TODO for KNotes

 * alarms for the notes
 * categories, subfolders, templates for new notes
    - assign a color, size, font to a template
    - categories with special colors? configurable?
 * define a set of colors for the notes - could this be a category then?
 * improve printing:
    - width of the text on the paper should fit note width if not bigger
      than the paper width
    - print the note title as well
 * the config dialog:
    - make the frame configurable (3d -> normal)
    - make the keybindings configurable
 * support images
 * support urls
 * save cursor and scrollbar postion
 * steal some ideas from Stickies (Mac OS X)
 * steal some ideas from ATNotes (Win)

 * once we have more session configs make KNotes save its notes in

 * fix shortcuts
 * if the window state is changed from outside KNotes the buttons do not
   reflect that

 * F1 should open Help
 * do not copy the knotesrc file anymore
   => use the static KNotesGlobalConfig object and copy the important stuff over
      Disadv: some keys and defaults must be defined in both config files
             (and thus, KConfig XT specs)
   => how about one kconfig Xt spec and inheriting from the KConfigSkeleton or make the
      KConfigSkeleton inherit something?
 * global config dialog: use "Defaults" in the side bar and add a page with two tabs,
   Display and Editor, respectively
 * call m_calendar.update( this ) in knotesapp after saving/changing a note?
 * implement removal of resources, i.e. deleting of KNotes without removing config files
 * we can use CustomAdditions=true and add a file <config>_addons.h with methods like
   size() and call that instead of width() and height().
 * find out how to avoid the reparent call in KNote
 * in rich text mode: what should happen to the font setting in the config dialog?
 * use KWinDecorations instead of home-made decoration
 * add ToolTips everywhere
 * update the date icon, either from crystal or Matthias Kiefer
 * use KWin::setIcons for the notes windows, either to put the color or change
   the color of the notes icon if possible
 * ensure the knotes settings dialog has a unique name with regard to the notes config

 * transparent notes
 * shadow for the notes
 * icons for the notes (small, put in the note menu and note title)
 * background images (maybe even SVG)
 * action to keep all notes on top
 * write an IMAP resource that works without kolab?

older TODOs from Wynn:
 * inserting calendar
 * hide/unhide all/some/one ?
 * better pipe error checking
 * standart error redirection in piping
 * changing icon -- empty / non empty
 * handle KNotes files of which all/some may reside on the desktop?
   (means that there must be an extension for note files...)

always open TODO:
 * make the code as perfect and clean as possible!!

-- Michael Brade 21-04-2004