/* This file is part of libkdepim. Copyright (c) 2003 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kconfigpropagator.h" #include <kdebug.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kconfigskeleton.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kstringhandler.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqstringlist.h> KConfigPropagator::Change::~Change() { } KConfigPropagator::ChangeConfig::ChangeConfig() : KConfigPropagator::Change( i18n("Change Config Value") ), hideValue( false ) { } TQString KConfigPropagator::ChangeConfig::arg1() const { return file + "/" + group + "/" + name; } TQString KConfigPropagator::ChangeConfig::arg2() const { if ( hideValue ) return "*"; else return value; } void KConfigPropagator::ChangeConfig::apply() { KConfig cfg( file ); cfg.setGroup( group ); cfg.writeEntry( name, value ); cfg.sync(); } KConfigPropagator::KConfigPropagator() : mSkeleton( 0 ) { init(); } KConfigPropagator::KConfigPropagator( KConfigSkeleton *skeleton, const TQString &kcfgFile ) : mSkeleton( skeleton ), mKcfgFile( kcfgFile ) { init(); readKcfgFile(); } void KConfigPropagator::init() { mChanges.setAutoDelete( true ); } void KConfigPropagator::readKcfgFile() { TQString filename = locate( "kcfg", mKcfgFile ); if ( filename.isEmpty() ) { kdError() << "Unable to find kcfg file '" << mKcfgFile << "'" << endl; return; } TQFile input( filename ); TQDomDocument doc; TQString errorMsg; int errorRow; int errorCol; if ( !doc.setContent( &input, &errorMsg, &errorRow, &errorCol ) ) { kdError() << "Parse error in " << mKcfgFile << ", line " << errorRow << ", col " << errorCol << ": " << errorMsg << endl; return; } TQDomElement cfgElement = doc.documentElement(); if ( cfgElement.isNull() ) { kdError() << "No document in kcfg file" << endl; return; } mRules.clear(); TQDomNode n; for ( n = cfgElement.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() ) { TQDomElement e = n.toElement(); TQString tag = e.tagName(); if ( tag == "propagation" ) { Rule rule = parsePropagation( e ); mRules.append( rule ); } else if ( tag == "condition" ) { Condition condition = parseCondition( e ); TQDomNode n2; for( n2 = e.firstChild(); !n2.isNull(); n2 = n2.nextSibling() ) { TQDomElement e2 = n2.toElement(); if ( e2.tagName() == "propagation" ) { Rule rule = parsePropagation( e2 ); rule.condition = condition; mRules.append( rule ); } else { kdError() << "Unknow tag: " << e2.tagName() << endl; } } } } } KConfigPropagator::Rule KConfigPropagator::parsePropagation( const TQDomElement &e ) { Rule r; TQString source = e.attribute( "source" ); parseConfigEntryPath( source, r.sourceFile, r.sourceGroup, r.sourceEntry ); TQString target = e.attribute( "target" ); parseConfigEntryPath( target, r.targetFile, r.targetGroup, r.targetEntry ); r.hideValue = e.hasAttribute( "hidevalue" ) && e.attribute( "hidevalue" ) == "true"; return r; } void KConfigPropagator::parseConfigEntryPath( const TQString &path, TQString &file, TQString &group, TQString &entry ) { TQStringList p = TQStringList::split( "/", path ); if ( p.count() != 3 ) { kdError() << "Path has to be of form file/group/entry" << endl; file = TQString::null; group = TQString::null; entry = TQString::null; return; } file = p[ 0 ]; group = p[ 1 ]; entry = p[ 2 ]; return; } KConfigPropagator::Condition KConfigPropagator::parseCondition( const TQDomElement &e ) { Condition c; TQString key = e.attribute( "key" ); parseConfigEntryPath( key, c.file, c.group, c.key ); c.value = e.attribute( "value" ); c.isValid = true; return c; } void KConfigPropagator::commit() { updateChanges(); Change *c; for( c = mChanges.first(); c; c = mChanges.next() ) { c->apply(); } } KConfigSkeletonItem *KConfigPropagator::findItem( const TQString &group, const TQString &name ) { // kdDebug() << "KConfigPropagator::findItem()" << endl; if ( !mSkeleton ) return 0; KConfigSkeletonItem::List items = mSkeleton->items(); KConfigSkeletonItem::List::ConstIterator it; for( it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it ) { // kdDebug() << " Item: " << (*it)->name() << " Type: " // << (*it)->property().typeName() << endl; if ( (*it)->group() == group && (*it)->name() == name ) { break; } } if ( it == items.end() ) return 0; else return *it; } TQString KConfigPropagator::itemValueAsString( KConfigSkeletonItem *item ) { TQVariant p = item->property(); if ( p.type() == TQVariant::Bool ) { if ( p.toBool() ) return "true"; else return "false"; } return p.toString(); } void KConfigPropagator::updateChanges() { mChanges.clear(); Rule::List::ConstIterator it; for( it = mRules.begin(); it != mRules.end(); ++it ) { Rule r = *it; Condition c = r.condition; if ( c.isValid ) { KConfigSkeletonItem *item = findItem( c.group, c.key ); kdDebug() << "Item " << c.group << "/" << c.key << ":" << endl; if ( !item ) { kdError() << " Item not found." << endl; } else { TQString value = itemValueAsString( item ); kdDebug() << " Value: " << value << endl; if ( value != c.value ) { continue; } } } KConfigSkeletonItem *item = findItem( r.sourceGroup, r.sourceEntry ); if ( !item ) { kdError() << "Item " << r.sourceGroup << "/" << r.sourceEntry << " not found." << endl; continue; } TQString value = itemValueAsString( item ); KConfig target( r.targetFile ); target.setGroup( r.targetGroup ); TQString targetValue = target.readEntry( r.targetEntry ); if ( r.hideValue ) targetValue = KStringHandler::obscure( targetValue ); if ( targetValue != value ) { ChangeConfig *change = new ChangeConfig(); change->file = r.targetFile; change->group = r.targetGroup; change->name = r.targetEntry; if ( r.hideValue ) value = KStringHandler::obscure( value ); change->value = value; change->hideValue = r.hideValue; mChanges.append( change ); } } addCustomChanges( mChanges ); } KConfigPropagator::Change::List KConfigPropagator::changes() { return mChanges; } KConfigPropagator::Rule::List KConfigPropagator::rules() { return mRules; }