/* knprotocolclient.cpp KNode, the KDE newsreader Copyright (c) 1999-2001 the KNode authors. See file AUTHORS for details This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, US */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kextsock.h> #include <ksocks.h> #include "knjobdata.h" #include "knprotocolclient.h" KNProtocolClient::KNProtocolClient(int NfdPipeIn, int NfdPipeOut) : job( 0 ), inputSize( 10000 ), fdPipeIn( NfdPipeIn ), fdPipeOut( NfdPipeOut ), tcpSocket( -1 ), mTerminate( false ) { input = new char[inputSize]; } KNProtocolClient::~KNProtocolClient() { if (isConnected()) closeConnection(); delete [] input; } void KNProtocolClient::run() { if (0!=pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE,NULL)) qWarning("pthread_setcancelstate failed!"); if (0!= pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS,NULL)) qWarning("pthread_setcanceltype failed!"); signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); // ignore sigpipe waitForWork(); } void KNProtocolClient::insertJob(KNJobData *newJob) { job = newJob; } void KNProtocolClient::removeJob() { job = 0L; } void KNProtocolClient::updatePercentage(int percent) { byteCountMode=false; progressValue = percent*10; sendSignal(TSprogressUpdate); } // main loop, maintains connection and waits for next job void KNProtocolClient::waitForWork() { fd_set fdsR,fdsE; timeval tv; int selectRet; while (true) { if (isConnected()) { // we are connected, hold the connection for xx secs FD_ZERO(&fdsR); FD_SET(fdPipeIn, &fdsR); FD_SET(tcpSocket, &fdsR); FD_ZERO(&fdsE); FD_SET(tcpSocket, &fdsE); tv.tv_sec = account.hold(); tv.tv_usec = 0; selectRet = KSocks::self()->select(FD_SETSIZE, &fdsR, NULL, &fdsE, &tv); if ( mTerminate ) { clearPipe(); closeConnection(); return; } // In addition to the timeout, this will also happen // if select() returns early because of a signal if (selectRet == 0) { #ifndef NDEBUG qDebug("knode: KNProtocolClient::waitForWork(): hold time elapsed, closing connection."); #endif closeConnection(); // nothing happend... } else { if (((selectRet > 0)&&(!FD_ISSET(fdPipeIn,&fdsR)))||(selectRet == -1)) { #ifndef NDEBUG qDebug("knode: KNProtocolClient::waitForWork(): connection broken, closing it"); #endif closeSocket(); } } } do { FD_ZERO(&fdsR); FD_SET(fdPipeIn, &fdsR); } while (select(FD_SETSIZE, &fdsR, NULL, NULL, NULL) <= 0); // don't get tricked by signals clearPipe(); // remove start signal if (mTerminate) return; timer.start(); sendSignal(TSjobStarted); if (job) { // qDebug("knode: KNProtocolClient::waitForWork(): got job"); if (job->net()&&!(account == *job->account())) { // server changed account = *job->account(); if (isConnected()) closeConnection(); } input[0] = 0; //terminate string thisLine = input; nextLine = input; inputEnd = input; progressValue = 10; predictedLines = -1; doneLines = 0; byteCount = 0; byteCountMode = true; if (!job->net()) // job needs no net access processJob(); else { if (!isConnected()) openConnection(); if (isConnected()) // connection is ready processJob(); } errorPrefix = TQString(); clearPipe(); } sendSignal(TSworkDone); // emit stopped signal } } void KNProtocolClient::processJob() {} // connect, handshake and authorization bool KNProtocolClient::openConnection() { sendSignal(TSconnect); #ifndef NDEBUG qDebug("knode: KNProtocolClient::openConnection(): opening connection"); #endif if (account.server().isEmpty()) { job->setErrorString(i18n("Unable to resolve hostname")); return false; } KExtendedSocket ks; ks.setAddress(account.server(), account.port()); ks.setTimeout(account.timeout()); if (ks.connect() < 0) { if (ks.status() == IO_LookupError) { job->setErrorString(i18n("Unable to resolve hostname")); } else if (ks.status() == IO_ConnectError) { job->setErrorString(i18n("Unable to connect:\n%1").tqarg(KExtendedSocket::strError(ks.status(), errno))); } else if (ks.status() == IO_TimeOutError) job->setErrorString(i18n("A delay occurred which exceeded the\ncurrent timeout limit.")); else job->setErrorString(i18n("Unable to connect:\n%1").tqarg(KExtendedSocket::strError(ks.status(), errno))); closeSocket(); return false; } tcpSocket = ks.fd(); ks.release(); return true; } // sends TQUIT-command and closes the socket void KNProtocolClient::closeConnection() { fd_set fdsW; timeval tv; #ifndef NDEBUG qDebug("knode: KNProtocolClient::closeConnection(): closing connection"); #endif FD_ZERO(&fdsW); FD_SET(tcpSocket, &fdsW); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; int ret = KSocks::self()->select(FD_SETSIZE, NULL, &fdsW, NULL, &tv); if (ret > 0) { // we can write... TQCString cmd = "QUIT\r\n"; int todo = cmd.length(); KSocks::self()->write(tcpSocket,&cmd.data()[0],todo); } closeSocket(); } // sends a command (one line), return code is written to rep bool KNProtocolClient::sendCommand(const TQCString &cmd, int &rep) { if (!sendStr(cmd + "\r\n")) return false; if (!getNextResponse(rep)) return false; return true; } // checks return code and calls handleErrors() if necessary bool KNProtocolClient::sendCommandWCheck(const TQCString &cmd, int rep) { int code; if (!sendCommand(cmd,code)) return false; if (code!=rep) { handleErrors(); return false; } return true; } // sends a message (multiple lines) bool KNProtocolClient::sendMsg(const TQCString &msg) { const char *line = msg.data(); const char *end; TQCString buffer; size_t length; char inter[10000]; progressValue = 100; predictedLines = msg.length()/80; // rule of thumb while ((end = ::strstr(line,"\r\n"))) { if (line[0]=='.') // expand one period to double period... buffer.append("."); length = end-line+2; if ((buffer.length()>1)&&((buffer.length()+length)>1024)) { // artifical limit, because I don't want to generate too large blocks if (!sendStr(buffer)) return false; buffer = ""; } if (length > 9500) { job->setErrorString(i18n("Message size exceeded the size of the internal buffer.")); closeSocket(); return false; } memcpy(inter,line,length); inter[length]=0; // terminate string buffer += inter; line = end+2; doneLines++; } buffer += ".\r\n"; if (!sendStr(buffer)) return false; return true; } // reads next complete line of input bool KNProtocolClient::getNextLine() { thisLine = nextLine; nextLine = strstr(thisLine,"\r\n"); if (nextLine) { // there is another full line in the inputbuffer nextLine[0] = 0; // terminate string nextLine[1] = 0; nextLine+=2; return true; } unsigned int div = inputEnd-thisLine+1; // hmmm, I need to fetch more input from the server... memmove(input,thisLine,div); // save last, incomplete line thisLine = input; inputEnd = input+div-1; do { div = inputEnd-thisLine+1; if ((div) > inputSize-100) { inputSize += 10000; char *newInput = new char[inputSize]; memmove(newInput,input,div); delete [] input; input = newInput; thisLine = input; inputEnd = input+div-1; #ifndef NDEBUG qDebug("knode: KNProtocolClient::getNextLine(): input buffer enlarged"); #endif } if (!waitForRead()) return false; int received; do { received = KSocks::self()->read(tcpSocket, inputEnd, inputSize-(inputEnd-input)-1); } while ((received<0)&&(errno==EINTR)); // don't get tricked by signals if (received <= 0) { job->setErrorString(i18n("The connection is broken.")); closeSocket(); return false; } // remove null characters that some stupid servers return... for (int i=0; i<received; i++) if (inputEnd[i] == 0) { memmove(inputEnd+i,inputEnd+i+1,received-i-1); received--; i--; } inputEnd += received; inputEnd[0] = 0; // terminate *char byteCount += received; } while (!(nextLine = strstr(thisLine,"\r\n"))); if (timer.elapsed()>50) { // reduce framerate to 20 f/s timer.start(); if (predictedLines > 0) progressValue = 100 + (doneLines*900/predictedLines); sendSignal(TSprogressUpdate); } nextLine[0] = 0; // terminate string nextLine[1] = 0; nextLine+=2; return true; } // receives a message (multiple lines) bool KNProtocolClient::getMsg(TQStrList &msg) { char *line; while (getNextLine()) { line = getCurrentLine(); if (line[0]=='.') { if (line[1]=='.') line++; // collapse double period into one else if (line[1]==0) return true; // message complete } msg.append(line); doneLines++; } return false; // getNextLine() failed } // reads next line and returns the response code bool KNProtocolClient::getNextResponse(int &code) { if (!getNextLine()) return false; code = -1; code = atoi(thisLine); return true; } // checks return code and calls handleErrors() if necessary bool KNProtocolClient::checkNextResponse(int code) { if (!getNextLine()) return false; if (atoi(thisLine)!=code) { handleErrors(); return false; } return true; } // interprets error code, generates error message and closes the connection void KNProtocolClient::handleErrors() { if (errorPrefix.isEmpty()) job->setErrorString(i18n("An error occurred:\n%1").tqarg(thisLine)); else job->setErrorString(errorPrefix + thisLine); closeConnection(); } void KNProtocolClient::sendSignal(threadSignal s) { int signal=(int)s; // qDebug("knode: KNProtcolClient::sendSignal() : sending signal to main thread"); write(fdPipeOut, &signal, sizeof(int)); } // waits until socket is readable bool KNProtocolClient::waitForRead() { fd_set fdsR,fdsE; timeval tv; int ret; do { FD_ZERO(&fdsR); FD_SET(fdPipeIn, &fdsR); FD_SET(tcpSocket, &fdsR); FD_ZERO(&fdsE); FD_SET(tcpSocket, &fdsE); FD_SET(fdPipeIn, &fdsE); tv.tv_sec = account.timeout(); tv.tv_usec = 0; ret = KSocks::self()->select(FD_SETSIZE, &fdsR, NULL, &fdsE, &tv); } while ((ret<0)&&(errno==EINTR)); // don't get tricked by signals if (ret == -1) { // select failed if (job) { TQString str = i18n("Communication error:\n"); str += strerror(errno); job->setErrorString(str); } closeSocket(); return false; } if (ret == 0) { // Nothing happend, timeout if (job) job->setErrorString(i18n("A delay occurred which exceeded the\ncurrent timeout limit.")); closeConnection(); return false; } if (ret > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(fdPipeIn,&fdsR)) { // stop signal #ifndef NDEBUG qDebug("knode: KNProtocolClient::waitForRead(): got stop signal"); #endif closeConnection(); return false; } if (FD_ISSET(tcpSocket,&fdsE)||FD_ISSET(fdPipeIn,&fdsE)) { // broken pipe, etc if (job) job->setErrorString(i18n("The connection is broken.")); closeSocket(); return false; } if (FD_ISSET(tcpSocket,&fdsR)) // all ok return true; } if (job) job->setErrorString(i18n("Communication error")); closeSocket(); return false; } // used by sendBuffer() & connect() bool KNProtocolClient::waitForWrite() { fd_set fdsR,fdsW,fdsE; timeval tv; int ret; do { FD_ZERO(&fdsR); FD_SET(fdPipeIn, &fdsR); FD_SET(tcpSocket, &fdsR); FD_ZERO(&fdsW); FD_SET(tcpSocket, &fdsW); FD_ZERO(&fdsE); FD_SET(tcpSocket, &fdsE); FD_SET(fdPipeIn, &fdsE); tv.tv_sec = account.timeout(); tv.tv_usec = 0; ret = KSocks::self()->select(FD_SETSIZE, &fdsR, &fdsW, &fdsE, &tv); } while ((ret<0)&&(errno==EINTR)); // don't get tricked by signals if (ret == -1) { // select failed if (job) { TQString str = i18n("Communication error:\n"); str += strerror(errno); job->setErrorString(str); } closeSocket(); return false; } if (ret == 0) { // nothing happend, timeout if (job) job->setErrorString(i18n("A delay occurred which exceeded the\ncurrent timeout limit.")); closeConnection(); return false; } if (ret > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(fdPipeIn,&fdsR)) { // stop signal #ifndef NDEBUG qDebug("knode: KNProtocolClient::waitForWrite(): got stop signal"); #endif closeConnection(); return false; } if (FD_ISSET(tcpSocket,&fdsR)||FD_ISSET(tcpSocket,&fdsE)||FD_ISSET(fdPipeIn,&fdsE)) { // broken pipe, etc if (job) job->setErrorString(i18n("The connection is broken.")); closeSocket(); return false; } if (FD_ISSET(tcpSocket,&fdsW)) // all ok return true; } if (job) job->setErrorString(i18n("Communication error")); closeSocket(); return false; } void KNProtocolClient::closeSocket() { if (-1 != tcpSocket) { close(tcpSocket); tcpSocket = -1; } } // sends str to the server bool KNProtocolClient::sendStr(const TQCString &str) { int ret; int todo = str.length(); int done = 0; while (todo > 0) { if (!waitForWrite()) return false; ret = KSocks::self()->write(tcpSocket,&str.data()[done],todo); if (ret <= 0) { if (job) { TQString str = i18n("Communication error:\n"); str += strerror(errno); job->setErrorString(str); } closeSocket(); return false; } else { done += ret; todo -= ret; } byteCount += ret; } if (timer.elapsed()>50) { // reduce framerate to 20 f/s timer.start(); if (predictedLines > 0) progressValue = 100 + (doneLines/predictedLines)*900; sendSignal(TSprogressUpdate); } return true; } // removes start/stop signal void KNProtocolClient::clearPipe() { fd_set fdsR; timeval tv; int selectRet; char buf; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; do { FD_ZERO(&fdsR); FD_SET(fdPipeIn,&fdsR); if (1==(selectRet=select(FD_SETSIZE,&fdsR,NULL,NULL,&tv))) if ( read(fdPipeIn, &buf, 1 ) == -1 ) ::perror( "clearPipe()" ); } while (selectRet == 1); }