/* KNode, the KDE newsreader Copyright (c) 2005 Volker Krause <volker.krause@rwth-aachen.de> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, US */ #ifndef KNODE_ARTICLEWIDGET_H #define KNODE_ARTICLEWIDGET_H #include <tqmap.h> #include <tqvaluelist.h> #include <tqwidget.h> #include <kurl.h> #include <kmime_content.h> #include "knjobdata.h" class TQStringList; class TQTimer; class TDEAction; class TDEActionCollection; class TDEActionMenu; class TDEHTMLPart; class KURL; class TDESelectAction; class TDEToggleAction; class KXMLGUIClient; namespace Kpgp { class Block; } class KNArticle; class KNArticleCollection; namespace KNode { class CSSHelper; /** Widget to display a news article */ class ArticleWidget : public TQWidget, public KNJobConsumer { TQ_OBJECT public: /// Construct a new article widget ArticleWidget( TQWidget *parent, KXMLGUIClient *guiClient, TDEActionCollection *actionCollection, const char *name = 0 ); ~ArticleWidget(); /// read config settings void readConfig(); /// write config settings (call only for the main viewer) void writeConfig(); /// display the given article void setArticle( KNArticle *article ); /// returns the currently shown article KNArticle *article() const { return mArticle; } TDEAction* setCharsetKeyboardAction() const { return mCharsetSelectKeyb; } /// notify all instances about a config change static void configChanged(); /// check wether the given article is displayed in any instance static bool articleVisible( KNArticle *article ); /// notify all instances that the given article has been removed static void articleRemoved( KNArticle *article ); /// notify all instances that the given article has changed static void articleChanged( KNArticle *article ); /// notify all instances about an error during loading the given article static void articleLoadError( KNArticle *article, const TQString &error ); /// notify all instances that the given collection has been removed static void collectionRemoved( KNArticleCollection *coll ); /// cleanup all instances static void cleanup(); /// checks wether the readers is scrolled down to the bottom bool atBottom() const; public slots: void scrollUp(); void scrollDown(); void scrollPrior(); void scrollNext(); signals: void focusChanged( TQFocusEvent* ); void focusChangeRequest( TQWidget* ); protected: /// process download jobs for view source action void processJob( KNJobData *j ); virtual void focusInEvent( TQFocusEvent *e ); virtual void focusOutEvent( TQFocusEvent *e ); virtual bool eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e ); private: void initActions(); /// enable article dependent actions void enableActions(); /// disable article dependent actions void disableActions(); /// clears the article viewer void clear(); /// displays the current article or clears the view if no article is set void displayArticle(); /// displays the given error message in the viewer void displayErrorMessage( const TQString &msg ); /// display the message header (should be replaced by KMail's HeaderStyle class) void displayHeader(); /** displays the given text block, including quote and signature handling * @param lines A list of lines to display. */ void displayBodyBlock( const TQStringList &lines ); /// displays a signature block header TQString displaySigHeader( Kpgp::Block* block ); /// displays a signature footer void displaySigFooter( const TQString &signClass ); /// displays the given attachment void displayAttachment( KMime::Content *att, int partNum ); /// HTML conversion flags for toHtmlString() enum ConversionFlags { None = 0, ParseURL = 1, FancyFormatting = 2, AllowROT13 = 4 }; /// convert the given string into an HTML string TQString toHtmlString( const TQString &line, int flags = ParseURL ); /// convert the given image into a data:/ URL static TQString imgToDataUrl( const TQImage &image, const char* fmt ); /** calculates the quoting depth of the given line * @returns -1 if no quoting was found, the quoting level otherwise */ static int quotingDepth( const TQString &line, const TQString "eChars ); /// checks wether the given attachment can be shown inline bool inlinePossible( KMime::Content *c ); /// checks if the given charset is supported bool canDecodeText( const TQCString &charset ) const; /// regenerated viewer content without changing scrollbar position void updateContents(); /** stores the given attachment into a temporary file * @returns the filename the attachment has been stored to */ TQString writeAttachmentToTempFile( KMime::Content *att, int partNum ); /// removes all temporary files void removeTempFiles(); private slots: /// called if the user clicked on an URL void slotURLClicked( const KURL &url, bool forceOpen = false ); /// called if the user RMB clicked on an URL void slotURLPopup( const TQString &url, const TQPoint &point ); /// mark as read timeout void slotTimeout(); void slotSave(); void slotPrint(); void slotCopySelection(); void slotSelectAll(); void slotFind(); void slotViewSource(); void slotReply(); void slotRemail(); void slotForward(); void slotCancel(); void slotSupersede(); void slotToggleFixedFont(); void slotToggleFancyFormating(); void slotToggleRot13(); void slotFancyHeaders(); void slotStandardHeaders(); void slotAllHeaders(); void slotIconAttachments(); void slotInlineAttachments(); void slotHideAttachments(); void slotSetCharset( const TQString &charset ); void slotSetCharsetKeyboard(); void slotOpenURL(); void slotCopyURL(); void slotAddBookmark(); void slotAddToAddressBook(); void slotOpenInAddressBook(); void slotOpenAttachment(); void slotSaveAttachment(); private: /// the currently shown article KNArticle *mArticle; /// attachments of the current article KMime::Content::List mAttachments; /// mapping of temporary file names to part numbers TQMap<TQString, int> mAttachementMap; TDEHTMLPart *mViewer; CSSHelper *mCSSHelper; TQStringList mTempDirs, mTempFiles; TQString mHeaderStyle; TQString mAttachmentStyle; bool mShowHtml; bool mRot13; bool mForceCharset; TQCString mOverrideCharset; /// mark as read timer TQTimer *mTimer; /// the last RMB clicked URL KURL mCurrentURL; /// list of all instances of this class static TQValueList<ArticleWidget*> mInstances; KXMLGUIClient *mGuiClient; TDEActionCollection *mActionCollection; TDEAction *mSaveAction; TDEAction *mPrintAction; TDEAction *mCopySelectionAction; TDEAction *mSelectAllAction; TDEAction *mFindAction; TDEAction *mViewSourceAction; TDEAction *mCharsetSelectKeyb; TDEAction *mReplyAction; TDEAction *mRemailAction; TDEAction *mForwardAction; TDEAction *mCancelAction; TDEAction *mSupersedeAction; TDEActionMenu *mHeaderStyleMenu; TDEActionMenu *mAttachmentStyleMenu; TDEToggleAction *mFixedFontToggle; TDEToggleAction *mFancyToggle; TDEToggleAction *mRot13Toggle; TDESelectAction *mCharsetSelect; }; } #endif