/* -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- * kmail: KDE mail client * Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Stefan Taferner <taferner@kde.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "kmfilter.h" #include "kmkernel.h" #include "accountmanager.h" using KMail::AccountManager; #include "kmacctimap.h" #include "kmfilteraction.h" #include "kmglobal.h" #include "filterlog.h" using KMail::FilterLog; #include <klocale.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <assert.h> KMFilter::KMFilter( KConfig* aConfig, bool popFilter ) : bPopFilter(popFilter) { if (!bPopFilter) mActions.setAutoDelete( true ); if ( aConfig ) readConfig( aConfig ); else if ( bPopFilter ) mAction = Down; else { bApplyOnInbound = true; bApplyOnOutbound = false; bApplyOnExplicit = true; bStopProcessingHere = true; bConfigureShortcut = false; bConfigureToolbar = false; bAutoNaming = true; mApplicability = All; } } KMFilter::KMFilter( const KMFilter & aFilter ) { bPopFilter = aFilter.isPopFilter(); if ( !bPopFilter ) mActions.setAutoDelete( true ); mPattern = aFilter.mPattern; if ( bPopFilter ){ mAction = aFilter.mAction; } else { bApplyOnInbound = aFilter.applyOnInbound(); bApplyOnOutbound = aFilter.applyOnOutbound(); bApplyOnExplicit = aFilter.applyOnExplicit(); bStopProcessingHere = aFilter.stopProcessingHere(); bConfigureShortcut = aFilter.configureShortcut(); bConfigureToolbar = aFilter.configureToolbar(); mApplicability = aFilter.applicability(); mIcon = aFilter.icon(); mShortcut = aFilter.shortcut(); TQPtrListIterator<KMFilterAction> it( aFilter.mActions ); for ( it.toFirst() ; it.current() ; ++it ) { KMFilterActionDesc *desc = (*kmkernel->filterActionDict())[ (*it)->name() ]; if ( desc ) { KMFilterAction *f = desc->create(); if ( f ) { f->argsFromString( (*it)->argsAsString() ); mActions.append( f ); } } } mAccounts.clear(); TQValueListConstIterator<int> it2; for ( it2 = aFilter.mAccounts.begin() ; it2 != aFilter.mAccounts.end() ; ++it2 ) mAccounts.append( *it2 ); } } // only for !bPopFilter KMFilter::ReturnCode KMFilter::execActions( KMMessage* msg, bool& stopIt ) const { ReturnCode status = NoResult; TQPtrListIterator<KMFilterAction> it( mActions ); for ( it.toFirst() ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if ( FilterLog::instance()->isLogging() ) { TQString logText( i18n( "<b>Applying filter action:</b> %1" ) .arg( (*it)->displayString() ) ); FilterLog::instance()->add( logText, FilterLog::appliedAction ); } KMFilterAction::ReturnCode result = (*it)->process( msg ); switch ( result ) { case KMFilterAction::CriticalError: if ( FilterLog::instance()->isLogging() ) { TQString logText = TQString( "<font color=#FF0000>%1</font>" ) .arg( i18n( "A critical error occurred. Processing stops here." ) ); FilterLog::instance()->add( logText, FilterLog::appliedAction ); } // in case it's a critical error: return immediately! return CriticalError; case KMFilterAction::ErrorButGoOn: if ( FilterLog::instance()->isLogging() ) { TQString logText = TQString( "<font color=#FF0000>%1</font>" ) .arg( i18n( "A problem was found while applying this action." ) ); FilterLog::instance()->add( logText, FilterLog::appliedAction ); } default: break; } } if ( status == NoResult ) // No filters matched, keep copy of message status = GoOn; stopIt = stopProcessingHere(); return status; } bool KMFilter::requiresBody( KMMsgBase* msg ) { if (pattern() && pattern()->requiresBody()) return true; // no pattern means always matches? TQPtrListIterator<KMFilterAction> it( *actions() ); for ( it.toFirst() ; it.current() ; ++it ) if ((*it)->requiresBody( msg )) return true; return false; } /** No descriptions */ // only for bPopFilter void KMFilter::setAction(const KMPopFilterAction aAction) { mAction = aAction; } // only for bPopFilter KMPopFilterAction KMFilter::action() { return mAction; } // only for !bPopFilter bool KMFilter::folderRemoved( KMFolder* aFolder, KMFolder* aNewFolder ) { bool rem = false; TQPtrListIterator<KMFilterAction> it( mActions ); for ( it.toFirst() ; it.current() ; ++it ) if ( (*it)->folderRemoved( aFolder, aNewFolder ) ) rem = true; return rem; } void KMFilter::setApplyOnAccount( uint id, bool aApply ) { if (aApply && !mAccounts.contains( id )) { mAccounts.append( id ); } else if (!aApply && mAccounts.contains( id )) { mAccounts.remove( id ); } } bool KMFilter::applyOnAccount( uint id ) const { if ( applicability() == All ) return true; if ( applicability() == ButImap ) { KMAccount *account = kmkernel->acctMgr()->find( id ); bool result = account && !dynamic_cast<KMAcctImap*>(account); return result; } if ( applicability() == Checked ) return mAccounts.contains( id ); return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KMFilter::readConfig(KConfig* config) { // MKSearchPattern::readConfig ensures // that the pattern is purified. mPattern.readConfig(config); if (bPopFilter) { // get the action description... TQString action = config->readEntry( "action" ); if ( action == "down" ) mAction = Down; else if ( action == "later" ) mAction = Later; else if ( action == "delete" ) mAction = Delete; else mAction = NoAction; } else { TQStringList sets = config->readListEntry("apply-on"); if ( sets.isEmpty() && !config->hasKey("apply-on") ) { bApplyOnOutbound = false; bApplyOnInbound = true; bApplyOnExplicit = true; mApplicability = ButImap; } else { bApplyOnInbound = bool(sets.contains("check-mail")); bApplyOnOutbound = bool(sets.contains("send-mail")); bApplyOnExplicit = bool(sets.contains("manual-filtering")); mApplicability = (AccountType)config->readNumEntry( "Applicability", ButImap ); } bStopProcessingHere = config->readBoolEntry("StopProcessingHere", true); bConfigureShortcut = config->readBoolEntry("ConfigureShortcut", false); TQString shortcut( config->readEntry( "Shortcut" ) ); if ( !shortcut.isEmpty() ) { KShortcut sc( shortcut ); setShortcut( sc ); } bConfigureToolbar = config->readBoolEntry("ConfigureToolbar", false); bConfigureToolbar = bConfigureToolbar && bConfigureShortcut; mIcon = config->readEntry( "Icon", "gear" ); bAutoNaming = config->readBoolEntry("AutomaticName", false); int i, numActions; TQString actName, argsName; mActions.clear(); numActions = config->readNumEntry("actions",0); if (numActions > FILTER_MAX_ACTIONS) { numActions = FILTER_MAX_ACTIONS ; KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("<qt>Too many filter actions in filter rule <b>%1</b>.</qt>").arg( mPattern.name() ) ); } for ( i=0 ; i < numActions ; i++ ) { actName.sprintf("action-name-%d", i); argsName.sprintf("action-args-%d", i); // get the action description... KMFilterActionDesc *desc = (*kmkernel->filterActionDict())[ config->readEntry( actName ) ]; if ( desc ) { //...create an instance... KMFilterAction *fa = desc->create(); if ( fa ) { //...load it with it's parameter... fa->argsFromString( config->readEntry( argsName ) ); //...check if it's emoty and... if ( !fa->isEmpty() ) //...append it if it's not and... mActions.append( fa ); else //...delete is else. delete fa; } } else KMessageBox::information( 0 /* app-global modal dialog box */, i18n("<qt>Unknown filter action <b>%1</b><br>in filter rule <b>%2</b>.<br>Ignoring it.</qt>") .arg( config->readEntry( actName ) ).arg( mPattern.name() ) ); } mAccounts = config->readIntListEntry( "accounts-set" ); } } void KMFilter::writeConfig(KConfig* config) const { mPattern.writeConfig(config); if (bPopFilter) { switch ( mAction ) { case Down: config->writeEntry( "action", "down" ); break; case Later: config->writeEntry( "action", "later" ); break; case Delete: config->writeEntry( "action", "delete" ); break; default: config->writeEntry( "action", "" ); } } else { TQStringList sets; if ( bApplyOnInbound ) sets.append( "check-mail" ); if ( bApplyOnOutbound ) sets.append( "send-mail" ); if ( bApplyOnExplicit ) sets.append( "manual-filtering" ); config->writeEntry( "apply-on", sets ); config->writeEntry( "StopProcessingHere", bStopProcessingHere ); config->writeEntry( "ConfigureShortcut", bConfigureShortcut ); if ( !mShortcut.isNull() ) config->writeEntry( "Shortcut", mShortcut.toString() ); config->writeEntry( "ConfigureToolbar", bConfigureToolbar ); config->writeEntry( "Icon", mIcon ); config->writeEntry( "AutomaticName", bAutoNaming ); config->writeEntry( "Applicability", mApplicability ); TQString key; int i; TQPtrListIterator<KMFilterAction> it( mActions ); for ( i=0, it.toFirst() ; it.current() ; ++it, ++i ) { config->writeEntry( key.sprintf("action-name-%d", i), (*it)->name() ); config->writeEntry( key.sprintf("action-args-%d", i), (*it)->argsAsString() ); } config->writeEntry( "actions", i ); config->writeEntry( "accounts-set", mAccounts ); } } void KMFilter::purify() { mPattern.purify(); if (!bPopFilter) { TQPtrListIterator<KMFilterAction> it( mActions ); it.toLast(); while ( it.current() ) if ( (*it)->isEmpty() ) mActions.remove ( (*it) ); else --it; // Remove invalid accounts from mAccounts - just to be tidy TQValueListIterator<int> it2 = mAccounts.begin(); while ( it2 != mAccounts.end() ) { if ( !kmkernel->acctMgr()->find( *it2 ) ) it2 = mAccounts.remove( it2 ); else ++it2; } } } bool KMFilter::isEmpty() const { if (bPopFilter) return mPattern.isEmpty(); else return mPattern.isEmpty() && mActions.isEmpty() && mAccounts.isEmpty(); } #ifndef NDEBUG const TQString KMFilter::asString() const { TQString result; result += mPattern.asString(); if (bPopFilter){ result += " action: "; result += mAction; result += "\n"; } else { TQPtrListIterator<KMFilterAction> it( mActions ); for ( it.toFirst() ; it.current() ; ++it ) { result += " action: "; result += (*it)->label(); result += " "; result += (*it)->argsAsString(); result += "\n"; } result += "This filter belongs to the following sets:"; if ( bApplyOnInbound ) result += " Inbound"; if ( bApplyOnOutbound ) result += " Outbound"; if ( bApplyOnExplicit ) result += " Explicit"; result += "\n"; if ( bApplyOnInbound && mApplicability == All ) { result += "This filter applies to all accounts.\n"; } else if ( bApplyOnInbound && mApplicability == ButImap ) { result += "This filter applies to all but online IMAP accounts.\n"; } else if ( bApplyOnInbound ) { TQValueListConstIterator<int> it2; result += "This filter applies to the following accounts:"; if ( mAccounts.isEmpty() ) result += " None"; else for ( it2 = mAccounts.begin() ; it2 != mAccounts.end() ; ++it2 ) if ( kmkernel->acctMgr()->find( *it2 ) ) result += " " + kmkernel->acctMgr()->find( *it2 )->name(); result += "\n"; } if ( bStopProcessingHere ) result += "If it matches, processing stops at this filter.\n"; } return result; } #endif