/* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 2001,2004 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold@kainhofer.com> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <kglobal.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "calformat.h" #include "incidencebase.h" using namespace KCal; IncidenceBase::IncidenceBase() : mReadOnly( false ), mFloats( true ), mDuration( 0 ), mHasDuration( false ), mPilotId( 0 ), mSynctqStatus( SYNCMOD ) { setUid( CalFormat::createUniqueId() ); mAttendees.setAutoDelete( true ); } IncidenceBase::IncidenceBase(const IncidenceBase &i) : CustomProperties( i ) { mReadOnly = i.mReadOnly; mDtStart = i.mDtStart; mDuration = i.mDuration; mHasDuration = i.mHasDuration; mOrganizer = i.mOrganizer; mUid = i.mUid; Attendee::List attendees = i.attendees(); Attendee::List::ConstIterator it; for( it = attendees.begin(); it != attendees.end(); ++it ) { mAttendees.append( new Attendee( *(*it) ) ); } mFloats = i.mFloats; mLastModified = i.mLastModified; mPilotId = i.mPilotId; mSynctqStatus = i.mSynctqStatus; mComments = i.mComments; // The copied object is a new one, so it isn't observed by the observer // of the original object. mObservers.clear(); mAttendees.setAutoDelete( true ); } IncidenceBase::~IncidenceBase() { } IncidenceBase& IncidenceBase::operator=( const IncidenceBase& i ) { CustomProperties::operator=( i ); mReadOnly = i.mReadOnly; mDtStart = i.mDtStart; mDuration = i.mDuration; mHasDuration = i.mHasDuration; mOrganizer = i.mOrganizer; mUid = i.mUid; mAttendees.clear(); Attendee::List attendees = i.attendees(); Attendee::List::ConstIterator it; for( it = attendees.begin(); it != attendees.end(); ++it ) { mAttendees.append( new Attendee( *(*it) ) ); } mFloats = i.mFloats; mLastModified = i.mLastModified; mPilotId = i.mPilotId; mSynctqStatus = i.mSynctqStatus; mComments = i.mComments; return *this; } bool IncidenceBase::operator==( const IncidenceBase& i2 ) const { if( attendees().count() != i2.attendees().count() ) { return false; // no need to check further } Attendee::List al1 = attendees(); Attendee::List al2 = i2.attendees(); Attendee::List::ConstIterator a1 = al1.begin(); Attendee::List::ConstIterator a2 = al2.begin(); for( ; a1 != al1.end() && a2 != al2.end(); ++a1, ++a2 ) { if( **a1 == **a2 ) continue; else { return false; } } if ( !CustomProperties::operator==(i2) ) return false; return ( dtStart() == i2.dtStart() && organizer() == i2.organizer() && uid() == i2.uid() && // Don't compare lastModified, otherwise the operator is not // of much use. We are not comparing for identity, after all. doesFloat() == i2.doesFloat() && duration() == i2.duration() && hasDuration() == i2.hasDuration() && pilotId() == i2.pilotId() && synctqStatus() == i2.synctqStatus() ); // no need to compare mObserver } void IncidenceBase::setUid(const TQString &uid) { mUid = uid; updated(); } TQString IncidenceBase::uid() const { return mUid; } void IncidenceBase::setLastModified(const TQDateTime &lm) { // DON'T! updated() because we call this from // Calendar::updateEvent(). // Remove milliseconds part. TQDateTime current = lm; TQTime t = current.time(); t.setHMS( t.hour(), t.minute(), t.second(), 0 ); current.setTime( t ); mLastModified = current; } TQDateTime IncidenceBase::lastModified() const { return mLastModified; } void IncidenceBase::setOrganizer( const Person &o ) { // we don't check for readonly here, because it is // possible that by setting the organizer we are changing // the event's readonly status... mOrganizer = o; updated(); } void IncidenceBase::setOrganizer(const TQString &o) { TQString mail( o ); if ( mail.tqstartsWith("MAILTO:", false) ) mail = mail.remove( 0, 7 ); // split the string into full name plus email. Person organizer( mail ); setOrganizer( organizer ); } Person IncidenceBase::organizer() const { return mOrganizer; } void IncidenceBase::setReadOnly( bool readOnly ) { mReadOnly = readOnly; } void IncidenceBase::setDtStart(const TQDateTime &dtStart) { // if (mReadOnly) return; mDtStart = dtStart; updated(); } TQDateTime IncidenceBase::dtStart() const { return mDtStart; } TQString IncidenceBase::dtStartTimeStr() const { return KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(dtStart().time()); } TQString IncidenceBase::dtStartDateStr(bool shortfmt) const { return KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(dtStart().date(),shortfmt); } TQString IncidenceBase::dtStartStr() const { return KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(dtStart()); } bool IncidenceBase::doesFloat() const { return mFloats; } void IncidenceBase::setFloats(bool f) { if (mReadOnly) return; mFloats = f; updated(); } void IncidenceBase::addComment(const TQString& comment) { mComments += comment; } bool IncidenceBase::removeComment( const TQString& comment) { bool found = false; TQStringList::Iterator i; for ( i = mComments.begin(); !found && i != mComments.end(); ++i ) { if ( (*i) == comment ) { found = true; mComments.remove(i); } } return found; } void IncidenceBase::clearComments() { mComments.clear(); } TQStringList IncidenceBase::comments() const { return mComments; } void IncidenceBase::addAttendee(Attendee *a, bool doupdate) { // kdDebug(5800) << "IncidenceBase::addAttendee()" << endl; if (mReadOnly) return; // kdDebug(5800) << "IncidenceBase::addAttendee() weiter" << endl; if (a->name().left(7).upper() == "MAILTO:") a->setName(a->name().remove(0,7)); mAttendees.append(a); if (doupdate) updated(); } #if 0 void IncidenceBase::removeAttendee(Attendee *a) { if (mReadOnly) return; mAttendees.removeRef(a); updated(); } void IncidenceBase::removeAttendee(const char *n) { Attendee *a; if (mReadOnly) return; for (a = mAttendees.first(); a; a = mAttendees.next()) if (a->getName() == n) { mAttendees.remove(); break; } } #endif void IncidenceBase::clearAttendees() { if (mReadOnly) return; mAttendees.clear(); } Attendee *IncidenceBase::attendeeByMail( const TQString &email ) const { Attendee::List::ConstIterator it; for( it = mAttendees.begin(); it != mAttendees.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it)->email() == email ) return *it; } return 0; } Attendee *IncidenceBase::attendeeByMails( const TQStringList &emails, const TQString &email) const { TQStringList mails = emails; if ( !email.isEmpty() ) mails.append( email ); Attendee::List::ConstIterator itA; for( itA = mAttendees.begin(); itA != mAttendees.end(); ++itA ) { for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = mails.begin(); it != mails.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*itA)->email() == (*it) ) return *itA; } } return 0; } Attendee *IncidenceBase::attendeeByUid( const TQString &uid ) const { Attendee::List::ConstIterator it; for( it = mAttendees.begin(); it != mAttendees.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it)->uid() == uid ) return *it; } return 0; } void IncidenceBase::setDuration(int seconds) { mDuration = seconds; setHasDuration(true); updated(); } int IncidenceBase::duration() const { return mDuration; } void IncidenceBase::setHasDuration(bool hasDuration) { mHasDuration = hasDuration; } bool IncidenceBase::hasDuration() const { return mHasDuration; } void IncidenceBase::setSynctqStatus(int stat) { if (mReadOnly) return; if ( mSynctqStatus == stat ) return; mSynctqStatus = stat; updatedSilent(); } void IncidenceBase::setSyncStatusSilent(int stat) { if (mReadOnly) return; mSynctqStatus = stat; } int IncidenceBase::synctqStatus() const { return mSynctqStatus; } void IncidenceBase::setPilotId( unsigned long id ) { if (mReadOnly) return; if ( mPilotId == id) return; mPilotId = id; updatedSilent(); } unsigned long IncidenceBase::pilotId() const { return mPilotId; } void IncidenceBase::registerObserver( IncidenceBase::Observer *observer ) { if( !mObservers.contains( observer ) ) mObservers.append( observer ); } void IncidenceBase::unRegisterObserver( IncidenceBase::Observer *observer ) { mObservers.remove( observer ); } void IncidenceBase::updated() { TQPtrListIterator<Observer> it(mObservers); while( it.current() ) { Observer *o = it.current(); ++it; if ( o ) { o->incidenceUpdated( this ); } } } void IncidenceBase::customPropertyUpdated() { updated(); } void IncidenceBase::updatedSilent() { TQPtrListIterator<Observer> it(mObservers); while( it.current() ) { Observer *o = it.current(); ++it; o->incidenceUpdatedSilent( this ); } }