// KMail Account Manager #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "accountmanager.h" #include "kmaccount.h" #include "kmacctfolder.h" #include "kmacctmaildir.h" #include "kmacctlocal.h" #include "popaccount.h" #include "kmacctimap.h" #include "networkaccount.h" #include "kmacctcachedimap.h" #include "broadcaststatus.h" #include "kmfiltermgr.h" #include "globalsettings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KMail; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AccountManager::AccountManager() :TQObject(), mNewMailArrived( false ), mInteractive( false ), mTotalNewMailsArrived( 0 ), mDisplaySummary( false ) { mAcctChecking.clear(); mAcctTodo.clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AccountManager::~AccountManager() { writeConfig( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AccountManager::writeConfig( bool withSync ) { TDEConfig* config = KMKernel::config(); TQString groupName; TDEConfigGroupSaver saver(config, "General"); config->writeEntry("accounts", mAcctList.count()); // first delete all account groups in the config file: TQStringList accountGroups = config->groupList().grep( TQRegExp( "Account \\d+" ) ); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = accountGroups.begin() ; it != accountGroups.end() ; ++it ) config->deleteGroup( *it ); // now write new account groups: int i = 1; for ( AccountList::ConstIterator it( mAcctList.begin() ), end( mAcctList.end() ); it != end; ++it, ++i ) { groupName.sprintf("Account %d", i); TDEConfigGroupSaver saver(config, groupName); (*it)->writeConfig(*config); } if (withSync) config->sync(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AccountManager::readConfig(void) { TDEConfig* config = KMKernel::config(); KMAccount* acct; TQString acctType, acctName; TQCString groupName; int i, num; uint id; for ( AccountList::Iterator it( mAcctList.begin() ), end( mAcctList.end() ); it != end; ++it ) delete *it; mAcctList.clear(); TDEConfigGroup general(config, "General"); num = general.readNumEntry("accounts", 0); for (i=1; i<=num; i++) { groupName.sprintf("Account %d", i); TDEConfigGroupSaver saver(config, groupName); acctType = config->readEntry("Type"); // Provide backwards compatibility if (acctType == "advanced pop" || acctType == "experimental pop") acctType = "pop"; acctName = config->readEntry("Name"); id = config->readUnsignedNumEntry("Id", 0); if (acctName.isEmpty()) acctName = i18n("Account %1").arg(i); acct = create(acctType, acctName, id); if (!acct) continue; add(acct); acct->readConfig(*config); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AccountManager::singleCheckMail(KMAccount *account, bool interactive) { mNewMailArrived = false; mInteractive = interactive; // if sync has been requested by the user then check if check-interval was disabled by user, if yes, then // de-install the timer // Safe guard against an infinite sync loop (kolab/issue2607) if ( mInteractive ) account->readTimerConfig(); // queue the account mAcctTodo.append(account); if (account->checkingMail()) { kdDebug(5006) << "account " << account->name() << " busy, queuing" << endl; return; } processNextCheck(false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AccountManager::processNextCheck( bool _newMail ) { kdDebug(5006) << "processNextCheck, remaining " << mAcctTodo.count() << endl; if ( _newMail ) mNewMailArrived = true; for ( AccountList::Iterator it( mAcctChecking.begin() ), end( mAcctChecking.end() ); it != end; ) { KMAccount* acct = *it; ++it; if ( acct->checkingMail() ) continue; // check done kdDebug(5006) << "account " << acct->name() << " finished check" << endl; mAcctChecking.remove( acct ); kmkernel->filterMgr()->deref(); disconnect( acct, TQ_SIGNAL( finishedCheck( bool, CheckStatus ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( processNextCheck( bool ) ) ); } if ( mAcctChecking.isEmpty() ) { // all checks finished, display summary if ( mDisplaySummary ) KPIM::BroadcastStatus::instance()->setStatusMsgTransmissionCompleted( mTotalNewMailsArrived ); emit checkedMail( mNewMailArrived, mInteractive, mTotalNewInFolder ); mTotalNewMailsArrived = 0; mTotalNewInFolder.clear(); mDisplaySummary = false; } if ( mAcctTodo.isEmpty() ) return; TQString accountHostName; KMAccount *curAccount = 0; for ( AccountList::Iterator it ( mAcctTodo.begin() ), last ( mAcctTodo.end() ); it != last; ) { KMAccount *acct = *it; ++it; if ( !acct->checkingMail() && acct->mailCheckCanProceed() ) { curAccount = acct; mAcctTodo.remove( acct ); break; } } if ( !curAccount ) return; // no account or all of them are already checking if ( curAccount->type() != "imap" && curAccount->type() != "cachedimap" && curAccount->folder() == 0 ) { TQString tmp = i18n("Account %1 has no mailbox defined:\n" "mail checking aborted;\n" "check your account settings.") .arg(curAccount->name()); KMessageBox::information(0,tmp); emit checkedMail( false, mInteractive, mTotalNewInFolder ); mTotalNewMailsArrived = 0; mTotalNewInFolder.clear(); return; } if ( curAccount->type() == "imap" || curAccount->type() == "cachedimap" || curAccount->type() == "pop" ) { // Check with the network status daemon whether the network is available const int NetWorkStatusUnknown = 1; const int NetWorkStatusOnline = 8; TQCString replyType; TQByteArray params; TQByteArray reply; TQDataStream stream( params, IO_WriteOnly ); stream << static_cast( curAccount )->host(); if ( tdeApp->dcopClient()->call( "kded", "networkstatus", "status(TQString)", params, replyType, reply ) && ( replyType == "int" ) ) { int result; TQDataStream stream2( reply, IO_ReadOnly ); stream2 >> result; kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "networkstatus status = " << result << endl; // if it's not unknown (no networks announced by network control apps), and not offline, give up now if ( ( result != NetWorkStatusUnknown ) && ( result != NetWorkStatusOnline ) ) { emit checkedMail( false, mInteractive, mTotalNewInFolder ); return; } } } connect( curAccount, TQ_SIGNAL( finishedCheck( bool, CheckStatus ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( processNextCheck( bool ) ) ); KPIM::BroadcastStatus::instance()->setStatusMsg( i18n("Checking account %1 for new mail").arg(curAccount->name())); kdDebug(5006) << "processing next mail check for " << curAccount->name() << endl; curAccount->setCheckingMail( true ); mAcctChecking.append( curAccount ); kmkernel->filterMgr()->ref(); curAccount->processNewMail( mInteractive ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KMAccount* AccountManager::create( const TQString &aType, const TQString &aName, uint id ) { KMAccount* act = 0; if ( id == 0 ) id = createId(); if ( aType == "local" ) { act = new KMAcctLocal(this, aName.isEmpty() ? i18n("Local Account") : aName, id); act->setFolder( kmkernel->inboxFolder() ); } else if ( aType == "maildir" ) { act = new KMAcctMaildir(this, aName.isEmpty() ? i18n("Local Account") : aName, id); act->setFolder( kmkernel->inboxFolder() ); } else if ( aType == "pop" ) { act = new KMail::PopAccount(this, aName.isEmpty() ? i18n("POP Account") : aName, id); act->setFolder( kmkernel->inboxFolder() ); } else if ( aType == "imap" ) { act = new KMAcctImap(this, aName.isEmpty() ? i18n("IMAP Account") : aName, id); } else if (aType == "cachedimap") { act = new KMAcctCachedImap(this, aName.isEmpty() ? i18n("IMAP Account") : aName, id); } if ( !act ) { kdWarning(5006) << "Attempt to instantiate a non-existing account type!" << endl; return 0; } connect( act, TQ_SIGNAL( newMailsProcessed( const TQMap & ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( addToTotalNewMailCount( const TQMap & ) ) ); return act; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AccountManager::add( KMAccount *account ) { if ( account ) { mAcctList.append( account ); // init folder's account list KMAcctFolder *folder = static_cast( account->folder() ); if ( folder && !folder->hasAccounts() ) { folder->addAccount( account ); } emit accountAdded( account ); account->installTimer(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KMAccount* AccountManager::findByName(const TQString &aName) const { if ( aName.isEmpty() ) return 0; for ( AccountList::ConstIterator it( mAcctList.begin() ), end( mAcctList.end() ); it != end; ++it ) { if ( (*it)->name() == aName ) return (*it); } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KMAccount* AccountManager::find( const uint id ) const { if (id == 0) return 0; for ( AccountList::ConstIterator it( mAcctList.begin() ), end( mAcctList.end() ); it != end; ++it ) { if ( (*it)->id() == id ) return (*it); } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KMAccount* AccountManager::first() { if ( !mAcctList.empty() ) { mPtrListInterfaceProxyIterator = mAcctList.begin(); return *mPtrListInterfaceProxyIterator; } else { return 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KMAccount* AccountManager::next() { ++mPtrListInterfaceProxyIterator; if ( mPtrListInterfaceProxyIterator == mAcctList.end() ) return 0; else return *mPtrListInterfaceProxyIterator; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool AccountManager::remove( KMAccount* acct ) { if( !acct ) return false; mAcctList.remove( acct ); emit accountRemoved( acct ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AccountManager::checkMail( bool _interactive ) { mNewMailArrived = false; if ( mAcctList.isEmpty() ) { KMessageBox::information( 0,i18n("You need to add an account in the network " "section of the settings in order to receive mail.") ); return; } mDisplaySummary = true; mTotalNewMailsArrived=0; mTotalNewInFolder.clear(); for ( AccountList::Iterator it( mAcctList.begin() ), end( mAcctList.end() ); it != end; ++it ) { if ( !(*it)->checkExclude() ) singleCheckMail( (*it), _interactive); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AccountManager::singleInvalidateIMAPFolders(KMAccount *account) { account->invalidateIMAPFolders(); } void AccountManager::invalidateIMAPFolders() { for ( AccountList::ConstIterator it( mAcctList.begin() ), end( mAcctList.end() ); it != end; ++it ) singleInvalidateIMAPFolders( *it ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TQStringList AccountManager::getAccounts() const { TQStringList strList; for ( AccountList::ConstIterator it( mAcctList.begin() ), end( mAcctList.end() ); it != end; ++it ) { strList.append( (*it)->name() ); } return strList; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AccountManager::intCheckMail(int item, bool _interactive) { mNewMailArrived = false; mTotalNewMailsArrived = 0; mTotalNewInFolder.clear(); if ( KMAccount *acct = mAcctList[ item ] ) singleCheckMail( acct, _interactive ); mDisplaySummary = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AccountManager::addToTotalNewMailCount( const TQMap & newInFolder ) { for ( TQMap::const_iterator it = newInFolder.begin(); it != newInFolder.end(); ++it ) { mTotalNewMailsArrived += it.data(); if ( mTotalNewInFolder.find( it.key() ) == mTotalNewInFolder.end() ) mTotalNewInFolder[it.key()] = it.data(); else mTotalNewInFolder[it.key()] += it.data(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint AccountManager::createId() { TQValueList usedIds; for ( AccountList::ConstIterator it( mAcctList.begin() ), end( mAcctList.end() ); it != end; ++it ) { usedIds << (*it)->id(); } usedIds << 0; // 0 is default for unknown int newId; do { newId = tdeApp->random(); } while ( usedIds.find(newId) != usedIds.end() ); return newId; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AccountManager::cancelMailCheck() { for ( AccountList::ConstIterator it( mAcctList.begin() ), end( mAcctList.end() ); it != end; ++it ) { (*it)->cancelMailCheck(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AccountManager::readPasswords() { for ( AccountList::ConstIterator it( mAcctList.begin() ), end( mAcctList.end() ); it != end; ++it ) { NetworkAccount *acct = dynamic_cast( (*it) ); if ( acct ) acct->readPassword(); } } #include "accountmanager.moc"