    This file is part of KOrganizer.

    Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org>
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold@kainhofer.com>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

    As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
    with any edition of TQt, and distribute the resulting executable,
    without including the source code for TQt in the source distribution.

#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
#include <tqfont.h>
#include <tqfontmetrics.h>
#include <tqkeycode.h>
#include <tqhbox.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqcursor.h>
#include <tqlistbox.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>

#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kwordwrap.h>

#include <kcalendarsystem.h>
#include <libkcal/calfilter.h>
#include <libkcal/calendar.h>
#include <libkcal/incidenceformatter.h>
#include <libkcal/calendarresources.h>

#include "koprefs.h"
#include "koglobals.h"
#include "koincidencetooltip.h"
#include "koeventpopupmenu.h"
#include "kohelper.h"

#include "komonthview.h"
#include "komonthview.moc"


KOMonthCellToolTip::KOMonthCellToolTip( TQWidget *tqparent,
                                        Calendar *calendar,
                                        const TQDate &date,
                                        KNoScrollListBox *lv )
  : TQToolTip( tqparent ), mCalendar( calendar ), mDate( date )
  eventlist = lv;

void KOMonthCellToolTip::maybeTip( const TQPoint &pos )
  TQRect r;
  TQListBoxItem *it = eventlist->itemAt( pos );
  MonthViewItem *i = static_cast<MonthViewItem*>( it );

  if( i && KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableToolTips ) {
    /* Calculate the rectangle. */
    r=eventlist->tqitemRect( it );
    /* Show the tip */
    TQString tipText( IncidenceFormatter::toolTipStr( mCalendar, i->incidence(), mDate ) );
    if ( !tipText.isEmpty() ) {
      tip( r, tipText );

KNoScrollListBox::KNoScrollListBox( TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name )
  : TQListBox( tqparent, name ),
    mSqueezing( false )
  TQPalette pal = palette();
  pal.setColor( TQColorGroup::Foreground, KOPrefs::instance()->agendaBgColor().dark( 150 ) );
  pal.setColor( TQColorGroup::Base, KOPrefs::instance()->agendaBgColor() );
  setPalette( pal );

void KNoScrollListBox::setBackground( bool primary, bool workDay )
  TQColor color;
  if ( workDay ) {
    color = KOPrefs::instance()->workingHoursColor();
  } else {
    color = KOPrefs::instance()->agendaBgColor();

  TQPalette pal = palette();
  if ( primary ) {
    pal.setColor( TQColorGroup::Base, color );
  } else {
    pal.setColor( TQColorGroup::Base, color.dark( 115 ) );
  setPalette( pal );

void KNoScrollListBox::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e )
  switch( e->key() ) {
    case Key_Right:
      scrollBy( 4, 0 );
    case Key_Left:
      scrollBy( -4, 0 );
    case Key_Up:
      if ( !count() ) break;
      setCurrentItem( ( currentItem() + count() - 1 ) % count() );
      if ( !itemVisible( currentItem() ) ) {
        if ( (unsigned int)currentItem() == ( count() - 1 ) ) {
          setTopItem( currentItem() - numItemsVisible() + 1 );
        } else {
          setTopItem( topItem() - 1 );
    case Key_Down:
      if ( !count() ) break;
      setCurrentItem( ( currentItem() + 1 ) % count() );
      if( !itemVisible( currentItem() ) ) {
        if( currentItem() == 0 ) {
          setTopItem( 0 );
        } else {
          setTopItem( topItem() + 1 );
    case Key_Shift:
      emit shiftDown();

void KNoScrollListBox::keyReleaseEvent( TQKeyEvent *e )
  switch( e->key() ) {
    case Key_Shift:
      emit shiftUp();

void KNoScrollListBox::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
  TQListBox::mousePressEvent( e );

  if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton ) {
    emit rightClick();

void KNoScrollListBox::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e )
  TQListBox::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent( e );
  TQListBoxItem *item = itemAt( e->pos() );
  if ( !item ) {
    emit doubleClicked( item );

void KNoScrollListBox::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent *e )
  bool s = count() && ( maxItemWidth() > e->size().width() );
  if ( mSqueezing || s )
    triggerUpdate( false );

  mSqueezing = s;
  TQListBox::resizeEvent( e );

MonthViewItem::MonthViewItem( Incidence *incidence, const TQDateTime &qd,
                              const TQString & s ) : TQListBoxItem()
  setText( s );

  mIncidence = incidence;
  mDateTime = qd;

  mEventPixmap     = KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon( "appointment" );
  mBirthdayPixmap  = KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon( "calendarbirthday" );
  mAnniversaryPixmap= KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon( "calendaranniversary" );
  mTodoPixmap      = KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon( "todo" );
  mTodoDonePixmap  = KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon( "checkedbox" );
  mAlarmPixmap     = KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon( "bell" );
  mRecurPixmap     = KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon( "recur" );
  mReplyPixmap     = KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon( "mail_reply" );

  mEvent     = false;
  mTodo      = false;
  mTodoDone  = false;
  mRecur     = false;
  mAlarm     = false;
  mReply     = false;

TQColor MonthViewItem::catColor() const
  TQColor retColor;
  if ( !mIncidence ) {
    return retColor;

  TQStringList categories = mIncidence->categories();
  TQString cat;
  if ( !categories.isEmpty() ) {
    cat = categories.first();
  if ( cat.isEmpty() ) {
    retColor = KOPrefs::instance()->unsetCategoryColor();
  } else {
    retColor = *( KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor( cat ) );
  return retColor;

void MonthViewItem::paint( TQPainter *p )
  bool sel = isSelected();

  TQColor bgColor = TQColor(); // Default invalid color;
  if ( mIncidence && mTodo ) {
    if ( static_cast<Todo*>( mIncidence )->isOverdue() ) {
      bgColor = KOPrefs::instance()->todoOverdueColor();
    } else if ( static_cast<Todo*>( mIncidence )->dtDue().date() == TQDate::tqcurrentDate() ) {
      bgColor = KOPrefs::instance()->todoDueTodayColor();

  if ( !bgColor.isValid() ) {
    if ( KOPrefs::instance()->monthItemColors() == KOPrefs::MonthItemResourceOnly ||
         KOPrefs::instance()->monthItemColors() == KOPrefs::MonthItemResourceInsideCategoryOutside ) {
      bgColor = resourceColor();
    } else {
      bgColor = catColor();

    if ( !bgColor.isValid() ) {
      bgColor = palette().color( TQPalette::Normal,
                                 sel ? TQColorGroup::Highlight :
                                       TQColorGroup::Background );

  TQColor frameColor;
  if ( KOPrefs::instance()->monthItemColors() == KOPrefs::MonthItemResourceOnly ||
       KOPrefs::instance()->monthItemColors() == KOPrefs::MonthItemCategoryInsideResourceOutside ) {
    frameColor = resourceColor();
  } else {
    frameColor = catColor();

  if ( mIncidence ) {
    if ( mIncidence->categories().isEmpty() &&
         KOPrefs::instance()->monthItemColors() == KOPrefs::MonthItemResourceInsideCategoryOutside ) {
      frameColor = bgColor;

    if ( mIncidence->categories().isEmpty() &&
         KOPrefs::instance()->monthItemColors() == KOPrefs::MonthItemCategoryInsideResourceOutside ) {
      bgColor = frameColor;

  if ( !frameColor.isValid() ) {
    frameColor = palette().color( TQPalette::Normal,
                                  sel ? TQColorGroup::Highlight :
                                        TQColorGroup::Foreground );
  } else {
    frameColor = frameColor.dark( 115 );

  // draw the box for the item
  p->setBackgroundColor( frameColor );
  p->eraseRect( 0, 0, listBox()->maxItemWidth(), height( listBox() ) );
  int offset = 2;
  p->setBackgroundColor( bgColor );
  p->eraseRect( offset, offset, listBox()->maxItemWidth()-2*offset, height( listBox() )-2*offset );

  int x = 3;

  bool specialEvent = false;
  if ( mEvent ) {
    if ( mIncidence->customProperty( "KABC", "BIRTHDAY" ) == "YES" ) {
      specialEvent = true;
      if ( mIncidence->customProperty( "KABC", "ANNIVERSARY" ) == "YES" ) {
        p->drawPixmap( x, 0, mAnniversaryPixmap );
        x += mAnniversaryPixmap.width() + 2;
      } else {
        p->drawPixmap( x, 0, mBirthdayPixmap );
        x += mBirthdayPixmap.width() + 2;
    // Do NOT put on the event pixmap because it takes up too much space
    //} else {
    //  p->drawPixmap( x, 0, mEventPixmap );
    //  x += mEventPixmap.width() + 2;

  if ( mTodo ) {
    p->drawPixmap( x, 0, mTodoPixmap );
    x += mTodoPixmap.width() + 2;
  if ( mTodoDone ) {
    p->drawPixmap( x, 0, mTodoDonePixmap );
    x += mTodoPixmap.width() + 2;
  if ( mRecur && !specialEvent ) {
    p->drawPixmap( x, 0, mRecurPixmap );
    x += mRecurPixmap.width() + 2;
  if ( mAlarm && !specialEvent ) {
    p->drawPixmap( x, 0, mAlarmPixmap );
    x += mAlarmPixmap.width() + 2;
  if ( mReply ) {
    p->drawPixmap(x, 0, mReplyPixmap );
    x += mReplyPixmap.width() + 2;
  TQFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics();
  int yPos;
  int pmheight = TQMAX( mRecurPixmap.height(),
                       TQMAX( mAlarmPixmap.height(), mReplyPixmap.height() ) );
  if( pmheight < fm.height() )
    yPos = fm.ascent() + fm.leading()/2;
    yPos = pmheight/2 - fm.height()/2  + fm.ascent();
  TQColor textColor = getTextColor( bgColor );
  p->setPen( textColor );

  KWordWrap::drawFadeoutText( p, x, yPos, listBox()->width() - x, text() );

int MonthViewItem::height( const TQListBox *lb ) const
  return TQMAX( TQMAX( mRecurPixmap.height(), mReplyPixmap.height() ),
               TQMAX( mAlarmPixmap.height(), lb->fontMetrics().lineSpacing()+1) );

int MonthViewItem::width( const TQListBox *lb ) const
  int x = 3;
  if( mRecur ) {
    x += mRecurPixmap.width()+2;
  if( mAlarm ) {
    x += mAlarmPixmap.width()+2;
  if( mReply ) {
    x += mReplyPixmap.width()+2;

  return( x + lb->fontMetrics().boundingRect( text() ).width() + 1 );

MonthViewCell::MonthViewCell( KOMonthView *tqparent)
  : TQWidget( tqparent ),
    mMonthView( tqparent ), mPrimary( false ), mHoliday( false ),
    isSelected( false )
  TQVBoxLayout *topLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( this );

  mLabel = new TQLabel( this );
  mLabel->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Plain );
  mLabel->setLineWidth( 1 );
  mLabel->tqsetAlignment( AlignCenter );

  mItemList = new KNoScrollListBox( this );
  mItemList->setMinimumSize( 10, 10 );
  mItemList->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Plain );
  mItemList->setLineWidth( 1 );

  topLayout->addWidget( mItemList );


  mStandardPalette = palette();

  enableScrollBars( false );


  connect( mItemList, TQT_SIGNAL( doubleClicked( TQListBoxItem *) ),
           TQT_SLOT( defaultAction( TQListBoxItem * ) ) );
  connect( mItemList, TQT_SIGNAL( rightButtonPressed( TQListBoxItem *,
                                                  const TQPoint &) ),
           TQT_SLOT( contextMenu( TQListBoxItem * ) ) );
  connect( mItemList, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( TQListBoxItem * ) ),
           TQT_SLOT( select() ) );

void MonthViewCell::setDate( const TQDate &date )
//  kdDebug(5850) << "MonthViewCell::setDate(): " << date.toString() << endl;

  mDate = date;


  TQString text;
  if ( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( date ) == 1 ) {
    text = i18n("'Month day' for month view cells", "%1 %2")
        .tqarg( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->monthName( date, true ) )
        .tqarg( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day(mDate) );
    TQFontMetrics fm( mLabel->font() );
    mLabel->resize( mLabelSize + TQSize( fm.width( text ), 0 ) );
  } else {
    mLabel->resize( mLabelSize );
    text = TQString::number( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day(mDate) );
  mLabel->setText( text );

  new KOMonthCellToolTip( mItemList->viewport(),
                          static_cast<KNoScrollListBox *>( mItemList ) );

  resizeEvent( 0 );

TQDate MonthViewCell::date() const
  return mDate;

void MonthViewCell::setFrameWidth()
  // show current day with a thicker frame
  if ( mDate == TQDate::tqcurrentDate() ) {
    mItemList->setLineWidth( 3 );
  } else if ( !isSelected ) {
    mItemList->setLineWidth( 1 );

void MonthViewCell::setPrimary( bool primary )
  mPrimary = primary;

  if ( mPrimary ) {
    mLabel->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase );
  } else {
    mLabel->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBackground );

  mItemList->setBackground( mPrimary, KOGlobals::self()->isWorkDay( mDate ) );

bool MonthViewCell::isPrimary() const
  return mPrimary;

void MonthViewCell::setHoliday( bool holiday )
  mHoliday = holiday;

  if ( holiday ) {
    setPalette( mHolidayPalette );
  } else {
    setPalette( mStandardPalette );

void MonthViewCell::setHolidayString( const TQString &holiday )
  mHolidayString = holiday;

void MonthViewCell::updateCell()

  if ( mDate == TQDate::tqcurrentDate() ) {
    setPalette( mTodayPalette );

    TQPalette pal = mItemList->palette();
    pal.setColor( TQColorGroup::Foreground, KOPrefs::instance()->highlightColor() );
    mItemList->setPalette( pal );
  else {
    if ( mHoliday )
      setPalette( mHolidayPalette );
      setPalette( mStandardPalette );

    TQPalette pal = mItemList->palette();
    pal.setColor( TQColorGroup::Foreground, KOPrefs::instance()->agendaBgColor().dark( 150 ) );
    mItemList->setPalette( pal );


  if ( !mHolidayString.isEmpty() ) {
    MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( 0, TQDateTime( mDate ), mHolidayString );
    item->setPalette( mHolidayPalette );
    mItemList->insertItem( item );

class MonthViewCell::CreateItemVisitor :
      public IncidenceBase::Visitor
    CreateItemVisitor() : mItem(0) { emails = KOPrefs::instance()->allEmails(); }

    bool act( IncidenceBase *incidence, TQDate date, TQPalette stdPal, int multiDay )
      mItem = 0;
      mDate = date;
      mStandardPalette = stdPal;
      mMultiDay = multiDay;
      return incidence->accept( *this );
    MonthViewItem *item() const { return mItem; }
    TQStringList emails;

    bool visit( Event *event ) {
      TQString text;
      TQDateTime dt( mDate );
      // take the time 0:00 into account, which is non-inclusive
      TQDate dtEnd = event->dtEnd().addSecs( event->doesFloat() ? 0 : -1).date();
      int length = event->dtStart().daysTo( TQDateTime(dtEnd) );
      if ( event->isMultiDay() ) {
        if (  mDate == event->dtStart().date()
           || ( mMultiDay == 0 && event->recursOn( mDate ) ) ) {
          text = "(-- " + event->summary();
          dt = event->dtStart();
        } else if ( !event->doesRecur() && mDate == dtEnd
                 // last day of a recurring multi-day event?
                 || ( mMultiDay == length && event->recursOn( mDate.addDays( -length ) ) ) ) {
          text = event->summary() + " --)";
        } else if (!(event->dtStart().date().daysTo(mDate) % 7) && length > 7 ) {
          text = "-- " + event->summary() + " --";
        } else {
          text = "----------------";
          dt = TQDateTime( mDate );
      } else {
        if (event->doesFloat())
          text = event->summary();
        else {
          text = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time());
          dt.setTime( event->dtStart().time() );
          text += ' ' + event->summary();

      mItem = new MonthViewItem( event, dt, text );
      mItem->setEvent( true );
      if ( KOPrefs::instance()->monthItemColors() == KOPrefs::MonthItemCategoryOnly ||
           KOPrefs::instance()->monthItemColors() == KOPrefs::MonthItemCategoryInsideResourceOutside ) {
        TQStringList categories = event->categories();
        TQString cat = categories.first();
        if (cat.isEmpty()) {
                                     KOPrefs::instance()->unsetCategoryColor()) );
        } else {
      } else {
        mItem->setPalette( mStandardPalette );

      Attendee *me = event->attendeeByMails( emails );
      if ( me != 0 ) {
        mItem->setReply( me->status() == Attendee::NeedsAction && me->RSVP() );
      } else
      return true;
    bool visit( Todo *todo ) {
      TQString text;
      if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->showAllDayTodo() )
        return false;
      TQDateTime dt( mDate );
      if ( todo->hasDueDate() && !todo->doesFloat() &&
           todo->dtDue().time() != TQTime( 0,0 ) && todo->dtDue().time().isValid() ) {
        text += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime( todo->dtDue().time() );
        text += ' ';
        dt.setTime( todo->dtDue().time() );
      text += todo->summary();

      mItem = new MonthViewItem( todo, dt, text );
      if ( todo->doesRecur() ) {
        mDate < todo->dtDue().date() ?
        mItem->setTodoDone( true ) : mItem->setTodo( true );
        todo->isCompleted() ? mItem->setTodoDone( true ) : mItem->setTodo( true );
      mItem->setPalette( mStandardPalette );
      return true;
    MonthViewItem *mItem;
    TQDate mDate;
    TQPalette mStandardPalette;
    int mMultiDay;

void MonthViewCell::addIncidence( Incidence *incidence, CreateItemVisitor& v, int multiDay )
  if ( v.act( incidence, mDate, mStandardPalette, multiDay ) ) {
    MonthViewItem *item = v.item();
    if ( item ) {
      item->setAlarm( incidence->isAlarmEnabled() );
      item->setRecur( incidence->recurrenceType() );

      TQColor resourceColor = KOHelper::resourceColor( monthView()->calendar(), incidence );
      if ( !resourceColor.isValid() )
        resourceColor = KOPrefs::instance()->unsetCategoryColor();
      item->setResourceColor( resourceColor );

      // FIXME: Find the correct position (time-wise) to insert the item.
      //        Currently, the items are displayed in "random" order instead of
      //        chronologically sorted.
      uint i = 0;
      int pos = -1;
      TQDateTime dt( item->incidenceDateTime() );

      while ( i < mItemList->count() && pos<0 ) {
        TQListBoxItem *item = mItemList->item( i );
        MonthViewItem *mvitem = dynamic_cast<MonthViewItem*>( item );
        if ( mvitem && mvitem->incidenceDateTime()>dt ) {
          pos = i;
      mItemList->insertItem( item, pos );

void MonthViewCell::removeIncidence( Incidence *incidence )
  for ( uint i = 0; i < mItemList->count(); ++i ) {
    MonthViewItem *item = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>(mItemList->item( i ) );
    if ( item && item->incidence() &&
         item->incidence()->uid() == incidence->uid() ) {
      mItemList->removeItem( i );

void MonthViewCell::updateConfig()
  setFont( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewFont );

  TQFontMetrics fm( font() );
  mLabelSize = fm.size( 0, "30" ) +
               TQSize( mLabel->frameWidth() * 2, mLabel->frameWidth() * 2 ) +
               TQSize( 2, 2 );
//  mStandardPalette = mOriginalPalette;
  TQColor bg = mStandardPalette.color( TQPalette::Active, TQColorGroup::Background );
  int h,s,v;
  bg.getHsv( &h, &s, &v );
  if ( date().month() %2 == 0 ) {
    if ( v < 128 ) {
      bg = bg.light( 125 );
    } else {
      bg = bg.dark( 125 );
  setPaletteBackgroundColor( bg );
//  mStandardPalette.setColor( TQColorGroup::Background, bg);*/

  mHolidayPalette = mStandardPalette;
  mHolidayPalette.setColor( TQColorGroup::Foreground,
                            KOPrefs::instance()->holidayColor() );
  mHolidayPalette.setColor( TQColorGroup::Text,
                            KOPrefs::instance()->holidayColor() );
  mTodayPalette = mStandardPalette;
  mTodayPalette.setColor( TQColorGroup::Foreground,
                          KOPrefs::instance()->highlightColor() );
  mTodayPalette.setColor( TQColorGroup::Text,
                          KOPrefs::instance()->highlightColor() );

  mItemList->setBackground( mPrimary, KOGlobals::self()->isWorkDay( mDate ) );

void MonthViewCell::enableScrollBars( bool enabled )
  if ( enabled ) {
    mItemList->setVScrollBarMode( TQScrollView::Auto );
    mItemList->setHScrollBarMode( TQScrollView::Auto );
  } else {
    mItemList->setVScrollBarMode( TQScrollView::AlwaysOff );
    mItemList->setHScrollBarMode( TQScrollView::AlwaysOff );

Incidence *MonthViewCell::selectedIncidence()
  int index = mItemList->currentItem();
  if ( index < 0 ) return 0;

  MonthViewItem *item =
      static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( mItemList->item( index ) );

  if ( !item ) return 0;

  return item->incidence();

TQDate MonthViewCell::selectedIncidenceDate()
  TQDate qd;
  int index = mItemList->currentItem();
  if ( index < 0 ) return qd;

  MonthViewItem *item =
      static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( mItemList->item( index ) );

  if ( !item ) return qd;

  return item->incidenceDateTime().date();

void MonthViewCell::select()

  isSelected = true;

  // setSelectedCell will deselect currently selected cells
  mMonthView->setSelectedCell( this );

  if( KOPrefs::instance()->enableMonthScroll() )
    enableScrollBars( true );

  // don't mess up the cell when it represents today
  if( mDate != TQDate::tqcurrentDate() ) {
    mItemList->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Sunken | TQFrame::Panel );
    mItemList->setLineWidth( 3 );

void MonthViewCell::deselect()
  isSelected = false;

  mItemList->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Plain | TQFrame::Panel );

  enableScrollBars( false );

void MonthViewCell::resizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent * )
  mLabel->move( width() - mLabel->width(), height() - mLabel->height() );

void MonthViewCell::defaultAction( TQListBoxItem *item )

  if ( !item ) {
    emit newEventSignal( 0/*ResourceCalendar*/, TQString()/*subResource*/, date() );
  } else {
    MonthViewItem *eventItem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item );
    Incidence *incidence = eventItem->incidence();
    if ( incidence ) mMonthView->defaultAction( incidence );

void MonthViewCell::contextMenu( TQListBoxItem *item )

  if ( item ) {
    MonthViewItem *eventItem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item );
    Incidence *incidence = eventItem->incidence();
    if ( incidence ) {
      mMonthView->showEventContextMenu( monthView()->calendar(), incidence, mDate );
  }  else {

KOMonthView::KOMonthView( Calendar *calendar, TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name )
    : KOEventView( calendar, tqparent, name ),
      mDaysPerWeek( 7 ), mNumWeeks( 6 ), mNumCells( mDaysPerWeek * mNumWeeks ),
      mShortDayLabels( false ), mWidthLongDayLabel( 0 ), mSelectedCell( 0 )
  mCells.setAutoDelete( true );

  TQGridLayout *dayLayout = new TQGridLayout( this );

  TQFont bfont = font();
  bfont.setBold( true );

  TQFont mfont = bfont;
  mfont.setPointSize( 20 );

  // month name on top
  mLabel = new TQLabel( this );
  mLabel->setFont( mfont );
  mLabel->tqsetAlignment( AlignCenter );
  mLabel->setLineWidth( 0 );
  mLabel->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Plain );

  dayLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mLabel, 0, 0, 0, mDaysPerWeek );

  // create the day of the week labels (Sun, Mon, etc) and add them to
  // the tqlayout.
  mDayLabels.resize( mDaysPerWeek );
  int i;
  for( i = 0; i < mDaysPerWeek; i++ ) {
    TQLabel *label = new TQLabel( this );
    label->setFont( bfont );
    label->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Raised );
    label->setLineWidth( 1 );
    label->tqsetAlignment( AlignCenter );

    mDayLabels.insert( i, label );

    dayLayout->addWidget( label, 1, i );
    dayLayout->addColSpacing( i, 10 );
    dayLayout->setColStretch( i, 1 );

  int row, col;

  mCells.resize( mNumCells );
  for( row = 0; row < mNumWeeks; ++row ) {
    for( col = 0; col < mDaysPerWeek; ++col ) {
      MonthViewCell *cell = new MonthViewCell( this );
      mCells.insert( row * mDaysPerWeek + col, cell );
      dayLayout->addWidget( cell, row + 2, col );

      connect( cell, TQT_SIGNAL(defaultAction(Incidence *)),
               TQT_SLOT(defaultAction(Incidence *)) );
      connect( cell, TQT_SIGNAL(newEventSignal(ResourceCalendar *,const TQString &,const TQDate &)),
               TQT_SIGNAL(newEventSignal(ResourceCalendar *,const TQString &,const TQDate &)) );
    dayLayout->setRowStretch( row + 2, 1 );

  mEventContextMenu = eventPopup();


  emit incidenceSelected( 0, TQDate() );

  delete mEventContextMenu;

int KOMonthView::maxDatesHint()
  return mNumCells;

int KOMonthView::tqcurrentDateCount()
  return mNumCells;

Incidence::List KOMonthView::selectedIncidences()
  Incidence::List selected;

  if ( mSelectedCell ) {
    Incidence *incidence = mSelectedCell->selectedIncidence();
    if ( incidence ) selected.append( incidence );

  return selected;

DateList KOMonthView::selectedIncidenceDates()
  DateList selected;

  if ( mSelectedCell ) {
    TQDate qd = mSelectedCell->selectedIncidenceDate();
    if ( qd.isValid() ) selected.append( qd );

  return selected;

bool KOMonthView::eventDurationHint( TQDateTime &startDt, TQDateTime &endDt, bool &allDay )
  if ( mSelectedCell ) {
    startDt.setDate( mSelectedCell->date() );
    endDt.setDate( mSelectedCell->date() );
    allDay = true;
    return true;
  return false;

void KOMonthView::updateConfig()
  mWeekStartDay = KGlobal::locale()->weekStartDay();

  TQFontMetrics fontmetric( mDayLabels[0]->font() );
  mWidthLongDayLabel = 0;

  for ( int i = 0; i < 7; ++i ) {
    int width =
        fontmetric.width( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName( i + 1 ) );
    if ( width > mWidthLongDayLabel ) mWidthLongDayLabel = width;


  for ( uint i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i ) {

  showLabel( !KOPrefs::instance()->fullViewMonth() );

void KOMonthView::updateDayLabels()
  kdDebug(5850) << "KOMonthView::updateDayLabels()" << endl;

  const KCalendarSystem*calsys=KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem();
  int currDay;
  for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) {
    currDay = i+mWeekStartDay;
    if ( currDay > 7 ) currDay -= 7;
    mDayLabels[i]->setText( calsys->weekDayName( currDay, mShortDayLabels ) );

void KOMonthView::showDates( const TQDate &start, const TQDate & )
//  kdDebug(5850) << "KOMonthView::showDates(): " << start.toString() << endl;

  const KCalendarSystem *calSys = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem();


  // show first day of month on top for readability issues
  mStartDate = start.addDays( -start.day() + 1 );
  // correct begin of week
  int weekdayCol=( mStartDate.dayOfWeek() + 7 - mWeekStartDay ) % 7;
  mStartDate = mStartDate.addDays( -weekdayCol );

  mLabel->setText( i18n( "monthname year", "%1 %2" )
                   .tqarg( calSys->monthName( start ) )
                   .tqarg( calSys->year( start ) ) );

  showLabel( !KOPrefs::instance()->fullViewMonth() );

  bool primary = false;
  uint i;
  for( i = 0; i < mCells.size(); ++i ) {
    TQDate date = mStartDate.addDays( i );
    if ( calSys->day( date ) == 1 ) {
      primary = !primary;

    mCells[i]->setDate( date );
    mDateToCell[ date ] = mCells[ i ];
    if( date == start ) {

    mCells[i]->setPrimary( primary );

    bool isHoliday = calSys->dayOfWeek( date ) == calSys->weekDayOfPray()
                  || !KOGlobals::self()->isWorkDay( date );
    mCells[i]->setHoliday( isHoliday );

    // add holiday, if present
    TQStringList holidays( KOGlobals::self()->holiday( date ) );
    mCells[i]->setHolidayString( holidays.join( i18n("delimiter for joining holiday names", ", " ) ) );


TQDateTime KOMonthView::selectionStart()
  if ( mSelectedCell) {
    return TQDateTime( mSelectedCell->date() );
  } else {
    return TQDateTime();

TQDateTime KOMonthView::selectionEnd()
  // Only one cell can be selected (for now)
  return selectionStart();

void KOMonthView::showIncidences( const Incidence::List &, const TQDate & )
  kdDebug(5850) << "KOMonthView::showIncidences( const Incidence::List & ) is not implemented yet." << endl;

class KOMonthView::GetDateVisitor : public IncidenceBase::Visitor
    GetDateVisitor() {}

    bool act( IncidenceBase *incidence )
      return incidence->accept( *this );
    TQDateTime startDate() const { return mStartDate; }
    TQDateTime endDate() const { return mEndDate; }

    bool visit( Event *event ) {
      mStartDate = event->dtStart();
      mEndDate = event->dtEnd();
      return true;
    bool visit( Todo *todo ) {
      if ( todo->hasDueDate() ) {
        if ( todo->dtDue().time() != TQTime( 0, 0 ) &&
             todo->dtDue().time().isValid() ) {
          mStartDate = todo->dtDue();
          mEndDate = todo->dtDue();
        } else {
          mStartDate = TQDateTime( todo->dtDue().date(), TQTime( 23,59 ) );
          mEndDate = mStartDate;
      }// else
//         return false;
      return true;
    bool visit( Journal *journal ) {
      mStartDate = journal->dtStart();
      mEndDate = journal->dtStart();
      return true;
    TQDateTime mStartDate;
    TQDateTime mEndDate;

void KOMonthView::changeIncidenceDisplayAdded( Incidence *incidence, MonthViewCell::CreateItemVisitor& v)
  GetDateVisitor gdv;

  if ( !gdv.act( incidence ) ) {
    kdDebug(5850) << "Visiting GetDateVisitor failed." << endl;

  bool floats = incidence->doesFloat();

  if ( incidence->doesRecur() ) {
    for ( uint i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i ) {
      if ( incidence->recursOn( mCells[i]->date(), calendar() ) ) {

        // handle multiday events
        int length = gdv.startDate().daysTo( TQDateTime(gdv.endDate().addSecs( floats ? 0 : -1 ).date()) );
        for ( int j = 0; j <= length && i+j < mCells.count(); ++j ) {
          mCells[i+j]->addIncidence( incidence, v, j );
  } else {
    // addSecs(-1) is added to handle 0:00 cases (because it's non-inclusive according to rfc)
    if ( gdv.endDate().isValid() ) {
      TQDate endDate = gdv.endDate().addSecs( floats ? 0 : -1).date();
      for ( TQDate date = gdv.startDate().date();
            date <= endDate; date = date.addDays( 1 ) ) {
        MonthViewCell *mvc = mDateToCell[ date ];
        if ( mvc ) mvc->addIncidence( incidence, v );

void KOMonthView::changeIncidenceDisplay( Incidence *incidence, int action )
  MonthViewCell::CreateItemVisitor v;
  switch ( action ) {
    case KOGlobals::INCIDENCEADDED:
      changeIncidenceDisplayAdded( incidence, v );
    case KOGlobals::INCIDENCEEDITED:
      for( uint i = 0; i < mCells.count(); i++ )
        mCells[i]->removeIncidence( incidence );
      changeIncidenceDisplayAdded( incidence, v );
      for( uint i = 0; i < mCells.count(); i++ )
        mCells[i]->removeIncidence( incidence );

void KOMonthView::updateView()
  for( uint i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i ) {

  Incidence::List incidences = calendar()->incidences();
  Incidence::List::ConstIterator it;

  MonthViewCell::CreateItemVisitor v;
  for ( it = incidences.begin(); it != incidences.end(); ++it )
    changeIncidenceDisplayAdded( *it, v );


void KOMonthView::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent * )
  // select the appropriate heading string size. E.g. "Wednesday" or "Wed".
  // note this only changes the text if the requested size crosses the
  // threshold between big enough to support the full name and not big
  // enough.
  if( mDayLabels[0]->width() < mWidthLongDayLabel ) {
    if ( !mShortDayLabels ) {
      mShortDayLabels = true;
  } else {
    if ( mShortDayLabels ) {
      mShortDayLabels = false;

void KOMonthView::showEventContextMenu( Calendar *cal, Incidence *incidence, const TQDate &qd )
  mEventContextMenu->showIncidencePopup( cal, incidence, qd );

void KOMonthView::showGeneralContextMenu()

void KOMonthView::setSelectedCell( MonthViewCell *cell )
  if ( mSelectedCell && cell != mSelectedCell )

  mSelectedCell = cell;

  if ( !mSelectedCell )
    emit incidenceSelected( 0, TQDate() );
    if ( selectedIncidenceDates().isEmpty() ) {
      emit incidenceSelected( mSelectedCell->selectedIncidence(), TQDate() );
    } else {
      emit incidenceSelected( mSelectedCell->selectedIncidence(), selectedIncidenceDates().first() );

void KOMonthView::processSelectionChange()
  Incidence::List incidences = selectedIncidences();
  if (incidences.count() > 0) {
    if ( selectedIncidenceDates().isEmpty() ) {
      emit incidenceSelected( incidences.first(), TQDate() );
    } else {
      emit incidenceSelected( incidences.first(), selectedIncidenceDates().first() );
  } else {
    emit incidenceSelected( 0, TQDate() );

void KOMonthView::clearSelection()
  if ( mSelectedCell ) {
    mSelectedCell = 0;

void KOMonthView::showLabel( bool show )
  if ( show ) {
  } else {