/* Copyright (c) 2007 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "timelineitem.h" #include "kohelper.h" #define protected public #include <kdgantt/KDGanttViewSubwidgets.h> #undef public #include <libkcal/calendar.h> #include <libkcal/incidenceformatter.h> #include <libkcal/resourcecalendar.h> using namespace KOrg; using namespace KCal; TimelineItem::TimelineItem( const TQString &label, KCal::Calendar *calendar, KDGanttView * parent) : KDGanttViewTaskItem( parent ), mCalendar( calendar ) { setListViewText( 0, label ); setDisplaySubitemsAsGroup( true ); if ( listView() ) listView()->setRootIsDecorated( false ); } void TimelineItem::insertIncidence(KCal::Incidence * incidence, const TQDateTime & _start, const TQDateTime & _end) { TQDateTime start = incidence->dtStart(), end = incidence->dtEnd(); if ( _start.isValid() ) start = _start; if ( _end.isValid() ) end = _end; if ( incidence->doesFloat() ) end = end.addDays( 1 ); typedef TQValueList<TimelineSubItem*> ItemList; ItemList list = mItemMap[incidence]; for ( ItemList::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin(); it != list.constEnd(); ++it ) if ( (*it)->startTime() == start && (*it)->endTime() == end ) return; TimelineSubItem * item = new TimelineSubItem( mCalendar, incidence, this ); TQColor c1, c2, c3; colors( c1, c2, c3 ); item->setColors( c1, c2, c3 ); item->setStartTime( start ); item->setOriginalStart( start ); item->setEndTime( end ); mItemMap[incidence].append( item ); } void TimelineItem::removeIncidence(KCal::Incidence * incidence) { typedef TQValueList<TimelineSubItem*> ItemList; ItemList list = mItemMap[incidence]; for ( ItemList::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin(); it != list.constEnd(); ++it ) delete *it; mItemMap.remove( incidence ); } void TimelineItem::moveItems(KCal::Incidence * incidence, int delta, int duration) { typedef TQValueList<TimelineSubItem*> ItemList; ItemList list = mItemMap[incidence]; for ( ItemList::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin(); it != list.constEnd(); ++it ) { TQDateTime start = (*it)->originalStart(); start = start.addSecs( delta ); (*it)->setStartTime( start ); (*it)->setOriginalStart( start ); (*it)->setEndTime( start.addSecs( duration ) ); } } TimelineSubItem::TimelineSubItem( KCal::Calendar *calendar, KCal::Incidence *incidence, TimelineItem *parent) : KDGanttViewTaskItem( parent ), mIncidence( incidence ), mLeft( 0 ), mRight( 0 ), mMarkerWidth( 0 ) { setTooltipText( IncidenceFormatter::toolTipStr( calendar, incidence, originalStart().date(), true ) ); if ( !incidence->isReadOnly() ) { setMoveable( true ); setResizeable( true ); } } TimelineSubItem::~TimelineSubItem() { delete mLeft; delete mRight; } void TimelineSubItem::showItem(bool show, int coordY) { KDGanttViewTaskItem::showItem( show, coordY ); int y; if ( coordY != 0 ) y = coordY; else y = getCoordY(); int startX = myGanttView->timeHeaderWidget()->getCoordX(myStartTime); int endX = myGanttView->timeHeaderWidget()->getCoordX(myEndTime); const int mw = TQMAX( 1, TQMIN( 4, endX - startX ) ); if ( !mLeft || mw != mMarkerWidth ) { if ( !mLeft ) { mLeft = new KDCanvasPolygon( myGanttView->timeTableWidget(), this, Type_is_KDGanttViewItem ); mLeft->setBrush( TQt::black ); } TQPointArray a = TQPointArray( 4 ); a.setPoint( 0, 0, -mw -myItemSize/2 - 2 ); a.setPoint( 1, mw, -myItemSize/2 - 2 ); a.setPoint( 2, mw, myItemSize/2 + 2 ); a.setPoint( 3, 0, myItemSize/2 + mw + 2 ); mLeft->setPoints( a ); } if ( !mRight || mw != mMarkerWidth ) { if ( !mRight ) { mRight = new KDCanvasPolygon( myGanttView->timeTableWidget(), this, Type_is_KDGanttViewItem ); mRight->setBrush( TQt::black ); } TQPointArray a = TQPointArray( 4 ); a.setPoint( 0, -mw, -myItemSize/2 - 2 ); a.setPoint( 1, 0, -myItemSize/2 - mw - 2 ); a.setPoint( 2, 0, myItemSize/2 + mw + 2 ); a.setPoint( 3, -mw, myItemSize/2 + 2 ); mRight->setPoints( a ); } mMarkerWidth = mw; mLeft->setX( startX ); mLeft->setY( y ); mLeft->setZ( startShape->z() - 1 ); mLeft->show(); mRight->setX( endX ); mRight->setY( y ); mRight->setZ( startShape->z() - 1 ); mRight->show(); }