/*  -*- c++ -*-

    KMail, the KDE mail client.
    Copyright (c) 2002 Marc Mutz <mutz@kde.org>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
    version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, US

#include <config.h>

#include "sievejob.h"

#include <kio/job.h>
using KIO::Job;
// <kio/global.h>
using KIO::UDSAtomTypes;
using KIO::UDSEntryList;
using KIO::UDSEntry;
#include <kdebug.h>

#include <tqtextcodec.h>

#include <cassert>

namespace KMail {

  SieveJob::SieveJob( const KURL & url, const TQString & script,
		      const TQValueStack<Command> & commands,
		      TQObject * parent, const char * name )
    : TQObject( parent, name ),
      mUrl( url ), mJob( 0 ), mDec( 0 ),
      mScript( script ), mFileExists( DontKnow ), mCommands( commands ),
    assert( !commands.isEmpty() );
    schedule( commands.top(), true );

  SieveJob::SieveJob( const KURL & url, const TQString & script,
		      const TQValueStack<Command> & commands,
                      bool showProgressInfo,
		      TQObject * parent, const char * name )
    : TQObject( parent, name ),
      mUrl( url ), mJob( 0 ), mDec( 0 ),
      mScript( script ), mFileExists( DontKnow ), mCommands( commands ),
    assert( !commands.isEmpty() );
    schedule( commands.top(), showProgressInfo );

  SieveJob::~SieveJob() {
    delete mDec;
    kdDebug(5006) << "~SieveJob()" << endl;

  void SieveJob::kill( bool quiet ) {
    if ( mJob ) mJob->kill( quiet );

  void SieveJob::schedule( Command command, bool showProgressInfo ) {
    switch ( command ) {
    case Get:
      kdDebug(5006) << "SieveJob::schedule: get( " << mUrl.prettyURL() << " )" << endl;
      mJob = KIO::get( mUrl, false /*reload*/, showProgressInfo );
      connect( mJob, TQT_SIGNAL(data(KIO::Job*,const TQByteArray&)),
	       TQT_SLOT(slotData(KIO::Job*,const TQByteArray&)) );
    case Put:
      kdDebug(5006) << "SieveJob::schedule: put( " << mUrl.prettyURL() << " )" << endl;
      mJob = KIO::put( mUrl, 0600, true /*overwrite*/, false /*resume*/, showProgressInfo );
      connect( mJob, TQT_SIGNAL(dataReq(KIO::Job*,TQByteArray&)),
	       TQT_SLOT(slotDataReq(KIO::Job*,TQByteArray&)) );
    case Activate:
      kdDebug(5006) << "SieveJob::schedule: chmod( " << mUrl.prettyURL() << ", 0700 )"
		<< endl;
      mJob = KIO::chmod( mUrl, 0700 );
    case Deactivate:
      kdDebug(5006) << "SieveJob::schedule: chmod( " << mUrl.prettyURL() << ", 0600 )"
		<< endl;
      mJob = KIO::chmod( mUrl, 0600 );
    case SearchActive:
      kdDebug(5006) << "SieveJob::schedule: listDir( " << mUrl.prettyURL() << " )" << endl;
	KURL url = mUrl;
	TQString query = url.query(); //save query part, because KURL::cd() erases it
	if ( !url.fileName().isEmpty() )
	url.setQuery( query );
	kdDebug(5006) << "SieveJob::schedule: listDir's real URL: " << url.prettyURL()
		  << endl;
	mJob = KIO::listDir( url, showProgressInfo );
	connect( mJob, TQT_SIGNAL(entries(KIO::Job*,const KIO::UDSEntryList&)),
		 TQT_SLOT(slotEntries(KIO::Job*,const KIO::UDSEntryList&)) );
    case List:
      kdDebug(5006) << "SieveJob::schedule: listDir( " << mUrl.prettyURL() << " )" << endl;
	mJob = KIO::listDir( mUrl, showProgressInfo );
	connect( mJob, TQT_SIGNAL( entries(KIO::Job *, const KIO::UDSEntryList & ) ),
		 TQT_SLOT( slotEntries( KIO::Job *, const KIO::UDSEntryList & ) ) );
    case Delete:
      kdDebug(5006) << "SieveJob::schedule: delete( " << mUrl.prettyURL() << " )" << endl;
      mJob = KIO::del( mUrl, false/*shred*/, showProgressInfo );
      assert( 0 );
    // common to all jobs:
    connect( mJob, TQT_SIGNAL(result(KIO::Job*)), TQT_SLOT(slotResult(KIO::Job*)) );

  void SieveJob::slotData( Job *, const TQByteArray & data ) {
    // check for end-of-data marker:
    if ( data.size() == 0 )

    // make sure we have a textdecoder;
    if ( !mDec )
      mDec = TQTextCodec::codecForMib( 106 /*utf8*/ )->makeDecoder();

    // decode utf8; add to mScript:
    mScript += mDec->toUnicode( data.data(), data.size() );

  void SieveJob::slotDataReq( Job *, TQByteArray & data ) {
    // check whether we have already sent our data:
    if ( mScript.isEmpty() ) {
      data = TQByteArray(); // end-of-data marker

    // Convert mScript into UTF-8:
    data = mScript.utf8();

    // "data" tqcontains a trailing NUL, remove:
    if ( data.size() > 0 && data[(int)data.size() - 1] == '\0' )
      data.resize( data.size() - 1 );

    // mark mScript sent:
    mScript = TQString::null;

  void SieveJob::slotEntries( Job *, const UDSEntryList & l ) {
    // loop over entries:
    for ( UDSEntryList::const_iterator it = l.begin() ; it != l.end() ; ++it ) {
      // Loop over all UDS atoms to find the UDS_ACCESS and UDS_NAME atoms;
      // note if we find an exec'able file ( == active script )
      // or the requested filename (mUrl.fileName()).
      TQString filename;
      bool isActive = false;
      for ( UDSEntry::const_iterator et = (*it).begin() ; et != (*it).end() ; ++ et ) {
	if ( ( *et ).m_uds == KIO::UDS_NAME ) {
	  filename = ( *et ).m_str;
	  mAvailableScripts.append( filename );
	} else if ( ( *et ).m_uds == KIO::UDS_ACCESS && ( *et ).m_long == 0700 )
	  isActive = true;

      if ( isActive )
	mActiveScriptName = filename;

      if ( mFileExists == DontKnow && filename == mUrl.fileName() )
	mFileExists = Yes;
      emit item( this, filename, isActive );
      if ( mFileExists == Yes && !mActiveScriptName.isEmpty() )
	return; // early return if we have all information

  void SieveJob::slotResult( Job * job ) {
    Command lastCmd = mCommands.top();

    // First, let's see if we come back from a SearchActive. If so, set
    // mFileExists to No if we didn't see the mUrl.fileName() during
    // listDir...
    if ( lastCmd == SearchActive && mFileExists == DontKnow && !job->error() )
      mFileExists = No;
    // prepare for next round:
    delete mDec; mDec = 0;

    if ( mSieveCapabilities.empty() ) {
      mSieveCapabilities = TQStringList::split( ' ', job->queryMetaData( "sieveExtensions" ) );
      kdDebug(5006) << "Received Sieve extensions supported:" << endl
		    << mSieveCapabilities.join("\n") << endl;

    // check for errors:
    if ( job->error() ) {
      if ( job->isInteractive() ) {
        job->showErrorDialog( 0 );

      emit result( this, false, mScript, mUrl.fileName() == mActiveScriptName );

      if ( lastCmd == List )
	emit gotList( this, false, mAvailableScripts, mActiveScriptName );
	emit gotScript( this, false, mScript, mUrl.fileName() == mActiveScriptName );

      mJob = 0;
      delete this;

    // check for new tasks:
    if ( !mCommands.empty() ) {
      // Don't fail get'ting a non-existant script:
      if ( mCommands.top() == Get && mFileExists == No ) {
	mScript = TQString::null;

    if ( mCommands.empty() ) {
      // was last command; report success and delete this object:
      emit result( this, true, mScript, mUrl.fileName() == mActiveScriptName );
      if ( lastCmd == List )
	emit gotList( this, true, mAvailableScripts, mActiveScriptName );
	emit gotScript( this, true, mScript, mUrl.fileName() == mActiveScriptName );

      mJob = 0; // deletes itself on returning from this slot
      delete this;
    } else {
      // schedule the next command:
      schedule( mCommands.top(), mShowProgressInfo );

  SieveJob * SieveJob::put( const KURL & dest, const TQString & script,
			    bool makeActive, bool wasActive ) {
    TQValueStack<Command> commands;
    if ( makeActive )
      commands.push( Activate );
    if ( wasActive )
      commands.push( Deactivate );
    commands.push( Put );
    return new SieveJob( dest, script, commands );

  SieveJob * SieveJob::get( const KURL & src, bool showProgressInfo ) {
    TQValueStack<Command> commands;
    commands.push( Get );
    commands.push( SearchActive );
    return new SieveJob( src, TQString::null, commands, showProgressInfo );

  SieveJob * SieveJob::list( const KURL & src ) {
    TQValueStack<Command> commands;
    commands.push( List );
    return new SieveJob( src, TQString::null, commands );
  SieveJob * SieveJob::del( const KURL & url ) {
    TQValueStack<Command> commands;
    commands.push( Delete );
    return new SieveJob( url, TQString::null, commands );

  SieveJob * SieveJob::desactivate( const KURL & url ) {
    TQValueStack<Command> commands;
    commands.push( Deactivate );
    return new SieveJob( url, TQString(), commands );

  SieveJob * SieveJob::activate( const KURL & url ) {
    TQValueStack<Command> commands;
    commands.push( Activate );
    return new SieveJob( url, TQString::null, commands );

} // namespace KMail

#include "sievejob.moc"

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