/* -*- mode: C++ -*-
 * kmail: KDE mail client
 * Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Stefan Taferner <taferner@kde.org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef accountmanager_h
#define accountmanager_h

#include <tqobject.h>
#include "kmaccount.h"
#include <tdepimmacros.h>

class TQString;
class TQStringList;

namespace KMail {
 * The account manager is responsible for creating accounts of various types
 * via the factory method create() and for keeping track of them.
class KDE_EXPORT AccountManager: public TQObject
  friend class ::KMAccount;

    /** Initializes the account manager. readConfig() needs to be called in
     * order to fill it with persisted account information from the config file. */

  /** Completely reload accounts from config. */
  void readConfig(void);

  /** Write accounts to config. */
  void writeConfig( bool withSync=true );

  /** Create a new account of given type with given name. Currently
   the types "local" for local mail folders and "pop" are supported. */
  KMAccount* create( const TQString& type,
                             const TQString& name = TQString(),
                             uint id = 0);

  /** Adds an account to the list of accounts */
  void add( KMAccount *account );

  /** Find account by name. Returns 0 if account does not exist.
    Search is done case sensitive. */
  KMAccount* findByName( const TQString& name ) const;

  /** Find account by id. Returns 0 if account does not exist.
  KMAccount* find( const uint id ) const;

  /** Physically remove account. Also deletes the given account object !
      Returns FALSE and does nothing if the account cannot be removed. */
  bool remove( KMAccount* );

  /** First account of the list */
  const KMAccount* first() const { return first(); }
  KMAccount* first();

  /** Next account of the list */
  const KMAccount* next() const { return next(); }
  KMAccount* next();

  /** Processes all accounts looking for new mail */
  void checkMail( bool interactive = true );

  /** Delete all IMAP folders and resync them */
  void invalidateIMAPFolders();

  TQStringList getAccounts() const;

  /// Called on exit (KMMainWin::queryExit)
  void cancelMailCheck();

  /** Read passwords of all accounts from the wallet */
  void readPasswords();

public slots:
  void singleCheckMail( KMAccount *, bool interactive = true );
  void singleInvalidateIMAPFolders( KMAccount * );

  void intCheckMail( int, bool interactive = true );
  void processNextCheck( bool newMail );

  /** this slot increases the count of new mails to show a total number
  after checking in multiple accounts. */
  void addToTotalNewMailCount( const TQMap<TQString, int> & newInFolder );

   * Emitted if new mail has been collected.
   * @param newMail true if there was new mail
   * @param interactive true if the mail check was initiated by the user
   * @param newInFolder number of new messages for each folder
  void checkedMail( bool newMail, bool interactive,
                          const TQMap<TQString, int> & newInFolder );
  /** emitted when an account is removed */
  void accountRemoved( KMAccount* account );
  /** emitted when an account is added */
  void accountAdded( KMAccount* account );

   /** Create a new unique ID */
  uint createId();

  AccountList   mAcctList;
  AccountList::Iterator mPtrListInterfaceProxyIterator;
  AccountList   mAcctChecking;
  AccountList   mAcctTodo;
  bool mNewMailArrived;
  bool mInteractive;
  int  mTotalNewMailsArrived;

  // for detailed (per folder) new mail notification
  TQMap<TQString, int> mTotalNewInFolder;

  // if a summary should be displayed
  bool mDisplaySummary;

} // namespace KMail
#endif /*accountmanager_h*/