/* Copyright (c) 2007 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "favoritefolderview.h" #include "kmfolder.h" #include "kmfoldermgr.h" #include "kmfolderseldlg.h" #include "kmmainwidget.h" #include "kmailicalifaceimpl.h" #include "folderstorage.h" #include "kmfolderimap.h" #include "kmfoldercachedimap.h" #include "kmacctcachedimap.h" #include "folderviewtooltip.h" #include "korghelper.h" #include <libtdepim/maillistdrag.h> #include <libtdepim/kaddrbook.h> #include <dcopclient.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdeglobalsettings.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kinputdialog.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tdepopupmenu.h> #include <tdeio/global.h> #include <tqheader.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <cassert> using namespace KMail; FavoriteFolderViewItem::FavoriteFolderViewItem(FavoriteFolderView * parent, const TQString & name, KMFolder * folder) : KMFolderTreeItem( parent, name, folder ), mOldName( folder->label() ) { // same stuff as in KMFolderTreeItem again, this time even with virtual methods working init(); connect( folder, TQT_SIGNAL(nameChanged()), TQT_SLOT(nameChanged()) ); connect( folder, TQT_SIGNAL(iconsChanged()), TQT_SLOT(slotIconsChanged()) ); connect( folder, TQT_SIGNAL(msgAdded(KMFolder*,TQ_UINT32)), TQT_SLOT(updateCount()) ); connect( folder, TQT_SIGNAL(numUnreadMsgsChanged(KMFolder*)), TQT_SLOT(updateCount()) ); connect( folder, TQT_SIGNAL(msgRemoved(KMFolder*)), TQT_SLOT(updateCount()) ); connect( folder, TQT_SIGNAL(folderSizeChanged( KMFolder* )), TQT_SLOT(updateCount()) ); TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT(updateCount()) ); if ( unreadCount() > 0 ) setPixmap( 0, unreadIcon( iconSize() ) ); else setPixmap( 0, normalIcon( iconSize() ) ); } void FavoriteFolderViewItem::nameChanged() { TQString txt = text( 0 ); txt.replace( mOldName, folder()->label() ); setText( 0, txt ); mOldName = folder()->label(); } TQValueList<FavoriteFolderView*> FavoriteFolderView::mInstances; FavoriteFolderView::FavoriteFolderView( KMMainWidget *mainWidget, TQWidget * parent) : FolderTreeBase( mainWidget, parent ), mContextMenuItem( 0 ), mReadingConfig( false ) { assert( mainWidget ); addColumn( i18n("Favorite Folders") ); setResizeMode( LastColumn ); header()->setClickEnabled( false ); setDragEnabled( true ); setAcceptDrops( true ); setRootIsDecorated( false ); setSelectionModeExt( TDEListView::Single ); setSorting( -1 ); setShowSortIndicator( false ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), TQT_SLOT(selectionChanged()) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(TQListViewItem*)), TQT_SLOT(itemClicked(TQListViewItem*)) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(dropped(TQDropEvent*,TQListViewItem*)), TQT_SLOT(dropped(TQDropEvent*,TQListViewItem*)) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int)), TQT_SLOT(contextMenu(TQListViewItem*,const TQPoint&)) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(moved()), TQT_SLOT(notifyInstancesOnChange()) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(triggerRefresh()), TQT_SLOT(refresh()) ); connect( kmkernel->folderMgr(), TQT_SIGNAL(changed()), TQT_SLOT(initializeFavorites()) ); connect( kmkernel->dimapFolderMgr(), TQT_SIGNAL(changed()), TQT_SLOT(initializeFavorites()) ); connect( kmkernel->imapFolderMgr(), TQT_SIGNAL(changed()), TQT_SLOT(initializeFavorites()) ); connect( kmkernel->searchFolderMgr(), TQT_SIGNAL(changed()), TQT_SLOT(initializeFavorites()) ); connect( kmkernel->folderMgr(), TQT_SIGNAL(folderRemoved(KMFolder*)), TQT_SLOT(folderRemoved(KMFolder*)) ); connect( kmkernel->dimapFolderMgr(), TQT_SIGNAL(folderRemoved(KMFolder*)), TQT_SLOT(folderRemoved(KMFolder*)) ); connect( kmkernel->imapFolderMgr(), TQT_SIGNAL(folderRemoved(KMFolder*)), TQT_SLOT(folderRemoved(KMFolder*)) ); connect( kmkernel->searchFolderMgr(), TQT_SIGNAL(folderRemoved(KMFolder*)), TQT_SLOT(folderRemoved(KMFolder*)) ); TQFont f = font(); f.setItalic( true ); setFont( f ); new FolderViewToolTip( this ); mInstances.append( this ); } FavoriteFolderView::~FavoriteFolderView() { mInstances.remove( this ); } void FavoriteFolderView::readConfig() { mReadingConfig = true; clear(); TQValueList<int> folderIds = GlobalSettings::self()->favoriteFolderIds(); TQStringList folderNames = GlobalSettings::self()->favoriteFolderNames(); TQListViewItem *afterItem = 0; for ( uint i = 0; i < folderIds.count(); ++i ) { KMFolder *folder = kmkernel->folderMgr()->findById( folderIds[i] ); if ( !folder ) folder = kmkernel->imapFolderMgr()->findById( folderIds[i] ); if ( !folder ) folder = kmkernel->dimapFolderMgr()->findById( folderIds[i] ); if ( !folder ) folder = kmkernel->searchFolderMgr()->findById( folderIds[i] ); TQString name; if ( folderNames.count() > i ) name = folderNames[i]; afterItem = addFolder( folder, name, afterItem ); } if ( firstChild() ) ensureItemVisible( firstChild() ); // folder tree is not yet populated at this point TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT(initializeFavorites()) ); readColorConfig(); mReadingConfig = false; } void FavoriteFolderView::writeConfig() { TQValueList<int> folderIds; TQStringList folderNames; for ( TQListViewItemIterator it( this ); it.current(); ++it ) { KMFolderTreeItem *fti = static_cast<KMFolderTreeItem*>( it.current() ); folderIds << fti->folder()->id(); folderNames << fti->text( 0 ); } GlobalSettings::self()->setFavoriteFolderIds( folderIds ); GlobalSettings::self()->setFavoriteFolderNames( folderNames ); } bool FavoriteFolderView::acceptDrag(TQDropEvent * e) const { KMFolderTree *ft = mainWidget()->folderTree(); assert( ft ); if ( e->provides( "application/x-qlistviewitem" ) && (e->source() == ft->viewport() || e->source() == viewport() ) ) return true; return FolderTreeBase::acceptDrag( e ); } KMFolderTreeItem* FavoriteFolderView::addFolder(KMFolder * folder, const TQString &name, TQListViewItem *after) { if ( !folder ) return 0; KMFolderTreeItem *item = new FavoriteFolderViewItem( this, name.isEmpty() ? folder->label() : name, folder ); if ( after ) item->moveItem( after ); else item->moveItem( lastItem() ); ensureItemVisible( item ); insertIntoFolderToItemMap( folder, item ); notifyInstancesOnChange(); return item; } void FavoriteFolderView::selectionChanged() { KMFolderTreeItem *fti = static_cast<KMFolderTreeItem*>( selectedItem() ); if ( !fti ) return; KMFolderTree *ft = mainWidget()->folderTree(); assert( ft ); assert( fti ); ft->showFolder( fti->folder() ); handleGroupwareFolder( fti ); } void FavoriteFolderView::handleGroupwareFolder( KMFolderTreeItem *fti ) { if ( !fti || !fti->folder() || !fti->folder()->storage() ) return; switch ( fti->folder()->storage()->contentsType() ) { case KMail::ContentsTypeContact: KAddrBookExternal::openAddressBook( this ); break; case KMail::ContentsTypeNote: { TQByteArray arg; TQDataStream s( arg, IO_WriteOnly ); s << TQString( "kontact_knotesplugin" ); kapp->dcopClient()->send( "kontact", "KontactIface", "selectPlugin(TQString)", arg ); break; } case KMail::ContentsTypeCalendar: case KMail::ContentsTypeTask: case KMail::ContentsTypeJournal: { KMail::KorgHelper::ensureRunning(); TQByteArray arg; TQDataStream s( arg, IO_WriteOnly ); switch ( fti->folder()->storage()->contentsType() ) { case KMail::ContentsTypeCalendar: s << TQString( "kontact_korganizerplugin" ); break; case KMail::ContentsTypeTask: s << TQString( "kontact_todoplugin" ); break; case KMail::ContentsTypeJournal: s << TQString( "kontact_journalplugin" ); break; default: assert( false ); } kapp->dcopClient()->send( "kontact", "KontactIface", "selectPlugin(TQString)", arg ); break; } default: break; } } void FavoriteFolderView::itemClicked(TQListViewItem * item) { if ( !item ) return; if ( !item->isSelected() ) item->setSelected( true ); item->repaint(); handleGroupwareFolder( static_cast<KMFolderTreeItem*>( item ) ); } void FavoriteFolderView::folderTreeSelectionChanged(KMFolder * folder) { blockSignals( true ); bool found = false; for ( TQListViewItemIterator it( this ); it.current(); ++it ) { KMFolderTreeItem *fti = static_cast<KMFolderTreeItem*>( it.current() ); if ( fti->folder() == folder && !fti->isSelected() ) { fti->setSelected( true ); setCurrentItem( fti ); ensureItemVisible( fti ); fti->repaint(); found = true; } else if ( fti->folder() != folder && fti->isSelected() ) { fti->setSelected( false ); fti->repaint(); } } blockSignals( false ); if ( !found ) { clearSelection(); setSelectionModeExt( TDEListView::NoSelection ); setSelectionModeExt( TDEListView::Single ); } } void FavoriteFolderView::folderRemoved(KMFolder * folder) { TQValueList<KMFolderTreeItem*> delItems; for ( TQListViewItemIterator it( this ); it.current(); ++it ) { KMFolderTreeItem *fti = static_cast<KMFolderTreeItem*>( it.current() ); if ( fti->folder() == folder ) delItems << fti; if ( fti == mContextMenuItem ) mContextMenuItem = 0; } for ( uint i = 0; i < delItems.count(); ++i ) delete delItems[i]; removeFromFolderToItemMap(folder); } void FavoriteFolderView::dropped(TQDropEvent * e, TQListViewItem * after) { TQListViewItem* afterItem = after; KMFolderTree *ft = mainWidget()->folderTree(); assert( ft ); if ( e->source() == ft->viewport() && e->provides( "application/x-qlistviewitem" ) ) { for ( TQListViewItemIterator it( ft ); it.current(); ++it ) { if ( !it.current()->isSelected() ) continue; KMFolderTreeItem *fti = static_cast<KMFolderTreeItem*>( it.current() ); if ( !fti->folder() ) continue; if( !mFolderToItem.contains( fti->folder() ) ) afterItem = addFolder( fti->folder(), prettyName( fti ), afterItem ); } e->accept(); } } void FavoriteFolderView::contextMenu(TQListViewItem * item, const TQPoint & point) { KMFolderTree *ft = mainWidget()->folderTree(); assert( ft ); KMFolderTreeItem *fti = static_cast<KMFolderTreeItem*>( item ); mContextMenuItem = fti; TDEPopupMenu contextMenu; if ( fti && fti->folder() ) { mainWidget()->action("mark_all_as_read")->plug( &contextMenu ); if ( fti->folder()->folderType() == KMFolderTypeImap || fti->folder()->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) mainWidget()->action("refresh_folder")->plug( &contextMenu ); if ( fti->folder()->isMailingListEnabled() ) mainWidget()->action("post_message")->plug( &contextMenu ); mainWidget()->action("search_messages")->plug( &contextMenu ); if ( fti->folder()->canDeleteMessages() && ( fti->folder()->count() > 0 ) ) mainWidget()->action("empty")->plug( &contextMenu ); contextMenu.insertSeparator(); contextMenu.insertItem( SmallIconSet("configure_shortcuts"), i18n("&Assign Shortcut..."), fti, TQT_SLOT(assignShortcut()) ); contextMenu.insertItem( i18n("Expire..."), fti, TQT_SLOT(slotShowExpiryProperties()) ); mainWidget()->action("modify")->plug( &contextMenu ); contextMenu.insertSeparator(); contextMenu.insertItem( SmallIconSet("edit-delete"), i18n("Remove From Favorites"), this, TQT_SLOT(removeFolder()) ); contextMenu.insertItem( SmallIconSet("edit"), i18n("Rename Favorite"), this, TQT_SLOT(renameFolder()) ); } else { contextMenu.insertItem( SmallIconSet("bookmark_add"), i18n("Add Favorite Folder..."), this, TQT_SLOT(addFolder()) ); } contextMenu.exec( point, 0 ); } void FavoriteFolderView::removeFolder() { KMFolderTreeItem *fti = mContextMenuItem; KMFolder *folder = 0; if( fti ) folder = fti->folder(); delete mContextMenuItem; mContextMenuItem = 0; removeFromFolderToItemMap(folder); notifyInstancesOnChange(); } void FavoriteFolderView::initializeFavorites() { TQValueList<int> seenInboxes = GlobalSettings::self()->favoriteFolderViewSeenInboxes(); KMFolderTree *ft = mainWidget()->folderTree(); assert( ft ); for ( TQListViewItemIterator it( ft ); it.current(); ++it ) { KMFolderTreeItem *fti = static_cast<KMFolderTreeItem*>( it.current() ); if ( fti->type() == KFolderTreeItem::Inbox && fti->folder() && !seenInboxes.contains( fti->folder()->id() ) ) { seenInboxes.append( fti->folder()->id() ); if ( fti->folder() == kmkernel->inboxFolder() && hideLocalInbox() ) continue; if ( kmkernel->iCalIface().hideResourceFolder( fti->folder() ) ) continue; addFolder( fti->folder(), prettyName( fti ) ); } } GlobalSettings::self()->setFavoriteFolderViewSeenInboxes( seenInboxes ); } void FavoriteFolderView::renameFolder() { if ( !mContextMenuItem ) return; bool ok; TQString name = KInputDialog::getText( i18n("Rename Favorite"), i18n("Name"), mContextMenuItem->text( 0 ), &ok, this ); if ( !ok ) return; mContextMenuItem->setText( 0, name ); notifyInstancesOnChange(); } TQString FavoriteFolderView::prettyName(KMFolderTreeItem * fti) { assert( fti ); assert( fti->folder() ); TQString name = fti->folder()->label(); TQListViewItem *accountFti = fti; while ( accountFti->parent() ) accountFti = accountFti->parent(); if ( fti->type() == KFolderTreeItem::Inbox ) { if ( fti->protocol() == KFolderTreeItem::Local || fti->protocol() == KFolderTreeItem::NONE ) { name = i18n( "Local Inbox" ); } else { name = i18n( "Inbox of %1" ).arg( accountFti->text( 0 ) ); } } else { if ( fti->protocol() != KFolderTreeItem::Local && fti->protocol() != KFolderTreeItem::NONE ) { name = i18n( "%1 on %2" ).arg( fti->text( 0 ) ).arg( accountFti->text( 0 ) ); } else { name = i18n( "%1 (local)" ).arg( fti->text( 0 ) ); } } return name; } void FavoriteFolderView::contentsDragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent * e) { if ( e->provides( "application/x-qlistviewitem" ) ) { setDropVisualizer( true ); setDropHighlighter( false ); } else if ( e->provides( KPIM::MailListDrag::format() ) ) { setDropVisualizer( false ); setDropHighlighter( true ); } else { setDropVisualizer( false ); setDropHighlighter( false ); } FolderTreeBase::contentsDragEnterEvent( e ); } void FavoriteFolderView::readColorConfig() { FolderTreeBase::readColorConfig(); TDEConfig* conf = KMKernel::config(); // Custom/System color support TDEConfigGroupSaver saver(conf, "Reader"); TQColor c = TDEGlobalSettings::alternateBackgroundColor(); if ( !conf->readBoolEntry("defaultColors", true) ) mPaintInfo.colBack = conf->readColorEntry( "AltBackgroundColor",&c ); else mPaintInfo.colBack = c; TQPalette newPal = palette(); newPal.setColor( TQColorGroup::Base, mPaintInfo.colBack ); setPalette( newPal ); } void FavoriteFolderView::addFolder() { KMFolderSelDlg dlg( mainWidget(), i18n("Add Favorite Folder"), false ); if ( dlg.exec() != TQDialog::Accepted ) return; KMFolder *folder = dlg.folder(); if ( !folder ) return; if ( mFolderToItem.contains( folder ) ) return; KMFolderTreeItem *fti = findFolderTreeItem( folder ); addFolder( folder, fti ? prettyName( fti ) : folder->label() ); } void KMail::FavoriteFolderView::addFolder(KMFolderTreeItem * fti) { if ( !fti || !fti->folder() ) return; if ( !mFolderToItem.contains( fti->folder() ) ) addFolder( fti->folder(), prettyName( fti ) ); } KMFolderTreeItem * FavoriteFolderView::findFolderTreeItem(KMFolder * folder) const { assert( folder ); KMFolderTree *ft = mainWidget()->folderTree(); assert( ft ); for ( TQListViewItemIterator it( ft ); it.current(); ++it ) { KMFolderTreeItem *fti = static_cast<KMFolderTreeItem*>( it.current() ); if ( fti->folder() == folder ) return fti; } return 0; } void FavoriteFolderView::checkMail() { bool found = false; for ( TQListViewItemIterator it( this ); it.current(); ++it ) { KMFolderTreeItem *fti = static_cast<KMFolderTreeItem*>( it.current() ); if ( fti->folder()->folderType() == KMFolderTypeImap || fti->folder()->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) { if ( !found ) if ( !kmkernel->askToGoOnline() ) break; found = true; if ( fti->folder()->folderType() == KMFolderTypeImap ) { KMFolderImap *imap = static_cast<KMFolderImap*>( fti->folder()->storage() ); imap->getAndCheckFolder(); } else if ( fti->folder()->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) { KMFolderCachedImap* f = static_cast<KMFolderCachedImap*>( fti->folder()->storage() ); f->account()->processNewMailInFolder( fti->folder() ); } } } } void FavoriteFolderView::notifyInstancesOnChange() { if ( mReadingConfig ) return; writeConfig(); for ( TQValueList<FavoriteFolderView*>::ConstIterator it = mInstances.begin(); it != mInstances.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it) == this || (*it)->mReadingConfig ) continue; (*it)->readConfig(); } } void FavoriteFolderView::refresh() { for ( TQListViewItemIterator it( this ) ; it.current() ; ++it ) { KMFolderTreeItem* fti = static_cast<KMFolderTreeItem*>(it.current()); if (!fti || !fti->folder()) continue; fti->repaint(); } update(); } #include "favoritefolderview.moc"