// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu" -*-
// kmfoldermaildir.cpp
// Author: Kurt Granroth <granroth@kde.org>

#include <config.h>

#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>

#include <libkdepim/kfileio.h>
#include "kmfoldermaildir.h"
#include "kmfoldermgr.h"
#include "kmfolder.h"
#include "undostack.h"
#include "maildirjob.h"
#include "kcursorsaver.h"
#include "jobscheduler.h"
using KMail::MaildirJob;
#include "compactionjob.h"
#include "kmmsgdict.h"
#include "util.h"

#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kdirsize.h>

#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#ifndef MAX_LINE
#define MAX_LINE 4096
#ifndef INIT_MSGS
#define INIT_MSGS 8

// define the static member
TQValueList<KMFolderMaildir::DirSizeJobQueueEntry> KMFolderMaildir::s_DirSizeJobQueue;

KMFolderMaildir::KMFolderMaildir(KMFolder* folder, const char* name)
  : KMFolderIndex(folder, name), mCurrentlyCheckingFolderSize(false)


  if (mOpenCount>0) close("~foldermaildir", true);
  if (kmkernel->undoStack()) kmkernel->undoStack()->folderDestroyed( folder() );

int KMFolderMaildir::canAccess()


  TQString sBadFolderName;
  if (access(TQFile::encodeName(location()), R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) != 0) {
    sBadFolderName = location();
  } else if (access(TQFile::encodeName(location() + "/new"), R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) != 0) {
    sBadFolderName = location() + "/new";
  } else if (access(TQFile::encodeName(location() + "/cur"), R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) != 0) {
    sBadFolderName = location() + "/cur";
  } else if (access(TQFile::encodeName(location() + "/tmp"), R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) != 0) {
    sBadFolderName = location() + "/tmp";

  if ( !sBadFolderName.isEmpty() ) {
    int nRetVal = TQFile::exists(sBadFolderName) ? EPERM : ENOENT;
    KCursorSaver idle(KBusyPtr::idle());
    if ( nRetVal == ENOENT )
      KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("Error opening %1; this folder is missing.")
      KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("Error opening %1; either this is not a valid "
                                 "maildir folder, or you do not have sufficient access permissions.")
    return nRetVal;

  return 0;

int KMFolderMaildir::open(const char *)
  int rc = 0;

  kmkernel->jobScheduler()->notifyOpeningFolder( folder() );

  if (mOpenCount > 1) return 0;  // already open


  rc = canAccess();
  if ( rc != 0 ) {
      return rc;

  if (!folder()->path().isEmpty())
    if (KMFolderIndex::IndexOk != indextqStatus()) // test if contents file has changed
      TQString str;
      mIndexStream = 0;
      str = i18n("Folder `%1' changed; recreating index.")
      emit statusMsg(str);
    } else {
      mIndexStream = fopen(TQFile::encodeName(indexLocation()), "r+"); // index file
      if ( mIndexStream ) {
        fcntl(fileno(mIndexStream), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);

    if (!mIndexStream)
      rc = createIndexFromContents();
    mAutoCreateIndex = false;
    rc = createIndexFromContents();

  mChanged = false;


  return rc;

int KMFolderMaildir::createMaildirFolders( const TQString & folderPath )
  // Make sure that neither a new, cur or tmp subfolder exists already.
  TQFileInfo dirinfo;
  dirinfo.setFile( folderPath + "/new" );
  if ( dirinfo.exists() ) return EEXIST;
  dirinfo.setFile( folderPath + "/cur" );
  if ( dirinfo.exists() ) return EEXIST;
  dirinfo.setFile( folderPath + "/tmp" );
  if ( dirinfo.exists() ) return EEXIST;

  // create the maildir directory structure
  if ( ::mkdir( TQFile::encodeName( folderPath ), S_IRWXU ) > 0 ) {
    kdDebug(5006) << "Could not create folder " << folderPath << endl;
    return errno;
  if ( ::mkdir( TQFile::encodeName( folderPath + "/new" ), S_IRWXU ) > 0 ) {
    kdDebug(5006) << "Could not create folder " << folderPath << "/new" << endl;
    return errno;
  if ( ::mkdir( TQFile::encodeName( folderPath + "/cur" ), S_IRWXU ) > 0 ) {
    kdDebug(5006) << "Could not create folder " << folderPath << "/cur" << endl;
    return errno;
  if ( ::mkdir( TQFile::encodeName( folderPath + "/tmp" ), S_IRWXU ) > 0 ) {
    kdDebug(5006) << "Could not create folder " << folderPath << "/tmp" << endl;
    return errno;

  return 0; // no error

int KMFolderMaildir::create()
  int rc;
  int old_umask;

  assert(mOpenCount == 0);

  rc = createMaildirFolders( location() );
  if ( rc != 0 )
    return rc;

  // FIXME no path == no index? - till
  if (!folder()->path().isEmpty())
    old_umask = umask(077);
    mIndexStream = fopen(TQFile::encodeName(indexLocation()), "w+"); //sven; open RW

    if (!mIndexStream) return errno;
    fcntl(fileno(mIndexStream), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
    mAutoCreateIndex = false;

  mChanged = false;

  rc = writeIndex();
  return rc;

void KMFolderMaildir::reallyDoClose(const char* owner)
  Q_UNUSED( owner );
  if (mAutoCreateIndex)


  if (mIndexStream) {

  mOpenCount   = 0;
  mIndexStream = 0;
  mUnreadMsgs  = -1;


void KMFolderMaildir::sync()
  if (mOpenCount > 0)
    if (!mIndexStream || fsync(fileno(mIndexStream))) {
    kmkernel->emergencyExit( i18n("Could not sync maildir folder.") );

int KMFolderMaildir::expungeContents()
  // nuke all messages in this folder now
  TQDir d(location() + "/new");
  // d.setFilter(TQDir::Files); coolo: TQFile::remove returns false for non-files
  TQStringList files(d.entryList());
  TQStringList::ConstIterator it(files.begin());
  for ( ; it != files.end(); ++it)

  d.setPath(location() + "/cur");
  files = d.entryList();
  for (it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it)

  return 0;

int KMFolderMaildir::compact( unsigned int startIndex, int nbMessages, const TQStringList& entryList, bool& done )
  TQString subdirNew(location() + "/new/");
  TQString subdirCur(location() + "/cur/");

  unsigned int stopIndex = nbMessages == -1 ? mMsgList.count() :
                           TQMIN( mMsgList.count(), startIndex + nbMessages );
  //kdDebug(5006) << "KMFolderMaildir: compacting from " << startIndex << " to " << stopIndex << endl;
  for(unsigned int idx = startIndex; idx < stopIndex; ++idx) {
    KMMsgInfo* mi = (KMMsgInfo*)mMsgList.at(idx);
    if (!mi)

    TQString filename(mi->fileName());
    if (filename.isEmpty())

    // first, make sure this isn't in the 'new' subdir
    if ( entryList.contains( filename ) )
      moveInternal(subdirNew + filename, subdirCur + filename, mi);

    // construct a valid filename.  if it's already valid, then
    // nothing happens
    filename = constructValidFileName( filename, mi->status() );

    // if the name changed, then we need to update the actual filename
    if (filename != mi->fileName())
      moveInternal(subdirCur + mi->fileName(), subdirCur + filename, mi);
      setDirty( true );

#if 0
    // we can't have any New messages at this point
    if (mi->isNew())
      setDirty( true );
  done = ( stopIndex == mMsgList.count() );
  return 0;

int KMFolderMaildir::compact( bool silent )
  KMail::MaildirCompactionJob* job = new KMail::MaildirCompactionJob( folder(), true /*immediate*/ );
  int rc = job->executeNow( silent );
  // Note that job autodeletes itself.
  return rc;

KMFolderMaildir::doCreateJob( KMMessage *msg, FolderJob::JobType jt,
                              KMFolder *folder, TQString, const AttachmentStrategy* ) const
  MaildirJob *job = new MaildirJob( msg, jt, folder );
  job->setParentFolder( this );
  return job;

KMFolderMaildir::doCreateJob( TQPtrList<KMMessage>& msgList, const TQString& sets,
                              FolderJob::JobType jt, KMFolder *folder ) const
  MaildirJob *job = new MaildirJob( msgList, sets, jt, folder );
  job->setParentFolder( this );
  return job;

int KMFolderMaildir::addMsg(KMMessage* aMsg, int* index_return)
  if (!canAddMsgNow(aMsg, index_return)) return 0;
  return addMsgInternal( aMsg, index_return );

int KMFolderMaildir::addMsgInternal( KMMessage* aMsg, int* index_return,
                                     bool stripUid )
TQFile fileD0( "testdat_xx-kmfoldermaildir-0" );
if( fileD0.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
    TQDataStream ds( &fileD0 );
    ds.writeRawBytes( aMsg->asString(), aMsg->asString().length() );
    fileD0.close();  // If data is 0 we just create a zero length file.
  long len;
  unsigned long size;
  KMFolder* msgParent;
  TQCString msgText;
  int idx(-1);
  int rc;

  // take message out of the folder it is currently in, if any
  msgParent = aMsg->parent();
  if (msgParent)
    if (msgParent==folder() && !kmkernel->folderIsDraftOrOutbox(folder()))
        return 0;

    idx = msgParent->find(aMsg);
    msgParent->getMsg( idx );

  if (aMsg->headerField("Content-Type").isEmpty())  // This might be added by
    aMsg->removeHeaderField("Content-Type");        // the line above

  const TQString uidHeader = aMsg->headerField( "X-UID" );
  if ( !uidHeader.isEmpty() && stripUid )
    aMsg->removeHeaderField( "X-UID" );

  msgText = aMsg->asString(); // TODO use asDwString instead
  len = msgText.length();

  // Re-add the uid so that the take can make use of it, in case the
  // message is currently in an imap folder
  if ( !uidHeader.isEmpty() && stripUid )
    aMsg->setHeaderField( "X-UID", uidHeader );

  if (len <= 0)
    kdDebug(5006) << "Message added to folder `" << name() << "' contains no data. Ignoring it." << endl;
    return 0;

  // make sure the filename has the correct extension
  TQString filename = constructValidFileName( aMsg->fileName(), aMsg->status() );

  TQString tmp_file(location() + "/tmp/");
  tmp_file += filename;

  if (!KPIM::kCStringToFile(msgText, tmp_file, false, false, false))
    kmkernel->emergencyExit( i18n("Message could not be added to the folder, possibly disk space is low.") );

  TQFile file(tmp_file);
  size = msgText.length();

  KMFolderOpener openThis(folder(), "maildir");
  rc = openThis.openResult();
  if (rc)
    kdDebug(5006) << "KMFolderMaildir::addMsg-open: " << rc << " of folder: " << label() << endl;
    return rc;

  // now move the file to the correct location
  TQString new_loc(location() + "/cur/");
  new_loc += filename;
  if (moveInternal(tmp_file, new_loc, filename, aMsg->status()).isNull())
    return -1;

  if (msgParent && idx >= 0)

  // just to be sure it does not end up in the index
  if ( stripUid ) aMsg->setUID( 0 );

  if (filename != aMsg->fileName())

  if (aMsg->isUnread() || aMsg->isNew() || folder() == kmkernel->outboxFolder())
    if (mUnreadMsgs == -1)
      mUnreadMsgs = 1;
    if ( !mQuiet ) {
      kdDebug( 5006 ) << "FolderStorage::msgStatusChanged" << endl;
      emit numUnreadMsgsChanged( folder() );
      if ( !mEmitChangedTimer->isActive() ) {
//        kdDebug( 5006 )<< "QuietTimer started" << endl;
        mEmitChangedTimer->start( 3000 );
      mChanged = true;
  mSize = -1;

  if ( aMsg->attachmentState() == KMMsgAttachmentUnknown && aMsg->readyToShow() ) {
  if ( aMsg->invitationState() == KMMsgInvitationUnknown && aMsg->readyToShow() ) {

  // store information about the position in the folder file in the message
  idx = mMsgList.append( &aMsg->toMsgBase(), mExportsSernums );
  if (aMsg->getMsgSerNum() <= 0)
    replaceMsgSerNum( aMsg->getMsgSerNum(), &aMsg->toMsgBase(), idx );

  // write index entry if desired
  if (mAutoCreateIndex)
    assert(mIndexStream != 0);
    fseek(mIndexStream, 0, SEEK_END);
    off_t revert = ftell(mIndexStream);

    int len;
    KMMsgBase * mb = &aMsg->toMsgBase();
    const uchar *buffer = mb->asIndexString(len);
    fwrite(&len,sizeof(len), 1, mIndexStream);
    mb->setIndexOffset( ftell(mIndexStream) );
    mb->setIndexLength( len );
    if(fwrite(buffer, len, 1, mIndexStream) != 1)
      kdDebug(5006) << "Whoa! " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl;

    int error = ferror(mIndexStream);

    if ( mExportsSernums )
      error |= appendToFolderIdsFile( idx );

    if (error) {
      kdDebug(5006) << "Error: Could not add message to folder (No space left on tqdevice?)" << endl;
      if (ftell(mIndexStream) > revert) {
	kdDebug(5006) << "Undoing changes" << endl;
	truncate( TQFile::encodeName(indexLocation()), revert );
      kmkernel->emergencyExit(i18n("KMFolderMaildir::addMsg: abnormally terminating to prevent data loss."));
      // exit(1); // don't ever use exit(), use the above!

      /* This code may not be 100% reliable
      bool busy = kmkernel->kbp()->isBusy();
      if (busy) kmkernel->kbp()->idle();
        i18n("Unable to add message to folder.\n"
	     "(No space left on tqdevice or insufficient quota?)\n"
	     "Free space and sufficient quota are required to continue safely."));
      if (busy) kmkernel->kbp()->busy();
      return error;

  if (index_return)
    *index_return = idx;

  needsCompact = true;

TQFile fileD1( "testdat_xx-kmfoldermaildir-1" );
if( fileD1.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
    TQDataStream ds( &fileD1 );
    ds.writeRawBytes( aMsg->asString(), aMsg->asString().length() );
    fileD1.close();  // If data is 0 we just create a zero length file.
  return 0;

KMMessage* KMFolderMaildir::readMsg(int idx)
  KMMsgInfo* mi = (KMMsgInfo*)mMsgList[idx];
  KMMessage *msg = new KMMessage(*mi);
  msg->setMsgInfo( mi ); // remember the KMMsgInfo object to that we can restore it when the KMMessage object is no longer needed
  mMsgList.set(idx,&msg->toMsgBase()); // done now so that the serial number can be computed
  msg->setComplete( true );
  return msg;

DwString KMFolderMaildir::getDwString(int idx)
  KMMsgInfo* mi = (KMMsgInfo*)mMsgList[idx];
  TQString abs_file(location() + "/cur/");
  abs_file += mi->fileName();
  TQFileInfo fi( abs_file );

  if (fi.exists() && fi.isFile() && fi.isWritable() && fi.size() > 0)
    FILE* stream = fopen(TQFile::encodeName(abs_file), "r+");
    if (stream) {
      size_t msgSize = fi.size();
      char* msgText = new char[ msgSize + 1 ];
      fread(msgText, msgSize, 1, stream);
      fclose( stream );
      msgText[msgSize] = '\0';
      size_t newMsgSize = KMail::Util::crlf2lf( msgText, msgSize );
      DwString str;
      // the DwString takes possession of msgText, so we must not delete it
      str.TakeBuffer( msgText, msgSize + 1, 0, newMsgSize );
      return str;
  kdDebug(5006) << "Could not open file r+ " << abs_file << endl;
  return DwString();

void KMFolderMaildir::readFileHeaderIntern(const TQString& dir, const TQString& file, KMMsgtqStatus status)
  // we keep our current directory to restore it later
  char path_buffer[PATH_MAX];
  if(!::getcwd(path_buffer, PATH_MAX - 1))


  // messages in the 'cur' directory are Read by default.. but may
  // actually be some other state (but not New)
  if (status == KMMsgStatusRead)
    if (file.find(":2,") == -1)
      status = KMMsgStatusUnread;
    else if (file.right(5) == ":2,RS")
      status |= KMMsgStatusReplied;

  // open the file and get a pointer to it
  TQFile f(file);
  if ( f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) == false ) {
    kdWarning(5006) << "The file '" << TQString(TQFile::encodeName(dir)) << "/" << file
                    << "' could not be opened for reading the message. "
                       "Please check ownership and permissions."
                    << endl;

  char line[MAX_LINE];
  bool atEof    = false;
  bool inHeader = true;
  TQCString *lastStr = 0;

  TQCString dateStr, fromStr, toStr, subjStr;
  TQCString xmarkStr, replyToIdStr, msgIdStr, referencesStr;
  TQCString statusStr, replyToAuxIdStr, uidStr;
  TQCString contentTypeStr, charset;

  // iterate through this file until done
  while (!atEof)
    // if the end of the file has been reached or if there was an error
    if ( f.atEnd() || ( -1 == f.readLine(line, MAX_LINE) ) )
      atEof = true;

    // are we done with this file?  if so, compile our info and store
    // it in a KMMsgInfo object
    if (atEof || !inHeader)
      msgIdStr = msgIdStr.stripWhiteSpace();
      if( !msgIdStr.isEmpty() ) {
        int rightAngle;
        rightAngle = msgIdStr.find( '>' );
        if( rightAngle != -1 )
          msgIdStr.truncate( rightAngle + 1 );

      replyToIdStr = replyToIdStr.stripWhiteSpace();
      if( !replyToIdStr.isEmpty() ) {
        int rightAngle;
        rightAngle = replyToIdStr.find( '>' );
        if( rightAngle != -1 )
          replyToIdStr.truncate( rightAngle + 1 );

      referencesStr = referencesStr.stripWhiteSpace();
      if( !referencesStr.isEmpty() ) {
        int leftAngle, rightAngle;
        leftAngle = referencesStr.findRev( '<' );
        if( ( leftAngle != -1 )
            && ( replyToIdStr.isEmpty() || ( replyToIdStr[0] != '<' ) ) ) {
          // use the last reference, instead of missing In-Reply-To
          replyToIdStr = referencesStr.mid( leftAngle );

        // find second last reference
        leftAngle = referencesStr.findRev( '<', leftAngle - 1 );
        if( leftAngle != -1 )
          referencesStr = referencesStr.mid( leftAngle );
        rightAngle = referencesStr.findRev( '>' );
        if( rightAngle != -1 )
          referencesStr.truncate( rightAngle + 1 );

        // Store the second to last reference in the replyToAuxIdStr
        // It is a good candidate for threading the message below if the
        // message In-Reply-To points to is not kept in this folder,
        // but e.g. in an Outbox
        replyToAuxIdStr = referencesStr;
        rightAngle = referencesStr.find( '>' );
        if( rightAngle != -1 )
          replyToAuxIdStr.truncate( rightAngle + 1 );

      statusStr = statusStr.stripWhiteSpace();
      if (!statusStr.isEmpty())
        // only handle those states not determined by the file suffix
        if (statusStr[0] == 'S')
          status |= KMMsgStatusSent;
        else if (statusStr[0] == 'F')
          status |= KMMsgStatusForwarded;
        else if (statusStr[0] == 'D')
          status |= KMMsgStatusDeleted;
        else if (statusStr[0] == 'Q')
          status |= KMMsgStatusQueued;
        else if (statusStr[0] == 'G')
          status |= KMMsgStatusFlag;

      contentTypeStr = contentTypeStr.stripWhiteSpace();
      charset = "";
      if ( !contentTypeStr.isEmpty() )
        int cidx = contentTypeStr.find( "charset=" );
        if ( cidx != -1 ) {
          charset = contentTypeStr.mid( cidx + 8 );
          if ( !charset.isEmpty() && ( charset[0] == '"' ) ) {
            charset = charset.mid( 1 );
          cidx = 0;
          while ( (unsigned int) cidx < charset.length() ) {
            if ( charset[cidx] == '"' || ( !isalnum(charset[cidx]) &&
                 charset[cidx] != '-' && charset[cidx] != '_' ) )
          charset.truncate( cidx );
          // kdDebug() << "KMFolderMaildir::readFileHeaderIntern() charset found: " <<
          //              charset << " from " << contentTypeStr << endl;

      KMMsgInfo *mi = new KMMsgInfo(folder());
      mi->init( subjStr.stripWhiteSpace(),
                0, status,
                replyToIdStr, replyToAuxIdStr, msgIdStr,
                KMMsgEncryptionStateUnknown, KMMsgSignatureStateUnknown,
                KMMsgMDNStateUnknown, charset, f.size() );

      dateStr = dateStr.stripWhiteSpace();
      if (!dateStr.isEmpty())
      if ( !uidStr.isEmpty() )
         mi->setUID( uidStr.toULong() );
      mMsgList.append( mi, mExportsSernums );

      // if this is a New file and is in 'new', we move it to 'cur'
      if (status & KMMsgStatusNew)
        TQString newDir(location() + "/new/");
        TQString curDir(location() + "/cur/");
        moveInternal(newDir + file, curDir + file, mi);


    // Is this a long header line?
    if (inHeader && ( line[0] == '\t' || line[0] == ' ' ) )
      int i = 0;
      while (line[i] == '\t' || line[i] == ' ')
      if (line[i] < ' ' && line[i] > 0)
        inHeader = false;
        if (lastStr)
          *lastStr += line + i;
      lastStr = 0;

    if (inHeader && (line[0] == '\n' || line[0] == '\r'))
      inHeader = false;
    if (!inHeader)

    if (strncasecmp(line, "Date:", 5) == 0)
      dateStr = TQCString(line+5);
      lastStr = &dateStr;
    else if (strncasecmp(line, "From:", 5) == 0)
      fromStr = TQCString(line+5);
      lastStr = &fromStr;
    else if (strncasecmp(line, "To:", 3) == 0)
      toStr = TQCString(line+3);
      lastStr = &toStr;
    else if (strncasecmp(line, "Subject:", 8) == 0)
      subjStr = TQCString(line+8);
      lastStr = &subjStr;
    else if (strncasecmp(line, "References:", 11) == 0)
      referencesStr = TQCString(line+11);
      lastStr = &referencesStr;
    else if (strncasecmp(line, "Message-Id:", 11) == 0)
      msgIdStr = TQCString(line+11);
      lastStr = &msgIdStr;
    else if (strncasecmp(line, "X-KMail-Mark:", 13) == 0)
      xmarkStr = TQCString(line+13);
    else if (strncasecmp(line, "X-Status:", 9) == 0)
      statusStr = TQCString(line+9);
    else if (strncasecmp(line, "In-Reply-To:", 12) == 0)
      replyToIdStr = TQCString(line+12);
      lastStr = &replyToIdStr;
    else if (strncasecmp(line, "X-UID:", 6) == 0)
      uidStr = TQCString(line+6);
      lastStr = &uidStr;
    else if (strncasecmp(line, "Content-Type:", 13) == 0)
      contentTypeStr = TQCString(line+13);
      lastStr = &contentTypeStr;


  if (status & KMMsgStatusNew || status & KMMsgStatusUnread ||
      (folder() == kmkernel->outboxFolder()))
   if (mUnreadMsgs == 0) ++mUnreadMsgs;


int KMFolderMaildir::createIndexFromContents()
  mUnreadMsgs = 0;


  mChanged = false;

  // first, we make sure that all the directories are here as they
  // should be
  TQFileInfo dirinfo;

  dirinfo.setFile(location() + "/new");
  if (!dirinfo.exists() || !dirinfo.isDir())
    kdDebug(5006) << "Directory " << location() << "/new doesn't exist or is a file"<< endl;
    return 1;
  TQDir newDir(location() + "/new");

  dirinfo.setFile(location() + "/cur");
  if (!dirinfo.exists() || !dirinfo.isDir())
    kdDebug(5006) << "Directory " << location() << "/cur doesn't exist or is a file"<< endl;
    return 1;
  TQDir curDir(location() + "/cur");

  // then, we look for all the 'cur' files
  const TQFileInfoList *list = curDir.entryInfoList();
  TQFileInfoListIterator it(*list);
  TQFileInfo *fi;

  while ((fi = it.current()))
    readFileHeaderIntern(curDir.path(), fi->fileName(), KMMsgStatusRead);

  // then, we look for all the 'new' files
  list = newDir.entryInfoList();
  it = *list;

  while ((fi=it.current()))
    readFileHeaderIntern(newDir.path(), fi->fileName(), KMMsgStatusNew);

  if ( autoCreateIndex() ) {
    emit statusMsg(i18n("Writing index file"));
  else mHeaderOffset = 0;


  if (kmkernel->outboxFolder() == folder() && count() > 0)
    KMessageBox::information(0, i18n("Your outbox contains messages which were "
    "most-likely not created by KMail;\nplease remove them from there if you "
    "do not want KMail to send them."));

  needsCompact = true;

  return 0;

KMFolderIndex::IndextqStatus KMFolderMaildir::indextqStatus()
  if ( !mCompactable )
    return KMFolderIndex::IndexCorrupt;

  TQFileInfo new_info(location() + "/new");
  TQFileInfo cur_info(location() + "/cur");
  TQFileInfo index_info(indexLocation());

  if (!index_info.exists())
    return KMFolderIndex::IndexMissing;

  // Check whether the directories are more than 5 seconds newer than the index
  // file. The 5 seconds are added to reduce the number of false alerts due
  // to slightly out of sync clocks of the NFS server and the local machine.
  return ((new_info.lastModified() > index_info.lastModified().addSecs(5)) ||
          (cur_info.lastModified() > index_info.lastModified().addSecs(5)))
         ? KMFolderIndex::IndexTooOld
         : KMFolderIndex::IndexOk;

void KMFolderMaildir::removeMsg(int idx, bool)
  KMMsgBase* msg = mMsgList[idx];
  if (!msg || !msg->fileName()) return;



KMMessage* KMFolderMaildir::take(int idx)
  // first, we do the high-level stuff.. then delete later
  KMMessage *msg = KMFolderIndex::take(idx);

  if (!msg || !msg->fileName()) {
    return 0;

  if ( removeFile(msg->fileName()) ) {
    return msg;
  } else {
    return 0;

// static
bool KMFolderMaildir::removeFile( const TQString & folderPath,
                                  const TQString & filename )
  // we need to look in both 'new' and 'cur' since it's possible to
  // delete a message before the folder is compacted. Since the file
  // naming and moving is done in ::compact, we can't assume any
  // location at this point.
  TQCString abs_file( TQFile::encodeName( folderPath + "/cur/" + filename ) );
  if ( ::unlink( abs_file ) == 0 )
    return true;

  if ( errno == ENOENT ) { // doesn't exist
    abs_file = TQFile::encodeName( folderPath + "/new/" + filename );
    if ( ::unlink( abs_file ) == 0 )
      return true;

  kdDebug(5006) << "Can't delete " << abs_file << " " << perror << endl;
  return false;

bool KMFolderMaildir::removeFile( const TQString & filename )
  return removeFile( location(), filename );

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
static bool removeDirAndContentsRecursively( const TQString & path )
  bool success = true;

  TQDir d;
  d.setPath( path );
  d.setFilter( TQDir::Files | TQDir::Dirs | TQDir::Hidden | TQDir::NoSymLinks );

  const TQFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList();
  TQFileInfoListIterator it( *list );
  TQFileInfo *fi;

  while ( (fi = it.current()) != 0 ) {
    if( fi->isDir() ) {
      if ( fi->fileName() != "." && fi->fileName() != ".." )
        success = success && removeDirAndContentsRecursively( fi->absFilePath() );
    } else {
      success = success && d.remove( fi->absFilePath() );

  if ( success ) {
    success = success && d.rmdir( path ); // nuke ourselves, we should be empty now
  return success;

int KMFolderMaildir::removeContents()
  // NOTE: Don' use KIO::netaccess, it has reentrancy problems and multiple
  // mailchecks going on trigger them, when removing dirs
  if ( !removeDirAndContentsRecursively( location() + "/new/" ) ) return 1;
  if ( !removeDirAndContentsRecursively( location() + "/cur/" ) ) return 1;
  if ( !removeDirAndContentsRecursively( location() + "/tmp/" ) ) return 1;
  /* The subdirs are removed now. Check if there is anything else in the dir
   * and only if not delete the dir itself. The user could have data stored
   * that would otherwise be deleted. */
  TQDir dir(location());
  if ( dir.count() == 2 ) { // only . and ..
    if ( !removeDirAndContentsRecursively( location() ), 0 ) return 1;
  return 0;

static TQRegExp *suffix_regex = 0;
static KStaticDeleter<TQRegExp> suffix_regex_sd;

// static
TQString KMFolderMaildir::constructValidFileName( const TQString & filename,
                                                 KMMsgtqStatus status )
  TQString aFileName( filename );

  if (aFileName.isEmpty())
    aFileName.sprintf("%ld.%d.", (long)time(0), getpid());
    aFileName += KApplication::randomString(5);

  if (!suffix_regex)
      suffix_regex_sd.setObject(suffix_regex, new TQRegExp(":2,?R?S?$"));


  // only add status suffix if the message is neither new nor unread
  if (! ((status & KMMsgStatusNew) || (status & KMMsgStatusUnread)) )
    TQString suffix( ":2," );
    if (status & KMMsgStatusReplied)
      suffix += "RS";
      suffix += "S";
    aFileName += suffix;

  return aFileName;

TQString KMFolderMaildir::moveInternal(const TQString& oldLoc, const TQString& newLoc, KMMsgInfo *mi)
  TQString filename(mi->fileName());
  TQString ret(moveInternal(oldLoc, newLoc, filename, mi->status()));

  if (filename != mi->fileName())

  return ret;

TQString KMFolderMaildir::moveInternal(const TQString& oldLoc, const TQString& newLoc, TQString& aFileName, KMMsgtqStatus status)
  TQString dest(newLoc);
  // make sure that our destination filename doesn't already exist
  while (TQFile::exists(dest))
    aFileName = constructValidFileName( TQString(), status );

    TQFileInfo fi(dest);
    dest = fi.dirPath(true) + "/" + aFileName;
    setDirty( true );

  TQDir d;
  if (d.rename(oldLoc, dest) == false)
    return TQString();
    return dest;

void KMFolderMaildir::msgStatusChanged(const KMMsgtqStatus oldtqStatus,
  const KMMsgtqStatus newtqStatus, int idx)
  // if the status of any message changes, then we need to compact
  needsCompact = true;

  KMFolderIndex::msgStatusChanged(oldtqStatus, newtqStatus, idx);

TQ_INT64 KMFolderMaildir::doFolderSize() const
  if ( mCurrentlyCheckingFolderSize )
    return -1;
  mCurrentlyCheckingFolderSize = true;

  KFileItemList list;
  KFileItem *item = 0;
  item = new KFileItem( S_IFDIR, -1, location() + "/cur" );
  list.append( item );
  item = new KFileItem( S_IFDIR, -1, location() + "/new" );
  list.append( item );
  item = new KFileItem( S_IFDIR, -1, location() + "/tmp" );
  list.append( item );
    tqMakePair( TQGuardedPtr<const KMFolderMaildir>( this ), list ) );

  // if there's only one entry in the queue then we can start
  // a dirSizeJob right away
  if ( s_DirSizeJobQueue.size() == 1 )
    //kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << "Starting dirSizeJob for folder "
    //  << location() << endl;
    KDirSize* job = KDirSize::dirSizeJob( list );
    connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job* ) ),
             this, TQT_SLOT( slotDirSizeJobResult( KIO::Job* ) ) );

  return -1;

void KMFolderMaildir::slotDirSizeJobResult( KIO::Job* job )
    mCurrentlyCheckingFolderSize = false;
    KDirSize * dirsize = dynamic_cast<KDirSize*>( job );
    if ( dirsize && ! dirsize->error() )
      mSize = dirsize->totalSize();
      //kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << "dirSizeJob completed. Folder "
      //  << location() << " has size " << mSize << endl;
      emit folderSizeChanged();
    // remove the completed job from the queue

    // process the next entry in the queue
    while ( s_DirSizeJobQueue.size() > 0 )
      DirSizeJobQueueEntry entry = s_DirSizeJobQueue.first();
      // check whether the entry is valid, i.e. whether the folder still exists
      if ( entry.first )
        // start the next dirSizeJob
        //kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << "Starting dirSizeJob for folder "
        //  << entry.first->location() << endl;
        KDirSize* job = KDirSize::dirSizeJob( entry.second );
        connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job* ) ),
                 entry.first, TQT_SLOT( slotDirSizeJobResult( KIO::Job* ) ) );
        // remove the invalid entry from the queue

#include "kmfoldermaildir.moc"