: : Argentina holiday file : : Official Holiday List : See http://www.mininterior.gov.ar/servicios/feriados.asp : : Related national laws : http://www.uncu.edu.ar/contenido/skins/unc/download/Ley%2023555.pdf : http://www.uncu.edu.ar/contenido/skins/unc/download/Ley%2024445.pdf : http://www.puntoprofesional.com/P/0650/LEY_26416.HTM : : Author: Daniel Vega <dv5a@dc.uba.ar> : National holidays small "Año Nuevo" weekend on 1/1 small "Día Nacional de la Memoria" weekend on 3/24 small "Viernes Santo" weekend on easter minus 2 small "Día de los Caídos en Malvinas" weekend on 4/2 small "Día del Trabajador" weekend on 5/1 small "Primer Gobierno Patrio" weekend on 5/25 small "Día de Manuel Belgrano" weekend on third monday in june small "Día de la Independencia" weekend on 7/9 small "Día de San Martín" weekend on third monday in august small "Día de la Raza" weekend on (([10/12] == [tuesday after ([10/11])] || [10/12] == [wednesday after ([10/11])]) ? [monday before ([10/12])] : [monday after ([10/11])]) small "Inmaculada Concepción de María" weekend on 12/8 small "Navidad" weekend on 12/25 : Non-workable days small "Jueves Santo" on easter minus 3 : Jewish and Islamic holidays not easy to calculate : Interesting dates small "Día de Reyes" on 1/6 small "Día de San Valentín" on 2/14 small "Día de la Mujer" on 3/8 small "Sábado de Gloria" on easter minus 1 small "Domingo de Pascua" on easter small "Día del Animal" on 4/29 small "Día del Ahijado/Nieto" on second sunday in may small "Día del Padre" on third sunday in june small "Día del Amigo" on 7/20 small "Dia del Niño" on second sunday in august small "Día de la Madre" on third sunday in october small "Halloween" on 10/31 small "Noche Buena" on 12/24 small "Día de los Inocentes" on 12/28 small "Fin de Año" on 12/31 : Seasons "Equinoxio de otoño" on 3/21 "Solsticio de invierno" on 6/21 "Equinoxio de primavera" on 9/21 "Solsticio de verano" on 12/21