/* * undo.cpp - undo/redo facility * Program: kalarm * Copyright © 2005,2006 by David Jarvie * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kalarm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "alarmcalendar.h" #include "alarmevent.h" #include "alarmtext.h" #include "functions.h" #include "undo.moc" static int maxCount = 12; class UndoItem { public: enum Operation { ADD, EDIT, DELETE, REACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE, MULTI }; UndoItem(); // needed by TQValueList virtual ~UndoItem(); virtual Operation operation() const = 0; virtual TQString actionText() const = 0; virtual TQString description() const { return TQString(); } virtual TQString eventID() const { return TQString(); } virtual TQString oldEventID() const { return TQString(); } virtual TQString newEventID() const { return TQString(); } int id() const { return mId; } Undo::Type type() const { return mType; } void setType(Undo::Type t) { mType = t; } KAEvent::Status calendar() const { return mCalendar; } virtual void setCalendar(KAEvent::Status s) { mCalendar = s; } virtual UndoItem* restore() = 0; virtual bool deleteID(const TQString& /*id*/) { return false; } enum Error { ERR_NONE, ERR_PROG, ERR_NOT_FOUND, ERR_CREATE, ERR_TEMPLATE, ERR_EXPIRED }; enum Warning { WARN_NONE, WARN_KORG_ADD, WARN_KORG_MODIFY, WARN_KORG_DELETE }; static int mLastId; static Error mRestoreError; // error code valid only if restore() returns 0 static Warning mRestoreWarning; // warning code set by restore() static int mRestoreWarningCount; // item count for mRestoreWarning (to allow i18n messages to work correctly) protected: UndoItem(Undo::Type); static TQString addDeleteActionText(KAEvent::Status, bool add); TQString description(const KAEvent&) const; void replaceWith(UndoItem* item) { Undo::replace(this, item); } int mId; // unique identifier (only for mType = UNDO, REDO) Undo::Type mType; // which list (if any) the object is in KAEvent::Status mCalendar; }; class UndoMultiBase : public UndoItem { public: UndoMultiBase(Undo::Type t) : UndoItem(t) { } UndoMultiBase(Undo::Type t, Undo::List& undos) : UndoItem(t), mUndos(undos) { } ~UndoMultiBase(); const Undo::List& undos() const { return mUndos; } protected: Undo::List mUndos; // this list must always have >= 2 entries }; template class UndoMulti : public UndoMultiBase { public: UndoMulti(Undo::Type, const TQValueList&); UndoMulti(Undo::Type t, Undo::List& undos) : UndoMultiBase(t, undos) { } virtual Operation operation() const { return MULTI; } virtual UndoItem* restore(); virtual bool deleteID(const TQString& id); virtual UndoItem* createRedo(Undo::List&) = 0; }; class UndoAdd : public UndoItem { public: UndoAdd(Undo::Type, const KAEvent&); UndoAdd(Undo::Type, const KAEvent&, KAEvent::Status); virtual Operation operation() const { return ADD; } virtual TQString actionText() const; virtual TQString description() const { return mDescription; } virtual TQString eventID() const { return mEventID; } virtual TQString newEventID() const { return mEventID; } virtual UndoItem* restore() { return doRestore(); } protected: UndoItem* doRestore(bool setArchive = false); virtual UndoItem* createRedo(const KAEvent&); private: TQString mEventID; TQString mDescription; }; class UndoEdit : public UndoItem { public: UndoEdit(Undo::Type, const KAEvent& oldEvent, const TQString& newEventID, const TQString& description); ~UndoEdit(); virtual Operation operation() const { return EDIT; } virtual TQString actionText() const; virtual TQString description() const { return mDescription; } virtual TQString eventID() const { return mNewEventID; } virtual TQString oldEventID() const { return mOldEvent->id(); } virtual TQString newEventID() const { return mNewEventID; } virtual UndoItem* restore(); private: KAEvent* mOldEvent; TQString mNewEventID; TQString mDescription; }; class UndoDelete : public UndoItem { public: UndoDelete(Undo::Type, const KAEvent&); ~UndoDelete(); virtual Operation operation() const { return DELETE; } virtual TQString actionText() const; virtual TQString description() const { return UndoItem::description(*mEvent); } virtual TQString eventID() const { return mEvent->id(); } virtual TQString oldEventID() const { return mEvent->id(); } virtual UndoItem* restore(); KAEvent* event() const { return mEvent; } protected: virtual UndoItem* createRedo(const KAEvent&); private: KAEvent* mEvent; }; class UndoReactivate : public UndoAdd { public: UndoReactivate(Undo::Type t, const KAEvent& e) : UndoAdd(t, e, KAEvent::ACTIVE) { } virtual Operation operation() const { return REACTIVATE; } virtual TQString actionText() const; virtual UndoItem* restore(); protected: virtual UndoItem* createRedo(const KAEvent&); }; class UndoDeactivate : public UndoDelete { public: UndoDeactivate(Undo::Type t, const KAEvent& e) : UndoDelete(t, e) { } virtual Operation operation() const { return DEACTIVATE; } virtual TQString actionText() const; virtual UndoItem* restore(); protected: virtual UndoItem* createRedo(const KAEvent&); }; class UndoDeletes : public UndoMulti { public: UndoDeletes(Undo::Type t, const TQValueList& events) : UndoMulti(t, events) { } // UNDO only UndoDeletes(Undo::Type t, Undo::List& undos) : UndoMulti(t, undos) { } virtual TQString actionText() const; virtual UndoItem* createRedo(Undo::List&); }; class UndoReactivates : public UndoMulti { public: UndoReactivates(Undo::Type t, const TQValueList& events) : UndoMulti(t, events) { } // UNDO only UndoReactivates(Undo::Type t, Undo::List& undos) : UndoMulti(t, undos) { } virtual TQString actionText() const; virtual UndoItem* createRedo(Undo::List&); }; Undo* Undo::mInstance = 0; Undo::List Undo::mUndoList; Undo::List Undo::mRedoList; /****************************************************************************** * Create the one and only instance of the Undo class. */ Undo* Undo::instance() { if (!mInstance) mInstance = new Undo(tdeApp); return mInstance; } /****************************************************************************** * Clear the lists of undo and redo items. */ void Undo::clear() { if (!mUndoList.isEmpty() || !mRedoList.isEmpty()) { mInstance->blockSignals(true); while (mUndoList.count()) delete mUndoList.first(); // N.B. 'delete' removes the object from the list while (mRedoList.count()) delete mRedoList.first(); // N.B. 'delete' removes the object from the list mInstance->blockSignals(false); emitChanged(); } } /****************************************************************************** * Create an undo item and add it to the list of undos. * N.B. The base class constructor adds the object to the undo list. */ void Undo::saveAdd(const KAEvent& event) { new UndoAdd(UNDO, event); emitChanged(); } void Undo::saveEdit(const KAEvent& oldEvent, const KAEvent& newEvent) { new UndoEdit(UNDO, oldEvent, newEvent.id(), AlarmText::summary(newEvent)); removeRedos(oldEvent.id()); // remove any redos which are made invalid by this edit emitChanged(); } void Undo::saveDelete(const KAEvent& event) { new UndoDelete(UNDO, event); removeRedos(event.id()); // remove any redos which are made invalid by this deletion emitChanged(); } void Undo::saveDeletes(const TQValueList& events) { int count = events.count(); if (count == 1) saveDelete(events.first()); else if (count > 1) { new UndoDeletes(UNDO, events); for (TQValueList::ConstIterator it = events.begin(); it != events.end(); ++it) removeRedos((*it).id()); // remove any redos which are made invalid by these deletions emitChanged(); } } void Undo::saveReactivate(const KAEvent& event) { new UndoReactivate(UNDO, event); emitChanged(); } void Undo::saveReactivates(const TQValueList& events) { int count = events.count(); if (count == 1) saveReactivate(events.first()); else if (count > 1) { new UndoReactivates(UNDO, events); emitChanged(); } } /****************************************************************************** * Remove any redos which are made invalid by a new undo. */ void Undo::removeRedos(const TQString& eventID) { TQString id = eventID; for (Iterator it = mRedoList.begin(); it != mRedoList.end(); ) { UndoItem* item = *it; //kdDebug(5950)<<"removeRedos(): "<eventID()<<" (looking for "<operation() == UndoItem::MULTI) { if (item->deleteID(id)) { // The old multi-redo was replaced with a new single redo delete item; } ++it; } else if (item->eventID() == id) { if (item->operation() == UndoItem::EDIT) id = item->oldEventID(); // continue looking for its post-edit ID item->setType(NONE); // prevent the destructor removing it from the list delete item; it = mRedoList.remove(it); } else ++it; } } /****************************************************************************** * Undo or redo a specified item. * Reply = true if success, or if the item no longer exists. */ bool Undo::undo(Undo::Iterator it, Undo::Type type, TQWidget* parent, const TQString& action) { UndoItem::mRestoreError = UndoItem::ERR_NONE; UndoItem::mRestoreWarning = UndoItem::WARN_NONE; UndoItem::mRestoreWarningCount = 0; if (it != mUndoList.end() && it != mRedoList.end() && (*it)->type() == type) { (*it)->restore(); delete *it; // N.B. 'delete' removes the object from its list emitChanged(); } TQString err; switch (UndoItem::mRestoreError) { case UndoItem::ERR_NONE: { KAlarm::KOrgUpdateError errcode; switch (UndoItem::mRestoreWarning) { case UndoItem::WARN_KORG_ADD: errcode = KAlarm::KORG_ERR_ADD; break; case UndoItem::WARN_KORG_MODIFY: errcode = KAlarm::KORG_ERR_MODIFY; break; case UndoItem::WARN_KORG_DELETE: errcode = KAlarm::KORG_ERR_DELETE; break; case UndoItem::WARN_NONE: default: return true; } KAlarm::displayKOrgUpdateError(parent, errcode, UndoItem::mRestoreWarningCount); return true; } case UndoItem::ERR_NOT_FOUND: err = i18n("Alarm not found"); break; case UndoItem::ERR_CREATE: err = i18n("Error recreating alarm"); break; case UndoItem::ERR_TEMPLATE: err = i18n("Error recreating alarm template"); break; case UndoItem::ERR_EXPIRED: err = i18n("Cannot reactivate expired alarm"); break; case UndoItem::ERR_PROG: err = i18n("Program error"); break; default: err = i18n("Unknown error"); break; } KMessageBox::sorry(parent, i18n("Undo-action: message", "%1: %2").arg(action).arg(err)); return false; } /****************************************************************************** * Add an undo item to the start of one of the lists. */ void Undo::add(UndoItem* item, bool undo) { if (item) { // Limit the number of items stored int undoCount = mUndoList.count(); int redoCount = mRedoList.count(); if (undoCount + redoCount >= maxCount - 1) { if (undoCount) mUndoList.pop_back(); else mRedoList.pop_back(); } // Append the new item List* list = undo ? &mUndoList : &mRedoList; list->prepend(item); } } /****************************************************************************** * Remove an undo item from one of the lists. */ void Undo::remove(UndoItem* item, bool undo) { List* list = undo ? &mUndoList : &mRedoList; if (!list->isEmpty()) list->remove(item); } /****************************************************************************** * Replace an undo item in one of the lists. */ void Undo::replace(UndoItem* old, UndoItem* New) { Type type = old->type(); List* list = (type == UNDO) ? &mUndoList : (type == REDO) ? &mRedoList : 0; if (!list) return; Iterator it = list->find(old); if (it != list->end()) { New->setType(type); // ensure the item points to the correct list *it = New; old->setType(NONE); // mark the old item as no longer being in a list } } /****************************************************************************** * Return the action description of the latest undo/redo item. */ TQString Undo::actionText(Undo::Type type) { List* list = (type == UNDO) ? &mUndoList : (type == REDO) ? &mRedoList : 0; return (list && !list->isEmpty()) ? list->first()->actionText() : TQString(); } /****************************************************************************** * Return the action description of the undo/redo item with the specified ID. */ TQString Undo::actionText(Undo::Type type, int id) { UndoItem* undo = getItem(id, type); return undo ? undo->actionText() : TQString(); } /****************************************************************************** * Return the alarm description of the undo/redo item with the specified ID. */ TQString Undo::description(Undo::Type type, int id) { UndoItem* undo = getItem(id, type); return undo ? undo->description() : TQString(); } /****************************************************************************** * Return the descriptions of all undo or redo items, in order latest first. * For alarms which have undergone more than one change, only the first one is * listed, to force dependent undos to be executed in their correct order. * If 'ids' is non-null, also returns a list of their corresponding IDs. */ TQValueList Undo::ids(Undo::Type type) { TQValueList ids; TQStringList ignoreIDs; //int n=0; List* list = (type == UNDO) ? &mUndoList : (type == REDO) ? &mRedoList : 0; if (!list) return ids; for (Iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) { // Check whether this item should be ignored because it is a // deendent undo. If not, add this item's ID to the ignore list. UndoItem* item = *it; bool omit = false; if (item->operation() == UndoItem::MULTI) { // If any item in a multi-undo is disqualified, omit the whole multi-undo TQStringList newIDs; const Undo::List& undos = ((UndoMultiBase*)item)->undos(); for (Undo::List::ConstIterator u = undos.begin(); u != undos.end(); ++u) { TQString evid = (*u)->eventID(); if (ignoreIDs.find(evid) != ignoreIDs.end()) omit = true; else if (omit) ignoreIDs.append(evid); else newIDs.append(evid); } if (omit) { for (TQStringList::ConstIterator i = newIDs.begin(); i != newIDs.end(); ++i) ignoreIDs.append(*i); } } else { omit = (ignoreIDs.find(item->eventID()) != ignoreIDs.end()); if (!omit) ignoreIDs.append(item->eventID()); if (item->operation() == UndoItem::EDIT) ignoreIDs.append(item->oldEventID()); // continue looking for its post-edit ID } if (!omit) ids.append(item->id()); //else kdDebug(5950)<<"Undo::ids(): omit "<actionText()<<": "<description()< "<emitChanged(actionText(UNDO), actionText(REDO)); } /****************************************************************************** * Return the item with the specified ID. */ UndoItem* Undo::getItem(int id, Undo::Type type) { List* list = (type == UNDO) ? &mUndoList : (type == REDO) ? &mRedoList : 0; if (list) { for (Iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->id() == id) return *it; } } return 0; } /****************************************************************************** * Find an item with the specified ID. */ Undo::Iterator Undo::findItem(int id, Undo::Type type) { List* list = (type == UNDO) ? &mUndoList : &mRedoList; Iterator it; for (it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->id() == id) break; } return it; } /*============================================================================= = Class: UndoItem = A single undo action. =============================================================================*/ int UndoItem::mLastId = 0; UndoItem::Error UndoItem::mRestoreError; UndoItem::Warning UndoItem::mRestoreWarning; int UndoItem::mRestoreWarningCount; /****************************************************************************** * Constructor. * Optionally appends the undo to the list of undos. */ UndoItem::UndoItem(Undo::Type type) : mId(0), mType(type) { if (type != Undo::NONE) { mId = ++mLastId; if (mId < 0) mId = mLastId = 1; // wrap round if we reach a negative number Undo::add(this, (mType == Undo::UNDO)); } } /****************************************************************************** * Destructor. * Removes the undo from the list (if it's in the list). */ UndoItem::~UndoItem() { if (mType != Undo::NONE) Undo::remove(this, (mType == Undo::UNDO)); } /****************************************************************************** * Return the description of an event. */ TQString UndoItem::description(const KAEvent& event) const { return (mCalendar == KAEvent::TEMPLATE) ? event.templateName() : AlarmText::summary(event); } /****************************************************************************** * Return the action description of an add or delete Undo/Redo item for displaying. */ TQString UndoItem::addDeleteActionText(KAEvent::Status calendar, bool add) { switch (calendar) { case KAEvent::ACTIVE: if (add) return i18n("Action to create a new alarm", "New alarm"); else return i18n("Action to delete an alarm", "Delete alarm"); case KAEvent::TEMPLATE: if (add) return i18n("Action to create a new alarm template", "New template"); else return i18n("Action to delete an alarm template", "Delete template"); case KAEvent::EXPIRED: return i18n("Delete expired alarm"); default: break; } return TQString(); } /*============================================================================= = Class: UndoMultiBase = Undo item for multiple alarms. =============================================================================*/ template UndoMulti::UndoMulti(Undo::Type type, const TQValueList& events) : UndoMultiBase(type) // UNDO only { for (TQValueList::ConstIterator it = events.begin(); it != events.end(); ++it) mUndos.append(new T(Undo::NONE, *it)); } UndoMultiBase::~UndoMultiBase() { for (Undo::List::Iterator it = mUndos.begin(); it != mUndos.end(); ++it) delete *it; } /****************************************************************************** * Undo the item, i.e. restore multiple alarms which were deleted (or delete * alarms which were restored). * Create a redo item to delete (or restore) the alarms again. * Reply = redo item. */ template UndoItem* UndoMulti::restore() { Undo::List newUndos; for (Undo::List::Iterator it = mUndos.begin(); it != mUndos.end(); ++it) { UndoItem* undo = (*it)->restore(); if (undo) newUndos.append(undo); } if (newUndos.isEmpty()) return 0; // Create a redo item to delete the alarm again return createRedo(newUndos); } /****************************************************************************** * If one of the multiple items has the specified ID, delete it. * If an item is deleted and there is only one item left, the UndoMulti * instance is removed from its list and replaced by the remaining UndoItem instead. * Reply = true if this instance was replaced. The caller must delete it. * = false otherwise. */ template bool UndoMulti::deleteID(const TQString& id) { for (Undo::List::Iterator it = mUndos.begin(); it != mUndos.end(); ++it) { UndoItem* item = *it; if (item->eventID() == id) { // Found a matching entry - remove it mUndos.remove(it); if (mUndos.count() == 1) { // There is only one entry left after removal. // Replace 'this' multi instance with the remaining single entry. replaceWith(item); return true; } else { delete item; return false; } } } return false; } /*============================================================================= = Class: UndoAdd = Undo item for alarm creation. =============================================================================*/ UndoAdd::UndoAdd(Undo::Type type, const KAEvent& event) : UndoItem(type), mEventID(event.id()) { setCalendar(KAEvent::uidStatus(mEventID)); mDescription = UndoItem::description(event); // calendar must be set before calling this } UndoAdd::UndoAdd(Undo::Type type, const KAEvent& event, KAEvent::Status cal) : UndoItem(type), mEventID(KAEvent::uid(event.id(), cal)) { setCalendar(cal); mDescription = UndoItem::description(event); // calendar must be set before calling this } /****************************************************************************** * Undo the item, i.e. delete the alarm which was added. * Create a redo item to add the alarm back again. * Reply = redo item. */ UndoItem* UndoAdd::doRestore(bool setArchive) { // Retrieve the current state of the alarm kdDebug(5950) << "UndoAdd::doRestore(" << mEventID << ")\n"; const KCal::Event* kcalEvent = AlarmCalendar::getEvent(mEventID); if (!kcalEvent) { mRestoreError = ERR_NOT_FOUND; // alarm is no longer in calendar return 0; } KAEvent event(*kcalEvent); // Create a redo item to recreate the alarm. // Do it now, since 'event' gets modified by KAlarm::deleteEvent() UndoItem* undo = createRedo(event); switch (calendar()) { case KAEvent::ACTIVE: if (setArchive) event.setArchive(); // Archive it if it has already triggered switch (KAlarm::deleteEvent(event, true)) { case KAlarm::UPDATE_ERROR: case KAlarm::UPDATE_FAILED: case KAlarm::SAVE_FAILED: mRestoreError = ERR_CREATE; break; case KAlarm::UPDATE_KORG_ERR: mRestoreWarning = WARN_KORG_DELETE; ++mRestoreWarningCount; break; default: break; } break; case KAEvent::TEMPLATE: if (KAlarm::deleteTemplate(event) != KAlarm::UPDATE_OK) mRestoreError = ERR_TEMPLATE; break; case KAEvent::EXPIRED: // redoing the deletion of an expired alarm KAlarm::deleteEvent(event); break; default: delete undo; mRestoreError = ERR_PROG; return 0; } return undo; } /****************************************************************************** * Create a redo item to add the alarm back again. */ UndoItem* UndoAdd::createRedo(const KAEvent& event) { Undo::Type t = (type() == Undo::UNDO) ? Undo::REDO : (type() == Undo::REDO) ? Undo::UNDO : Undo::NONE; return new UndoDelete(t, event); } /****************************************************************************** * Return the action description of the Undo item for displaying. */ TQString UndoAdd::actionText() const { return addDeleteActionText(calendar(), (type() == Undo::UNDO)); } /*============================================================================= = Class: UndoEdit = Undo item for alarm edit. =============================================================================*/ UndoEdit::UndoEdit(Undo::Type type, const KAEvent& oldEvent, const TQString& newEventID, const TQString& description) : UndoItem(type), mOldEvent(new KAEvent(oldEvent)), mNewEventID(newEventID), mDescription(description) { setCalendar(KAEvent::uidStatus(mNewEventID)); } UndoEdit::~UndoEdit() { delete mOldEvent; } /****************************************************************************** * Undo the item, i.e. undo an edit to a previously existing alarm. * Create a redo item to reapply the edit. * Reply = redo item. */ UndoItem* UndoEdit::restore() { kdDebug(5950) << "UndoEdit::restore(" << mNewEventID << ")\n"; // Retrieve the current state of the alarm const KCal::Event* kcalEvent = AlarmCalendar::getEvent(mNewEventID); if (!kcalEvent) { mRestoreError = ERR_NOT_FOUND; // alarm is no longer in calendar return 0; } KAEvent newEvent(*kcalEvent); // Create a redo item to restore the edit Undo::Type t = (type() == Undo::UNDO) ? Undo::REDO : (type() == Undo::REDO) ? Undo::UNDO : Undo::NONE; UndoItem* undo = new UndoEdit(t, newEvent, mOldEvent->id(), mDescription); switch (calendar()) { case KAEvent::ACTIVE: switch (KAlarm::modifyEvent(newEvent, *mOldEvent, 0)) { case KAlarm::UPDATE_ERROR: case KAlarm::UPDATE_FAILED: case KAlarm::SAVE_FAILED: mRestoreError = ERR_CREATE; break; case KAlarm::UPDATE_KORG_ERR: mRestoreWarning = WARN_KORG_MODIFY; ++mRestoreWarningCount; break; default: break; } break; case KAEvent::TEMPLATE: if (KAlarm::updateTemplate(*mOldEvent, 0) != KAlarm::UPDATE_OK) mRestoreError = ERR_TEMPLATE; break; case KAEvent::EXPIRED: // editing of expired events is not allowed default: delete undo; mRestoreError = ERR_PROG; return 0; } return undo; } /****************************************************************************** * Return the action description of the Undo item for displaying. */ TQString UndoEdit::actionText() const { switch (calendar()) { case KAEvent::ACTIVE: return i18n("Action to edit an alarm", "Edit alarm"); case KAEvent::TEMPLATE: return i18n("Action to edit an alarm template", "Edit template"); default: break; } return TQString(); } /*============================================================================= = Class: UndoDelete = Undo item for alarm deletion. =============================================================================*/ UndoDelete::UndoDelete(Undo::Type type, const KAEvent& event) : UndoItem(type), mEvent(new KAEvent(event)) { setCalendar(KAEvent::uidStatus(mEvent->id())); } UndoDelete::~UndoDelete() { delete mEvent; } /****************************************************************************** * Undo the item, i.e. restore an alarm which was deleted. * Create a redo item to delete the alarm again. * Reply = redo item. */ UndoItem* UndoDelete::restore() { kdDebug(5950) << "UndoDelete::restore(" << mEvent->id() << ")\n"; // Restore the original event switch (calendar()) { case KAEvent::ACTIVE: if (mEvent->toBeArchived()) { // It was archived when it was deleted mEvent->setUid(KAEvent::EXPIRED); switch (KAlarm::reactivateEvent(*mEvent, 0, true)) { case KAlarm::UPDATE_KORG_ERR: mRestoreWarning = WARN_KORG_ADD; ++mRestoreWarningCount; break; case KAlarm::UPDATE_ERROR: case KAlarm::UPDATE_FAILED: case KAlarm::SAVE_FAILED: mRestoreError = ERR_EXPIRED; return 0; case KAlarm::UPDATE_OK: break; } } else { switch (KAlarm::addEvent(*mEvent, 0, 0, true)) { case KAlarm::UPDATE_KORG_ERR: mRestoreWarning = WARN_KORG_ADD; ++mRestoreWarningCount; break; case KAlarm::UPDATE_ERROR: case KAlarm::UPDATE_FAILED: case KAlarm::SAVE_FAILED: mRestoreError = ERR_CREATE; return 0; case KAlarm::UPDATE_OK: break; } } break; case KAEvent::TEMPLATE: if (KAlarm::addTemplate(*mEvent, 0) != KAlarm::UPDATE_OK) { mRestoreError = ERR_CREATE; return 0; } break; case KAEvent::EXPIRED: if (!KAlarm::addExpiredEvent(*mEvent)) { mRestoreError = ERR_CREATE; return 0; } break; default: mRestoreError = ERR_PROG; return 0; } // Create a redo item to delete the alarm again return createRedo(*mEvent); } /****************************************************************************** * Create a redo item to archive the alarm again. */ UndoItem* UndoDelete::createRedo(const KAEvent& event) { Undo::Type t = (type() == Undo::UNDO) ? Undo::REDO : (type() == Undo::REDO) ? Undo::UNDO : Undo::NONE; return new UndoAdd(t, event); } /****************************************************************************** * Return the action description of the Undo item for displaying. */ TQString UndoDelete::actionText() const { return addDeleteActionText(calendar(), (type() == Undo::REDO)); } /*============================================================================= = Class: UndoDeletes = Undo item for multiple alarm deletion. =============================================================================*/ /****************************************************************************** * Create a redo item to delete the alarms again. */ UndoItem* UndoDeletes::createRedo(Undo::List& undos) { Undo::Type t = (type() == Undo::UNDO) ? Undo::REDO : (type() == Undo::REDO) ? Undo::UNDO : Undo::NONE; return new UndoDeletes(t, undos); } /****************************************************************************** * Return the action description of the Undo item for displaying. */ TQString UndoDeletes::actionText() const { if (mUndos.isEmpty()) return TQString(); for (Undo::List::ConstIterator it = mUndos.begin(); it != mUndos.end(); ++it) { switch ((*it)->calendar()) { case KAEvent::ACTIVE: return i18n("Delete multiple alarms"); case KAEvent::TEMPLATE: return i18n("Delete multiple templates"); case KAEvent::EXPIRED: break; // check if they are ALL expired default: return TQString(); } } return i18n("Delete multiple expired alarms"); } /*============================================================================= = Class: UndoReactivate = Undo item for alarm reactivation. =============================================================================*/ /****************************************************************************** * Undo the item, i.e. re-archive the alarm which was reactivated. * Create a redo item to reactivate the alarm back again. * Reply = redo item. */ UndoItem* UndoReactivate::restore() { kdDebug(5950) << "UndoReactivate::restore()\n"; // Validate the alarm's calendar switch (calendar()) { case KAEvent::ACTIVE: break; default: mRestoreError = ERR_PROG; return 0; } return UndoAdd::doRestore(true); // restore alarm, ensuring that it is re-archived } /****************************************************************************** * Create a redo item to add the alarm back again. */ UndoItem* UndoReactivate::createRedo(const KAEvent& event) { Undo::Type t = (type() == Undo::UNDO) ? Undo::REDO : (type() == Undo::REDO) ? Undo::UNDO : Undo::NONE; return new UndoDeactivate(t, event); } /****************************************************************************** * Return the action description of the Undo item for displaying. */ TQString UndoReactivate::actionText() const { return i18n("Reactivate alarm"); } /*============================================================================= = Class: UndoDeactivate = Redo item for alarm reactivation. =============================================================================*/ /****************************************************************************** * Undo the item, i.e. reactivate an alarm which was archived. * Create a redo item to archive the alarm again. * Reply = redo item. */ UndoItem* UndoDeactivate::restore() { kdDebug(5950) << "UndoDeactivate::restore()\n"; // Validate the alarm's calendar switch (calendar()) { case KAEvent::ACTIVE: break; default: mRestoreError = ERR_PROG; return 0; } return UndoDelete::restore(); } /****************************************************************************** * Create a redo item to archive the alarm again. */ UndoItem* UndoDeactivate::createRedo(const KAEvent& event) { Undo::Type t = (type() == Undo::UNDO) ? Undo::REDO : (type() == Undo::REDO) ? Undo::UNDO : Undo::NONE; return new UndoReactivate(t, event); } /****************************************************************************** * Return the action description of the Undo item for displaying. */ TQString UndoDeactivate::actionText() const { return i18n("Reactivate alarm"); } /*============================================================================= = Class: UndoReactivates = Undo item for multiple alarm reactivation. =============================================================================*/ /****************************************************************************** * Create a redo item to reactivate the alarms again. */ UndoItem* UndoReactivates::createRedo(Undo::List& undos) { Undo::Type t = (type() == Undo::UNDO) ? Undo::REDO : (type() == Undo::REDO) ? Undo::UNDO : Undo::NONE; return new UndoReactivates(t, undos); } /****************************************************************************** * Return the action description of the Undo item for displaying. */ TQString UndoReactivates::actionText() const { return i18n("Reactivate multiple alarms"); }