/* -*- mode: C++ -*-
 * kmail: KDE mail client
 * Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Stefan Taferner <taferner@kde.org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef kmaccount_h
#define kmaccount_h

#include <kprocess.h>
#include <kaccount.h>

#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqguardedptr.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqmap.h>

#include "kmmessage.h"
class TQTimer;

class KMFolder;
class KMAcctFolder;
class KConfig;
class KMFolderJob;
class KMFolderCachedImap;
class AccountsPageReceivingTab;
namespace  KMail {
  class FolderJob;
  class AccountManager;
using KMail::AccountManager;
namespace KPIM { class ProgressItem; }
using KMail::FolderJob;
using KPIM::ProgressItem;

class KMAccount;
typedef TQValueList< ::KMAccount* > AccountList;

class KMPrecommand : public TQObject

  KMPrecommand(const TQString &precommand, TQObject *parent = 0);
  virtual ~KMPrecommand();
  bool start();

protected slots:
  void precommandExited(KProcess *);

  void finished(bool);

  KProcess mPrecommandProcess;
  TQString mPrecommand;

class KMAccount: public TQObject, public KAccount
  friend class KMail::AccountManager;
  friend class ::KMail::FolderJob;
  friend class ::AccountsPageReceivingTab; // part of the config dialog
  friend class ::KMFolderCachedImap; /* HACK for processNewMSg() */

  virtual ~KMAccount();

  enum CheckStatus { CheckOK, CheckIgnored, CheckCanceled, CheckAborted,
                     CheckError };

  /** The default check interval */
  static const int DefaultCheckInterval = 5;

   * Returns type of the account
  virtual TQString type() const { return TQString(); }

   * Reimplemented, set account name
  virtual void setName(const TQString&);

   * Account name (reimpl because of ambiguous TQObject::name())
  virtual TQString name() const { return KAccount::name(); }

   * Set password to "" (empty string)
  virtual void clearPasswd();

   * Set intelligent default values to the fields of the account.
  virtual void init();

   * A weak assignment operator
  virtual void pseudoAssign(const KMAccount * a );

   * There can be exactly one folder that is fed by messages from an
   * account. */
  KMFolder* folder(void) const { return ((KMFolder*)((KMAcctFolder*)mFolder)); }
  virtual void setFolder(KMFolder*, bool addAccount = false);

   * the id of the trash folder (if any) for this account
  TQString trash() const { return mTrash; }
  virtual void setTrash(const TQString& aTrash) { mTrash = aTrash; }

   * Process new mail for this account if one arrived. Returns TRUE if new
   * mail has been found. Whether the mail is automatically loaded to
   * an associated folder or not depends on the type of the account.
  virtual void processNewMail(bool interactive) = 0;

   * Read config file entries. This method is called by the account
   * manager when a new account is created. The config group is
   * already properly set by the caller.
  virtual void readConfig(KConfig& config);
  void readTimerConfig();

   * Write all account information to given config file. The config group
   * is already properly set by the caller.
  virtual void writeConfig(KConfig& config);

   * Set/get interval for checking if new mail arrived (in minutes).
   * An interval of zero (or less) disables the automatic checking.
  virtual void setCheckInterval(int aInterval);
  int checkInterval() const;

   * This can be used to provide a more complex calculation later if we want
  inline int defaultCheckInterval(void) const { return DefaultCheckInterval; }

   * Deletes the set of FolderJob associated with this account.
  void deleteFolderJobs();

   * delete jobs associated with this message
  virtual void ignoreJobsForMessage( KMMessage* );
   * Set/get whether account should be part of the accounts checked
   * with "Check Mail".
  virtual void setCheckExclude(bool aExclude);
  bool checkExclude(void) const { return mExclude; }

    * Pre command
  const TQString& precommand(void) const { return mPrecommand; }
  virtual void setPrecommand(const TQString &cmd) { mPrecommand = cmd; }

   * Runs the precommand. If the precommand is empty, the method
   * will just return success and not actually do anything
   * @return True if successful, false otherwise
  bool runPrecommand(const TQString &precommand);

   * Very primitive en/de-cryption so that the password is not
   * readable in the config file. But still very easy breakable.
  static TQString encryptStr(const TQString& inStr);
  static TQString decryptStr(const TQString& inStr) { return  encryptStr(inStr); }

  static TQString importPassword(const TQString &);

  /** @return whether this account has an inbox */
  bool hasInbox() const { return mHasInbox; }
  virtual void setHasInbox( bool has ) { mHasInbox = has; }

   * If this account is a disconnected IMAP account, invalidate it.
  virtual void invalidateIMAPFolders();

   * Determines whether the account can be checked, currently.
   * Reimplementations can use this to prevent mailchecks due to
   * exceeded connection limits, or because a network link iis down.
   * @return whether mail checks can proceed
  virtual bool mailCheckCanProceed() const { return true; }

   * Set/Get if this account is currently checking mail
  bool checkingMail() { return mCheckingMail; }
  virtual void setCheckingMail( bool checking ) { mCheckingMail = checking; }

   * Call this if the newmail-check ended.
   * @param newMail true if new mail arrived
   * @param status the status of the mail check
  void checkDone( bool newMail, CheckStatus status );

   * Abort all running mail checks. Used when closing the last KMMainWin.
   * Ensure that mail check can be restarted later, e.g. if reopening a mainwindow
   * from a composer window.
  virtual void cancelMailCheck() {}

   * Call ->progress( int foo ) on this to update the account's progress
   * indicators.
  ProgressItem *mailCheckProgressItem() const {
    return mMailCheckProgressItem;

   * Set/get identity for checking account.
  void setIdentityId(uint identityId ) { mIdentityId = identityId; }
  uint identityId() const{ return mIdentityId; }

   * Emitted after the mail check is finished.
   * @param newMail true if there was new mail
   * @param status the status of the mail check
  virtual void finishedCheck( bool newMail, CheckStatus status );

   * Emitted after the mail check is finished.
   * @param newInFolder number of new messages for each folder
  virtual void newMailsProcessed( const TQMap<TQString, int> & newInFolder );

protected slots:
  virtual void mailCheck();
  virtual void sendReceipts();
  virtual void precommandExited(bool);

  KMAccount( AccountManager* owner, const TQString& accountName, uint id);

   * Does filtering and storing in a folder for the given message.
   * Shall be called from within processNewMail() to process the new
   * messages. Returns false if failed to add new message.
  virtual bool processNewMsg(KMMessage* msg);

   * Send receipt of message back to sender (confirming
   *   delivery). Checks the config settings, calls
   *   @see KMMessage::createDeliveryReceipt and queues the resulting
   *   message in @p mReceipts.
  virtual void sendReceipt(KMMessage* msg);

   * Install/deinstall automatic new-mail checker timer.
  virtual void installTimer();
  virtual void deinstallTimer();

   * Call this to increase the number of new messages in a folder for
   * messages which are _not_ processed with processNewMsg().
   * @param folderId the id of the folder
   * @param num the number of new message in this folder
  void addToNewInFolder( TQString folderId, int num );

  TQString       mPrecommand;
  TQString       mTrash;
  AccountManager*    mOwner;
  TQGuardedPtr<KMAcctFolder> mFolder;
  TQTimer *mTimer;
  int mInterval; // this is a switch and a scalar at the same time. If it is 0,
  // interval mail checking is turned off and the interval spinbox proposes a
  // default value. If it is non-null, it is the count of minutes between two
  // automated mail checks. This means that as soon as you disable interval
  // mail checking, the value in the spin box returns to a default value.
  bool mExclude;
  bool mCheckingMail : 1;
  bool mPrecommandSuccess;
  TQValueList<KMMessage*> mReceipts;
  TQPtrList<FolderJob>  mJobList;
  bool mHasInbox : 1;
  TQGuardedPtr<ProgressItem> mMailCheckProgressItem;
  uint mIdentityId;
     * avoid compiler warning about hidden virtual
    virtual void setName( const char *name ) { TQObject::setName( name ); }

  // for detailed (per folder) new mail notification
  TQMap<TQString, int> mNewInFolder;

#endif /*kmaccount_h*/