
    KNode, the KDE newsreader
    Copyright (c) 1999-2004 the KNode authors.
    See file AUTHORS for details

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, US


#include <tqdatetime.h>

#include "kncollection.h"
#include "knserverinfo.h"
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>

class KNNntpAccount;

namespace KNConfig {
  class Identity;
  class Cleanup;

class KNNntpAccountIntervalChecking : public TQObject  {


    KNNntpAccountIntervalChecking(KNNntpAccount *account);
    void installTimer();
    void deinstallTimer();

    TQTimer *t_imer;
    KNNntpAccount *a_ccount;

  protected slots:
    void slotCheckNews();


class KNNntpAccount : public KNCollection , public KNServerInfo {


    collectionType type()             { return CTnntpAccount; }

    /** tries to read information, returns false if it fails to do so */
    bool readInfo(const TQString &confPath);
    void saveInfo();
    //void syncInfo();
    TQString path();
    /** returns true when the user accepted */
    bool editProperties(TQWidget *parent);

    // news interval checking
    void startTimer();

    bool fetchDescriptions() const         { return f_etchDescriptions; }
    TQDate lastNewFetch() const             { return l_astNewFetch; }
    bool wasOpen() const                   { return w_asOpen; }
    bool useDiskCache() const              { return u_seDiskCache; }
    KNConfig::Identity* identity() const   { return i_dentity; }
    bool intervalChecking() const          { return i_ntervalChecking; }
    int checkInterval() const              { return c_heckInterval; }
    KNConfig::Cleanup *cleanupConfig() const { return mCleanupConf; }

    /** Returns the cleanup configuration that should be used for this account */
    KNConfig::Cleanup *activeCleanupConfig() const;

    void setFetchDescriptions(bool b) { f_etchDescriptions = b; }
    void setLastNewFetch(TQDate date)  { l_astNewFetch = date; }
    void setUseDiskCache(bool b)      { u_seDiskCache=b; }
    void setCheckInterval(int c);
    void setIntervalChecking(bool b)  { i_ntervalChecking=b; }

    /** server specific identity */
    KNConfig::Identity *i_dentity;
    /** account specific cleanup configuration */
    KNConfig::Cleanup *mCleanupConf;
    /** use an additional "list newsgroups" command to fetch the newsgroup descriptions */
    bool f_etchDescriptions;
    /** last use of "newgroups" */
    TQDate l_astNewFetch;
    /** was the server open in the listview on the last shutdown? */
    bool w_asOpen;
    /** cache fetched articles on disk */
    bool u_seDiskCache;
    /** is interval checking enabled */
    bool i_ntervalChecking;
    int c_heckInterval;

    /** helper class for news interval checking, manages the TQTimer */
    KNNntpAccountIntervalChecking *a_ccountIntervalChecking;



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