 * KMComposeWin Header File
 * Author: Markus Wuebben <markus.wuebben@kde.org>
#ifndef __KMAIL_COMPOSER_H__
#define __KMAIL_COMPOSER_H__

#include "secondarywindow.h"

#include <kurl.h>
#include <tdeglobalsettings.h>

#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqcstring.h>

class KMMessage;
class KMFolder;
class KMMessagePart;
class TQListViewItem;
class MailComposerIface;

namespace TDEIO {
  class Job;

namespace GpgME {
  class Error;

namespace KMail {

  class Composer;

  Composer * makeComposer( KMMessage * msg=0, uint identity=0 );

  class Composer : public KMail::SecondaryWindow {
    Composer( const char * name=0 ) : KMail::SecondaryWindow( name ) {}
  public: // mailserviceimpl
     * From MailComposerIface
    virtual void send( int how ) = 0;
    virtual void addAttachmentsAndSend(const KURL::List &urls, const TQString &comment, int how) = 0;
    virtual void addAttachment( KURL url, TQString comment ) = 0;
    virtual void addAttachment( const TQString & name,
                                const TQCString & cte,
                                const TQByteArray & data,
                                const TQCString & type,
                                const TQCString & subType,
                                const TQCString & paramAttr,
                                const TQString & paramValue,
                                const TQCString & contDisp) = 0;
  public: // kmcommand
    virtual void setBody( TQString body ) = 0;

    virtual const MailComposerIface * asMailComposerIFace() const = 0;
    virtual MailComposerIface * asMailComposerIFace() = 0;

  public: // kmkernel, kmcommands, callback
     * Set the message the composer shall work with. This discards
     * previous messages without calling applyChanges() on them before.
    virtual void setMsg( KMMessage * newMsg, bool mayAutoSign=true,
                         bool allowDecryption=false, bool isModified=false) = 0;

    * Returns @c true while the message composing is in progress.
   virtual bool isComposing() const = 0;

  public: // kmkernel
     * Set the filename which is used for autosaving.
    virtual void setAutoSaveFilename( const TQString & filename ) = 0;

  public: // kmkernel, callback
     * If this flag is set the message of the composer is deleted when
     * the composer is closed and the message was not sent. Default: FALSE
    virtual void setAutoDelete( bool f ) = 0;

     * If this flag is set, the compose window will delete itself after
     * the window has been closed.
    virtual void setAutoDeleteWindow( bool f ) = 0;

  public: // kmcommand
     * If this folder is set, the original message is inserted back after
     * cancelling
    virtual void setFolder( KMFolder * aFolder ) = 0;

  public: // kmkernel, kmcommand, mailserviceimpl
     * Recode to the specified charset
    virtual void setCharset( const TQCString & aCharset, bool forceDefault=false ) = 0;

  public: // kmcommand
     * Sets the focus to the edit-widget and the cursor below the
     * "On ... you wrote" line when hasMessage is true.
     * Make sure you call this _after_ setMsg().
    virtual void setReplyFocus( bool hasMessage=true ) = 0;

     * Sets the focus to the subject line edit. For use when creating a
     * message to a known recipient.
    virtual void setFocusToSubject() = 0;

  public: // callback
    /** Disabled signing and encryption completely for this composer window. */
    virtual void setSigningAndEncryptionDisabled( bool v ) = 0;

  public slots: // kmkernel, callback
    virtual void slotSendNow() = 0;

  public slots: // kmkernel
       Tell the composer to always send the message, even if the user
       hasn't changed the next. This is useful if a message is
       autogenerated (e.g., via a DCOP call), and the user should
       simply be able to confirm the message and send it.
    virtual void slotSetAlwaysSend( bool bAlwaysSend ) = 0;
  public slots: // kmkernel, callback
     * Switch wordWrap on/off
    virtual void slotWordWrapToggled(bool) = 0;

  public slots: // kmkernel
    virtual void autoSaveMessage() = 0;

  public: // kmkernel, attachmentlistview
    virtual bool addAttach( const KURL url ) = 0;

    virtual void disableWordWrap() = 0;

    virtual void disableRecipientNumberCheck() = 0;

    virtual void disableForgottenAttachmentsCheck() = 0;

    virtual void ignoreStickyFields() = 0;

  public: // kmcommand
     * Add an attachment to the list.
    virtual void addAttach( const KMMessagePart * msgPart ) = 0;


#endif // __KMAIL_COMPOSER_H__