/* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold@kainhofer.com> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KCAL_INCIDENCEBASE_H #define KCAL_INCIDENCEBASE_H #include <tqdatetime.h> #include <tqstringlist.h> #include <tqvaluelist.h> #include <tqptrlist.h> #include "customproperties.h" #include "attendee.h" namespace KCal { typedef TQValueList<TQDate> DateList; typedef TQValueList<TQDateTime> DateTimeList; class Event; class Todo; class Journal; class FreeBusy; /** This class provides the base class common to all calendar components. */ class LIBKCAL_EXPORT IncidenceBase : public CustomProperties { public: /** This class provides the interface for a visitor of calendar components. It serves as base class for concrete visitors, which implement certain actions on calendar components. It allows to add functions, which operate on the concrete types of calendar components, without changing the calendar component classes. */ class Visitor { public: /** Destruct Incidence::Visitor */ virtual ~Visitor() {} /** Reimplement this function in your concrete subclass of IncidenceBase::Visitor to perform actions on an Event object. */ virtual bool visit(Event *) { return false; } /** Reimplement this function in your concrete subclass of IncidenceBase::Visitor to perform actions on a Todo object. */ virtual bool visit(Todo *) { return false; } /** Reimplement this function in your concrete subclass of IncidenceBase::Visitor to perform actions on an Journal object. */ virtual bool visit(Journal *) { return false; } /** Reimplement this function in your concrete subclass of IncidenceBase::Visitor to perform actions on a FreeBusy object. */ virtual bool visit(FreeBusy *) { return false; } protected: /** Constructor is protected to prevent direct creation of visitor base class. */ Visitor() {} }; class Observer { public: virtual ~Observer() {} virtual void incidenceUpdated( IncidenceBase * ) = 0; virtual void incidenceUpdatedSilent( IncidenceBase * ) {}; }; IncidenceBase(); IncidenceBase( const IncidenceBase & ); virtual ~IncidenceBase(); IncidenceBase& operator=( const IncidenceBase &i ); bool operator==( const IncidenceBase & ) const; /** Accept IncidenceVisitor. A class taking part in the visitor mechanism has to provide this implementation: <pre> bool accept(Visitor &v) { return v.visit(this); } </pre> */ virtual bool accept(Visitor &) { return false; } virtual TQCString type() const = 0; /** Set the unique id for the event */ void setUid( const TQString & ); /** Return the unique id for the event */ TQString uid() const; /** Sets the time the incidence was last modified. */ void setLastModified( const TQDateTime &lm ); /** Return the time the incidence was last modified. */ TQDateTime lastModified() const; /** sets the organizer for the event */ void setOrganizer( const Person &o ); void setOrganizer( const TQString &o ); Person organizer() const; /** Set readonly status. */ virtual void setReadOnly( bool ); /** Return if the object is read-only. */ bool isReadOnly() const { return mReadOnly; } /** for setting the event's starting date/time with a TQDateTime. */ virtual void setDtStart( const TQDateTime &dtStart ); /** returns an event's starting date/time as a TQDateTime. */ virtual TQDateTime dtStart() const; /** returns an event's starting time as a string formatted according to the users locale settings. @deprecated use IncidenceFormatter::timeToString() */ virtual KDE_DEPRECATED TQString dtStartTimeStr() const; /** returns an event's starting date as a string formatted according to the users locale settings @deprecated use IncidenceFormatter::dateToString() */ virtual KDE_DEPRECATED TQString dtStartDateStr( bool shortfmt = true ) const; /** returns an event's starting date and time as a string formatted according to the users locale settings @deprecated use IncidenceFormatter::dateTimeToString() */ virtual KDE_DEPRECATED TQString dtStartStr() const; virtual void setDuration( int seconds ); int duration() const; void setHasDuration( bool ); bool hasDuration() const; /** Return true or false depending on whether the incidence "floats," * i.e. has a date but no time attached to it. */ bool doesFloat() const; /** Set whether the incidence floats, i.e. has a date but no time attached to it. */ void setFloats( bool f ); // // Comments // /** * Add a comment to this incidence. * * Does not add a linefeed character. Just appends the text as passed in. * * @param comment The comment to add. */ void addComment(const TQString& comment); /** * Remove a comment from the event. * * Removes first comment whose string is an exact match for the string * passed in. * * @return true if match found, false otherwise. */ bool removeComment( const TQString& comment ); /** Delete all comments associated with this incidence. */ void clearComments(); /** Return all comments associated with this incidence. */ TQStringList comments() const; /** Add Attendee to this incidence. IncidenceBase takes ownership of the Attendee object. @param attendee a pointer to the attendee to add @param doUpdate If true the Observers are notified, if false they are not. */ void addAttendee( Attendee *attendee, bool doUpdate = true ); /** Remove all Attendees. */ void clearAttendees(); /** Return list of attendees. */ const Attendee::List &attendees() const { return mAttendees; }; /** Return number of attendees. */ int attendeeCount() const { return mAttendees.count(); }; /** Return the Attendee with this email address. */ Attendee *attendeeByMail( const TQString & ) const; /** Return first Attendee with one of the given email addresses. */ Attendee *attendeeByMails( const TQStringList &, const TQString &email = TQString() ) const; /** Return attendee with given uid. */ Attendee *attendeeByUid( const TQString &uid ) const; /** Pilot synchronization states */ enum { SYNCNONE = 0, SYNCMOD = 1, SYNCDEL = 3 }; /** Set synchronisation satus. */ void setSyncStatus( int status ); void setSyncStatusSilent( int status ); /** Return synchronisation status. */ int syncStatus() const; /** Set Pilot Id. */ void setPilotId( unsigned long id ); /** Return Pilot Id. */ unsigned long pilotId() const; /** Register observer. The observer is notified when the observed object changes. */ void registerObserver( Observer * ); /** Unregister observer. It isn't notified anymore about changes. */ void unRegisterObserver( Observer * ); /** Call this to notify the observers after the IncidenceBas object has changed. */ void updated(); void updatedSilent(); protected: /** @copydoc CustomProperties::customPropertyUpdated() */ virtual void customPropertyUpdated(); bool mReadOnly; private: // base components TQDateTime mDtStart; Person mOrganizer; TQString mUid; TQDateTime mLastModified; Attendee::List mAttendees; TQStringList mComments; bool mFloats; int mDuration; bool mHasDuration; // PILOT SYNCHRONIZATION STUFF unsigned long mPilotId; // unique id for pilot sync int mSyncStatus; // status (for sync) TQPtrList<Observer> mObservers; class Private; Private *d; }; } #endif