/* This file is part of the kcal library. Copyright (c) 2010 Klar�lvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company <info@kdab.net> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** @file This file is part of the API for handling calendar data and provides static functions for dealing with calendar incidence attachments. @brief vCalendar/iCalendar attachment handling. @author Allen Winter \<winter@kde.org\> */ #include "attachmenthandler.h" #include "attachment.h" #include "calendarresources.h" #include "incidence.h" #include "scheduler.h" #include <tdeapplication.h> #include <tdefiledialog.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tdemessagebox.h> #include <kmimetype.h> #include <krun.h> #include <tdetempfile.h> #include <tdeio/netaccess.h> #include <tqfile.h> namespace KCal { Attachment *AttachmentHandler::find( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &attachmentName, Incidence *incidence ) { if ( !incidence ) { return 0; } // get the attachment by name from the incidence Attachment::List as = incidence->attachments(); Attachment *a = 0; if ( as.count() > 0 ) { Attachment::List::ConstIterator it; for ( it = as.begin(); it != as.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it)->label() == attachmentName ) { a = *it; break; } } } if ( !a ) { KMessageBox::error( parent, i18n( "No attachment named \"%1\" found in the incidence." ).arg( attachmentName ) ); return 0; } if ( a->isUri() ) { if ( !TDEIO::NetAccess::exists( a->uri(), true, parent ) ) { KMessageBox::sorry( parent, i18n( "The attachment \"%1\" is a web link that is inaccessible from this computer. " ). arg( KURL::decode_string( a->uri() ) ) ); return 0; } } return a; } Attachment *AttachmentHandler::find( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &attachmentName, const TQString &uid ) { if ( uid.isEmpty() ) { return 0; } CalendarResources *cal = new CalendarResources( "UTC" ); cal->readConfig(); cal->load(); Incidence *incidence = cal->incidence( uid ); if ( !incidence ) { KMessageBox::error( parent, i18n( "The incidence that owns the attachment named \"%1\" could not be found. " "Perhaps it was removed from your calendar?" ).arg( attachmentName ) ); return 0; } return find( parent, attachmentName, incidence ); } Attachment *AttachmentHandler::find( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &attachmentName, ScheduleMessage *message ) { if ( !message ) { return 0; } Incidence *incidence = dynamic_cast<Incidence*>( message->event() ); if ( !incidence ) { KMessageBox::error( parent, i18n( "The calendar invitation stored in this email message is broken in some way. " "Unable to continue." ) ); return 0; } return find( parent, attachmentName, incidence ); } static KTempFile *s_tempFile = 0; static KURL tempFileForAttachment( Attachment *attachment ) { KURL url; TQStringList patterns = KMimeType::mimeType( attachment->mimeType() )->patterns(); if ( !patterns.empty() ) { s_tempFile = new KTempFile( TQString(), TQString( patterns.first() ).remove( '*' ), 0600 ); } else { s_tempFile = new KTempFile( TQString(), TQString(), 0600 ); } TQFile *qfile = s_tempFile->file(); qfile->open( IO_WriteOnly ); TQTextStream stream( qfile ); stream.writeRawBytes( attachment->decodedData().data(), attachment->size() ); s_tempFile->close(); TQFile tf( s_tempFile->name() ); if ( tf.size() != attachment->size() ) { //whoops. failed to write the entire attachment. return an invalid URL. delete s_tempFile; s_tempFile = 0; return url; } url.setPath( s_tempFile->name() ); return url; } bool AttachmentHandler::view( TQWidget *parent, Attachment *attachment ) { if ( !attachment ) { return false; } bool stat = true; if ( attachment->isUri() ) { kapp->invokeBrowser( attachment->uri() ); } else { // put the attachment in a temporary file and launch it KURL tempUrl = tempFileForAttachment( attachment ); if ( tempUrl.isValid() ) { stat = KRun::runURL( tempUrl, attachment->mimeType(), false, true ); } else { stat = false; KMessageBox::error( parent, i18n( "Unable to create a temporary file for the attachment." ) ); } delete s_tempFile; s_tempFile = 0; } return stat; } bool AttachmentHandler::view( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &attachmentName, Incidence *incidence ) { return view( parent, find( parent, attachmentName, incidence ) ); } bool AttachmentHandler::view( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &attachmentName, const TQString &uid ) { return view( parent, find( parent, attachmentName, uid ) ); } bool AttachmentHandler::view( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &attachmentName, ScheduleMessage *message ) { return view( parent, find( parent, attachmentName, message ) ); } bool AttachmentHandler::saveAs( TQWidget *parent, Attachment *attachment ) { // get the saveas file name TQString saveAsFile = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( attachment->label(), TQString(), parent, i18n( "Save Attachment" ) ); if ( saveAsFile.isEmpty() || ( TQFile( saveAsFile ).exists() && ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( parent, i18n( "%1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"). arg( saveAsFile ) ) == KMessageBox::No ) ) ) { return false; } bool stat = false; if ( attachment->isUri() ) { // save the attachment url stat = TDEIO::NetAccess::file_copy( attachment->uri(), KURL( saveAsFile ), -1, true ); } else { // put the attachment in a temporary file and save it KURL tempUrl = tempFileForAttachment( attachment ); if ( tempUrl.isValid() ) { stat = TDEIO::NetAccess::file_copy( tempUrl, KURL( saveAsFile ), -1, true ); if ( !stat && TDEIO::NetAccess::lastError() ) { KMessageBox::error( parent, TDEIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString() ); } } else { stat = false; KMessageBox::error( parent, i18n( "Unable to create a temporary file for the attachment." ) ); } delete s_tempFile; s_tempFile = 0; } return stat; } bool AttachmentHandler::saveAs( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &attachmentName, Incidence *incidence ) { return saveAs( parent, find( parent, attachmentName, incidence ) ); } bool AttachmentHandler::saveAs( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &attachmentName, const TQString &uid ) { return saveAs( parent, find( parent, attachmentName, uid ) ); } bool AttachmentHandler::saveAs( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &attachmentName, ScheduleMessage *message ) { return saveAs( parent, find( parent, attachmentName, message ) ); } }