 *  timespinbox.cpp  -  time spinbox widget
 *  Program:  kalarm
 *  Copyright © 2001-2004,2007,2008 by David Jarvie <djarvie@kde.org>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "kalarm.h"

#include <tqvalidator.h>
#include <tqlineedit.h>
#include <klocale.h>

#include "timespinbox.moc"

class TimeSpinBox::TimeValidator : public TQValidator
		TimeValidator(int minMin, int maxMin, TQWidget* parent, const char* name = 0)
			: TQValidator(TQT_TQOBJECT(parent), name),
		          minMinute(minMin), maxMinute(maxMin), m12Hour(false), mPm(false) { }
		virtual State validate(TQString&, int&) const;
		int  minMinute, maxMinute;
		bool m12Hour;
		bool mPm;

= Class TimeSpinBox
= This is a spin box displaying a time in the format hh:mm, with a pair of
= spin buttons for each of the hour and minute values.
= It can operate in 3 modes:
=  1) a time of day using the 24-hour clock.
=  2) a time of day using the 12-hour clock. The value is held as 0:00 - 23:59,
=     but is displayed as 12:00 - 11:59. This is for use in a TimeEdit widget.
=  3) a length of time, not restricted to the length of a day.

 * Construct a wrapping 00:00 - 23:59, or 12:00 - 11:59 time spin box.
TimeSpinBox::TimeSpinBox(bool use24hour, TQWidget* parent, const char* name)
	: SpinBox2(0, 1439, 1, 60, parent, name),
	mValidator = new TimeValidator(0, 1439, this, "TimeSpinBox validator");
	mValidator->m12Hour = m12Hour;
	setReverseWithLayout(false);   // keep buttons the same way round even if right-to-left language
	setShiftSteps(5, 360);    // shift-left button increments 5 min / 6 hours
	connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotValueChanged(int)));

 * Construct a non-wrapping time spin box.
TimeSpinBox::TimeSpinBox(int minMinute, int maxMinute, TQWidget* parent, const char* name)
	: SpinBox2(minMinute, maxMinute, 1, 60, parent, name),
	mValidator = new TimeValidator(minMinute, maxMinute, this, "TimeSpinBox validator");
	setReverseWithLayout(false);   // keep buttons the same way round even if right-to-left language
	setShiftSteps(5, 300);    // shift-left button increments 5 min / 5 hours
	setAlignment(TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? TQt::AlignLeft : TQt::AlignRight);

TQString TimeSpinBox::shiftWhatsThis()
	return i18n("Press the Shift key while clicking the spin buttons to adjust the time by a larger step (6 hours / 5 minutes).");

TQTime TimeSpinBox::time() const
	return TQTime(value() / 60, value() % 60);

TQString TimeSpinBox::mapValueToText(int v)
	if (m12Hour)
		if (v < 60)
			v += 720;      // convert 0:nn to 12:nn
		else if (v >= 780)
			v -= 720;      // convert 13 - 23 hours to 1 - 11
	TQString s;
	s.sprintf((wrapping() ? "%02d:%02d" : "%d:%02d"), v/60, v%60);
	return s;

 * Convert the user-entered text to a value in minutes.
 * The allowed formats are:
 *    [hour]:[minute], where minute must be non-blank, or
 *    hhmm, 4 digits, where hour < 24.
int TimeSpinBox::mapTextToValue(bool* ok)
	TQString text = cleanText();
	int colon = text.find(':');
	if (colon >= 0)
		// [h]:m format for any time value
		TQString hour   = text.left(colon).stripWhiteSpace();
		TQString minute = text.mid(colon + 1).stripWhiteSpace();
		if (!minute.isEmpty())
			bool okmin;
			bool okhour = true;
			int m = minute.toUInt(&okmin);
			int h = 0;
			if (!hour.isEmpty())
				h = hour.toUInt(&okhour);
			if (okhour  &&  okmin  &&  m < 60)
				if (m12Hour)
					if (h == 0  ||  h > 12)
						h = 100;     // error
					else if (h == 12)
						h = 0;       // convert 12:nn to 0:nn
					if (mPm)
						h += 12;     // convert to PM
				int t = h * 60 + m;
				if (t >= mMinimumValue  &&  t <= maxValue())
					if (ok)
						*ok = true;
					return t;
	else if (text.length() == 4)
		// hhmm format for time of day
		bool okn;
		int mins = text.toUInt(&okn);
		if (okn)
			int m = mins % 100;
			int h = mins / 100;
			if (m12Hour)
				if (h == 0  ||  h > 12)
					h = 100;    // error
				else if (h == 12)
					h = 0;      // convert 12:nn to 0:nn
				if (mPm)
					h += 12;    // convert to PM
			int t = h * 60 + m;
			if (h < 24  &&  m < 60  &&  t >= mMinimumValue  &&  t <= maxValue())
				if (ok)
					*ok = true;
				return t;

	if (ok)
		*ok = false;
	return 0;

 * Set the spin box as valid or invalid.
 * If newly invalid, the value is displayed as asterisks.
 * If newly valid, the value is set to the minimum value.
void TimeSpinBox::setValid(bool valid)
	if (valid  &&  mInvalid)
		mInvalid = false;
		if (value() < mMinimumValue)
	else if (!valid  &&  !mInvalid)
		mInvalid = true;
		SpinBox2::setMinValue(mMinimumValue - 1);
		SpinBox2::setValue(mMinimumValue - 1);

* Set the spin box's minimum value.
void TimeSpinBox::setMinValue(int minutes)
	mMinimumValue = minutes;
	SpinBox2::setMinValue(mMinimumValue - (mInvalid ? 1 : 0));

 * Set the spin box's value.
void TimeSpinBox::setValue(int minutes)
	if (!mEnteredSetValue)
		mEnteredSetValue = true;
		mPm = (minutes >= 720);
		if (minutes > maxValue())
			if (mInvalid)
				mInvalid = false;
			mEnteredSetValue = false;

 * Step the spin box value.
 * If it was invalid, set it valid and set the value to the minimum.
void TimeSpinBox::stepUp()
	if (mInvalid)

void TimeSpinBox::stepDown()
	if (mInvalid)

bool TimeSpinBox::isValid() const
	return value() >= mMinimumValue;

void TimeSpinBox::slotValueChanged(int value)
	mPm = mValidator->mPm = (value >= 720);

TQSize TimeSpinBox::sizeHint() const
	TQSize sz = SpinBox2::sizeHint();
	TQFontMetrics fm(font());
	return TQSize(sz.width() + fm.width(":"), sz.height());

TQSize TimeSpinBox::minimumSizeHint() const
	TQSize sz = SpinBox2::minimumSizeHint();
	TQFontMetrics fm(font());
	return TQSize(sz.width() + fm.width(":"), sz.height());

 * Validate the time spin box input.
 * The entered time must either be 4 digits, or it must contain a colon, but
 * hours may be blank.
TQValidator::State TimeSpinBox::TimeValidator::validate(TQString& text, int& /*cursorPos*/) const
	TQString cleanText = text.stripWhiteSpace();
	if (cleanText.isEmpty())
		return TQValidator::Intermediate;
	TQValidator::State state = TQValidator::Acceptable;
	TQString hour;
	bool ok;
	int hr = 0;
	int mn = 0;
	int colon = cleanText.find(':');
	if (colon >= 0)
		TQString minute = cleanText.mid(colon + 1);
		if (minute.isEmpty())
			state = TQValidator::Intermediate;
		else if ((mn = minute.toUInt(&ok)) >= 60  ||  !ok)
			return TQValidator::Invalid;

		hour = cleanText.left(colon);
	else if (maxMinute >= 1440)
		// The hhmm form of entry is only allowed for time-of-day, i.e. <= 2359
		hour = cleanText;
		state = TQValidator::Intermediate;
		if (cleanText.length() > 4)
			return TQValidator::Invalid;
		if (cleanText.length() < 4)
			state = TQValidator::Intermediate;
		hour = cleanText.left(2);
		TQString minute = cleanText.mid(2);
		if (!minute.isEmpty()
		&&  ((mn = minute.toUInt(&ok)) >= 60  ||  !ok))
			return TQValidator::Invalid;

	if (!hour.isEmpty())
		hr = hour.toUInt(&ok);
		if (m12Hour)
			if (hr == 0  ||  hr > 12)
				hr = 100;    // error;
			else if (hr == 12)
				hr = 0;      // convert 12:nn to 0:nn
			if (mPm)
				hr += 12;    // convert to PM
		if (!ok  ||  hr > maxMinute/60)
			return TQValidator::Invalid;
	if (state == TQValidator::Acceptable)
		int t = hr * 60 + mn;
		if (t < minMinute  ||  t > maxMinute)
			return TQValidator::Invalid;
	return state;