/* KNode, the KDE newsreader Copyright (c) 1999-2005 the KNode authors. See file AUTHORS for details This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, US */ #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <ksimpleconfig.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "kngroup.h" #include "knfolder.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "knarticlefilter.h" //============================================================================================================= // the names of our default filters static const char *defFil[] = { "all","unread","new","watched","threads with unread", "threads with new","own articles","threads with own articles", 0 }; void dummyFilter() { i18n("default filter name","all"); i18n("default filter name","unread"); i18n("default filter name","new"); i18n("default filter name","watched"); i18n("default filter name","threads with unread"); i18n("default filter name","threads with new"); i18n("default filter name","own articles"); i18n("default filter name","threads with own articles"); } //============================================================================================================= KNArticleFilter::KNArticleFilter(int id) : i_d(id), c_ount(0), l_oaded(false), e_nabled(true), translateName(true), s_earchFilter(false), apon(articles) {} // constructs a copy of org KNArticleFilter::KNArticleFilter(const KNArticleFilter& org) : i_d(-1), c_ount(0), l_oaded(false), e_nabled(org.e_nabled), translateName(true), s_earchFilter(org.s_earchFilter), apon(org.apon) { status = org.status; score = org.score; age = org.age; lines = org.lines; subject = org.subject; from = org.from; messageId = org.messageId; references = org.messageId; } KNArticleFilter::~KNArticleFilter() {} bool KNArticleFilter::loadInfo() { if (i_d!=-1) { TQString fname(locate("data",TQString( "knode/filters/%1.fltr" ).arg(i_d) ) ); if (fname.isNull()) return false; KSimpleConfig conf(fname,true); conf.setGroup("GENERAL"); n_ame=conf.readEntry("name"); translateName = conf.readBoolEntry("Translate_Name",true); e_nabled=conf.readBoolEntry("enabled", true); apon=(ApOn) conf.readNumEntry("applyOn", 0); return true; } return false; } void KNArticleFilter::load() { TQString fname(locate("data",TQString( "knode/filters/%1.fltr").arg(i_d) ) ); if (fname.isNull()) return; KSimpleConfig conf(fname,true); conf.setGroup("STATUS"); status.load(&conf); conf.setGroup("SCORE"); score.load(&conf); conf.setGroup("AGE"); age.load(&conf); conf.setGroup("LINES"); lines.load(&conf); conf.setGroup("SUBJECT"); subject.load(&conf); conf.setGroup("FROM"); from.load(&conf); conf.setGroup("MESSAGEID"); messageId.load(&conf); conf.setGroup("REFERENCES"); references.load(&conf); l_oaded=true; kdDebug(5003) << "KNMessageFilter: filter loaded \"" << n_ame << "\" " << endl; } void KNArticleFilter::save() { if (i_d==-1) return; TQString dir(locateLocal("data","knode/")+"filters/"); if (dir.isNull()) { KNHelper::displayInternalFileError(); return; } KSimpleConfig conf(dir+TQString("%1.fltr").arg(i_d)); conf.setGroup("GENERAL"); conf.writeEntry("name", TQString(n_ame)); conf.writeEntry("Translate_Name",translateName); conf.writeEntry("enabled", e_nabled); conf.writeEntry("applyOn", (int) apon); conf.setGroup("STATUS"); status.save(&conf); conf.setGroup("SCORE"); score.save(&conf); conf.setGroup("AGE"); age.save(&conf); conf.setGroup("LINES"); lines.save(&conf); conf.setGroup("SUBJECT"); subject.save(&conf); conf.setGroup("FROM"); from.save(&conf); conf.setGroup("MESSAGEID"); messageId.save(&conf); conf.setGroup("REFERENCES"); references.save(&conf); kdDebug(5003) << "KNMessageFilter: filter saved \"" << n_ame << "\" " << endl; } void KNArticleFilter::doFilter(KNGroup *g) { c_ount=0; KNRemoteArticle *art=0, *ref=0; KNRemoteArticle::List orphant_threads; int idRef; int mergeCnt=0; bool inThread=false; if(!l_oaded) load(); subject.expand(g); // replace placeholders from.expand(g); messageId.expand(g); references.expand(g); for(int idx=0; idx<g->length(); idx++) { art=g->at(idx); art->setFiltered(false); art->setVisibleFollowUps(false); art->setDisplayedReference(0); } for(int idx=0; idx<g->length(); idx++) { art=g->at(idx); if(!art->isFiltered() && applyFilter(art) && apon==threads) { idRef=art->idRef(); while(idRef!=0) { ref=g->byId(idRef); ref->setFilterResult(true); ref->setFiltered(true); if ( idRef==ref->idRef() ) break; idRef=ref->idRef(); } } } for(int idx=0; idx<g->length(); idx++) { art=g->at(idx); if( apon==threads && !art->filterResult() ) { inThread=false; idRef=art->idRef(); while(idRef!=0 && !inThread) { ref=g->byId(idRef); inThread=ref->filterResult(); idRef=ref->idRef(); } art->setFilterResult(inThread); } if(art->filterResult()) { c_ount++; ref = (art->idRef()>0) ? g->byId(art->idRef()) : 0; while(ref && !ref->filterResult()) ref = (ref->idRef()>0) ? g->byId(ref->idRef()) : 0; art->setDisplayedReference(ref); if(ref) ref->setVisibleFollowUps(true); else if(art->idRef()>0) { orphant_threads.append(art); } } } if( orphant_threads.count() > 0 ) { // try to merge orphant threads by subject KNRemoteArticle::List same_subjects; TQString s; for ( KNRemoteArticle::List::Iterator it = orphant_threads.begin(); it != orphant_threads.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it)->displayedReference() ) // already processed continue; s = (*it)->subject()->asUnicodeString(); same_subjects.clear(); for ( KNRemoteArticle::List::Iterator it2 = orphant_threads.begin(); it2 != orphant_threads.end(); ++it2 ) { if ( (*it2) != (*it) && (*it2)->subject()->asUnicodeString() == s ) same_subjects.append( (*it2) ); } (*it)->setVisibleFollowUps( (*it)->hasVisibleFollowUps() || same_subjects.count() > 0 ); for ( KNRemoteArticle::List::Iterator it2 = same_subjects.begin(); it2 != same_subjects.end(); ++it2 ) { (*it2)->setDisplayedReference( (*it) ); mergeCnt++; } } } kdDebug(5003) << "KNArticleFilter::doFilter() : matched " << c_ount << " articles , merged " << mergeCnt << " threads by subject" << endl; } void KNArticleFilter::doFilter(KNFolder *f) { c_ount=0; KNLocalArticle *art=0; if(!l_oaded) load(); subject.expand(0); // replace placeholders from.expand(0); messageId.expand(0); references.expand(0); for(int idx=0; idx<f->length(); idx++) { art=f->at(idx); if (applyFilter(art)) c_ount++; } } // *tries* to translate the name TQString KNArticleFilter::translatedName() { if (translateName) { // major hack alert !!! if (!n_ame.isEmpty()) { if (i18n("default filter name",n_ame.local8Bit())!=n_ame.local8Bit().data()) // try to guess if this english or not return i18n("default filter name",n_ame.local8Bit()); else return n_ame; } else return TQString(); } else return n_ame; } // *tries* to retranslate the name to english void KNArticleFilter::setTranslatedName(const TQString &s) { bool retranslated = false; for (const char **c=defFil;(*c)!=0;c++) // ok, try if it matches any of the standard filter names if (s==i18n("default filter name",*c)) { n_ame = TQString::fromLatin1(*c); retranslated = true; break; } if (!retranslated) { // ok, we give up and store the maybe non-english string n_ame = s; translateName = false; // and don't try to translate it, so a german user *can* use the original english name } else translateName = true; } bool KNArticleFilter::applyFilter(KNRemoteArticle *a) { bool result=true; if(result) result=status.doFilter(a); if(result) result=score.doFilter(a->score()); if(result) result=lines.doFilter(a->lines()->numberOfLines()); if(result) result=age.doFilter(a->date()->ageInDays()); if(result) result=subject.doFilter(a->subject()->asUnicodeString()); if(result) { TQString tmp = (a->from()->name()+"##") + TQString(a->from()->email().data()); result=from.doFilter(tmp); } if(result) result=messageId.doFilter(a->messageID()->asUnicodeString()); if(result) result=references.doFilter(a->references()->asUnicodeString()); a->setFilterResult(result); a->setFiltered(true); return result; } bool KNArticleFilter::applyFilter(KNLocalArticle *a) { bool result=true; if (isSearchFilter()) { if(result) result=lines.doFilter(a->lines()->numberOfLines()); if(result) result=age.doFilter(a->date()->ageInDays()); if(result) result=subject.doFilter(a->subject()->asUnicodeString()); if(result) { TQString tmp = (a->from()->name()+"##") + TQString(a->from()->email().data()); result=from.doFilter(tmp); } if(result) result=messageId.doFilter(a->messageID()->asUnicodeString()); if(result) result=references.doFilter(a->references()->asUnicodeString()); } a->setFilterResult(result); return result; }