/* This file is part of the KOrganizer interfaces. Copyright (c) 1999,2001,2003 Cornelius Schumacher Copyright (C) 2004 Reinhold Kainhofer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KORG_BASEVIEW_H #define KORG_BASEVIEW_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "korganizer/incidencechangerbase.h" #include "printplugin.h" #include using namespace KCal; namespace KCal { class Calendar; } namespace KOrg { /** This class provides an interface for all views being displayed within the main calendar view. It has functions to update the view, to specify date range and other display parameter and to return selected objects. An important class, which inherits KOBaseView is KOEventView, which provides the interface for all views of event data like the agenda or the month view. @short Base class for calendar views @author Preston Brown, Cornelius Schumacher @see KOTodoView, KOEventView, KOListView, KOAgendaView, KOMonthView */ class KDE_EXPORT BaseView : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: /** Constructs a view. @param cal Pointer to the calendar object from which events will be retrieved for display. @param parent parent widget. @param name name of this widget. */ BaseView( Calendar *cal, TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 ) : TQWidget( parent, name ), mCalendar( cal ), mChanger( 0 ) {} /** Destructor. Views will do view-specific cleanups here. */ virtual ~BaseView() {} virtual void setCalendar( Calendar *cal ) { mCalendar = cal; } /** Return calendar object of this view. */ virtual Calendar *calendar() { return mCalendar; } /** @return a list of selected events. Most views can probably only select a single event at a time, but some may be able to select more than one. */ virtual Incidence::List selectedIncidences() = 0; /** @return a list of the dates of selected events. Most views can probably only select a single event at a time, but some may be able to select more than one. */ virtual DateList selectedDates() = 0; virtual CalPrinterBase::PrintType printType() { return CalPrinterBase::Month; } /** Return number of currently shown dates. A return value of 0 means no idea. */ virtual int currentDateCount() = 0; /** Return if this view is a view for displaying events. */ virtual bool isEventView() { return false; } public slots: /** Show incidences for the given date range. The date range actually shown may be different from the requested range, depending on the particular requirements of the view. @param start Start of date range. @param end End of date range. */ virtual void showDates( const TQDate &start, const TQDate &end ) = 0; /** Show given incidences. Depending on the actual view it might not be possible to show all given events. @param incidenceList a list of incidences to show. */ virtual void showIncidences( const Incidence::List &incidenceList ) = 0; /** Updates the current display to reflect changes that may have happened in the calendar since the last display refresh. */ virtual void updateView() = 0; virtual void dayPassed( const TQDate & ) { updateView(); } /** Assign a new incidence change helper object. */ virtual void setIncidenceChanger( IncidenceChangerBase *changer ) { mChanger = changer; } /** Write all unsaved data back to calendar store. */ virtual void flushView() {} /** Updates the current display to reflect the changes to one particular incidence. */ virtual void changeIncidenceDisplay( Incidence *, int ) = 0; /** Re-reads the KOrganizer configuration and picks up relevant changes which are applicable to the view. */ virtual void updateConfig() {} /** Clear selection. The incidenceSelected signal is not emitted. */ virtual void clearSelection() {} /** Set the default start/end date/time for new events. Return true if anything was changed */ virtual bool eventDurationHint(TQDateTime &/*startDt*/, TQDateTime &/*endDt*/, bool &/*allDay*/) { return false; } signals: void incidenceSelected( Incidence * ); /** * instructs the receiver to show the incidence in read-only mode. */ void showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *); /** * instructs the receiver to begin editing the incidence specified in * some manner. Doesn't make sense to connect to more than one * receiver. */ void editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *); /** * instructs the receiver to delete the Incidence in some manner; some * possibilities include automatically, with a confirmation dialog * box, etc. Doesn't make sense to connect to more than one receiver. */ void deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *); /** * instructs the receiver to cut the Incidence */ void cutIncidenceSignal(Incidence *); /** * instructs the receiver to copy the incidence */ void copyIncidenceSignal(Incidence *); /** * instructs the receiver to paste the incidence */ void pasteIncidenceSignal(); /** * instructs the receiver to toggle the alarms of the Incidence. */ void toggleAlarmSignal(Incidence *); /** Dissociate from a recurring incidence the occurrence on the given date to a new incidence */ void dissociateOccurrenceSignal( Incidence *, const TQDate & ); /** Dissociate from a recurring incidence all occurrences after the given date to a new incidence */ void dissociateFutureOccurrenceSignal( Incidence *, const TQDate & ); void startMultiModify( const TQString & ); void endMultiModify(); /** * instructs the receiver to create a new event. Doesn't make * sense to connect to more than one receiver. */ void newEventSignal(); /** * instructs the receiver to create a new event with the specified beginning * time. Doesn't make sense to connect to more than one receiver. */ void newEventSignal( const TQDate & ); /** * instructs the receiver to create a new event with the specified beginning * time. Doesn't make sense to connect to more than one receiver. */ void newEventSignal( const TQDateTime & ); /** * instructs the receiver to create a new event, with the specified * beginning end ending times. Doesn't make sense to connect to more * than one receiver. */ void newEventSignal( const TQDateTime &, const TQDateTime & ); void newTodoSignal( const TQDate & ); void newSubTodoSignal( Todo * ); void newJournalSignal( const TQDate & ); private: Calendar *mCalendar; protected: IncidenceChangerBase *mChanger; }; } #endif