 *  timespinbox.h  -  time spinbox widget
 *  Program:  kalarm
 *  Copyright © 2001-2008 by David Jarvie <djarvie@kde.org>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include "spinbox2.h"

 *  @short Hours/minutes time entry widget.
 *  The TimeSpinBox class provides a widget to enter a time consisting of an hours/minutes
 *  value. It can hold a time in any of 3 modes: a time of day using the 24-hour clock; a
 *  time of day using the 12-hour clock; or a length of time not restricted to 24 hours.
 *  Derived from SpinBox2, it displays a spin box with two pairs of spin buttons, one
 *  for hours and one for minutes. It provides accelerated stepping using the spin
 *  buttons, when the shift key is held down (inherited from SpinBox2). The default
 *  shift steps are 5 minutes and 6 hours.
 *  The widget may be set as read-only. This has the same effect as disabling it, except
 *  that its appearance is unchanged.
 *  @author David Jarvie <software@astrojar.org.uk>
class TimeSpinBox : public SpinBox2
		/** Constructor for a wrapping time spin box which can be used to enter a time of day.
		 *  @param use24hour True for entry of 24-hour clock times (range 00:00 to 23:59).
		 *                   False for entry of 12-hour clock times (range 12:00 to 11:59).
		 *  @param parent The parent object of this widget.
		 *  @param name The name of this widget.
		explicit TimeSpinBox(bool use24hour, TQWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0);
		/** Constructor for a non-wrapping time spin box which can be used to enter a length of time.
		 *  @param minMinute The minimum value which the spin box can hold, in minutes.
		 *  @param maxMinute  The maximum value which the spin box can hold, in minutes.
		 *  @param parent The parent object of this widget.
		 *  @param name The name of this widget.
		TimeSpinBox(int minMinute, int maxMinute, TQWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0);
		/** Returns true if the spin box holds a valid value.
		 *  An invalid value is displayed as asterisks.
		bool            isValid() const;
		/** Sets the spin box as holding a valid or invalid value.
		 *  If newly invalid, the value is displayed as asterisks.
		 *  If newly valid, the value is set to the minimum value.
		void            setValid(bool);
		/** Returns the current value held in the spin box.
		 *  If an invalid value is displayed, returns a value lower than the minimum value.
		TQTime           time() const;
		/** Sets the maximum value which can be held in the spin box.
		 *  @param minutes The maximum value expressed in minutes.
		virtual void    setMinValue(int minutes);
		/** Sets the maximum value which can be held in the spin box.
		 *  @param minutes The maximum value expressed in minutes.
		virtual void    setMaxValue(int minutes)     { SpinBox2::setMaxValue(minutes); }
		/** Sets the maximum value which can be held in the spin box. */
		void            setMaxValue(const TQTime& t)  { SpinBox2::setMaxValue(t.hour()*60 + t.minute()); }
		/** Returns the maximum value which can be held in the spin box. */
		TQTime           maxTime() const              { int mv = maxValue();  return TQTime(mv/60, mv%60); }
		/** Returns a text describing use of the shift key as an accelerator for
		 *  the spin buttons, designed for incorporation into WhatsThis texts.
		static TQString  shiftWhatsThis();

		virtual TQSize   sizeHint() const;
		virtual TQSize   minimumSizeHint() const;

	public slots:
		/** Sets the value of the spin box.
		 *  @param minutes The new value of the spin box, expressed in minutes.
		virtual void    setValue(int minutes);
		/** Sets the value of the spin box. */
		void            setValue(const TQTime& t)     { setValue(t.hour()*60 + t.minute()); }
		/** Increments the spin box value.
		 *  If the value was previously invalid, the spin box is set to the minimum value.
		virtual void    stepUp();
		/** Decrements the spin box value.
		 *  If the value was previously invalid, the spin box is set to the minimum value.
		virtual void    stepDown();

		virtual TQString mapValueToText(int v);
		virtual int     mapTextToValue(bool* ok);
	private slots:
		void            slotValueChanged(int value);
		class TimeValidator;
		TimeValidator*  mValidator;
		int             mMinimumValue;       // real minimum value, excluding special value for "**:**"
		bool            m12Hour;             // use 12-hour clock
		bool            mPm;                 // use PM for manually entered values (with 12-hour clock)
		bool            mInvalid;            // value is currently invalid (asterisks)
		bool            mEnteredSetValue;    // to prevent infinite recursion in setValue()