/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
   KDGantt - a multi-platform charting engine

 ** Copyright (C)  2002-2004 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB.  All rights reserved.
 ** This file is part of the KDGantt library.
 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
 ** packaging of this file.
 ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDGantt licenses may use this file in
 ** accordance with the KDGantt Commercial License Agreement provided with
 ** the Software.
 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
 ** See http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se/Public/products/ for
 **   information about KDGantt Commercial License Agreements.
 ** Contact info@klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se if any conditions of this
 ** licensing are not clear to you.
 ** As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
 ** with any edition of TQt, and distribute the resulting executable,
 ** without including the source code for TQt in the source distribution.

#include "KDGanttViewSubwidgets.h"
#include "KDGanttViewTaskItem.h"
#include "KDGanttViewSummaryItem.h"
#include "KDGanttViewEventItem.h"
#include "itemAttributeDialog.h"

#include "tqpainter.h"

#include "KDGanttXMLTools.h"

  \class KDGanttViewItem KDGanttViewItem.h
  This class represents an item in a Gantt chart.

  This class is an abstract base class, it cannot be instantiated
  directly. Instead, you should create items of one of the
  subclasses. This class provides methods common to all Gantt items.

  The initialization of the tqshapes/colors of the item works as follows:

  When a new item is created, the tqshapes are set to the default values
  for items of the type of this item, defined in the KDGanttView class with
  void setShapes( KDGanttViewItem::Type type,
  KDGanttViewItem::Shape start,
  KDGanttViewItem::Shape middle,
  KDGanttViewItem::Shape end );
  If there is no default value defined for this type,
  the tqshapes are set as follows:
  For TaskViewItems all three tqshapes are set to Square.
  For SummaryViewItems all three tqshapes are set to TriangleDown.
  For EventViewItems all three tqshapes are set to Diamond.

  When a new item is created, the colors are set to the default values
  for items of the type of this item, defined in the KDGanttView class with
  void setColors( KDGanttViewItem::Type type,
  const TQColor& start,
  const TQColor& middle,
  const TQColor& end );
  If there is no default value defined for this type,
  the colors of the tqshapes are set to the default color for items of this type,
  defined in the KDGanttView class with:
  void setDefaultColor( KDGanttViewItem::Type type, const TQColor& );
  The initial default color in the KDGanttView class is set to
  blue for KDGanttViewItem::Event,
  green for KDGanttViewItem::Task,
  cyan for KDGanttViewItem::Summary.

  Highlight Colors:
  When a new item is created, the highlight colors are set to the default
  values for items of the type of this item,
  defined in the KDGanttView class with:
  void setHighlightColors( KDGanttViewItem::Type type,
  const TQColor& start,
  const TQColor& middle,
  const TQColor& end );
  If there is no default value defined for this type,
  the highlight colors of the tqshapes are set to the default color for
  items of this type, defined in the KDGanttView class with:
  void setDefaultHighlightColor( KDGanttViewItem::Type type, const TQColor& );
  The initial default highlight color in the KDGanttView class is set to red
  for all types.

  Start/End time:
  When a new item is created, the start time and the end time is set
  automatically. The time, which is currently displayed in the middle
  of the Gantt View, is set as start/end time. At startup of a newly
  created Gantt view, this is the current time.

  The Priority:
  The priority is set with \a setPriority().
  The priority determines which items are painted over which other items.
  The item with the highest priority is painted on top of all others.
  The priority for an item can be between 1 and 199.
  A priority less than 100 means that the item is painted below the
  grid in the Gantt chart.
  For Task items, the default priority is 50, for all other items it is 150.
  This feature only makes sense for an item which is a child of another item,
  for which \a displaySubitemsAsGroup() property is set to true.

  The Display Mode:
  The display mode is set with \a setDisplaySubitemsAsGroup().
  In the normal view mode (set with setDisplaySubitemsAsGroup( false ); ),
  an item is displayed in the same manner, when its child items are
  shown or not.
  In the other mode (set with setDisplaySubitemsAsGroup( true ); ),
  called "calendar mode", the item is displayed as follows:
  If the item has no tqchildren, it is displayed as usual.
  If the item is opened (i.e., its tqchildren are displayed), the
  start/end time of this item is computed automatically according to
  the earliest start time/latest end time of its tqchildren. The item
  and its tqchildren are displayed as usual.
  If the item is closed (i.e., its tqchildren are hidden in the left
  list view), the item itself is hidden, and its tqchildren are displayed
  on the timeline of this item instead. To control the painting of
  overlapping tqchildren, call \a setPriority() for the childs.

  Blocking of user interaction to open item:
  If you want to block users to open items used as parents of calendar items,
  call \a KDGanttView::setCalendarMode( true );

  Example 1, Color:
  If you create an instance of a KDGanttView class and add a SummaryViewItem
  without setting any color/tqshape values, you get an item with three tqshapes
  of the form TriangleDown in the color magenta. If the item is highlighted,
  the color will change to the highlight color red.

  Example 2, Calender View:
  To use a Gantt view as a calendar view, call
  \a KDGanttView::setCalendarMode( true );
  \a KDGanttView::setDisplaySubitemsAsGroup( true );
  Insert root items in the Gantt view.
  Insert items as tqchildren of these root item in the Gantt view.
  You may use any item type as parent and child; there are no limitations.
  It is, however, recommended to use KDGanttViewTaskItems
  Actually, you may add child items to the tqchildren themselves.
  Such a child behaves then like a parent.
  Now set the start/end time of the tqchildren to specify a time
  interval for these items.

TQDict<KDGanttViewItem> KDGanttViewItem::sItemDict;

  Constructs an empty Gantt item.

  \param type the type of the item to insert
  \param view the Gantt view to insert this item into
  \param lvtext the text to show in the list view
  \param name the name by which the item can be identified. If no name
  is specified, a unique name will be generated
KDGanttViewItem::KDGanttViewItem( Type type, KDGanttView* view,
                                  const TQString& lvtext,
                                  const TQString& name ) :
    generateAndInsertName( name );

  Constructs an empty Gantt item.

  \param type the type of the item to insert
  \param parentItem a parent item under which this one goes
  \param lvtext the text to show in the list view
  \param name the name by which the item can be identified. If no name
  is specified, a unique name will be generated

KDGanttViewItem::KDGanttViewItem( Type type, KDGanttViewItem* parentItem,
                                  const TQString& lvtext,
                                  const TQString& name ) :
    generateAndInsertName( name );

  Constructs an empty Gantt item.

  \param type the type of the item to insert
  \param view the Gantt view to insert this item into
  \param after another item at the same level behind which this one should go
  \param lvtext the text to show in the list view
  \param name the name by which the item can be identified. If no name
  is specified, a unique name will be generated

KDGanttViewItem::KDGanttViewItem( Type type, KDGanttView* view,
                                  KDGanttViewItem* after,
                                  const TQString& lvtext,
                                  const TQString& name ) :
    TQListViewItem(view->myListView,after, lvtext)
    generateAndInsertName( name );

  Constructs an empty Gantt item.

  \param type the type of the item to insert
  \param parentItem a parent item under which this one goes
  \param after another item at the same level behind which this one should go
  \param lvtext the text to show in the list view
  \param name the name by which the item can be identified. If no name
  is specified, a unique name will be generated

KDGanttViewItem::KDGanttViewItem( Type type, KDGanttViewItem* parentItem,
                                  KDGanttViewItem* after,
                                  const TQString& lvtext,
                                  const TQString& name ) :
    TQListViewItem( parentItem, after, lvtext )
    generateAndInsertName( name );

  Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.
  myGanttView->notifyEditdialog( this );
  if ( startLine ) delete startLine;
  if ( endLine ) delete endLine  ;
  if ( startLineBack ) delete startLineBack  ;
  if ( endLineBack ) delete  endLineBack ;
  if ( actualEnd ) delete actualEnd  ;
  if ( textCanvas  ) delete textCanvas   ;
  if ( startShape ) delete  startShape ;
  if ( midShape ) delete midShape  ;
  if ( endShape ) delete endShape  ;
  if ( startShapeBack ) delete startShapeBack  ;
  if ( midShapeBack ) delete midShapeBack   ;
  if ( endShapeBack ) delete endShapeBack  ;
  if ( progressShape ) delete  progressShape ;
  if ( floatStartShape ) delete  floatStartShape ;
  if ( floatEndShape ) delete  floatEndShape ;
  myGanttView->myTimeTable->removeItemFromTasklinks( this );
  myGanttView->myCanvasView->resetCutPaste( this );
  if ( listView() ) {
      if ( isOpen() )
          setOpen( false );
      if ( parent() )
          parent()->takeItem( this );
          myGanttView->myListView->takeItem( this );
  // myGanttView->myTimeTable->removeItemFromTasklinks( this );
  // myGanttView->myCanvasView->resetCutPaste( this );

  Generates a unique name if necessary and inserts it into the item
void KDGanttViewItem::generateAndInsertName( const TQString& name )
    // First check if we already had a name. This can be the case if
    // the item was reconstructed from an XML file.
    if( !_name.isEmpty() )
        // We had a name, remove it
        sItemDict.remove( _name );

    TQString newName;
    if ( name.isEmpty() || sItemDict.find( name ) ) {
        // create unique name
        newName.sprintf( "%p", (void* )this );
        while( sItemDict.find( newName ) ) {
            newName += "_0";
    } else {
        newName = name;
    sItemDict.insert( newName, this );
    _name = newName;

  Returns the unique name that can identify the item.

  \return the unique item name
TQString KDGanttViewItem::name() const
    return _name;

  Returns the item with the specified name.

  \param name the name to search for
  \return the item with the specified name; 0 if no group
  with that name exists

KDGanttViewItem* KDGanttViewItem::find( const TQString& name )
    if (name.isEmpty()) // avoid error msg from TQDict
        return 0;
    return sItemDict.find( name );

  Returns the type of the item.
  This may be Event, Task, Summary.

  \return the type of the item

KDGanttViewItem::Type KDGanttViewItem::type() const

    return myType;

  Specifies whether this item is enabled. If disabled, the item stays in the
  Gantt view and the item is shown in gray to show that the item is disabled.
  All signals of this item (like itemLeftClicked( this )) are blocked.
  If the item displays its subitems (childs) as a group,
  (displaySubitemsAsGroup() == true)
  all changes apply to all subitems as well.

  \param on pass true to make this item editable
  \sa enabled ()
void KDGanttViewItem::setEnabled( bool on )
  _enabled = on;
  if ( displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
    KDGanttViewItem* temp = (KDGanttViewItem*) firstChild();
    while (temp != 0) {
      temp->setEnabled(  on );
      temp = temp->nextSibling();
    TQListViewItem::setEnabled( on );

  Returns whether this item is enabled.

  \return true if this item is enabled, false otherwise
  \sa setEnabled()
bool KDGanttViewItem::enabled () const
  return _enabled;

// *********************************
  Specifies whether this item is visible.

  \param on pass true to make this item visible
  \sa itemVisible ()
void KDGanttViewItem::setItemVisible( bool on )
  if ( on ) {
  } else
    setVisible( false );

  Returns whether this item is visible.

  \return true if this item is visible, false otherwise
  \sa setItemVisible()
bool KDGanttViewItem::itemVisible () const
  return TQListViewItem::isVisible();

// *************************************

  Specifies whether this item is editable. The whole Gantt view needs
  to be editable as well for this to have any effect.

  \param editable pass true to make this item editable
  \sa editable(), KDGanttView::setEditable(), KDGanttView::editable()
void KDGanttViewItem::setEditable( bool editable )
    isEditable = editable;

  Returns whether this item is editable.

  \return true if this item is editable, false otherwise
  \sa setEditable(), KDGanttView::setEditable(), KDGanttView::editable()

bool KDGanttViewItem::editable() const
    return isEditable;

  Specifies whether this item shows hidden subitems on its timeline.
  Useful to get a so called "calendar view" with many items in one row.
  When \a displaySubitemsAsGroup() is set to true, this item has a normal view,
  when it is expanded. If it is not expanded (and has at least one child),
  the item itself is hidden, and all tqchildren are displayed instead.
  To manage the painting priority of the childs (if overlapping),
  you may set \a priority() of these items.

  \param show pass true to make this item displaying hidden subitems
  \sa editable(), KDGanttView::setEditable(), KDGanttView::editable(), setPriority()
void KDGanttViewItem::setDisplaySubitemsAsGroup( bool show )
  if ( !show && _displaySubitemsAsGroup)
    isVisibleInGanttView = true;
  _displaySubitemsAsGroup = show;
  if ( parent() )
    if ( parent()->isOpen() )
	 parent()->setOpen( true );
  if ( isOpen() )
    setOpen( true );

  Returns whether this item displays hidden subitems.
  Initial set to false.

  \return true if this item displays hidden subitems, false otherwise
  \sa setDisplaySubitemsAsGroup()
bool KDGanttViewItem::displaySubitemsAsGroup() const
    return _displaySubitemsAsGroup;

  Specifies the priority of this item.
  Valid values are between 1 and 199.
  A priority less than 100 means that the item is painted in the
  Gantt chart below the grid. A priority more than 100 means
  that the item is painted in the Gantt chart over the grid.
  For a value of 100, the behavior is unspecified.
  An item with a higher priority is painted over an item with a lower
  priority in the Gantt chart. The painting order of items with the
  same priority is unspecified.
  For Calendar items, the default priority is 50, for all other items
  it is 150.
  This feature makes only sense for an item which is a child of
  another item, which \a displaySubitemsAsGroup() property is set to

  \param prio the new priority of this item.
  \sa priority(), displaySubitemsAsGroup()
void KDGanttViewItem::setPriority( int prio )
  if ( prio < 1 )
    prio = 1;
  if (prio > 199 )
    prio = 199;
  _priority = prio;

  Returns the priority of this item.
  \return the priority of this item
  \sa setDisplaySubitemsAsGroup()
int KDGanttViewItem::priority()
    return _priority;

  Specifies the start time of this item. The parameter must be valid
  and non-null. If the parameter is invalid or null, no value is set.
  Reimplemented in the subclasses.

  \param start the start time
  \sa startTime(), setEndTime(), endTime()
void KDGanttViewItem::setStartTime( const TQDateTime&  )

  Returns the start time of this item.

  \return the start time of this item
  \sa setStartTime(), setEndTime(), endTime()
TQDateTime KDGanttViewItem::startTime() const
    return myStartTime;

  Specifies the end time of this item. The parameter must be valid
  and non-null. If the parameter is invalid or null, no value is set.
  Reimplemented in the subclasses

  \param end the end time
  \sa endTime(), setStartTime(), startTime()
void KDGanttViewItem::setEndTime( const TQDateTime& end )
    switch( type() ) {
    case Event:
        qDebug( "KDGantt:Event Item has no end time" );
    case Summary:
        ((KDGanttViewSummaryItem*)this)->setEndTime( end );
    case Task:
        qDebug( "KDGantt:Task Item has no end time" );
        qDebug( "Unknown type in KDGanttViewItem::typeToString()" );

  Returns the end time of this item.

  \return the end time of this item
  \sa setEndTime(), setStartTime(), startTime()
TQDateTime KDGanttViewItem::endTime() const
    return myEndTime;

  Sets the text to be shown in this item in the Gantt view.
  For a KDGanttViewTaskItem witht displaySubitemsAsGroup() == true,
  the text is shown in the item itself and
  the text is truncated automatically, if it does not fit in the item.
  For all other item types, the text is shown to the right of the item.

  \param text the text to be shown
  \sa text(), setTextColor(), textColor(), setListViewText(),
void KDGanttViewItem::setText( const TQString& text )
    textCanvasText = text;

  Returns the text to be shown in this item in the Gantt view.

  \return the text to be shown in this item
  \sa setText(), setTextColor(), textColor(), setListViewText(),
TQString KDGanttViewItem::text() const
    return textCanvasText;

  \deprecated Use setListViewTest( int, const TQString& ) instead
void KDGanttViewItem::setListViewText( const TQString& text, int column )
    TQListViewItem::setText( column, text );

  Sets the text to be shown in this item in the list view.

  \param column the column in which the text will be shown
  \param text the text to be shown
  \sa text(), setTextColor(), textColor(), setText(), listViewText()
void KDGanttViewItem::setListViewText( int column, const TQString& text )
    TQListViewItem::setText( column, text );

  Returns the text to be shown in this item in the list view.

  \param column the column in which the text will be shown
  \return the text to be shown in this item
  \sa setText(), setTextColor(), textColor(), text(),
TQString KDGanttViewItem::listViewText( int column ) const
    return TQListViewItem::text( column );

  Sets the font to be used for the text in this item.

  \param font the font to be shown
  \sa font()
void KDGanttViewItem::setFont( const TQFont& font )

  Returns the font used for the text in this item.

  \return the font used for the text in this item
  \sa setFont()
TQFont KDGanttViewItem::font() const
    return textCanvas->font();

  Sets the text to show in a tooltip for this item.

  \param text the tooltip text
  \sa tooltipText()
void KDGanttViewItem::setTooltipText( const TQString& text )
    myToolTipText = text;

  Returns the tooltip text of this item

  \return the tooltip text
  \sa setTooltipText()
TQString KDGanttViewItem::tooltipText() const

    return myToolTipText;

  Sets the text to show in a What's This window for this item.

  \param text the what's this text
  \sa whatsThisText()
void KDGanttViewItem::setWhatsThisText( const TQString& text )
    myWhatsThisText = text;

  Returns the what's this text of this item

  \return the what's this text
  \sa setWhatsThisText()

TQString KDGanttViewItem::whatsThisText() const
    return myWhatsThisText;

  Specifies whether this item should be shown highlighted. The user
  can also highlight items with the mouse.
  If the item displays its subitems (tqchildren) as a group
  (displaySubitemsAsGroup() == true),
  all changes apply to all subitems as well.

  \param highlight true in order to highlight, false in order to turn
  highlighting off for this item
  \sa highlight()
void KDGanttViewItem::setHighlight( bool highlight )
    isHighlighted = highlight;
    if ( displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
      KDGanttViewItem* temp = (KDGanttViewItem*) firstChild();
      while (temp != 0) {
	temp->setHighlight( highlight );
	temp = temp->nextSibling();

  Returns whether this item is highlighted, either programmatically
  with setHighlight() or by the user with the mouse.

  \return true if the item is highlighted
  \sa setHighlight()
bool KDGanttViewItem::highlight() const
    return isHighlighted;

  Specifies the tqshapes to be used for this item.

  It is advisable not to use this method, but rather set the tqshapes
  for all items of a type with KDGanttView::setShapes() in order to
  get a uniform Gantt view.

  \param start the start tqshape
  \param middle the middle tqshape
  \param end the end tqshape
  \sa tqshapes(), setColors(), colors()
void KDGanttViewItem::setShapes( Shape start, Shape middle, Shape end )

    myStartShape =  start;
    myMiddleShape= middle;
    myEndShape=  end;
    midShape->setZ( 4 );

  Creates tqshapes of the specified type \a tqshape.
  The background tqshape color is set to black and the background tqshape
  is slightly bit bigger than the foreground tqshape to have a black border
  around the foreground tqshape.

  \param itemShape the foreground tqshape
  \param middle itemShapeBack  the background tqshape
  \param tqshape the type of the tqshape
   (may be TriangleDown, TriangleUp, Diamond, Square, Circle)
  \sa tqshapes(), setColors(), colors()
void KDGanttViewItem::createShape( KDCanvasPolygonItem* &itemShape,
                                   KDCanvasPolygonItem* &itemShapeBack,
                                   Shape tqshape )
  if ( itemShape && type() ==  Task )
    if (itemShape) delete itemShape;
    if (itemShapeBack) delete itemShapeBack;

    TQCanvasPolygonalItem * item;
    TQCanvasPolygonalItem * itemBack;
    int size = myItemSize+2;
    int hei = (myItemSize/3)/2;
    switch (tqshape) {
    case TriangleDown:
            item = new KDCanvasPolygon(myGanttView->myTimeTable, this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);
            TQPointArray arr = TQPointArray(3);
            size += 4;hei +=1;
            itemBack = new KDCanvasPolygon(myGanttView->myTimeTable, this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);

    case TriangleUp:
            // I really do not know why, but  we get only an TriangleUp-icon
            // of the same size as a TriangleDown-icon, if we increment the size by 2
            item = new KDCanvasPolygon(myGanttView->myTimeTable, this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);
            TQPointArray arr = TQPointArray(3);
            size += 4;hei +=1;
            itemBack = new KDCanvasPolygon(myGanttView->myTimeTable, this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);


    case Diamond:
            item = new KDCanvasPolygon(myGanttView->myTimeTable, this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);
            TQPointArray arr = TQPointArray(4);
            size += 2;hei +=1;
            itemBack = new KDCanvasPolygon(myGanttView->myTimeTable, this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);

    case Square:
            size -=2;
            item = new KDCanvasPolygon(myGanttView->myTimeTable, this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);
            TQPointArray arr = TQPointArray(4);
            size += 2;hei +=1;
            itemBack = new KDCanvasPolygon(myGanttView->myTimeTable, this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);

    case Circle:
            size -= 2;
            item = new KDCanvasEllipse(myGanttView->myTimeTable, this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);
            size += 2;hei +=1;
            itemBack = new KDCanvasEllipse(myGanttView->myTimeTable, this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);
        // Uninitialized tqshape, can e.g. be the case with free-busy
        // items which don't have any tqshapes
    itemShape = (KDCanvasPolygonItem*) item;
    itemShapeBack = (KDCanvasPolygonItem*) itemBack;


  Returns the tqshapes used for this item

  \param start returns the start tqshape
  \param middle returns the middle tqshape
  \param end returns the end tqshape
  \sa setShapes(), setColors(), colors()
void KDGanttViewItem::tqshapes( Shape& start, Shape& middle, Shape& end ) const
    start = myStartShape;
    middle = myMiddleShape;
    end = myEndShape;

  Specifies the colors in which to draw the tqshapes of this item.

  It is advisable not to use this method, but rather set the colors
  for all items of a type with KDGanttView::setColors() in order to
  get a uniform Gantt view.

  \param start the color for the start tqshape
  \param middle the color for the middle tqshape
  \param end the color for the end tqshape
  \sa colors(), setShapes(), tqshapes(), setDefaultColor(), defaultColor()
void KDGanttViewItem::setColors( const TQColor& start, const TQColor& middle,
                                 const TQColor& end )

    myStartColor=start ;
    myMiddleColor= middle;
    myEndColor= end;
    if ( displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
      KDGanttViewItem* temp = (KDGanttViewItem*) firstChild();
      while (temp != 0) {
	temp->setColors( start, middle, end );
	temp = temp->nextSibling();

  Returns the colors used for this item

  \param start returns the start color
  \param middle returns the middle color
  \param end returns the end color
  \sa setColors(), setShapes(), tqshapes(), setDefaultColor(), defaultColor()
void KDGanttViewItem::colors( TQColor& start, TQColor& middle, TQColor& end ) const
    start = myStartColor ;
    middle =  myMiddleColor;
    end  = myEndColor;


  Specifies the highlight colors in which to draw the tqshapes of this item.

  It is advisable not to use this method, but rather set the highlight
  colors for all items of a type with
  KDGanttView::setHighlightColors() in order to get a uniform Gantt

  If the item displays its subitems (tqchildren) as a group,
  (displaySubitemsAsGroup() == true)
  all changes apply to all subitems as well.

  \param start the highlight color for the start tqshape
  \param middle the highlight color for the middle tqshape
  \param end the highlight color for the end tqshape
  \sa highlightColors(), setShapes(), tqshapes()
void KDGanttViewItem::setHighlightColors( const TQColor& start, const TQColor& middle, const TQColor& end )
    myStartColorHL=start ;
    myMiddleColorHL= middle;
    myEndColorHL= end;
    if ( displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
      KDGanttViewItem* temp = (KDGanttViewItem*) firstChild();
      while (temp != 0) {
	temp->setHighlightColors( start,  middle,  end );
	temp = temp->nextSibling();

  Returns the highlight colors used for this item

  \param start returns the start highlight color
  \param middle returns the middle highlight color
  \param end returns the end highlight color
  \sa setHighlightColors(), setShapes(), tqshapes()
void KDGanttViewItem::highlightColors( TQColor& start, TQColor& middle, TQColor& end ) const
    start = myStartColorHL ;
    middle =  myMiddleColorHL;
    end  = myEndColorHL;

  Specifies the color to be used for the text of this item.

  It is advisable not to use this method, but rather set the text color
  for all items with KDGanttView::setTextColor() in order to get a
  uniform Gantt view.
  If the item displays its subitems (tqchildren) as a group,
  (displaySubitemsAsGroup() == true)
  all changes apply to all subitems as well.
  \param color the text color
  \sa textColor(), setText(), text()
void KDGanttViewItem::setTextColor( const TQColor& color )

   myTextColor = color;
   if ( displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
      KDGanttViewItem* temp = (KDGanttViewItem*) firstChild();
      while (temp != 0) {
	temp = temp->nextSibling();

  Returns the color used for the text of this item.

  \return the text color
  \sa setTextColor(), setText(), text()
TQColor KDGanttViewItem::textColor() const
    return myTextColor;

  \enum KDGanttViewItem::Shape

  This enum is used in order to specify the tqshapes of a Gantt chart

  \enum KDGanttViewItem::Type

  This enum is used in order to return the type of a Gantt chart item.

  Sets the pixmap that is shown in the listview.

  \param column the column in which the pixmap is shown
  \param pixmap the pixmap to show
  \sa pixmap()
void KDGanttViewItem::setPixmap( int column, const TQPixmap& pixmap )
    TQListViewItem::setPixmap( column, pixmap );

  \deprecated use setPixmap( int, const TQPixmap& ) instead
void KDGanttViewItem::setPixmap( const TQPixmap& pixmap )
    TQListViewItem::setPixmap( 0, pixmap );

  Returns a pixmap that is shown in the listview.

  \param column the column for which to query the pixmap
  \return a pointer to the pixmap shown
  \sa setPixmap()
const TQPixmap* KDGanttViewItem::pixmap( int column ) const
    return TQListViewItem::pixmap( column );

  Sets the default color that is used for the item if no specific
  start, middle, or end colors are set.

  It is advisable not to use this method, but rather set the colors
  for all items of a type with KDGanttView::setDefaultColor() in order to
  get a uniform Gantt view.

  If the item displays its subitems (tqchildren) as a group,
  (displaySubitemsAsGroup() == true)
  all changes apply to all subitems as well.

  \param color the default color to use
  \sa defaultColor(), setColors(), colors()
void KDGanttViewItem::setDefaultColor( const TQColor& color )
    myDefaultColor = color;

   if ( displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
      KDGanttViewItem* temp = (KDGanttViewItem*) firstChild();
      while (temp != 0) {
	temp->setDefaultColor( color );
	temp = temp->nextSibling();

  Returns the default color that is used for the item if no specific
  start, middle, or end colors are set.

  \return color the default color used
  \sa setDefaultColor(), setColors(), colors()
TQColor KDGanttViewItem::defaultColor() const
    return myDefaultColor;

  Sets the default highlighting color that is used for the item if no
  specific start, middle, or end colors are set.

  It is advisable not to use this method, but rather set the colors
  for all items of a type with KDGanttView::setDefaultHighlightColor()
  in order to get a uniform Gantt view.

  If the item displays its subitems (tqchildren) as a group,
  (displaySubitemsAsGroup() == true)
  all changes apply to all subitems as well.

  \param color the default highlighting color to use
  \sa defaultHighlightColor(), setHighlightColors(), highlightColors()
void KDGanttViewItem::setDefaultHighlightColor( const TQColor& color )
    myDefaultColorHL = color;
   if ( displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
      KDGanttViewItem* temp = (KDGanttViewItem*) firstChild();
      while (temp != 0) {
	temp->setDefaultHighlightColor( color );
	temp = temp->nextSibling();

  Returns the default highlighting color that is used for the item if
  no specific start, middle, or end colors are set.

  \return color the default highlighting color used
  \sa setDefaultHighlightColor(), setHighlightColors(), highlightColors()
TQColor KDGanttViewItem::defaultHighlightColor() const
    return myDefaultColorHL;

  Returns the first child of this item.

  \return the first child of this item, 0 if this item has no tqchildren
KDGanttViewItem* KDGanttViewItem::firstChild() const

    return (KDGanttViewItem* )TQListViewItem::firstChild();

  Returns the next sibling item of this item

  \return the next sibling item of this item, 0 if this item has no
  more siblings
KDGanttViewItem* KDGanttViewItem::nextSibling() const
    return (KDGanttViewItem* )TQListViewItem::nextSibling();

  Returns the parent item of this item

  \return the parent item of this item, 0 if this item is a top-level
KDGanttViewItem* KDGanttViewItem::parent() const
    return (KDGanttViewItem*)TQListViewItem::parent();

  Returns the item above this item in the listview

  \return the item above this item, 0 if this is the first item
KDGanttViewItem* KDGanttViewItem::itemAbove()
    return (KDGanttViewItem* )TQListViewItem::itemAbove();

  Returns the item below this item in the listview.
  It can be specified whether the disabled items are taken
  into account as well.

  \param includeDisabled if true, disabled items are considered as well
  \return the item below this item, 0 if this is the last item
KDGanttViewItem* KDGanttViewItem::itemBelow( bool includeDisabled )

  KDGanttViewItem*  retItem = (KDGanttViewItem* )TQListViewItem::itemBelow();
  if ( !includeDisabled ) {
    return  retItem;
  if ( retItem ) {
    if (itemPos() + height() == retItem->itemPos() ) {
      return retItem;
  KDGanttViewItem*  Item2 = (KDGanttViewItem* )TQListViewItem::listView()->itemAt(TQPoint (2, TQListViewItem::itemPos() + TQListViewItem::height() +2) );
  if ( Item2 != 0 )
    if (!Item2->enabled() )
      return Item2;
  return retItem;

  Updates the colors of the item, but not the coordinates.
void KDGanttViewItem::updateCanvasItems()
    if (blockUpdating) return;
    TQPen p,pBack;
    TQBrush b;
    if ( enabled() ) {
      if (isHighlighted) {
        p.setWidth(myItemSize/3 -1);
      } else {
	//  qDebug("update color  %s %s", listViewText().latin1(),myStartColor.name().latin1() );
    } else {
      //TQColor discol = TQt::lightGray;
        TQColor discol = TQColor(232,232,232);
	textCanvas->setColor( TQColor(150,150,150) );
        p.setWidth(myItemSize/3 -1);
    TQFont f = textCanvas->font();
    //if (isvisible) {

void KDGanttViewItem::initItem()

  This method is reimplemented for internal purposes.
void KDGanttViewItem::setOpen( bool open )
  if ( _callListViewOnSetOpen ) {
    // notify the listview about a programatically called setOpen()
    if ( listView () )
      listView ()->setOpen( this, open );

  } else {

    TQListViewItem::setOpen( open );

void KDGanttViewItem::showItem( bool, int )

TQPoint KDGanttViewItem::getTaskLinkStartCoord(TQPoint p)
    textCanvas->move(p.x()+myItemSize, itemPos() + height()/2-myItemSize/2);
    return TQPoint (myGanttView->myTimeHeader->getCoordX(myEndTime) +myItemSize/2,itemPos()+height()/2);

TQPoint KDGanttViewItem::getTaskLinkEndCoord()
    return TQPoint (myGanttView->myTimeHeader->getCoordX(myStartTime)-myItemSize/2 ,itemPos()-myItemSize/2+height()/2-2);

void KDGanttViewItem::hideSubtree()
  if (firstChild())
  if ( nextSibling () )
    nextSibling ()->hideSubtree();

void KDGanttViewItem::setCallListViewOnSetOpen( bool call )
  _callListViewOnSetOpen = call;

void KDGanttViewItem::initColorAndShapes(Type t)
    _isMoveable = false;
    _isResizeable = false;
  //_isCalendar = false;
    _callListViewOnSetOpen = true;
    myType = t;
    myProgress = 0;
    progressShape = 0;
    floatStartShape = 0;
    floatEndShape = 0;
    blockUpdating = true;
    isVisibleInGanttView = false;
    startShape = 0;
    midShape = 0;
    endShape = 0;
    startShapeBack = 0;
    midShapeBack = 0;
    endShapeBack = 0;

    myItemSize = 10;
    myGanttView = ((KDListView *)listView())->myGanttView;
    myStartTime = myGanttView->myTimeHeader->myCenterDateTime;
    myEndTime = myStartTime;
    myToolTipText =TQListViewItem::text(0);
    myWhatsThisText = TQListViewItem::text(0);
    isHighlighted = false;
    isEditable = true;
    _displaySubitemsAsGroup = myGanttView->displaySubitemsAsGroup();
    startLine = new KDCanvasLine(myGanttView->myTimeTable,this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);//KDGanttViewItem );
    endLine = new KDCanvasLine(myGanttView->myTimeTable,this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);
    startLineBack = new KDCanvasLine(myGanttView->myTimeTable,this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);//KDGanttViewItem );
    endLineBack = new KDCanvasLine(myGanttView->myTimeTable,this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);
    actualEnd = new KDCanvasLine(myGanttView->myTimeTable,this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);
    actualEnd->setPen( TQPen ( TQt::red, 3 ) );

    textCanvas = new KDCanvasText(myGanttView->myTimeTable,this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);
    // set textcolor
    setTextColor( myGanttView->textColor());
    // set default color
    setDefaultColor( myGanttView->defaultColor(myType));
    // set default highlight color
    // set tqshapes
    if (!( tqshapeDefined = (myGanttView->tqshapes(myType,myStartShape,myMiddleShape,myEndShape)))) {

        //qDebug("KDGantt::KDGanttViewItem created with not user defined tqshapes");

    if ( type() == Task ) {
      //qDebug("new task %s ", listViewText().latin1());
      if ( startShape )
	delete startShape;
      startShape = (KDCanvasPolygonItem*)new  KDCanvasRectangle(myGanttView->myTimeTable,this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);
      progressShape = (KDCanvasPolygonItem*)new  KDCanvasRectangle(myGanttView->myTimeTable,this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);
    floatStartShape = (KDCanvasPolygonItem*)new  KDCanvasRectangle(myGanttView->myTimeTable,this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);
    floatEndShape = (KDCanvasPolygonItem*)new  KDCanvasRectangle(myGanttView->myTimeTable,this,Type_is_KDGanttViewItem);

    // set color of tqshapes
    if (!( colorDefined = (myGanttView->colors(myType,myStartColor,myMiddleColor,myEndColor)))) {

    setColors(defaultColor(),defaultColor(), defaultColor());
    // set highlight color of tqshapes
    if (!( colorHLDefined = (myGanttView->highlightColors(myType,myStartColorHL,myMiddleColorHL,myEndColorHL)))) {

    setHighlightColors(defaultHighlightColor(),defaultHighlightColor(), defaultHighlightColor());
    // if (type() ==  Task)
    //setText(TQListViewItem::text(0)); // testing only
    //isvisible = true;
    _priority = 150;
    _showNoInformation = false;
    _enabled = true;
    blockUpdating = false;

TQString KDGanttViewItem::tqshapeToString( Shape tqshape )
    switch( tqshape ) {
    case TriangleDown:
        return "TriangleDown";
    case TriangleUp:
        return "TriangleUp";
    case Diamond:
        return "Diamond";
    case Square:
        return "Square";
    case Circle:
        return "Circle";
    return "";

KDGanttViewItem::Shape KDGanttViewItem::stringToShape( const TQString& string )
    if( string == "TriangleDown" )
        return TriangleDown;
    else if( string == "TriangleUp" )
        return TriangleUp;
    else if( string == "Diamond" )
        return Diamond;
    else if( string == "Square" )
        return Square;
    else if( string == "Circle" )
        return Circle;
        return TriangleDown;

  Creates a DOM node that describes this item.

  \param doc the DOM document to which the node belongs
  \param parentElement the element into which to insert this node
void KDGanttViewItem::createNode( TQDomDocument& doc,
                                  TQDomElement& parentElement )
    TQDomElement itemElement = doc.createElement( "Item" );
    parentElement.appendChild( itemElement );
    itemElement.setAttribute( "Type", typeToString( type() ) );

    KDGanttXML::createDateTimeNode( doc, itemElement, "StartTime", startTime() );
    KDGanttXML::createDateTimeNode( doc, itemElement, "EndTime", endTime() );
    KDGanttXML::createFontNode( doc, itemElement, "Font", font() );
    KDGanttXML::createStringNode( doc, itemElement, "Text", text() );
    KDGanttXML::createStringNode( doc, itemElement, "TooltipText", tooltipText() );
    KDGanttXML::createStringNode( doc, itemElement, "WhatsThisText",
                             whatsThisText() );
    if( pixmap() )
        KDGanttXML::createPixmapNode( doc, itemElement, "Pixmap", *pixmap() );
    if( !listViewText().isNull() )
        KDGanttXML::createStringNode( doc, itemElement, "ListViewText",
                                 listViewText() );
    KDGanttXML::createBoolNode( doc, itemElement, "Open", isOpen() );
    KDGanttXML::createBoolNode( doc, itemElement, "Highlight", highlight() );
    Shape startShape, middleShape, endShape;
    tqshapes( startShape, middleShape, endShape );
    KDGanttXML::createStringNode( doc, itemElement, "StartShape",
                             tqshapeToString( startShape ) );
    KDGanttXML::createStringNode( doc, itemElement, "MiddleShape",
                             tqshapeToString( middleShape ) );
    KDGanttXML::createStringNode( doc, itemElement, "EndShape",
                             tqshapeToString( endShape ) );
    KDGanttXML::createColorNode( doc, itemElement, "DefaultColor", defaultColor() );
    TQColor startColor, middleColor, endColor;
    colors( startColor, middleColor, endColor );
    KDGanttXML::createColorNode( doc, itemElement, "StartColor", startColor );
    KDGanttXML::createColorNode( doc, itemElement, "MiddleColor", middleColor );
    KDGanttXML::createColorNode( doc, itemElement, "EndColor", endColor );
    KDGanttXML::createColorNode( doc, itemElement, "DefaultHighlightColor",
                            defaultHighlightColor() );
    highlightColors( startColor, middleColor, endColor );
    KDGanttXML::createColorNode( doc, itemElement, "StartHighlightColor",
                            startColor );
    KDGanttXML::createColorNode( doc, itemElement, "MiddleHighlightColor",
                            middleColor );
    KDGanttXML::createColorNode( doc, itemElement, "EndHighlightColor", endColor );
    KDGanttXML::createColorNode( doc, itemElement, "TextColor", textColor() );
    KDGanttXML::createStringNode( doc, itemElement, "Name", name() );
    TQDomElement itemsElement = doc.createElement( "Items" );
    itemElement.appendChild( itemsElement );
    KDGanttViewItem* currentItem = firstChild();
    while( currentItem ) {
        currentItem->createNode( doc, itemsElement );
        currentItem = currentItem->nextSibling();


  Creates a KDGanttViewItem according to the specification in a DOM

  \param view the view in which the item will be inserted
  \param element the DOM element from which to read the specification
  \return the newly created item
KDGanttViewItem* KDGanttViewItem::createFromDomElement( KDGanttView* view,
                                                        TQDomElement& element )
    TQString typeString = element.attribute( "Type" );
    Q_ASSERT( !typeString.isEmpty() );
    KDGanttViewItem* item;
    if( typeString == "Task" )
        item = new KDGanttViewTaskItem( view );
    else if( typeString == "Summary" )
        item = new KDGanttViewSummaryItem( view );
    else if( typeString == "Event" )
        item = new KDGanttViewEventItem( view );
    else {
        qDebug( "Unknown item type %s in KDGanttViewItem::createFromDomElement()", typeString.latin1() );
        return 0;

    item->loadFromDomElement( element );
    return item;

  Creates a KDGanttViewItem according to the specification in a DOM

  \param view the view in which the item will be inserted
  \param previous to item behind this one should appear
  \param element the DOM element from which to read the specification
  \return the newly created element
KDGanttViewItem* KDGanttViewItem::createFromDomElement( KDGanttView* view,
                                                        KDGanttViewItem* previous,
                                                        TQDomElement& element )
    TQString typeString = element.attribute( "Type" );
    Q_ASSERT( !typeString.isEmpty() );
    KDGanttViewItem* item;
    if( typeString == "Task" )
        item = new KDGanttViewTaskItem( view, previous );
    else if( typeString == "Summary" )
        item = new KDGanttViewSummaryItem( view, previous );
    else if( typeString == "Event" )
        item = new KDGanttViewEventItem( view, previous );
    else {
        qDebug( "Unknown item type in KDGanttViewItem::createFromDomElement()" );
        return 0;

    item->loadFromDomElement( element );
    return item;

  Creates a KDGanttViewItem according to the specification in a DOM

  \param parent the parent item under which the item will be inserted
  \param element the DOM element from which to read the specification
  \return the newly created element
KDGanttViewItem* KDGanttViewItem::createFromDomElement( KDGanttViewItem* parent,
                                                        TQDomElement& element )
    TQString typeString = element.attribute( "Type" );
    Q_ASSERT( !typeString.isEmpty() );
    KDGanttViewItem* item;
    if( typeString == "Task" )
        item = new KDGanttViewTaskItem( parent );
    else if( typeString == "Summary" )
        item = new KDGanttViewSummaryItem( parent );
    else if( typeString == "Event" )
        item = new KDGanttViewEventItem( parent );
    else {
        qDebug( "Unknown item type in KDGanttViewItem::createFromDomElement()" );
        return 0;

    item->loadFromDomElement( element );
    return item;

  Creates a KDGanttViewItem according to the specification in a DOM

  \param parent the parent item under which the item will be inserted
  \param previous to item behind this one should appear
  \param element the DOM element from which to read the specification
  \return the newly created element
KDGanttViewItem* KDGanttViewItem::createFromDomElement( KDGanttViewItem* parent,
                                                        KDGanttViewItem* previous,
                                                        TQDomElement& element )
    TQString typeString = element.attribute( "Type" );
    Q_ASSERT( !typeString.isEmpty() );
    KDGanttViewItem* item;
    if( typeString == "Task" )
        item = new KDGanttViewTaskItem( parent, previous );
    else if( typeString == "Summary" )
        item = new KDGanttViewSummaryItem( parent, previous );
    else if( typeString == "Event" )
        item = new KDGanttViewEventItem( parent, previous );
    else {
        qDebug( "Unknown item type in KDGanttViewItem::createFromDomElement()" );
        return 0;

    item->loadFromDomElement( element );
    return item;

  Fills in the values in the item by reading the DOM element.
void KDGanttViewItem::loadFromDomElement( TQDomElement& element )
    TQDomNode node = element.firstChild();
    Shape startShape = TriangleDown, middleShape = TriangleDown,
            endShape = TriangleDown;
    TQColor startColor, middleColor, endColor;
    TQColor startHighlightColor, middleHighlightColor, endHighlightColor;
    TQString tempName;
    while( !node.isNull() ) {
        TQDomElement element = node.toElement();
        if( !element.isNull() ) { // was really an element
            TQString tagName = element.tagName();
            if( tagName == "StartTime" ) {
                TQDateTime value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readDateTimeNode( element, value ) )
                    setStartTime( value );
            } else if( tagName == "EndTime" ) {
                TQDateTime value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readDateTimeNode( element, value ) )
                    setEndTime( value );
            } else if( tagName == "Text" ) {
                TQString value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readStringNode( element, value ) )
                    setText( value );
            } else if( tagName == "Font" ) {
                TQFont value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readFontNode( element, value ) )
                    setFont( value );
            } else if( tagName == "TooltipText" ) {
                TQString value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readStringNode( element, value ) )
                    setTooltipText( value );
            } else if( tagName == "WhatsThisText" ) {
                TQString value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readStringNode( element, value ) )
                    setWhatsThisText( value );
            } else if( tagName == "Pixmap" ) {
                TQPixmap value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readPixmapNode( element, value ) )
                    setPixmap( value );
            } else if( tagName == "ListViewText" ) {
                TQString value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readStringNode( element, value ) )
                    setListViewText( value );
            } else if( tagName == "Open" ) {
                bool value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readBoolNode( element, value ) )
                    setOpen( value );
            } else if( tagName == "Highlight" ) {
                bool value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readBoolNode( element, value ) )
                    setHighlight( value );
            } else if( tagName == "StartShape" ) {
                TQString value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readStringNode( element, value ) )
                    startShape = stringToShape( value );
            } else if( tagName == "MiddleShape" ) {
                TQString value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readStringNode( element, value ) )
                    middleShape = stringToShape( value );
            } else if( tagName == "EndShape" ) {
                TQString value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readStringNode( element, value ) )
                    endShape = stringToShape( value );
            } else if( tagName == "DefaultColor" ) {
                TQColor value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readColorNode( element, value ) )
                    setDefaultColor( value );
            } else if( tagName == "StartColor" ) {
                TQColor value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readColorNode( element, value ) )
                    startColor = value;
            } else if( tagName == "MiddleColor" ) {
                TQColor value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readColorNode( element, value ) )
                    middleColor = value;
            } else if( tagName == "EndColor" ) {
                TQColor value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readColorNode( element, value ) )
                    endColor = value;
            } else if( tagName == "DefaultHighlightColor" ) {
                TQColor value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readColorNode( element, value ) )
                    setDefaultHighlightColor( value );
            } else if( tagName == "StartHighlightColor" ) {
                TQColor value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readColorNode( element, value ) )
                    startHighlightColor = value;
            } else if( tagName == "MiddleHighlightColor" ) {
                TQColor value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readColorNode( element, value ) )
                    middleHighlightColor = value;
            } else if( tagName == "EndHighlightColor" ) {
                TQColor value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readColorNode( element, value ) )
                    endHighlightColor = value;
            } else if( tagName == "TextColor" ) {
                TQColor value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readColorNode( element, value ) )
                    setTextColor( value );
            } else if( tagName == "Name" ) {
                TQString value;
                if( KDGanttXML::readStringNode( element, value ) )
                    tempName = value;
            } else if( tagName == "Items" ) {
                TQDomNode node = element.firstChild();
                KDGanttViewItem* previous = 0;
                while( !node.isNull() ) {
                    TQDomElement element = node.toElement();
                    if( !element.isNull() ) { // was really an element
                        TQString tagName = element.tagName();
                        if( tagName == "Item" ) {
                            KDGanttViewItem* newItem;
                            if( previous )
                                newItem =
                                    KDGanttViewItem::createFromDomElement( this,
                                                                           element );
                                newItem =
                                    KDGanttViewItem::createFromDomElement( this,
                                                                           element );
                            previous = newItem;
                        } else {
                            qDebug( "Unrecognized tag name: %s", tagName.latin1() );
                            Q_ASSERT( false );

                    node = node.nextSibling();
            } else {
                qDebug( "Unrecognized tag name: %s", tagName.latin1() );
                Q_ASSERT( false );

        node = node.nextSibling();

    setColors( startColor, middleColor, endColor );
    setHighlightColors( startHighlightColor, middleHighlightColor,
                        endHighlightColor );
    setShapes( startShape, middleShape, endShape );
    generateAndInsertName( tempName );

TQString KDGanttViewItem::typeToString( Type type )
    switch( type ) {
    case Event:
        return "Event";
    case Summary:
        return "Summary";
    case Task:
        return "Task";
        qDebug( "Unknown type in KDGanttViewItem::typeToString()" );
        return "Summary";
    return "";

  Returns the y coordinate of this item.

  \return the y coordinate of this item
int KDGanttViewItem::getCoordY()
    return itemPos() + height()/2;

void KDGanttViewItem::showSubItems()
  showSubitemTree( getCoordY() );

void KDGanttViewItem::showSubitemTree( int CoordY )

  KDGanttViewItem* temp = firstChild();
  if (temp) {
    while (temp != 0) {
      if (temp->isOpen() || !temp->displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
	temp->showItem( true, CoordY );
	if ( temp->firstChild() )
      } else {
       	if ( temp->displaySubitemsAsGroup() && temp->firstChild() )
	else {
	  temp->showSubitemTree( CoordY );
      temp = temp->nextSibling();
    showItem( false );
  } else {
    showItem( true, CoordY );

  Returns the start time of the tqchildren of this item.

  \return the start time of the tqchildren of this item
TQDateTime KDGanttViewItem::myChildStartTime()
  TQDateTime ret, tempTime;
  bool set = true;
  KDGanttViewItem* temp = (KDGanttViewItem*) firstChild();
  if (temp) {
    while (temp != 0) {
      if ( !temp->displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
	tempTime = temp->startTime();
      } else {
	tempTime = temp->myChildStartTime();
      if ( set ) {
	set = false;
	ret = tempTime;
      } else {
	if ( tempTime < ret ) {
	  ret = tempTime;
      temp = temp->nextSibling();
  } else {
    ret = startTime();
  return ret;

  Returns the end time of the tqchildren of this item.

  \return the end time of the tqchildren of this item
TQDateTime KDGanttViewItem::myChildEndTime()
  TQDateTime ret, tempTime;
  bool set = true;
  KDGanttViewItem* temp = (KDGanttViewItem*) firstChild();
  if (temp) {
    while (temp != 0) {
      if ( !temp->displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
	tempTime = temp->endTime();
      } else {
	tempTime = temp->myChildEndTime();
      if ( set ) {
	set = false;
	ret = tempTime;
      } else {
	if ( tempTime > ret ) {
	  ret = tempTime;
      temp = temp->nextSibling();
  } else {
    ret = endTime();
  return ret;

  Returns whether the 'showNoInformation' line  should be shown for this item

  \return true if showNoInformation line should be shown
  \sa setShowNoInformation(),  KDGanttView::setNoInformationBrush(), KDGanttView::noInformationBrush()
bool KDGanttViewItem::showNoInformation()
  return _showNoInformation;

  Specifies whether the 'showNoInformation' line  should be shown for
  this item.
  The 'showNoInformation' line is drawn over the whole timeline.
  The height of the line is the height of the item.
  The brush of the line is specified by KDGanttView::setNoInformationBrush().
  (i.e. the same brush for all items of the Gantt view).
  The default brush is TQBrush(  TQColor ( 100,100,100 ), TQt::FDiagPattern );
  \param show if true, the 'showNoInformation' line  is shown for this item
  \sa  showNoInformation(), KDGanttView::setNoInformationBrush(), KDGanttView::noInformationBrush()
void KDGanttViewItem::setShowNoInformation( bool show )
  _showNoInformation = show;

  If the name of this item is \a name (i.e., listViewText() == name),
  the pointer to this item is returned.  Otherwise, it looks for an
  item with name \a name in the set of tqchildren and subtqchildren of
  this item.
  \param  name the name of the item
  \return the pointer to the item with name \a name
KDGanttViewItem* KDGanttViewItem::getChildByName( const TQString& name )
  if ( listViewText() == name )
    return this;
  KDGanttViewItem* temp =  firstChild(),* ret;
  while (temp != 0) {
    if ( (ret = temp->getChildByName( name )))
      return ret;
    temp = temp->nextSibling();
  return 0;

void  KDGanttViewItem::printinfo( TQString s )
  KDGanttViewItem* temp =  firstChild();
  while (temp != 0) {
    temp->printinfo("  "+s );
    temp = temp->nextSibling();

  Returns whether this item has at least one subitem that is a calendar.
  A subitem is a calendar, if that item has at least one subitem or
  displaySubitemAsGroup() is true for that item.

  \return true if the item has at least one subitem that is a calendar.
bool KDGanttViewItem::subitemIsCalendar() const
  KDGanttViewItem*   temp = firstChild();
  bool ret = false;
  while (temp) {
    if (temp->firstChild() || temp->displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
      ret = true;
    temp = temp->nextSibling();
  return ret;

int  KDGanttViewItem::computeHeight()
  int hei = 0;
  // if not visible, hide item and all subitems, return height = 0
  if ( !isVisible() ) {
    showItem( false );
    if ( firstChild() )
    // qDebug("KDGanttViewItem::computeHeight() %s returns 0  ", TQListViewItem::text(0).latin1());
    return 0;

  KDGanttViewItem* temp;
  bool show = true;

  //  explanation of terms:
  //    display opened item as usual:
  //      display this item opened, display Gantt part on the timeline of this item.
  //      the same for all subitems: display all subitems on its own timeline
  //    display closed item as usual:
  //      display this item closed, display Gantt part on the timeline of this item.
  //      do not display any subitem.

  //  desired behaviour:
  //  if not in calendar mode( GanttView is NOT in calendar mode ):
  //    opened:
  //      display opened item as usual
  //    closed:
  //      if not displaySubitemsAsGroup()
  //        display closed item as usual
  //      else (  displaySubitemsAsGroup() == true )
  //        display not this item, display subitems on the timeline of this item
  //  else ( GanttView is in calendar mode )
  //    4 cases:
  //      opened && displaySubitemsAsGroup():
  //        display not this item, display subitems on the timeline of this item,
  //          which have the property displaySubitemsAsGroup() == false
  //        display the other items,
  //           which have the property displaySubitemsAsGroup() == true,
  //           as usual below this item on their own timeline
  //      opened && NOT displaySubitemsAsGroup():
  //        display opened item as usual
  //      closed && displaySubitemsAsGroup():
  //        display not this item, display subitems on the timeline of this item,
  //          which have the property displaySubitemsAsGroup() == false
  //      closed && NOT displaySubitemsAsGroup():
  //        display closed item as usual
  if ( isOpen() ) {
    //qDebug("KDGanttViewItem::computeHeight() %s is open  ", TQListViewItem::text(0).latin1());
    temp = firstChild();
    // if item opened, iterate over all subitems
    int tempHeight;
    // introduced special for performance reasons
    bool special = displaySubitemsAsGroup() && myGanttView->calendarMode();
    while (temp != 0) {
      tempHeight = temp->computeHeight();
      if ( special ) {
	if ( temp->displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
	  hei += tempHeight;
	  //qDebug(" hei added ");
	} else {
	  temp->showSubitemTree( getCoordY() );

      } else {
	hei += tempHeight;
	//qDebug(" hei added ");
      temp = temp->nextSibling();
  } else { // closed!
    //qDebug("KDGanttViewItem::computeHeight() %s is closed  ", TQListViewItem::text(0).latin1());

    if ( !displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
      if ( firstChild() ) {
    } else {
      if ( firstChild() ) {
	showSubitemTree( getCoordY() );
	show =  false ;

  if ( show )
     showItem( true );

  hei += height();
  //qDebug("KDGanttViewItem::computeHeight() %s returns:  %d  ", TQListViewItem::text(0).latin1(), hei);
  return hei;

// if this item has at least one subitem which has the property displaySubitemsAsGroup(),
//  a false is returned
bool  KDGanttViewItem::showNoCross()
  KDGanttViewItem * temp = firstChild();
  if ( !temp )
    return false;
  while ( temp ) {
    if ( temp->displaySubitemsAsGroup() ) {
      return false;
    temp = temp->nextSibling();
  return true;

void  KDGanttViewItem::paintBranches ( TQPainter* p, const TQColorGroup& cg,
                                       int w, int y, int h )
  TQListViewItem::paintBranches (  p,  cg, w,  y,  h);
  if ( !myGanttView->calendarMode() )
  else {
    KDGanttViewItem * temp = firstChild();
    while ( temp ) {
      if ( temp->showNoCross() ) {
	//qDebug("paintNoCross %s ", temp->listViewText(0).latin1());
	int y_coord = temp->itemPos() -height ()- itemPos();
	int hei = temp->height();
	//qDebug(" y %d w %d h %d ", y,w,h);
	//qDebug("yc %d  hei %d",y_coord,hei );
	myGanttView->myListView->paintemptyarea( p, TQRect( 0,y+y_coord,w,hei));
	int x_c = w/2;
	int y_c = y+y_coord+ temp->height ()/2;
	int y_ce ;
	if ( temp->itemBelow() && temp->itemBelow()->parent() == this )
	  y_ce =y+y_coord+ temp->height ();
	  y_ce = y_c;
	int i;
	for (i = y+y_coord+1; i <= y_ce; i+=2 ) {
	  p->drawPoint( x_c, i );
       	for (i = x_c+2; i < w; i+=2 ) {
	  p->drawPoint( i, y_c  );
      temp = temp->nextSibling();

// resets the visibility os the subitems according to the setting of calendar mode
void  KDGanttViewItem::resetSubitemVisibility()
  KDGanttViewItem* temp;
  temp = firstChild();
  bool allow = false;
  if ( myGanttView->calendarMode() ) {
    // in calendarmode only items can be opened which have subitems which have subitems
    if ( ! temp ) {
      if ( !parent() )
	// has no parent, has no child : show!
	setVisible( true );
	// has parent, has no child : hide!
	setVisible( false );
    setVisible( true );
    while (temp) {
      if (temp->firstChild()) {
	allow = true;
      else {
      temp = temp->nextSibling();
  } else {
    setVisible( true );
    // all items can be opened
    allow = true;
    while (temp != 0) {
      temp = temp->nextSibling();
  if ( !allow && isOpen() )
    setOpen( false );


  Specifies whether this item should behave like a calendar.
  In calendar mode, only those items can be opened
  which have subitems which have subitems.
  An item which has subitems which have no subitems is called a calendar.
  I.e., an item that contains
  multiple calendars can be opened, while a calendar item itself cannot.
  But if all calendars of an item do not have any subitem (e.g at startup),
  the program cannot detect automatically that it should be possible to open
  this item.
  To enable this, call setIsCalendar( true ); for at least one calendar

  \param cal true in order behave this item like a calendar
  highlighting off for this item
  \sa isCalendar()

/* removed
void KDGanttViewItem::setIsCalendar( bool cal )
    _isCalendar = cal;

  Returns whether this item behaves like a calendar,
  even though it has no subitem which has subitems; when highlighting
  with setHighlight() or by the user with the mouse.

  \return true if the item behaves like a calendar
  \sa setIsCalendar()
/* removed
bool KDGanttViewItem::isCalendar( ) const
    return _isCalendar;

  \var KDGanttViewItem::startLine

  the line at the beginning of the item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::endLine

  the line at the end of the item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::startLineBack

  the background line at the beginning of the item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::endLineBack

  the background line at the end of the item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::actualEnd

  the line at the actual end of the item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::startShape

  the tqshape at the beginning of the item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::midShape

  the tqshape in the middle of the item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::endShape

  the tqshape at the end of the item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::startShapeBack

  the background tqshape at the beginning of the item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::midShapeBack

  the background tqshape in the middle of the item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::endShapeBack

  the background tqshape at the end of the item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::myGanttView

  a pointer to the KDGanttView object to which this item belongs

  \var KDGanttViewItem::textCanvas

  the text object that is used for this item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::textCanvasText

  the actual string that is displayed in the text object for this item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::myStartTime

  the starting time of this item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::myEndTime

  the ending time of this item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::isHighlighted

  whether this item is currently highlighted or not

  \var KDGanttViewItem::isEditable

  whether this item is currently editable or not

  \var KDGanttViewItem::myItemSize

  the current size of this item

  \var KDGanttViewItem::blockUpdating

  if true, updates to this item are currently blocked, to reduce
  flicker or speed up redraws

  \var KDGanttViewItem::isVisibleInGanttView

  this instance variable is true if the item is visible in the Gantt

  Returns the coordinate of this items middle left point
TQPoint KDGanttViewItem::middleLeft()
    return TQPoint(myGanttView->myTimeHeader->getCoordX(myStartTime), itemPos()+height()/2);
  Returns the coordinate of this items middle right point
TQPoint KDGanttViewItem::middleRight()
    return TQPoint(myGanttView->myTimeHeader->getCoordX(myEndTime), itemPos()+height()/2);
  Moves this items text.
void KDGanttViewItem::moveTextCanvas(int x, int y)
    int mx = x + myTextOffset.x();
    int my = y + myTextOffset.y();
    if (myTextOffset.x() != 0)
        mx -= 2*myItemSize; // keep old behaviour

    //qDebug("%s: moveTextCanvas(%d,%d) offset: %d,%d moved to  %d,%d",listViewText(0).latin1(),x,y,myTextOffset.x(),myTextOffset.y(),mx+2*myItemSize,my-myItemSize/2);

  Moves this items text relative to the middle right end of the item
  Used to move text away from link.
void KDGanttViewItem::moveTextCanvas()
    TQPoint m = myTextOffset+middleRight();
    textCanvas->move(m.x(), m.y()-myItemSize/2);

  Sets with how much the item text is offset.
void KDGanttViewItem::setTextOffset(TQPoint p)
    //qDebug("%s: setTextOffset() offset: %d,%d",listViewText(0).latin1(),p.x(),p.y());

bool KDGanttViewItem::isMyTextCanvas(TQCanvasItem *tc)
    return tc == textCanvas;

  Specifies the progress of this item in percent.
  Progress is limited to minimum 0, maximum 100.

  \param percent the progress in percent.

void KDGanttViewItem::setProgress(int percent)
    myProgress = TQMAX(0, percent);
    myProgress = TQMIN(100, myProgress);

  Specifies the float start time of this item.
  If the time is invalid, the start float is not shown.

  \param start the float start time
void KDGanttViewItem::setFloatStartTime(const TQDateTime &start)
    myFloatStartTime = start;

  Specifies the float end time of this item.
  If the time is invalid, the end float is not shown.

  \param end the float end time
void KDGanttViewItem::setFloatEndTime(const TQDateTime &end)
    myFloatEndTime = end;

void KDGanttViewItem::setMoveable(bool m)
  _isMoveable = m;

bool KDGanttViewItem::isMoveable() const
  return _isMoveable;

bool KDGanttViewItem::isResizeable() const
  return _isResizeable;

void KDGanttViewItem::setResizeable(bool r)
  _isResizeable = r;