/* KNode, the KDE newsreader Copyright (c) 1999-2005 the KNode authors. See file AUTHORS for details This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, US */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <tqdir.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <ksimpleconfig.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tdemessagebox.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <tdewallet.h> #include "kngroupmanager.h" #include "knnntpaccount.h" #include "knglobals.h" #include "knconfigmanager.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "knaccountmanager.h" #include "knfoldermanager.h" TDEWallet::Wallet* KNAccountManager::mWallet = 0; bool KNAccountManager::mWalletOpenFailed = false; KNAccountManager::KNAccountManager(KNGroupManager *gm, TQObject * parent, const char * name) : TQObject(parent, name), gManager(gm), c_urrentAccount(0), mAsyncOpening( false ) { s_mtp = new KNServerInfo(); s_mtp->setType(KNServerInfo::STsmtp); s_mtp->setId(0); TDEConfig *conf = knGlobals.config(); conf->setGroup("MAILSERVER"); s_mtp->readConf(conf); loadAccounts(); } KNAccountManager::~KNAccountManager() { TQValueList<KNNntpAccount*>::Iterator it; for ( it = mAccounts.begin(); it != mAccounts.end(); ++it ) delete (*it); mAccounts.clear(); delete s_mtp; delete mWallet; mWallet = 0; } void KNAccountManager::prepareShutdown() { TQValueList<KNNntpAccount*>::Iterator it; for ( it = mAccounts.begin(); it != mAccounts.end(); ++it ) (*it)->saveInfo(); } void KNAccountManager::loadAccounts() { TQString dir(locateLocal("data","knode/")); if (dir.isNull()) { KNHelper::displayInternalFileError(); return; } TQDir d(dir); KNNntpAccount *a; TQStringList entries(d.entryList("nntp.*", TQDir::Dirs)); TQStringList::Iterator it; for(it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it) { a = new KNNntpAccount(); if (a->readInfo(dir+(*it) + "/info")) { mAccounts.append(a); gManager->loadGroups(a); emit accountAdded(a); } else { delete a; kdError(5003) << "Unable to load account " << (*it) << "!" << endl; } } } KNNntpAccount* KNAccountManager::account( int id ) { if ( id <= 0 ) return 0; TQValueList<KNNntpAccount*>::ConstIterator it; for ( it = mAccounts.begin(); it != mAccounts.end(); ++it ) if ( (*it)->id() == id ) return *it; return 0; } void KNAccountManager::setCurrentAccount(KNNntpAccount *a) { c_urrentAccount = a; } // a is new account allocated and configured by the caller bool KNAccountManager::newAccount(KNNntpAccount *a) { // find a unused id for the new account... TQString dir(locateLocal("data","knode/")); if (dir.isNull()) { delete a; KNHelper::displayInternalFileError(); return false; } TQDir d(dir); TQStringList entries(d.entryList("nntp.*", TQDir::Dirs)); int id = 1; while (entries.findIndex(TQString("nntp.%1").arg(id))!=-1) ++id; a->setId(id); dir = locateLocal("data",TQString("knode/nntp.%1/").arg(a->id())); if (!dir.isNull()) { mAccounts.append(a); emit(accountAdded(a)); return true; } else { delete a; KMessageBox::error(knGlobals.topWidget, i18n("Cannot create a folder for this account.")); return false; } } // a==0: remove current account bool KNAccountManager::removeAccount(KNNntpAccount *a) { if(!a) a=c_urrentAccount; if(!a) return false; TQValueList<KNGroup*> lst; if(knGlobals.folderManager()->unsentForAccount(a->id()) > 0) { KMessageBox::sorry(knGlobals.topWidget, i18n("This account cannot be deleted since there are some unsent messages for it.")); } else if(KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(knGlobals.topWidget, i18n("Do you really want to delete this account?"),"",KGuiItem(i18n("&Delete"),"edit-delete"))==KMessageBox::Continue) { lst = gManager->groupsOfAccount( a ); for ( TQValueList<KNGroup*>::Iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it)->isLocked() ) { KMessageBox::sorry(knGlobals.topWidget, i18n("At least one group of this account is currently in use.\nThe account cannot be deleted at the moment.")); return false; } } for ( TQValueList<KNGroup*>::Iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) gManager->unsubscribeGroup( (*it) ); TQDir dir(a->path()); if (dir.exists()) { const TQFileInfoList *list = dir.entryInfoList(); // get list of matching files and delete all if (list) { TQFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); while (it.current()) { dir.remove(it.current()->fileName()); ++it; } } dir.cdUp(); // directory should now be empty, deleting it dir.rmdir(TQString("nntp.%1/").arg(a->id())); } if(c_urrentAccount==a) setCurrentAccount(0); emit(accountRemoved(a)); mAccounts.remove( a ); // finally delete a return true; } return false; } void KNAccountManager::editProperties(KNNntpAccount *a) { if(!a) a=c_urrentAccount; if(!a) return; a->editProperties(knGlobals.topWidget); emit(accountModified(a)); } void KNAccountManager::accountRenamed(KNNntpAccount *a) { if(!a) a=c_urrentAccount; if(!a) return; emit(accountModified(a)); } KNNntpAccount* KNAccountManager::first() const { if ( mAccounts.isEmpty() ) return 0; return mAccounts.first(); } void KNAccountManager::loadPasswordsAsync() { if ( !mWallet && !mWalletOpenFailed ) { if ( knGlobals.top ) mWallet = Wallet::openWallet( Wallet::NetworkWallet(), knGlobals.topWidget->topLevelWidget()->winId(), Wallet::Asynchronous ); else mWallet = Wallet::openWallet( Wallet::NetworkWallet(), 0, Wallet::Asynchronous ); if ( mWallet ) { connect( mWallet, TQT_SIGNAL(walletOpened(bool)), TQT_SLOT(slotWalletOpened(bool)) ); mAsyncOpening = true; } else { mWalletOpenFailed = true; loadPasswords(); } return; } if ( mWallet && !mAsyncOpening ) loadPasswords(); } void KNAccountManager::loadPasswords() { s_mtp->readPassword(); TQValueList<KNNntpAccount*>::Iterator it; for ( it = mAccounts.begin(); it != mAccounts.end(); ++it ) (*it)->readPassword(); emit passwordsChanged(); } TDEWallet::Wallet* KNAccountManager::wallet() { if ( mWallet && mWallet->isOpen() ) return mWallet; if ( !Wallet::isEnabled() || mWalletOpenFailed ) return 0; delete mWallet; if ( knGlobals.top ) mWallet = Wallet::openWallet( Wallet::NetworkWallet(), knGlobals.topWidget->topLevelWidget()->winId() ); else mWallet = Wallet::openWallet( Wallet::NetworkWallet() ); if ( !mWallet ) { mWalletOpenFailed = true; return 0; } prepareWallet(); return mWallet; } void KNAccountManager::prepareWallet() { if ( !mWallet ) return; if ( !mWallet->hasFolder("knode") ) mWallet->createFolder( "knode" ); mWallet->setFolder( "knode" ); } void KNAccountManager::slotWalletOpened( bool success ) { mAsyncOpening = false; if ( !success ) { mWalletOpenFailed = true; delete mWallet; mWallet = 0; } else { prepareWallet(); } loadPasswords(); } //-------------------------------- #include "knaccountmanager.moc"