/* -*- c++ -*- partNode.h A node in a MIME tree. This file is part of KMail, the KDE mail client. Copyright (c) 2002,2004 Klar�lvdalens Datakonsult AB KMail is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. KMail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the TQt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of TQt that use the same license as TQt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than TQt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #ifndef PARTNODE_H #define PARTNODE_H #include "kmmsgpart.h" #include "kmmsgbase.h" #include "kmmessage.h" #include "interfaces/bodypart.h" #include <mimelib/mimepp.h> #include <mimelib/body.h> #include <mimelib/utility.h> #include <tdeio/global.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <map> class KMMimePartTreeItem; class KMMimePartTree; class KMReaderWin; /* =========================================================================== S T A R T O F T E M P O R A R Y M I M E C O D E =========================================================================== N O T E : The partNode structure will most likely be replaced by KMime. It's purpose: Speed optimization for KDE 3. (khz, 28.11.01) =========================================================================== */ class partNode { partNode(); int calcNodeIdOrFindNode( int& curId, const partNode* calcNode, int findId, partNode** findNode ); partNode( KMReaderWin * win, DwBodyPart* dwPart, int explicitType = DwMime::kTypeUnknown, int explicitSubType = DwMime::kSubtypeUnknown, bool deleteDwBodyPart = false ); public: struct AttachmentDisplayInfo { TQString label; TQString icon; bool displayInHeader; }; static partNode * fromMessage( const KMMessage * msg, KMReaderWin * win=0 ); partNode( bool deleteDwBodyPart, DwBodyPart* dwPart ); ~partNode(); void dump( int chars=0 ) const; void buildObjectTree( bool processSiblings=true ); DwBodyPart* dwPart() const { return mDwPart; } void setDwPart( DwBodyPart* part ) { mDwPart = part; mMsgPartOk = false; } KMMessagePart& msgPart() const { if( !mMsgPartOk ) { KMMessage::bodyPart(mDwPart, &mMsgPart); mMsgPartOk = true; } return mMsgPart; } const TQCString & encodedBody(); void setType( int type ) { mType = type; } void setSubType( int subType ) { mSubType = subType; } int type() const { return mType; } TQCString typeString() const; int subType() const { return mSubType; } TQCString subTypeString() const; bool hasType( int type ) { return mType == type; } bool hasSubType( int subType ) { return mSubType == subType; } void setEncryptionState( KMMsgEncryptionState state ) { mEncryptionState = state; } KMMsgEncryptionState encryptionState() const { return mEncryptionState; } // look at the encryption states of all children and return result KMMsgEncryptionState overallEncryptionState() const ; // look at the signature states of all children and return result KMMsgSignatureState overallSignatureState() const ; void setSignatureState( KMMsgSignatureState state ) { mSignatureState = state; } KMMsgSignatureState signatureState() const { return mSignatureState; } // path is a hierarchical path to this partNode. It is designed to // be stable under decryption, where new child nodes are // added. Treat it as an opaque string. TQCString path() const; int nodeId() const; // node ids start at 1 (this is the top level root node) partNode* findId( int id ); // returns the node which has the given id (or 0, resp.) partNode* findType( int type, int subType, bool deep=true, bool wide=true ); partNode* findTypeNot( int type, int subType, bool deep=true, bool wide=true ); partNode* findNodeForDwPart( DwBodyPart* part ); void fillMimePartTree( KMMimePartTreeItem* parentItem, KMMimePartTree* mimePartTree, TQString labelDescr = TQString(), TQString labelCntType = TQString(), TQString labelEncoding = TQString(), TDEIO::filesize_t size=0, bool revertOrder = false ); void adjustDefaultType( partNode* node ); void setNext( partNode* next ) { mNext = next; if( mNext ){ mNext->mRoot = mRoot; adjustDefaultType( mNext ); } } void setFirstChild( partNode* child ) { mChild = child; if( mChild ) { mChild->mRoot = this; adjustDefaultType( mChild ); } } void setProcessed( bool processed, bool recurse ) { mWasProcessed = processed; if ( recurse ) { if( mChild ) mChild->setProcessed( processed, true ); if( mNext ) mNext->setProcessed( processed, true ); } } void setMimePartTreeItem( KMMimePartTreeItem* item ) { mMimePartTreeItem = item; } KMMimePartTreeItem* mimePartTreeItem() const { return mMimePartTreeItem; } void setFromAddress( const TQString& address ) { mFromAddress = address; } bool isAttachment() const; bool isHeuristicalAttachment() const; /** returns true if this is the first text part of the message this node is a body part of */ bool isFirstTextPart() const; bool isToltecMessage() const; /** * @return true if this node is a child or an encapsulated message */ bool isInEncapsulatedMessage() const; bool hasContentDispositionInline() const; TQString contentTypeParameter( const char * name ) const; const TQString& trueFromAddress() const; const partNode * topLevelParent() const; partNode * parentNode() const { return mRoot; } partNode * nextSibling() const { return mNext; } partNode * firstChild() const { return mChild; } partNode * next( bool allowChildren=true ) const; int childCount() const; int totalChildCount() const; bool processed() const { return mWasProcessed; } KMail::Interface::BodyPartMemento * bodyPartMemento( const TQCString & which ) const; void setBodyPartMemento( const TQCString & which, KMail::Interface::BodyPartMemento * memento ); // A flag to remember if the node was embedded. This is useful for attachment nodes, the reader // needs to know if they were displayed inline or not. bool isDisplayedEmbedded() const; void setDisplayedEmbedded( bool displayedEmbedded ); // Same as above, but this time determines if the node was hidden or not bool isDisplayedHidden() const; void setDisplayedHidden( bool displayedHidden ); // Get a href in the form attachment:<nodeId>?place=<place>, used by ObjectTreeParser and // UrlHandlerManager. TQString asHREF( const TQString &place ) const; AttachmentDisplayInfo attachmentDisplayInfo() const; private: KMReaderWin * reader() const { return mReader ? mReader : mRoot ? mRoot->reader() : 0 ; } KMail::Interface::BodyPartMemento * internalBodyPartMemento( const TQCString & ) const; void internalSetBodyPartMemento( const TQCString & which, KMail::Interface::BodyPartMemento * memento ); private: partNode* mRoot; partNode* mNext; partNode* mChild; bool mWasProcessed; // to be used by parseObjectTree() private: DwBodyPart* mDwPart; // may be zero mutable KMMessagePart mMsgPart; // is valid - even if mDwPart is zero TQCString mEncodedBody; TQString mFromAddress; int mType; int mSubType; KMMsgEncryptionState mEncryptionState; KMMsgSignatureState mSignatureState; mutable bool mMsgPartOk; bool mEncodedOk; bool mDeleteDwBodyPart; KMMimePartTreeItem* mMimePartTreeItem; std::map<TQCString,KMail::Interface::BodyPartMemento*> mBodyPartMementoMap; KMReaderWin * mReader; bool mDisplayedEmbedded; bool mDisplayedHidden; }; #endif