/* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold@kainhofer.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <kcmultidialog.h> #include <ksettings/dialog.h> #include <kwin.h> #include <libkdepim/categoryeditdialog.h> #include "calendarview.h" #include "koprefsdialog.h" #include "koprefs.h" #include "koeventeditor.h" #include "kotodoeditor.h" #include "kojournaleditor.h" #include "searchdialog.h" #include "filtereditdialog.h" #ifndef KORG_NOARCHIVE #include "archivedialog.h" #endif #include "koviewmanager.h" #include "koagendaview.h" #include "koglobals.h" #include "kodialogmanager.h" #include "kodialogmanager.moc" // FIXME: Handle KOEventViewerDialogs in dialog manager. Pass // KOPrefs::mCompactDialog. class KODialogManager::DialogManagerVisitor : public IncidenceBase::Visitor { public: DialogManagerVisitor() : mDialogManager( 0 ) {} bool act( IncidenceBase *incidence, KODialogManager *manager ) { mDialogManager = manager; return incidence->accept( *this ); } protected: KODialogManager *mDialogManager; }; class KODialogManager::EditorDialogVisitor : public KODialogManager::DialogManagerVisitor { public: EditorDialogVisitor() : DialogManagerVisitor(), mEditor( 0 ) {} KOIncidenceEditor *editor() const { return mEditor; } protected: bool visit( Event * ) { mEditor = mDialogManager->getEventEditor(); return mEditor; } bool visit( Todo * ) { mEditor = mDialogManager->getTodoEditor(); return mEditor; } bool visit( Journal * ) { mEditor = mDialogManager->getJournalEditor(); return mEditor; } protected: KOIncidenceEditor *mEditor; }; KODialogManager::KODialogManager( CalendarView *mainView ) : TQObject(), mMainView( mainView ) { mOptionsDialog = 0; mSearchDialog = 0; mArchiveDialog = 0; mFilterEditDialog = 0; mCategoryEditDialog = new KPIM::CategoryEditDialog( KOPrefs::instance(), mMainView ); // don't set any specific parent for the dialog, as its kept around and reused // in different cases where it should have different parents KWin::setMainWindow( mCategoryEditDialog, 0 ); connect( mainView, TQT_SIGNAL( categoriesChanged() ), mCategoryEditDialog, TQT_SLOT( reload() ) ); KOGlobals::fitDialogToScreen( mCategoryEditDialog ); } KODialogManager::~KODialogManager() { delete mOptionsDialog; delete mSearchDialog; #ifndef KORG_NOARCHIVE delete mArchiveDialog; #endif delete mFilterEditDialog; } void KODialogManager::errorSaveIncidence( TQWidget *parent, Incidence *incidence ) { KMessageBox::sorry( parent, i18n("Unable to save %1 \"%2\".") .arg( i18n( incidence->type() ) ) .arg( incidence->summary() ) ); } void KODialogManager::showOptionsDialog() { if (!mOptionsDialog) { #if 0 mOptionsDialog = new KConfigureDialog(); // mOptionsDialog = new KConfigureDialog( KConfigureDialog::Configurable ); // mOptionsDialog = new KConfigureDialog( mMainView ); connect( mOptionsDialog->dialog(), TQT_SIGNAL( configCommitted( const TQCString & ) ), mMainView, TQT_SLOT( updateConfig() ) ); #else mOptionsDialog = new KCMultiDialog( mMainView, "KorganizerPreferences" ); connect( mOptionsDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( configCommitted( const TQCString & ) ), mMainView, TQT_SLOT( updateConfig( const TQCString& ) ) ); #if 0 connect( mOptionsDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( applyClicked() ), mMainView, TQT_SLOT( updateConfig() ) ); connect( mOptionsDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( okClicked() ), mMainView, TQT_SLOT( updateConfig() ) ); // @TODO Find a way to do this with KCMultiDialog connect(mCategoryEditDialog,TQT_SIGNAL(categoryConfigChanged()), mOptionsDialog,TQT_SLOT(updateCategories())); #endif TQStringList modules; modules.append( "korganizer_configmain.desktop" ); modules.append( "korganizer_configtime.desktop" ); modules.append( "korganizer_configviews.desktop" ); modules.append( "korganizer_configfonts.desktop" ); modules.append( "korganizer_configcolors.desktop" ); modules.append( "korganizer_configgroupscheduling.desktop" ); modules.append( "korganizer_configgroupautomation.desktop" ); modules.append( "korganizer_configfreebusy.desktop" ); modules.append( "korganizer_configplugins.desktop" ); modules.append( "korganizer_configdesignerfields.desktop" ); // add them all TQStringList::iterator mit; for ( mit = modules.begin(); mit != modules.end(); ++mit ) mOptionsDialog->addModule( *mit ); #endif } mOptionsDialog->show(); mOptionsDialog->raise(); } void KODialogManager::showCategoryEditDialog() { mCategoryEditDialog->show(); } void KODialogManager::showSearchDialog() { if ( !mSearchDialog ) { mSearchDialog = new SearchDialog( mMainView->calendar(), mMainView ); connect( mSearchDialog, TQT_SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *,const TQDate &)), mMainView, TQT_SLOT(showIncidence(Incidence *,const TQDate &)) ); connect( mSearchDialog, TQT_SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *,const TQDate &)), mMainView, TQT_SLOT(editIncidence(Incidence *,const TQDate &)) ); connect( mSearchDialog, TQT_SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)), mMainView, TQT_SLOT(deleteIncidence(Incidence *)) ); connect( mMainView, TQT_SIGNAL(closingDown()),mSearchDialog,TQT_SLOT(reject()) ); } // make sure the widget is on top again mSearchDialog->show(); mSearchDialog->raise(); } void KODialogManager::showArchiveDialog() { #ifndef KORG_NOARCHIVE if (!mArchiveDialog) { mArchiveDialog = new ArchiveDialog(mMainView->calendar(),mMainView); connect(mArchiveDialog,TQT_SIGNAL(eventsDeleted()), mMainView,TQT_SLOT(updateView())); connect(mArchiveDialog,TQT_SIGNAL(autoArchivingSettingsModified()), mMainView,TQT_SLOT(slotAutoArchivingSettingsModified())); } mArchiveDialog->show(); mArchiveDialog->raise(); // Workaround. TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); #endif } void KODialogManager::showFilterEditDialog( TQPtrList<CalFilter> *filters ) { if ( !mFilterEditDialog ) { mFilterEditDialog = new FilterEditDialog( filters, mMainView ); connect( mFilterEditDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( filterChanged() ), mMainView, TQT_SLOT( updateFilter() ) ); connect( mFilterEditDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( editCategories() ), mCategoryEditDialog, TQT_SLOT( show() ) ); connect( mCategoryEditDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( categoryConfigChanged() ), mFilterEditDialog, TQT_SLOT( updateCategoryConfig() ) ); } mFilterEditDialog->show(); mFilterEditDialog->raise(); } KOIncidenceEditor *KODialogManager::getEditor( Incidence *incidence ) { if ( !incidence ) return 0; EditorDialogVisitor v; if ( v.act( incidence, this ) ) { return v.editor(); } else return 0; } KOEventEditor *KODialogManager::getEventEditor() { KOEventEditor *eventEditor = new KOEventEditor( mMainView->calendar(), mMainView ); connectEditor( eventEditor ); return eventEditor; } void KODialogManager::connectTypeAhead( KOEventEditor *editor, KOrg::AgendaView *agenda ) { if ( editor && agenda ) { agenda->setTypeAheadReceiver( editor->typeAheadReceiver() ); connect( editor, TQT_SIGNAL( focusReceivedSignal() ), agenda, TQT_SLOT( finishTypeAhead() ) ); } } void KODialogManager::connectEditor( KOIncidenceEditor*editor ) { connect( editor, TQT_SIGNAL( deleteIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, TQT_SLOT( deleteIncidence( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mCategoryEditDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( categoryConfigChanged() ), editor, TQT_SIGNAL( updateCategoryConfig() ) ); connect( editor, TQT_SIGNAL( editCategories() ), mCategoryEditDialog, TQT_SLOT( show() ) ); connect( editor, TQT_SIGNAL( dialogClose( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, TQT_SLOT( dialogClosing( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( editor, TQT_SIGNAL( editCanceled( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, TQT_SLOT( editCanceled( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( mMainView, TQT_SIGNAL( closingDown() ), editor, TQT_SLOT( reject() ) ); connect( editor, TQT_SIGNAL( deleteAttendee( Incidence * ) ), mMainView, TQT_SIGNAL( cancelAttendees( Incidence * ) ) ); } KOTodoEditor *KODialogManager::getTodoEditor() { kdDebug(5850) << k_funcinfo << endl; KOTodoEditor *todoEditor = new KOTodoEditor( mMainView->calendar(), mMainView ); connectEditor( todoEditor ); return todoEditor; } KOJournalEditor *KODialogManager::getJournalEditor() { KOJournalEditor *journalEditor = new KOJournalEditor( mMainView->calendar(), mMainView ); connectEditor( journalEditor ); return journalEditor; } void KODialogManager::updateSearchDialog() { if (mSearchDialog) mSearchDialog->updateView(); }