/* * Top Level window for KArm. * Distributed under the GPL. */ #include #include "tdeaccelmenuwatch.h" #include #include #include #include // tdeApp #include #include #include #include #include // i18n #include #include // statusBar() #include #include #include #include #include #include "karmerrors.h" #include "karmutility.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "print.h" #include "task.h" #include "taskview.h" #include "timekard.h" #include "tray.h" #include "version.h" MainWindow::MainWindow( const TQString &icsfile ) : DCOPObject ( "KarmDCOPIface" ), KParts::MainWindow(0,TQt::WStyle_ContextHelp), _accel ( new TDEAccel( this ) ), _watcher ( new TDEAccelMenuWatch( _accel, this ) ), _totalSum ( 0 ), _sessionSum( 0 ) { _taskView = new TaskView( this, 0, icsfile ); setCentralWidget( _taskView ); // status bar startStatusBar(); // setup PreferenceDialog. _preferences = Preferences::instance(); // popup menus makeMenus(); _watcher->updateMenus(); // connections connect( _taskView, TQ_SIGNAL( totalTimesChanged( long, long ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( updateTime( long, long ) ) ); connect( _taskView, TQ_SIGNAL( selectionChanged ( TQListViewItem * )), this, TQ_SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); connect( _taskView, TQ_SIGNAL( updateButtons() ), this, TQ_SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); connect( _taskView, TQ_SIGNAL( setStatusBar( TQString ) ), this, TQ_SLOT(setStatusBar( TQString ))); loadGeometry(); // Setup context menu request handling connect( _taskView, TQ_SIGNAL( contextMenuRequested( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int )), this, TQ_SLOT( contextMenuRequest( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int ))); _tray = new KarmTray( this ); connect( _tray, TQ_SIGNAL( quitSelected() ), TQ_SLOT( quit() ) ); connect( _taskView, TQ_SIGNAL( timersActive() ), _tray, TQ_SLOT( startClock() ) ); connect( _taskView, TQ_SIGNAL( timersActive() ), this, TQ_SLOT( enableStopAll() )); connect( _taskView, TQ_SIGNAL( timersInactive() ), _tray, TQ_SLOT( stopClock() ) ); connect( _taskView, TQ_SIGNAL( timersInactive() ), this, TQ_SLOT( disableStopAll())); connect( _taskView, TQ_SIGNAL( tasksChanged( TQPtrList ) ), _tray, TQ_SLOT( updateToolTip( TQPtrList ) )); _taskView->load(); // Everything that uses Preferences has been created now, we can let it // emit its signals _preferences->emitSignals(); slotSelectionChanged(); // Register with DCOP if ( !tdeApp->dcopClient()->isRegistered() ) { tdeApp->dcopClient()->registerAs( "karm" ); tdeApp->dcopClient()->setDefaultObject( objId() ); } // Set up DCOP error messages m_error[ KARM_ERR_GENERIC_SAVE_FAILED ] = i18n( "Save failed, most likely because the file could not be locked." ); m_error[ KARM_ERR_COULD_NOT_MODIFY_RESOURCE ] = i18n( "Could not modify calendar resource." ); m_error[ KARM_ERR_MEMORY_EXHAUSTED ] = i18n( "Out of memory--could not create object." ); m_error[ KARM_ERR_UID_NOT_FOUND ] = i18n( "UID not found." ); m_error[ KARM_ERR_INVALID_DATE ] = i18n( "Invalidate date--format is YYYY-MM-DD." ); m_error[ KARM_ERR_INVALID_TIME ] = i18n( "Invalid time--format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS." ); m_error[ KARM_ERR_INVALID_DURATION ] = i18n( "Invalid task duration--must be greater than zero." ); } void MainWindow::slotSelectionChanged() { Task* item= _taskView->current_item(); actionDelete->setEnabled(item); actionEdit->setEnabled(item); actionStart->setEnabled(item && !item->isRunning() && !item->isComplete()); actionStop->setEnabled(item && item->isRunning()); actionMarkAsComplete->setEnabled(item && !item->isComplete()); actionMarkAsIncomplete->setEnabled(item && item->isComplete()); } // This is _old_ code, but shows how to enable/disable add comment menu item. // We'll need this kind of logic when comments are implemented. //void MainWindow::timeLoggingChanged(bool on) //{ // actionAddComment->setEnabled( on ); //} void MainWindow::setStatusBar(TQString qs) { statusBar()->message(qs.isEmpty() ? "" : i18n(qs.ascii())); } bool MainWindow::save() { kdDebug(5970) << "Saving time data to disk." << endl; TQString err=_taskView->save(); // untranslated error msg. if (err.isEmpty()) statusBar()->message(i18n("Successfully saved tasks and history"),1807); else statusBar()->message(i18n(err.ascii()),7707); // no msgbox since save is called when exiting saveGeometry(); return true; } void MainWindow::exportcsvHistory() { kdDebug(5970) << "Exporting History to disk." << endl; TQString err=_taskView->exportcsvHistory(); if (err.isEmpty()) statusBar()->message(i18n("Successfully exported History to CSV-file"),1807); else KMessageBox::error(this, err.ascii()); saveGeometry(); } void MainWindow::quit() { tdeApp->quit(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { kdDebug(5970) << "MainWindow::~MainWindows: Quitting karm." << endl; _taskView->stopAllTimers(); save(); _taskView->closeStorage(); } void MainWindow::enableStopAll() { actionStopAll->setEnabled(true); } void MainWindow::disableStopAll() { actionStopAll->setEnabled(false); } /** * Calculate the sum of the session time and the total time for all * toplevel tasks and put it in the statusbar. */ void MainWindow::updateTime( long sessionDiff, long totalDiff ) { _sessionSum += sessionDiff; _totalSum += totalDiff; updateStatusBar(); } void MainWindow::updateStatusBar( ) { TQString time; time = formatTime( _sessionSum ); statusBar()->changeItem( i18n("Session: %1").arg(time), 0 ); time = formatTime( _totalSum ); statusBar()->changeItem( i18n("Total: %1" ).arg(time), 1); } void MainWindow::startStatusBar() { statusBar()->insertItem( i18n("Session"), 0, 0, true ); statusBar()->insertItem( i18n("Total" ), 1, 0, true ); } void MainWindow::saveProperties( TDEConfig* cfg ) { _taskView->stopAllTimers(); _taskView->save(); cfg->writeEntry( "WindowShown", isVisible()); } void MainWindow::readProperties( TDEConfig* cfg ) { if( cfg->readBoolEntry( "WindowShown", true )) show(); } void MainWindow::keyBindings() { KKeyDialog::configure( actionCollection(), this ); } void MainWindow::startNewSession() { _taskView->startNewSession(); } void MainWindow::resetAllTimes() { if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18n( "Do you really want to reset the time to zero for all tasks?" ), i18n( "Confirmation Required" ), KGuiItem( i18n( "Reset All Times" ) ) ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) _taskView->resetTimeForAllTasks(); } void MainWindow::makeMenus() { TDEAction *actionKeyBindings, *actionNew, *actionNewSub; (void) KStdAction::quit( this, TQ_SLOT( quit() ), actionCollection()); (void) KStdAction::print( this, TQ_SLOT( print() ), actionCollection()); actionKeyBindings = KStdAction::keyBindings( this, TQ_SLOT( keyBindings() ), actionCollection() ); actionPreferences = KStdAction::preferences(_preferences, TQ_SLOT(showDialog()), actionCollection() ); (void) KStdAction::save( this, TQ_SLOT( save() ), actionCollection() ); TDEAction* actionStartNewSession = new TDEAction( i18n("Start &New Session"), 0, this, TQ_SLOT( startNewSession() ), actionCollection(), "start_new_session"); TDEAction* actionResetAll = new TDEAction( i18n("&Reset All Times"), 0, this, TQ_SLOT( resetAllTimes() ), actionCollection(), "reset_all_times"); actionStart = new TDEAction( i18n("&Start"), TQString::fromLatin1("1rightarrow"), Key_S, _taskView, TQ_SLOT( startCurrentTimer() ), actionCollection(), "start"); actionStop = new TDEAction( i18n("S&top"), TQString::fromLatin1("process-stop"), Key_S, _taskView, TQ_SLOT( stopCurrentTimer() ), actionCollection(), "stop"); actionStopAll = new TDEAction( i18n("Stop &All Timers"), Key_Escape, _taskView, TQ_SLOT( stopAllTimers() ), actionCollection(), "stopAll"); actionStopAll->setEnabled(false); actionNew = new TDEAction( i18n("&New..."), TQString::fromLatin1("document-new"), CTRL+Key_N, _taskView, TQ_SLOT( newTask() ), actionCollection(), "new_task"); actionNewSub = new TDEAction( i18n("New &Subtask..."), TQString::fromLatin1("application-vnd.tde.tdemultiple"), CTRL+ALT+Key_N, _taskView, TQ_SLOT( newSubTask() ), actionCollection(), "new_sub_task"); actionDelete = new TDEAction( i18n("&Delete"), TQString::fromLatin1("edit-delete"), Key_Delete, _taskView, TQ_SLOT( deleteTask() ), actionCollection(), "delete_task"); actionEdit = new TDEAction( i18n("&Edit..."), TQString::fromLatin1("edit"), CTRL + Key_E, _taskView, TQ_SLOT( editTask() ), actionCollection(), "edit_task"); // actionAddComment = new TDEAction( i18n("&Add Comment..."), // TQString::fromLatin1("text-x-generic"), // CTRL+ALT+Key_E, // _taskView, // TQ_SLOT( addCommentToTask() ), // actionCollection(), // "add_comment_to_task"); actionMarkAsComplete = new TDEAction( i18n("&Mark as Complete"), TQString::fromLatin1("text-x-generic"), CTRL+Key_M, _taskView, TQ_SLOT( markTaskAsComplete() ), actionCollection(), "mark_as_complete"); actionMarkAsIncomplete = new TDEAction( i18n("&Mark as Incomplete"), TQString::fromLatin1("text-x-generic"), CTRL+Key_M, _taskView, TQ_SLOT( markTaskAsIncomplete() ), actionCollection(), "mark_as_incomplete"); actionClipTotals = new TDEAction( i18n("&Copy Totals to Clipboard"), TQString::fromLatin1("klipper"), CTRL+Key_C, _taskView, TQ_SLOT( clipTotals() ), actionCollection(), "clip_totals"); // actionClipTotals will never be used again, overwrite it actionClipTotals = new TDEAction( i18n("&Copy Session Time to Clipboard"), TQString::fromLatin1("klipper"), 0, _taskView, TQ_SLOT( clipSession() ), actionCollection(), "clip_session"); actionClipHistory = new TDEAction( i18n("Copy &History to Clipboard"), TQString::fromLatin1("klipper"), CTRL+ALT+Key_C, _taskView, TQ_SLOT( clipHistory() ), actionCollection(), "clip_history"); new TDEAction( i18n("Import &Legacy Flat File..."), 0, _taskView, TQ_SLOT(loadFromFlatFile()), actionCollection(), "import_flatfile"); new TDEAction( i18n("&Export to CSV File..."), 0, _taskView, TQ_SLOT(exportcsvFile()), actionCollection(), "export_csvfile"); new TDEAction( i18n("Export &History to CSV File..."), 0, this, TQ_SLOT(exportcsvHistory()), actionCollection(), "export_csvhistory"); new TDEAction( i18n("Import Tasks From &Planner..."), 0, _taskView, TQ_SLOT(importPlanner()), actionCollection(), "import_planner"); /* new TDEAction( i18n("Import E&vents"), 0, _taskView, TQ_SLOT( loadFromKOrgEvents() ), actionCollection(), "import_korg_events"); */ setXMLFile( TQString::fromLatin1("karmui.rc") ); createGUI( 0 ); // Tool tips must be set after the createGUI. actionKeyBindings->setToolTip( i18n("Configure key bindings") ); actionKeyBindings->setWhatsThis( i18n("This will let you configure key" "bindings which is specific to karm") ); actionStartNewSession->setToolTip( i18n("Start a new session") ); actionStartNewSession->setWhatsThis( i18n("This will reset the session time " "to 0 for all tasks, to start a " "new session, without affecting " "the totals.") ); actionResetAll->setToolTip( i18n("Reset all times") ); actionResetAll->setWhatsThis( i18n("This will reset the session and total " "time to 0 for all tasks, to restart from " "scratch.") ); actionStart->setToolTip( i18n("Start timing for selected task") ); actionStart->setWhatsThis( i18n("This will start timing for the selected " "task.\n" "It is even possible to time several tasks " "simultaneously.\n\n" "You may also start timing of a tasks by " "double clicking the left mouse " "button on a given task. This will, however, " "stop timing of other tasks.")); actionStop->setToolTip( i18n("Stop timing of the selected task") ); actionStop->setWhatsThis( i18n("Stop timing of the selected task") ); actionStopAll->setToolTip( i18n("Stop all of the active timers") ); actionStopAll->setWhatsThis( i18n("Stop all of the active timers") ); actionNew->setToolTip( i18n("Create new top level task") ); actionNew->setWhatsThis( i18n("This will create a new top level task.") ); actionDelete->setToolTip( i18n("Delete selected task") ); actionDelete->setWhatsThis( i18n("This will delete the selected task and " "all its subtasks.") ); actionEdit->setToolTip( i18n("Edit name or times for selected task") ); actionEdit->setWhatsThis( i18n("This will bring up a dialog box where you " "may edit the parameters for the selected " "task.")); //actionAddComment->setToolTip( i18n("Add a comment to a task") ); //actionAddComment->setWhatsThis( i18n("This will bring up a dialog box where " // "you can add a comment to a task. The " // "comment can for instance add information on what you " // "are currently doing. The comment will " // "be logged in the log file.")); actionClipTotals->setToolTip(i18n("Copy task totals to clipboard")); actionClipHistory->setToolTip(i18n("Copy time card history to clipboard.")); slotSelectionChanged(); } void MainWindow::print() { MyPrinter printer(_taskView); printer.print(); } void MainWindow::loadGeometry() { if (initialGeometrySet()) setAutoSaveSettings(); else { TDEConfig &config = *tdeApp->config(); config.setGroup( TQString::fromLatin1("Main Window Geometry") ); int w = config.readNumEntry( TQString::fromLatin1("Width"), 100 ); int h = config.readNumEntry( TQString::fromLatin1("Height"), 100 ); w = TQMAX( w, sizeHint().width() ); h = TQMAX( h, sizeHint().height() ); resize(w, h); } } void MainWindow::saveGeometry() { TDEConfig &config = *TDEGlobal::config(); config.setGroup( TQString::fromLatin1("Main Window Geometry")); config.writeEntry( TQString::fromLatin1("Width"), width()); config.writeEntry( TQString::fromLatin1("Height"), height()); config.sync(); } bool MainWindow::queryClose() { if ( !tdeApp->sessionSaving() ) { hide(); return false; } return TDEMainWindow::queryClose(); } void MainWindow::contextMenuRequest( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint& point, int ) { TQPopupMenu* pop = dynamic_cast( factory()->container( i18n( "task_popup" ), this ) ); if ( pop ) pop->popup( point ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // D C O P I N T E R F A C E // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TQString MainWindow::version() const { return KARM_VERSION; } TQString MainWindow::deletetodo() { _taskView->deleteTask(); return ""; } bool MainWindow::getpromptdelete() { return _preferences->promptDelete(); } TQString MainWindow::setpromptdelete( bool prompt ) { _preferences->setPromptDelete( prompt ); return ""; } TQString MainWindow::taskIdFromName( const TQString &taskname ) const { TQString rval = ""; Task* task = _taskView->first_child(); while ( rval.isEmpty() && task ) { rval = _hasTask( task, taskname ); task = task->nextSibling(); } return rval; } int MainWindow::addTask( const TQString& taskname ) { DesktopList desktopList; TQString uid = _taskView->addTask( taskname, 0, 0, desktopList ); kdDebug(5970) << "MainWindow::addTask( " << taskname << " ) returns " << uid << endl; if ( uid.length() > 0 ) return 0; else { // We can't really tell what happened, b/c the resource framework only // returns a boolean. return KARM_ERR_GENERIC_SAVE_FAILED; } } TQString MainWindow::setPerCentComplete( const TQString& taskName, int perCent ) { int index; TQString err="no such task"; for (int i=0; i<_taskView->count(); i++) { if ((_taskView->item_at_index(i)->name()==taskName)) { index=i; if (err==TQString()) err="task name is abigious"; if (err=="no such task") err=TQString(); } } if (err==TQString()) { _taskView->item_at_index(index)->setPercentComplete( perCent, _taskView->storage() ); } return err; } int MainWindow::bookTime ( const TQString& taskId, const TQString& datetime, long minutes ) { int rval = 0; TQDate startDate; TQTime startTime; TQDateTime startDateTime; Task *task, *t; if ( minutes <= 0 ) rval = KARM_ERR_INVALID_DURATION; // Find task task = _taskView->first_child(); t = NULL; while ( !t && task ) { t = _hasUid( task, taskId ); task = task->nextSibling(); } if ( t == NULL ) rval = KARM_ERR_UID_NOT_FOUND; // Parse datetime if ( !rval ) { startDate = TQDate::fromString( datetime, TQt::ISODate ); if ( datetime.length() > 10 ) // "YYYY-MM-DD".length() = 10 { startTime = TQTime::fromString( datetime, TQt::ISODate ); } else startTime = TQTime( 12, 0 ); if ( startDate.isValid() && startTime.isValid() ) { startDateTime = TQDateTime( startDate, startTime ); } else rval = KARM_ERR_INVALID_DATE; } // Update task totals (session and total) and save to disk if ( !rval ) { t->changeTotalTimes( t->sessionTime() + minutes, t->totalTime() + minutes ); if ( ! _taskView->storage()->bookTime( t, startDateTime, minutes * 60 ) ) { rval = KARM_ERR_GENERIC_SAVE_FAILED; } } return rval; } // There was something really bad going on with DCOP when I used a particular // argument name; if I recall correctly, the argument name was errno. TQString MainWindow::getError( int mkb ) const { if ( mkb <= KARM_MAX_ERROR_NO ) return m_error[ mkb ]; else return i18n( "Invalid error number: %1" ).arg( mkb ); } int MainWindow::totalMinutesForTaskId( const TQString& taskId ) { int rval = 0; Task *task, *t; kdDebug(5970) << "MainWindow::totalTimeForTask( " << taskId << " )" << endl; // Find task task = _taskView->first_child(); t = NULL; while ( !t && task ) { t = _hasUid( task, taskId ); task = task->nextSibling(); } if ( t != NULL ) { rval = t->totalTime(); kdDebug(5970) << "MainWindow::totalTimeForTask - task found: rval = " << rval << endl; } else { kdDebug(5970) << "MainWindow::totalTimeForTask - task not found" << endl; rval = KARM_ERR_UID_NOT_FOUND; } return rval; } TQString MainWindow::_hasTask( Task* task, const TQString &taskname ) const { TQString rval = ""; if ( task->name() == taskname ) { rval = task->uid(); } else { Task* nexttask = task->firstChild(); while ( rval.isEmpty() && nexttask ) { rval = _hasTask( nexttask, taskname ); nexttask = nexttask->nextSibling(); } } return rval; } Task* MainWindow::_hasUid( Task* task, const TQString &uid ) const { Task *rval = NULL; //kdDebug(5970) << "MainWindow::_hasUid( " << task << ", " << uid << " )" << endl; if ( task->uid() == uid ) rval = task; else { Task* nexttask = task->firstChild(); while ( !rval && nexttask ) { rval = _hasUid( nexttask, uid ); nexttask = nexttask->nextSibling(); } } return rval; } TQString MainWindow::starttimerfor( const TQString& taskname ) { int index; TQString err="no such task"; for (int i=0; i<_taskView->count(); i++) { if ((_taskView->item_at_index(i)->name()==taskname)) { index=i; if (err==TQString()) err="task name is abigious"; if (err=="no such task") err=TQString(); } } if (err==TQString()) _taskView->startTimerFor( _taskView->item_at_index(index) ); return err; } TQString MainWindow::stoptimerfor( const TQString& taskname ) { int index; TQString err="no such task"; for (int i=0; i<_taskView->count(); i++) { if ((_taskView->item_at_index(i)->name()==taskname)) { index=i; if (err==TQString()) err="task name is abigious"; if (err=="no such task") err=TQString(); } } if (err==TQString()) _taskView->stopTimerFor( _taskView->item_at_index(index) ); return err; } TQString MainWindow::exportcsvfile( TQString filename, TQString from, TQString to, int type, bool decimalMinutes, bool allTasks, TQString delimiter, TQString quote ) { ReportCriteria rc; rc.url=filename; rc.from=TQDate::fromString( from ); if ( rc.from.isNull() ) rc.from=TQDate::fromString( from, TQt::ISODate ); kdDebug(5970) << "rc.from " << rc.from << endl; rc.to=TQDate::fromString( to ); if ( rc.to.isNull() ) rc.to=TQDate::fromString( to, TQt::ISODate ); kdDebug(5970) << "rc.to " << rc.to << endl; rc.reportType=(ReportCriteria::REPORTTYPE) type; // history report or totals report rc.decimalMinutes=decimalMinutes; rc.allTasks=allTasks; rc.delimiter=delimiter; rc.quote=quote; return _taskView->report( rc ); } TQString MainWindow::importplannerfile( TQString fileName ) { return _taskView->importPlanner(fileName); } #include "mainwindow.moc"