
- merge config of parts into a unified config dialog
  * Unified Identity handling (Name, Mail address, SMTP, use KMIdentity TDEPIM wide?)
    Currently this is dublicated in at least KMail, KNode and KOrganizer
  * Molularize KOrganizer and KMail Settings and turn them into kcm's
  * Think about extending the kcm idea and add a framework to locate kcm's for apps via TDETrader
- same for unified credits
- find a solution for a setup wizard
- replace Splash class with QSplashScreen                      (done)
- make the "new" action a bit smarter                          (done)
- make korganizers part offer the normal dcop interface
- move plugins to respective apps for code sharing(?)
- Summary (what's next) view (slueppken)                       (done)
- Basic groupware functionality (Exchange 2k and Kolab)
- make the headerWidget look nicer (we might use TDEIconLoader
  for larger icons) (slueppken)                                (done)
- make all parts use the InfoExtension                         (done)
- make KCMultiDialog not crash when non-existent desktop-file
  is given to addModule()                                      (done)
- support icon and buttons sidebar                             (done)
- enable/disable single plugins                                (done)


- Support other groupware solutions
- your stuff here...