/* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold@kainhofer.com> Copyright (c) 2005 Rafal Rzepecki <divide@users.sourceforge.net> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <qpainter.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qpixmap.h> #include "kotodoviewitem.h" #include "kotodoview.h" #include "koprefs.h" #include "koglobals.h" KOTodoViewItem::KOTodoViewItem( QListView *parent, Todo *todo, KOTodoView *kotodo) : QCheckListItem( parent , "", CheckBox ), mTodo( todo ), mTodoView( kotodo ) { construct(); } KOTodoViewItem::KOTodoViewItem( KOTodoViewItem *parent, Todo *todo, KOTodoView *kotodo ) : QCheckListItem( parent, "", CheckBox ), mTodo( todo ), mTodoView( kotodo ) { construct(); } inline int KOTodoViewItem::compareDueDates( const KOTodoViewItem *b ) const { if ( mEffectiveDueDate.isValid() && !b->mEffectiveDueDate.isValid() ) return -1; else if ( !mEffectiveDueDate.isValid() && b->mEffectiveDueDate.isValid() ) return 1; else return b->mEffectiveDueDate.secsTo( mEffectiveDueDate ); } int KOTodoViewItem::compare( QListViewItem *it, int col, bool ascending ) const { KOTodoViewItem *i = dynamic_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>( it ); if ( !i ) return QListViewItem::compare( it, col, ascending ); // throw completed todos to the bottom if ( mTodo->isCompleted() && !i->todo()->isCompleted() ) return ascending ? 1 : -1; else if ( !mTodo->isCompleted() && i->todo()->isCompleted() ) return ascending ? -1 : 1; int c; switch ( col ) { case ( KOTodoView::eSummaryColumn ): return mTodo->summary().localeAwareCompare( i->todo()->summary() ); case ( KOTodoView::eRecurColumn ): return ( mTodo->doesRecur() ? 1 : 0 ) - (i->todo()->doesRecur() ? 1 : 0 ); case ( KOTodoView::ePriorityColumn ): c = mTodo->priority() - i->todo()->priority(); if ( c ) return c; return compareDueDates( i ); case ( KOTodoView::ePercentColumn ): return mTodo->percentComplete() - i->todo()->percentComplete(); case ( KOTodoView::eDueDateColumn ): c = compareDueDates( i ); if ( c ) return c; return mTodo->priority() - i->todo()->priority(); case ( KOTodoView::eCategoriesColumn ): return mTodo->categoriesStr().localeAwareCompare( i->todo()->categoriesStr() ); case ( KOTodoView::eDescriptionColumn ): return mTodo->description().localeAwareCompare( i->todo()->description() ); default: Q_ASSERT( false && "unknown column to compare" ); return QListViewItem::compare( it, col, ascending ); } } #if QT_VERSION >= 300 void KOTodoViewItem::paintBranches(QPainter *p,const QColorGroup & cg,int w, int y,int h) { QListViewItem::paintBranches(p,cg,w,y,h); } #else #endif void KOTodoViewItem::construct() { if ( !mTodo ) return; m_init = true; setOn( mTodo->isCompleted() ); setText( KOTodoView::eSummaryColumn, mTodo->summary()); static const QPixmap recurPxmp = KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon("recur"); if ( mTodo->doesRecur() ) setPixmap( KOTodoView::eRecurColumn, recurPxmp ); if ( mTodo->priority()==0 ) { setText( KOTodoView::ePriorityColumn, i18n("--") ); } else { setText( KOTodoView::ePriorityColumn, QString::number(mTodo->priority()) ); } setText( KOTodoView::ePercentColumn, QString::number(mTodo->percentComplete()) ); if (mTodo->hasDueDate()) { QString dtStr = mTodo->dtDueDateStr(); if (!mTodo->doesFloat()) { dtStr += " " + mTodo->dtDueTimeStr(); } setText( KOTodoView::eDueDateColumn, dtStr ); mEffectiveDueDate = mTodo->dtDue(); KOTodoViewItem *myParent; if ( ( myParent = dynamic_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>( parent() ) ) ) if ( !myParent->mEffectiveDueDate.isValid() || myParent->mEffectiveDueDate > mEffectiveDueDate ) { myParent->mEffectiveDueDate = mEffectiveDueDate; } } else setText( KOTodoView::eDueDateColumn, "" ); setText( KOTodoView::eCategoriesColumn, mTodo->categoriesStr() ); #if 0 // Find sort id in description. It's the text behind the last '#' character // found in the description. White spaces are removed from beginning and end // of sort id. int pos = mTodo->description().findRev('#'); if (pos < 0) { setText( KOTodoView::eDescriptionColumn, "" ); } else { QString str = mTodo->description().mid(pos+1); str.stripWhiteSpace(); setText( KOTodoView::eDescriptionColumn, str ); } #endif m_known = false; m_init = false; } void KOTodoViewItem::stateChange( bool state ) { // do not change setting on startup or if no valid todo item is given if ( m_init || !mTodo ) return; if ( mTodo->isReadOnly() ) { setOn( mTodo->isCompleted() ); return; } kdDebug(5850) << "State changed, modified " << state << endl; mTodoView->setNewPercentageDelayed( this, state ? 100 : 0 ); } bool KOTodoViewItem::isAlternate() { #ifndef KORG_NOLVALTERNATION KOTodoListView *lv = static_cast<KOTodoListView *>(listView()); if (lv && lv->alternateBackground().isValid()) { KOTodoViewItem *above = 0; above = dynamic_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(itemAbove()); m_known = above ? above->m_known : true; if (m_known) { m_odd = above ? !above->m_odd : false; } else { KOTodoViewItem *item; bool previous = true; if (QListViewItem::parent()) { item = dynamic_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(QListViewItem::parent()); if (item) previous = item->m_odd; item = dynamic_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(QListViewItem::parent()->firstChild()); } else { item = dynamic_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(lv->firstChild()); } while(item) { item->m_odd = previous = !previous; item->m_known = true; item = dynamic_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(item->nextSibling()); } } return m_odd; } return false; #else return false; #endif } void KOTodoViewItem::paintCell(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int alignment) { QColorGroup _cg = cg; // If no todo is set, just don't paint anything... if ( !mTodo ) return; #ifndef KORG_NOLVALTERNATION if (isAlternate()) _cg.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, static_cast< KOTodoListView* >(listView())->alternateBackground()); if (mTodo->hasDueDate()) { if (mTodo->dtDue().date()==QDate::currentDate() && !mTodo->isCompleted()) { _cg.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoDueTodayColor); _cg.setColor(QColorGroup::Text, getTextColor(KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoDueTodayColor)); } if (mTodo->dtDue().date() < QDate::currentDate() && !mTodo->isCompleted()) { _cg.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoOverdueColor); _cg.setColor(QColorGroup::Text, getTextColor(KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoOverdueColor)); } } #endif // show the progess by a horizontal bar if ( column == KOTodoView::ePercentColumn ) { p->save(); int progress = (int)(( (width-6)*mTodo->percentComplete())/100.0 + 0.5); p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), _cg.base() ); // background p->setPen( KGlobalSettings::textColor() ); //border p->setBrush( KGlobalSettings::baseColor() ); //filling p->drawRect( 2, 2, width-4, height()-4); p->fillRect( 3, 3, progress, height()-6, KGlobalSettings::highlightColor() ); p->restore(); } else { QCheckListItem::paintCell(p, _cg, column, width, alignment); } }