQString item = items.mid(next, i - next);
		switch (checkAttachment(item, &url))
			case 1:   list += url;  break;
			case 0:   break;          // empty attachment name
			case -1:
			default:  return item;    // error
		next = i + 1;
	return TQString();

*  Check for the existence of the attachment file.
*  If non-null, '*url' receives the KURL of the attachment.
*  Reply = 1 if attachment exists
*        = 0 if null name
*        = -1 if doesn't exist.
int KAMail::checkAttachment(TQString& attachment, KURL* url)
	attachment = attachment.stripWhiteSpace();
	if (attachment.isEmpty())
		if (url)
			*url = KURL();
		return 0;
	// Check that the file exists
	KURL u = KURL::fromPathOrURL(attachment);
	if (url)
		*url = u;
	return checkAttachment(u) ? 1 : -1;

*  Check for the existence of the attachment file.
bool KAMail::checkAttachment(const KURL& url)
	TDEIO::UDSEntry uds;
	if (!TDEIO::NetAccess::stat(url, uds, MainWindow::mainMainWindow()))
		return false;       // doesn't exist
	KFileItem fi(uds, url);
	if (fi.isDir()  ||  !fi.isReadable())
		return false;
	return true;

*  Convert a block of memory to Base64 encoding.
*  'outSize' is set to the number of bytes used in the returned block, or to
*            -1 if overflow.
*  Reply = BASE64 buffer, which the caller must delete[] afterwards.
char* KAMail::base64Encode(const char* in, TQIODevice::Offset size, TQIODevice::Offset& outSize)
	const int MAX_LINELEN = 72;
	static unsigned char dtable[65] =

	char* out = new char [2*size + 5];
	outSize = (TQIODevice::Offset)-1;
	TQIODevice::Offset outIndex = 0;
	int lineLength = 0;
	for (TQIODevice::Offset inIndex = 0;  inIndex < size;  )
		unsigned char igroup[3];
		int n;
		for (n = 0;  n < 3;  ++n)
			if (inIndex < size)
				igroup[n] = (unsigned char)in[inIndex++];
				igroup[n] = igroup[2] = 0;

		if (n > 0)
			unsigned char ogroup[4];
			ogroup[0] = dtable[igroup[0] >> 2];
			ogroup[1] = dtable[((igroup[0] & 3) << 4) | (igroup[1] >> 4)];
			ogroup[2] = dtable[((igroup[1] & 0xF) << 2) | (igroup[2] >> 6)];
			ogroup[3] = dtable[igroup[2] & 0x3F];

			if (n < 3)
				ogroup[3] = '=';
				if (n < 2)
					ogroup[2] = '=';
			if (outIndex >= size*2)
				delete[] out;
				return 0;
			for (int i = 0;  i < 4;  ++i)
				if (lineLength >= MAX_LINELEN)
					out[outIndex++] = '\r';
					out[outIndex++] = '\n';
					lineLength = 0;
				out[outIndex++] = ogroup[i];

	if (outIndex + 2 < size*2)
		out[outIndex++] = '\r';
		out[outIndex++] = '\n';
	outSize = outIndex;
	return out;

* Set the appropriate error messages for a given error string.
TQStringList KAMail::errors(const TQString& err, bool sendfail)
	TQString error1 = sendfail ? i18n("Failed to send email")
	                          : i18n("Error copying sent email to KMail %1 folder").arg(i18n_sent_mail());
	if (err.isEmpty())
		return TQStringList(error1);
	TQStringList errs(TQString::fromLatin1("%1:").arg(error1));
	errs += err;
	return errs;

*  Get the body of an email, given its serial number.
TQString KAMail::getMailBody(TQ_UINT32 serialNumber)
	// Get the body of the email from KMail
	TQCString    replyType;
	TQByteArray  replyData;
	TQByteArray  data;
	TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly);
	arg << serialNumber;
	arg << (int)0;
	TQString body;
	if (kapp->dcopClient()->call("kmail", "KMailIface", "getDecodedBodyPart(TQ_UINT32,int)", data, replyType, replyData)
	&&  replyType == "TQString")
		TQDataStream reply_stream(replyData, IO_ReadOnly);
		reply_stream >> body;
		kdDebug(5950) << "KAMail::getMailBody(): kmail getDecodedBodyPart() call failed\n";
	return body;

* Get the local system's host name.
TQString getHostName()
        char hname[256];
        if (gethostname(hname, sizeof(hname)))
                return TQString();
        return TQString::fromLocal8Bit(hname);

=  HeaderParsing :  modified and additional functions.
=  The following functions are modified from, or additional to, those in
=  libtdenetwork kmime_header_parsing.cpp.

namespace HeaderParsing

using namespace KMime;
using namespace KMime::Types;
using namespace KMime::HeaderParsing;

*  New function.
*  Allow a local user name to be specified as an email address.
bool parseUserName( const char* & scursor, const char * const send,
                    TQString & result, bool isCRLF ) {

  TQString maybeLocalPart;
  TQString tmp;

  if ( scursor != send ) {
    // first, eat any whitespace
    eatCFWS( scursor, send, isCRLF );

    char ch = *scursor++;
    switch ( ch ) {
    case '.': // dot
    case '@':
    case '"': // quoted-string
      return false;

    default: // atom
      scursor--; // re-set scursor to point to ch again
      tmp = TQString();
      if ( parseAtom( scursor, send, result, false /* no 8bit */ ) ) {
        if (getpwnam(result.local8Bit()))
          return true;
      return false; // parseAtom can only fail if the first char is non-atext.
  return false;

*  Modified function.
*  Allow a local user name to be specified as an email address, and reinstate
*  the original scursor on error return.
bool parseAddress( const char* & scursor, const char * const send,
		   Address & result, bool isCRLF ) {
  // address       := mailbox / group

  eatCFWS( scursor, send, isCRLF );
  if ( scursor == send ) return false;

  // first try if it's a single mailbox:
  Mailbox maybeMailbox;
  const char * oldscursor = scursor;
  if ( parseMailbox( scursor, send, maybeMailbox, isCRLF ) ) {
    // yes, it is:
    result.displayName = TQString();
    result.mailboxList.append( maybeMailbox );
    return true;
  scursor = oldscursor;

  // KAlarm: Allow a local user name to be specified
  // no, it's not a single mailbox. Try if it's a local user name:
  TQString maybeUserName;
  if ( parseUserName( scursor, send, maybeUserName, isCRLF ) ) {
    // yes, it is:
    maybeMailbox.displayName = TQString();
    maybeMailbox.addrSpec.localPart = maybeUserName;
    maybeMailbox.addrSpec.domain = TQString();
    result.displayName = TQString();
    result.mailboxList.append( maybeMailbox );
    return true;
  scursor = oldscursor;

  Address maybeAddress;

  // no, it's not a single mailbox. Try if it's a group:
  if ( !parseGroup( scursor, send, maybeAddress, isCRLF ) )
    scursor = oldscursor;   // KAlarm: reinstate original scursor on error return
    return false;

  result = maybeAddress;
  return true;

*  Modified function.
*  Allow either ',' or ';' to be used as an email address separator.
bool parseAddressList( const char* & scursor, const char * const send,
		       TQValueList<Address> & result, bool isCRLF ) {
  while ( scursor != send ) {
    eatCFWS( scursor, send, isCRLF );
    // end of header: this is OK.
    if ( scursor == send ) return true;
    // empty entry: ignore:
    if ( *scursor == ',' || *scursor == ';' ) { scursor++; continue; }   // KAlarm: allow ';' as address separator

    // parse one entry
    Address maybeAddress;
    if ( !parseAddress( scursor, send, maybeAddress, isCRLF ) ) return false;
    result.append( maybeAddress );

    eatCFWS( scursor, send, isCRLF );
    // end of header: this is OK.
    if ( scursor == send ) return true;
    // comma separating entries: eat it.
    if ( *scursor == ',' || *scursor == ';' ) scursor++;   // KAlarm: allow ';' as address separator
  return true;

} // namespace HeaderParsing