/*************************************************************************** kmpopheadersdlg.cpp ------------------- begin : Mon Oct 22 2001 copyright : (C) 2001 by Heiko Hund Thorsten Zachmann email : heiko@ist.eigentlich.net T.Zachmann@zagge.de ***************************************************************************/ #include <config.h> #include "kmpopfiltercnfrmdlg.h" #include "kmheaders.h" #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqheader.h> #include <tqcheckbox.h> #include <tqvgroupbox.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tdeio/global.h> #include <assert.h> //////////////////////////////////////// /// view KMPopHeadersView::KMPopHeadersView(TQWidget *aParent, KMPopFilterCnfrmDlg *aDialog) : TDEListView(aParent) { mDialog=aDialog; int mDownIndex=addColumn(TQIconSet(TQPixmap(mDown)), TQString(), 24); assert( mDownIndex == Down ); //This code relies on the fact that radiobuttons are the first three columns for easier Column-Action mapping //it does not necessarily be true - you could redefine mapToColumn and mapToAction to eg. shift those numbers by 1 addColumn(TQIconSet(TQPixmap(mLater)), TQString(), 24); addColumn(TQIconSet(TQPixmap(mDel)), TQString(), 24); /*int subjCol =*/ addColumn(i18n("Subject"), 180); /*int sendCol =*/ addColumn(i18n("Sender"), 150); /*int recvCol =*/ addColumn(i18n("Receiver"), 150); int dateCol = addColumn(i18n("Date"), 120); int sizeCol = addColumn(i18n("Size"), 80); setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); setColumnAlignment(Down, TQt::AlignHCenter); setColumnAlignment(Later, TQt::AlignHCenter); setColumnAlignment(Delete, TQt::AlignHCenter); setColumnAlignment(sizeCol, TQt::AlignRight); setSorting(dateCol, false); setShowSortIndicator(true); header()->setResizeEnabled(false, Down); header()->setResizeEnabled(false, Later); header()->setResizeEnabled(false, Delete); header()->setClickEnabled(false, Down); header()->setClickEnabled(false, Later); header()->setClickEnabled(false, Delete); //we rely on fixed column order, so we forbid this header()->setMovingEnabled(false); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(pressed(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int)), TQT_SLOT(slotPressed(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int))); } KMPopHeadersView::~KMPopHeadersView() { } //Handle keystrokes - Left and Right key select previous/next action correspondingly void KMPopHeadersView::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e ) { if (e->key() == Key_Left) { KMPopHeadersViewItem *item = dynamic_cast<KMPopHeadersViewItem*>( selectedItem() ); if (item&&mDialog) { if (item->action()) { //here we rely on the fact that the leftmost action is equal to 0! item->setAction((KMPopFilterAction)((int)item->action()-1)); mDialog->setAction( selectedItem(), item->action()); } } } else if (e->key() == Key_Right) { KMPopHeadersViewItem *item = dynamic_cast<KMPopHeadersViewItem*>( selectedItem() ); if (item&&mDialog) { if (item->action()<NoAction-1) { //here we rely on the fact that right most action is one less than NoAction! item->setAction((KMPopFilterAction)((int)item->action()+1)); mDialog->setAction( selectedItem(), item->action()); } } } else { TQListView::keyPressEvent( e ); } } void KMPopHeadersView::slotPressed(TQListViewItem* aItem, const TQPoint&, int aColumn) { if ( !( aItem && aColumn>=0 && aColumn<NoAction ) ) return; KMPopHeadersViewItem *item = dynamic_cast<KMPopHeadersViewItem*>(aItem); assert( item ); item->setAction(mapToAction(aColumn)); } const char *KMPopHeadersView::mUnchecked[26] = { "19 16 9 1", " c None", "# c #000000", ". c #ffffff", "a c #4a4c4a", "b c #524c52", "c c #efefef", "e c #fff2ff", "f c #f6f2f6", "g c #fff6ff", " ", " ", " aaaa ", " ba####aa ", " a##....aac ", " a#......ec ", " a#........fc ", " a#........gc ", " a#........fc ", " b#........gc ", " a#......gc ", " age....gec ", " ccfgfgcc ", " cccc ", " ", " ",}; const char *KMPopHeadersView::mChecked[26] = { "19 16 9 1", " c None", "# c #000000", ". c #ffffff", "a c #4a4c4a", "b c #524c52", "c c #efefef", "e c #fff2ff", "f c #f6f2f6", "g c #fff6ff", " ", " ", " aaaa ", " ba####aa ", " a##....aac ", " a#......ec ", " a#...##...fc ", " a#..####..gc ", " a#..####..fc ", " b#...##...gc ", " a#......gc ", " age....gec ", " ccfgfgcc ", " cccc ", " ", " ",}; const char *KMPopHeadersView::mLater[25] = { "16 16 8 1", ". c None", "g c #303030", "c c #585858", "f c #a0a0a0", "b c #c0c000", "e c #dcdcdc", "a c #ffff00", "d c #ffffff", "................", "...........eaa..", "..........eaaa..", ".........ebaab..", ".........eaaa...", "........eaaab...", "........eaaa....", ".......eaaab....", "eaae..ebaccccc..", "eaaae.eaacdedc..", "ebaaabaaabcdc...", ".ebaaaaaa.fgf...", "..ebaaaa..cec...", "...ebaab.cdedc..", "........eccccc..", "................"}; const char *KMPopHeadersView::mDown[20] = { "16 16 3 1", ". c None", "a c #008000", "b c #00c000", "................", "............aa..", "...........aaa..", "..........baab..", "..........aaa...", ".........baab...", ".........aaa....", "........aaab....", ".aa....baaa.....", ".aaa...aaa......", ".baaabaaab......", "..baaaaaa.......", "...baaaa........", "....baab........", "................", "................"}; const char *KMPopHeadersView::mDel[19] = { "16 16 2 1", ". c None", "# c #c00000", "................", "................", "..##.......##...", "..###.....###...", "...###...###....", "....###.###.....", ".....#####......", "......###.......", ".....#####......", "....###.###.....", "...###...###....", "..###.....###...", "..##.......##...", "................", "................", "................"}; ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// /// viewitem ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// KMPopHeadersViewItem::KMPopHeadersViewItem(KMPopHeadersView *aParent, KMPopFilterAction aAction) : TDEListViewItem(aParent) { mParent = aParent; mAction = NoAction; setPixmap(mParent->mapToColumn(Delete), TQPixmap(KMPopHeadersView::mUnchecked)); setPixmap(mParent->mapToColumn(Down), TQPixmap(KMPopHeadersView::mUnchecked)); setPixmap(mParent->mapToColumn(Later), TQPixmap(KMPopHeadersView::mUnchecked)); setAction( aAction ); } KMPopHeadersViewItem::~KMPopHeadersViewItem() { } void KMPopHeadersViewItem::setAction(KMPopFilterAction aAction) { if(aAction != NoAction && aAction!=mAction) { if ( mAction!=NoAction ) setPixmap(mParent->mapToColumn(mAction), TQPixmap(KMPopHeadersView::mUnchecked)); setPixmap(mParent->mapToColumn(aAction), TQPixmap(KMPopHeadersView::mChecked)); mAction=aAction; } } void KMPopHeadersViewItem::paintFocus(TQPainter *, const TQColorGroup &, const TQRect &) { } TQString KMPopHeadersViewItem::key(int col, bool) const { if (col == 3) return KMMsgBase::skipKeyword(text(col).lower()); if (col == 6) return text(8); if (col == 7) return text(col).rightJustify( 10, '0', false); return text(col); } ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// /// dlg ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// KMPopFilterCnfrmDlg::KMPopFilterCnfrmDlg(TQPtrList<KMPopHeaders> *aHeaders, const TQString &aAccount, bool aShowLaterMsgs, TQWidget *aParent, const char *aName) : KDialogBase(aParent, aName, true, i18n("POP Filter"), Ok | Help, Ok, false) { unsigned int rulesetCount = 0; //mHeaders = aHeaders; mShowLaterMsgs = aShowLaterMsgs; mLowerBoxVisible = false; TQWidget *w = new TQWidget(this); setMainWidget(w); TQVBoxLayout *vbl = new TQVBoxLayout(w, 0, spacingHint()); TQLabel *l = new TQLabel(i18n("Messages to filter found on POP Account: <b>%1</b><p>" "The messages shown exceed the maximum size limit you defined for this account.<br>You can select " "what you want to do with them by checking the appropriate button.").arg(aAccount), w); vbl->addWidget(l); TQVGroupBox *upperBox = new TQVGroupBox(i18n("Messages Exceeding Size"), w); upperBox->hide(); KMPopHeadersView *lv = new KMPopHeadersView(upperBox, this); vbl->addWidget(upperBox); TQVGroupBox *lowerBox = new TQVGroupBox(i18n("Ruleset Filtered Messages: none"), w); TQString checkBoxText((aShowLaterMsgs)? i18n("Show messages matched by a ruleset and tagged 'Download' or 'Delete'"): i18n("Show messages matched by a filter ruleset")); TQCheckBox* cb = new TQCheckBox(checkBoxText, lowerBox); cb->setEnabled(false); mFilteredHeaders = new KMPopHeadersView(lowerBox, this); mFilteredHeaders->hide(); vbl->addWidget(lowerBox); mFilteredHeaders->header()->setResizeEnabled(false, 8); mFilteredHeaders->setColumnWidth(8, 0); // fill the listviews with data from the headers KMPopHeaders *headers; for(headers = aHeaders->first(); headers; headers = aHeaders->next()) { KMPopHeadersViewItem *lvi = 0; if(headers->ruleMatched()) { if(aShowLaterMsgs && headers->action() == Later) { // insert messages tagged 'later' only lvi = new KMPopHeadersViewItem(mFilteredHeaders, headers->action()); mFilteredHeaders->show(); mLowerBoxVisible = true; } else if(aShowLaterMsgs) { // enable checkbox to show 'delete' and 'download' msgs // but don't insert them into the listview yet mDDLList.append(headers); cb->setEnabled(true); } else if(!aShowLaterMsgs) { // insert all messaged tagged by a ruleset, enable // the checkbox, but don't show the listview yet lvi = new KMPopHeadersViewItem(mFilteredHeaders, headers->action()); cb->setEnabled(true); } rulesetCount++; } else { // insert all messages not tagged by a ruleset // into the upper listview lvi = new KMPopHeadersViewItem(lv, headers->action()); upperBox->show(); } if(lvi) { mItemMap[lvi] = headers; setupLVI(lvi,headers->header()); } } if(rulesetCount) lowerBox->setTitle(i18n("Ruleset Filtered Messages: %1").arg(rulesetCount)); // connect signals and slots connect(lv, TQT_SIGNAL(pressed(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPressed(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int))); connect(mFilteredHeaders, TQT_SIGNAL(pressed(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPressed(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int))); connect(cb, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotToggled(bool))); adjustSize(); TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotUpdateMinimumSize())); } KMPopFilterCnfrmDlg::~KMPopFilterCnfrmDlg() { } void KMPopFilterCnfrmDlg::setupLVI(KMPopHeadersViewItem *lvi, KMMessage *msg) { // set the subject TQString tmp = msg->subject(); if(tmp.isEmpty()) tmp = i18n("no subject"); lvi->setText(3, tmp); // set the sender tmp = msg->fromStrip(); if(tmp.isEmpty()) tmp = i18n("unknown"); lvi->setText(4, tmp); // set the receiver tmp = msg->toStrip(); if(tmp.isEmpty()) tmp = i18n("unknown"); lvi->setText(5, tmp); // set the date lvi->setText(6, KMime::DateFormatter::formatDate( KMime::DateFormatter::Fancy, msg->date() ) ); // set the size lvi->setText(7, TDEIO::convertSize(msg->msgLength())); // Date for sorting lvi->setText(8, msg->dateIsoStr()); } void KMPopFilterCnfrmDlg::setAction(TQListViewItem *aItem, KMPopFilterAction aAction) { mItemMap[aItem]->setAction(aAction); } /** This Slot is called whenever a ListView item was pressed. It checks for the column the button was pressed in and changes the action if the click happened over a radio button column. Of course the radio button state is changed as well if the above is true. */ void KMPopFilterCnfrmDlg::slotPressed(TQListViewItem *aItem, const TQPoint &, int aColumn) { if ( aColumn>=0 && aColumn<NoAction ) setAction(aItem,KMPopHeadersView::mapToAction(aColumn)); } void KMPopFilterCnfrmDlg::slotToggled(bool aOn) { if(aOn) { if(mShowLaterMsgs) { // show download and delete msgs in the list view too for(KMPopHeaders* headers = mDDLList.first(); headers; headers = mDDLList.next()) { KMPopHeadersViewItem *lvi = new KMPopHeadersViewItem(mFilteredHeaders, headers->action()); mItemMap[lvi] = headers; mDelList.append(lvi); setupLVI(lvi,headers->header()); } } if(!mLowerBoxVisible) { mFilteredHeaders->show(); } } else { if(mShowLaterMsgs) { // delete download and delete msgs from the lower listview for(KMPopHeadersViewItem* item = mDelList.first(); item; item = mDelList.next()) { mFilteredHeaders->takeItem(item); } mDelList.clear(); } if(!mLowerBoxVisible) { mFilteredHeaders->hide(); } } TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotUpdateMinimumSize())); } void KMPopFilterCnfrmDlg::slotUpdateMinimumSize() { mainWidget()->setMinimumSize(mainWidget()->sizeHint()); } #include "kmpopfiltercnfrmdlg.moc"