    This file is part of KOrganizer.
    Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org>
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold@kainhofer.com>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

    As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
    with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
    without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#ifndef KOAGENDA_H
#define KOAGENDA_H

#include <qscrollview.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qguardedptr.h>
#include <libkcal/incidencebase.h>

class QPopupMenu;
class QTime;
class QLabel;
class KConfig;
class KOAgenda;
class KOAgendaItem;

using namespace KOrg;
namespace KOrg {
class IncidenceChangerBase;

using namespace KCal;
namespace KCal {
class Event;
class Todo;
class Calendar;

class MarcusBains : public QFrame {
    MarcusBains( KOAgenda *agenda = 0, const char *name = 0 );
    virtual ~MarcusBains();

  public slots:
    void updateLocation( bool recalculate = false );

    int todayColumn();
    QTimer *minutes;
    QLabel *mTimeBox;
    KOAgenda *agenda;
    QTime oldTime;
    int oldToday;

class KOAgenda : public QScrollView
    KOAgenda ( int columns, int rows, int columnSize, QWidget *parent=0,
               const char *name = 0, WFlags f = 0 );
    KOAgenda ( int columns, QWidget *parent = 0,
               const char *name = 0, WFlags f = 0 );
    virtual ~KOAgenda();

    Incidence *selectedIncidence() const;
    QDate selectedIncidenceDate() const;
     * Returns the uid of the last incidence that was selected. This
     * persists across reloads and clear, so that if the same uid
     * reappears, it can be reselected. */
    const QString lastSelectedUid() const;

    virtual bool eventFilter ( QObject *, QEvent * );

    QPoint contentsToGrid ( const QPoint &pos ) const;
    QPoint gridToContents ( const QPoint &gpos ) const;

    int timeToY ( const QTime &time );
    QTime gyToTime ( int y );

    QMemArray<int> minContentsY();
    QMemArray<int> maxContentsY();

    int visibleContentsYMin();
    int visibleContentsYMax();

    void setStartTime( const QTime &startHour );

    KOAgendaItem *insertItem ( Incidence *incidence, const QDate &qd, int X, int YTop,
                               int YBottom );
    KOAgendaItem *insertAllDayItem ( Incidence *event, const QDate &qd, int XBegin,
                                     int XEnd );
    void insertMultiItem ( Event *event, const QDate &qd, int XBegin, int XEnd,
                           int YTop, int YBottom );

    /** remove an event and all its multi-items from the agenda.
     *  This function removes the items from the view, but doesn't delete them immediately.
     *  Instead, they are queued in mItemsToDelete and later deleted by
     *  the slot deleteItemsToDelete() (called by QTimer::singleShot ) */
    void removeIncidence( Incidence *incidence );

    void changeColumns( int columns );

    int columns() { return mColumns; }
    int rows() { return mRows; }

    double gridSpacingX() const { return mGridSpacingX; }
    double gridSpacingY() const { return mGridSpacingY; }

//    virtual QSizePolicy sizePolicy() const;

    void clear();

    /** Calculates the minimum width */
    virtual int minimumWidth() const;
    /** Update configuration from preference settings */
    void updateConfig();

    void checkScrollBoundaries();

    void setHolidayMask( QMemArray<bool> * );

    void setDateList( const DateList &selectedDates );
    DateList dateList() const;

    void setTypeAheadReceiver( QObject * );
    QObject *typeAheadReceiver() const;
    void finishTypeAhead();

    void setCalendar( Calendar*cal ) { mCalendar = cal; }
    void setIncidenceChanger( IncidenceChangerBase *changer ) { mChanger = changer; }

  public slots:
    void scrollUp();
    void scrollDown();

    void checkScrollBoundaries( int );

    /** Deselect selected items. This function does not emit any signals. */
    void deselectItem();

    void clearSelection();

      Select item. If the argument is 0, the currently selected item gets
      deselected. This function emits the itemSelected(bool) signal to inform
      about selection/deselection of events.
    void selectItem( KOAgendaItem * );
      Select the item associated with a given uid. Linear search, use carefully.
    void selectItemByUID( const QString& uid );
    bool removeAgendaItem( KOAgendaItem *item );
    void showAgendaItem( KOAgendaItem *item );

    void newEventSignal();
    void newTimeSpanSignal( const QPoint &, const QPoint & );
    void newStartSelectSignal();

    void showIncidenceSignal( Incidence * );
    void editIncidenceSignal( Incidence * );
    void deleteIncidenceSignal( Incidence * );
    void showIncidencePopupSignal( Incidence *, const QDate &);
    void showNewEventPopupSignal();

    void itemModified( KOAgendaItem *item );
    void incidenceSelected( Incidence * );
    void startMultiModify( const QString & );
    void endMultiModify();

    void lowerYChanged( int );
    void upperYChanged( int );

    void startDragSignal(Incidence *);
    void droppedToDo( Todo*todo, const QPoint &gpos, bool allDay );

    void enableAgendaUpdate( bool enable );
    void zoomView( const int delta, const QPoint &pos, const Qt::Orientation );

    void mousePosSignal(const QPoint &pos);
    void enterAgenda();
    void leaveAgenda();

    void gridSpacingYChanged( double );

    enum MouseActionType { NOP, MOVE, SELECT,

    void drawContents( QPainter *p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch );
    int columnWidth( int column );
    virtual void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * );

    /** Handles mouse events. Called from eventFilter */
    virtual bool eventFilter_mouse ( QObject *, QMouseEvent * );
    /** Handles mousewheel events. Called from eventFilter */
    virtual bool eventFilter_wheel ( QObject *, QWheelEvent * );
    /** Handles key events. Called from eventFilter */
    virtual bool eventFilter_key ( QObject *, QKeyEvent * );

    /** Handles drag and drop events. Called from eventFilter */
    virtual bool eventFilter_drag( QObject *, QDropEvent * );

    /** returns RESIZELEFT if pos is near the lower edge of the action item,
      RESIZERIGHT if pos is near the higher edge, and MOVE otherwise.
      If --reverse is used, RESIZELEFT still means resizing the beginning of
      the event, although that means moving to the right!
      horizontal is the same as mAllDayAgenda.
    MouseActionType isInResizeArea( bool horizontal, const QPoint &pos, KOAgendaItem *item );
    /** Return whether the cell specified by the grid point belongs to the current select
    bool ptInSelection( QPoint gpos ) const;

    /** Start selecting time span. */
    void startSelectAction( const QPoint &viewportPos );

    /** Select time span. */
    void performSelectAction( const QPoint &viewportPos );

    /** Emd selecting time span. */
    void endSelectAction( const QPoint &viewportPos );

    /** Start moving/resizing agenda item */
    void startItemAction(const QPoint& viewportPos);

    /** Move/resize agenda item */
    void performItemAction(const QPoint& viewportPos);

    /** End moving/resizing agenda item */
    void endItemAction();

    /** Set cursor, when no item action is in progress */
    void setNoActionCursor( KOAgendaItem *moveItem, const QPoint &viewportPos );
    /** Sets the cursor according to the given action type. If acting==true,
      the corresponding action is running (i.e. the item is really moved). If
      acting==false the cursor should just indicate that the corresponding action
      is possible */
    void setActionCursor( int actionType, bool acting=false );

    /** calculate the width of the column subcells of the given item */
    double calcSubCellWidth( KOAgendaItem *item );
    /** Move and resize the given item to the correct position */
    void placeAgendaItem( KOAgendaItem *item, double subCellWidth );
    /** Place agenda item in agenda and adjust other cells if necessary */
    void placeSubCells( KOAgendaItem *placeItem );
    /** Place the agenda item at the correct position (ignoring conflicting items) */
    void adjustItemPosition( KOAgendaItem *item );

    /** Process the keyevent, including the ignored keyevents of eventwidgets.
     * Implements pgup/pgdn and cursor key navigation in the view.
    void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * );

    void calculateWorkingHours();

    virtual void contentsMousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * );

    void emitNewEventForSelection();

  protected slots:
    /** delete the items that are queued for deletion */
    void deleteItemsToDelete();
    /** Resizes all the child elements after the size of the agenda
        changed. This is needed because Qt seems to have a bug when
        the resizeEvent of one of the widgets in a splitter takes a
        lot of time / does a lot of resizes.... see bug 80114 */
    void resizeAllContents();

    void init();
    void marcus_bains();
    bool mAllDayMode;

    // We need the calendar for drag'n'drop and for paint the ResourceColor
    Calendar *mCalendar;

    // Width and height of agenda cells. mDesiredGridSpacingY is the height
    // set in the config. The actual height might be larger since otherwise
    // more than 24 hours might be displayed.
    double mGridSpacingX;
    double mGridSpacingY;
    double mDesiredGridSpacingY;

    // size of border, where mouse action will resize the KOAgendaItem
    int mResizeBorderWidth;

    // size of border, where mouse mve will cause a scroll of the agenda
    int mScrollBorderWidth;
    int mScrollDelay;
    int mScrollOffset;

    QTimer mScrollUpTimer;
    QTimer mScrollDownTimer;

    // Number of Columns/Rows of agenda grid
    int mColumns;
    int mRows;

    // Cells to store Move and Resize coordiantes while performing the action
    QPoint mStartCell;
    QPoint mEndCell;

    // Working Hour coordiantes
    bool mWorkingHoursEnable;
    QMemArray<bool> *mHolidayMask;
    int mWorkingHoursYTop;
    int mWorkingHoursYBottom;

    // Selection
    bool mHasSelection;
    QPoint mSelectionStartPoint;
    QPoint mSelectionStartCell;
    QPoint mSelectionEndCell;

    // List of dates to be displayed
    DateList mSelectedDates;

    // The KOAgendaItem, which has been right-clicked last
    QGuardedPtr<KOAgendaItem> mClickedItem;

    // The KOAgendaItem, which is being moved/resized
    QGuardedPtr<KOAgendaItem> mActionItem;

    // Currently selected item
    QGuardedPtr<KOAgendaItem> mSelectedItem;
    // Uid of the last selected item. Used for reselecting in situations
    // where the selected item points to a no longer valid incidence, for
    // example during resource reload.
    QString mSelectedUid;

    // The Marcus Bains Line widget.
    MarcusBains *mMarcusBains;

    MouseActionType mActionType;

    bool mItemMoved;

    // List of all Items contained in agenda
    QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> mItems;
    QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> mItemsToDelete;

    QPopupMenu *mItemPopup; // Right mouse button popup menu for KOAgendaItems

    int mOldLowerScrollValue;
    int mOldUpperScrollValue;

    bool mTypeAhead;
    QObject *mTypeAheadReceiver;
    QPtrList<QEvent> mTypeAheadEvents;

    bool mReturnPressed;
    KOrg::IncidenceChangerBase *mChanger;

#endif // KOAGENDA_H