#include <tqdict.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqptrstack.h>

#include <tdelistview.h>

#include "desktoplist.h"
#include "resourcecalendar.h"
#include "karmstorage.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "reportcriteria.h"
#include <tqtimer.h>
//#include "desktoptracker.h"

//#include "karmutility.h"

class TQListBox;
class TQString;
class TQTextStream;
class TQTimer;

class KMenuBar;
class TDEToolBar;

class DesktopTracker;
class EditTaskDialog;
class IdleTimeDetector;
class Preferences;
class Task;
class KarmStorage;
class HistoryEvent;

using namespace KCal;

 * Container and interface for the tasks.

class TaskView : public TDEListView

    TaskView( TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, const TQString &icsfile = "" );
    virtual ~TaskView();

    /**  Return the first item in the view, cast to a Task pointer.  */
    Task* first_child() const;

    /**  Return the current item in the view, cast to a Task pointer.  */
    Task* current_item() const;

    /**  Return the i'th item (zero-based), cast to a Task pointer.  */
    Task* item_at_index(int i);

    /** Load the view from storage.  */
    void load( TQString filename="" );

    /** Close the storage and release lock. */
    void closeStorage();

    /** Reset session time to zero for all tasks.   */
    void startNewSession();

    /** Reset session and total time to zero for all tasks.  */
    void resetTimeForAllTasks();

    /** Return the total number if items in the view.  */
    long count();

    /** Return list of start/stop events for given date range. */
    TQValueList<HistoryEvent> getHistory(const TQDate& from, const TQDate& to) const;

    /** Schedule that we should save very soon */
    void scheduleSave();

    /** Return preferences user selected on settings dialog. **/
    Preferences *preferences();

    /** Add a task to view and storage. */
    TQString addTask( const TQString& taskame, long total, long session, const DesktopList& desktops, 
                     Task* parent = 0 );

  public slots:
    /** Save to persistent storage. */
    TQString save();

    /** Start the timer on the current item (task) in view.  */
    void startCurrentTimer();

    /** Stop the timer for the current item in the view.  */
    void stopCurrentTimer();

    /** Stop all running timers.  */
    void stopAllTimers();

    /** Stop all running timers as if it was qdt */
    void stopAllTimersAt(TQDateTime qdt);

    /** Calls newTask dialog with caption "New Task".  */
    void newTask();

    /** Display edit task dialog and create a new task with results.  */
    void newTask( TQString caption, Task* parent );

     /** Used to refresh (e.g. after import) */
    void refresh();

   /** Used to import a legacy file format. */
    void loadFromFlatFile();

    /** used to import tasks from imendio planner */
    TQString importPlanner( TQString fileName="" );

    /** call export function for csv totals or history */
    TQString report( const ReportCriteria &rc );

    /** Export comma separated values format for task time totals. */
    void exportcsvFile();

    /** Export comma-separated values format for task history. */
    TQString exportcsvHistory();

    /** Calls newTask dialog with caption "New Sub Task". */
    void newSubTask();

    void editTask();

     * Returns a pointer to storage object.
     * This is poor object oriented design--the task view should 
     * expose wrappers around the storage methods we want to access instead of
     * giving clients full access to objects that we own.
     * Hopefully, this will be redesigned as part of the TQt4 migration.
    KarmStorage* storage();

     * Delete task (and children) from view.
     * @param markingascomplete  If false (the default), deletes history for
     * current task and all children.  If markingascomplete is true, then sets
     * percent complete to 100 and removes task and all it's children from the
     * list view.
    void deleteTask(bool markingascomplete=false);

    /** Reinstates the current task as incomplete.
     * @param completion The percentage complete to mark the task as. */
    void reinstateTask(int completion);
//    void addCommentToTask();
    void markTaskAsComplete();
    void markTaskAsIncomplete();

    /** Subtracts time from all active tasks, and does not log event. 
     * The time is stored in memory and in X-TDE-karm-duration. It is
     * increased automatically every minute to display the right duration.
    void extractTime( int minutes );
    void taskTotalTimesChanged( long session, long total)
                                { emit totalTimesChanged( session, total); };
    void adaptColumns();
    /** receiving signal that a task is being deleted */
    void deletingTask(Task* deletedTask);

    /** starts timer for task. 
     * @param task      task to start timer of
     * @param startTime if taskview has been modified by another program, we 
			     have to set the starting time to not-now. */
    void startTimerFor( Task* task, TQDateTime startTime = TQDateTime::currentDateTime() );
    void stopTimerFor( Task* task );

    /** clears all active tasks. Needed e.g. if iCal file was modified by
       another program and taskview is cleared without stopping tasks 
    void clearActiveTasks();

    /** User might have picked a new iCalendar file on preferences screen. 
        Verify the file is not the same as before and load the new one. 
        This is not iCalFileModified. */
    void iCalFileChanged(TQString file);

    /** Copy totals for current and all sub tasks to clipboard. */
    void clipTotals();

    /** Copy session times for current and all sub tasks to clipboard */
    void clipSession();

    /** Copy history for current and all sub tasks to clipboard. */
    void clipHistory();

    void totalTimesChanged( long session, long total );
    void updateButtons();
    void timersActive();
    void timersInactive();
    void tasksChanged( TQPtrList<Task> activeTasks );
    void setStatusBar( TQString );

  private: // member variables
    IdleTimeDetector *_idleTimeDetector;
    TQTimer *_minuteTimer;
    TQTimer *_autoSaveTimer;
    TQTimer *_manualSaveTimer;
    Preferences *_preferences;
    TQPtrList<Task> activeTasks;
    int previousColumnWidths[4];
    DesktopTracker* _desktopTracker;
    bool _isloading;

    //KCal::CalendarLocal _calendar;
    KarmStorage * _storage;

    void contentsMousePressEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e );
    void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e );
    void updateParents( Task* task, long totalDiff, long sesssionDiff);
    void deleteChildTasks( Task *item );
    void addTimeToActiveTasks( int minutes, bool save_data = true );
    /** item state stores if a task is expanded so you can see the subtasks */
    void restoreItemState( TQListViewItem *item );

  protected slots:
    void autoSaveChanged( bool );
    void autoSavePeriodChanged( int period );
    void minuteUpdate();
    /** item state stores if a task is expanded so you can see the subtasks */
    void itemStateChanged( TQListViewItem *item );
    /** React on another process having modified the iCal file we rely on. */
    void iCalFileModified(ResourceCalendar *);

#endif // KARM_TASK_VIEW