/* -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- identitymanager.cpp This file is part of KMail, the KDE mail client. Copyright (c) 2002 Marc Mutz <mutz@kde.org> KMail is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. KMail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ // config keys: static const char configKeyDefaultIdentity[] = "Default Identity"; #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "identitymanager.h" #include "identity.h" // for IdentityList::{export,import}Data #include <libemailfunctions/email.h> // for static helper functions #include <kemailsettings.h> // for IdentityEntry::fromControlCenter() #include <kapplication.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kuser.h> #include <dcopclient.h> #include <tqregexp.h> #include <assert.h> using namespace KPIM; static TQCString newDCOPObjectName() { static int s_count = 0; TQCString name( "KPIM::IdentityManager" ); if ( s_count++ ) { name += '-'; name += TQCString().setNum( s_count ); } return name; } IdentityManager::IdentityManager( bool readonly, TQObject * parent, const char * name ) : ConfigManager( parent, name ), DCOPObject( newDCOPObjectName() ) { mReadOnly = readonly; mConfig = new KConfig( "emailidentities", readonly ); readConfig(mConfig); if ( mIdentities.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(5006) << "emailidentities is empty -> convert from kmailrc" << endl; // No emailidentities file, or an empty one due to broken conversion (kconf_update bug in kdelibs <= 3.2.2) // => convert it, i.e. read settings from kmailrc KConfig kmailConf( "kmailrc", true ); readConfig( &kmailConf ); } // we need at least a default identity: if ( mIdentities.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug( 5006 ) << "IdentityManager: No identity found. Creating default." << endl; createDefaultIdentity(); commit(); } // Migration: people without settings in kemailsettings should get some if ( KEMailSettings().getSetting( KEMailSettings::EmailAddress ).isEmpty() ) { writeConfig(); } // The emitter is always called KPIM::IdentityManager even if we are not if ( !connectDCOPSignal( 0, "KPIM::IdentityManager", "identitiesChanged(TQCString,TQCString)", "slotIdentitiesChanged(TQCString,TQCString)", false ) ) kdError(5650) << "IdentityManager: connection to identitiesChanged failed" << endl; } IdentityManager::~IdentityManager() { kdWarning( hasPendingChanges(), 5006 ) << "IdentityManager: There were uncommitted changes!" << endl; delete mConfig; } void IdentityManager::commit() { // early out: if ( !hasPendingChanges() || mReadOnly ) return; TQValueList<uint> seenUOIDs; for ( TQValueList<Identity>::ConstIterator it = mIdentities.begin() ; it != mIdentities.end() ; ++it ) seenUOIDs << (*it).uoid(); TQValueList<uint> changedUOIDs; // find added and changed identities: for ( TQValueList<Identity>::ConstIterator it = mShadowIdentities.begin() ; it != mShadowIdentities.end() ; ++it ) { TQValueList<uint>::Iterator uoid = seenUOIDs.find( (*it).uoid() ); if ( uoid != seenUOIDs.end() ) { const Identity & orig = identityForUoid( *uoid ); // look it up in mIdentities if ( *it != orig ) { // changed identity kdDebug( 5006 ) << "emitting changed() for identity " << *uoid << endl; emit changed( *it ); changedUOIDs << *uoid; } seenUOIDs.remove( uoid ); } else { // new identity kdDebug( 5006 ) << "emitting added() for identity " << (*it).uoid() << endl; emit added( *it ); } } // what's left are deleted identities: for ( TQValueList<uint>::ConstIterator it = seenUOIDs.begin() ; it != seenUOIDs.end() ; ++it ) { kdDebug( 5006 ) << "emitting deleted() for identity " << (*it) << endl; emit deleted( *it ); } mIdentities = mShadowIdentities; writeConfig(); // now that mIdentities has all the new info, we can emit the added/changed // signals that ship a uoid. This is because the slots might use identityForUoid(uoid)... for ( TQValueList<uint>::ConstIterator it = changedUOIDs.begin() ; it != changedUOIDs.end() ; ++it ) emit changed( *it ); emit ConfigManager::changed(); // normal signal // DCOP signal for other IdentityManager instances // The emitter is always set to KPIM::IdentityManager, so that the connect works // This is why we can't use k_dcop_signals here, but need to use emitDCOPSignal TQByteArray data; TQDataStream arg( data, IO_WriteOnly ); arg << kapp->dcopClient()->appId(); arg << DCOPObject::objId(); // the real objId, for checking in slotIdentitiesChanged kapp->dcopClient()->emitDCOPSignal( "KPIM::IdentityManager", "identitiesChanged(TQCString,TQCString)", data ); } void IdentityManager::rollback() { mShadowIdentities = mIdentities; } bool IdentityManager::hasPendingChanges() const { return mIdentities != mShadowIdentities; } TQStringList IdentityManager::identities() const { TQStringList result; for ( ConstIterator it = mIdentities.begin() ; it != mIdentities.end() ; ++it ) result << (*it).identityName(); return result; } TQStringList IdentityManager::shadowIdentities() const { TQStringList result; for ( ConstIterator it = mShadowIdentities.begin() ; it != mShadowIdentities.end() ; ++it ) result << (*it).identityName(); return result; } void IdentityManager::sort() { qHeapSort( mShadowIdentities ); } void IdentityManager::writeConfig() const { TQStringList identities = groupList(mConfig); for ( TQStringList::Iterator group = identities.begin() ; group != identities.end() ; ++group ) mConfig->deleteGroup( *group ); int i = 0; for ( ConstIterator it = mIdentities.begin() ; it != mIdentities.end() ; ++it, ++i ) { KConfigGroup cg( mConfig, TQString::fromLatin1("Identity #%1").arg(i) ); (*it).writeConfig( &cg ); if ( (*it).isDefault() ) { // remember which one is default: KConfigGroup general( mConfig, "General" ); general.writeEntry( configKeyDefaultIdentity, (*it).uoid() ); // Also write the default identity to emailsettings KEMailSettings es; es.setSetting( KEMailSettings::RealName, (*it).fullName() ); es.setSetting( KEMailSettings::EmailAddress, (*it).primaryEmailAddress() ); es.setSetting( KEMailSettings::Organization, (*it).organization() ); es.setSetting( KEMailSettings::ReplyToAddress, (*it).replyToAddr() ); } } mConfig->sync(); } void IdentityManager::readConfig(KConfigBase* config) { mIdentities.clear(); TQStringList identities = groupList(config); if ( identities.isEmpty() ) return; // nothing to be done... KConfigGroup general( config, "General" ); uint defaultIdentity = general.readUnsignedNumEntry( configKeyDefaultIdentity ); bool haveDefault = false; for ( TQStringList::Iterator group = identities.begin() ; group != identities.end() ; ++group ) { KConfigGroup configGroup( config, *group ); mIdentities << Identity(); mIdentities.last().readConfig( &configGroup ); if ( !haveDefault && mIdentities.last().uoid() == defaultIdentity ) { haveDefault = true; mIdentities.last().setIsDefault( true ); } } if ( !haveDefault ) { kdWarning( 5006 ) << "IdentityManager: There was no default identity. Marking first one as default." << endl; mIdentities.first().setIsDefault( true ); } qHeapSort( mIdentities ); mShadowIdentities = mIdentities; } TQStringList IdentityManager::groupList(KConfigBase* config) const { return config->groupList().grep( TQRegExp("^Identity #\\d+$") ); } IdentityManager::ConstIterator IdentityManager::begin() const { return mIdentities.begin(); } IdentityManager::ConstIterator IdentityManager::end() const { return mIdentities.end(); } IdentityManager::Iterator IdentityManager::modifyBegin() { return mShadowIdentities.begin(); } IdentityManager::Iterator IdentityManager::modifyEnd() { return mShadowIdentities.end(); } const Identity & IdentityManager::identityForName( const TQString & name ) const { kdWarning( 5006 ) << "deprecated method IdentityManager::identityForName() called!" << endl; for ( ConstIterator it = begin() ; it != end() ; ++it ) if ( (*it).identityName() == name ) return (*it); return Identity::null(); } const Identity & IdentityManager::identityForUoid( uint uoid ) const { for ( ConstIterator it = begin() ; it != end() ; ++it ) if ( (*it).uoid() == uoid ) return (*it); return Identity::null(); } const Identity & IdentityManager::identityForNameOrDefault( const TQString & name ) const { const Identity & ident = identityForName( name ); if ( ident.isNull() ) return defaultIdentity(); else return ident; } const Identity & IdentityManager::identityForUoidOrDefault( uint uoid ) const { const Identity & ident = identityForUoid( uoid ); if ( ident.isNull() ) return defaultIdentity(); else return ident; } const Identity & IdentityManager::identityForAddress( const TQString & addresses ) const { const TQStringList addressList = KPIM::splitEmailAddrList( addresses ); for( TQStringList::ConstIterator addrIt = addressList.begin(); addrIt != addressList.end(); ++addrIt ) { const TQString addr = KPIM::getEmailAddress( *addrIt ).lower(); for ( ConstIterator it = begin() ; it != end() ; ++it ) { const Identity & id = *it; if ( id.matchesEmailAddress( addr ) ) { return id; } } } return Identity::null(); } bool IdentityManager::thatIsMe( const TQString & addressList ) const { return !identityForAddress( addressList ).isNull(); } Identity & IdentityManager::modifyIdentityForName( const TQString & name ) { for ( Iterator it = modifyBegin() ; it != modifyEnd() ; ++it ) if ( (*it).identityName() == name ) return (*it); kdWarning( 5006 ) << "IdentityManager::identityForName() used as newFromScratch() replacement!" << "\n name == \"" << name << "\"" << endl; return newFromScratch( name ); } Identity & IdentityManager::modifyIdentityForUoid( uint uoid ) { for ( Iterator it = modifyBegin() ; it != modifyEnd() ; ++it ) if ( (*it).uoid() == uoid ) return (*it); kdWarning( 5006 ) << "IdentityManager::identityForUoid() used as newFromScratch() replacement!" << "\n uoid == \"" << uoid << "\"" << endl; return newFromScratch( i18n("Unnamed") ); } const Identity & IdentityManager::defaultIdentity() const { for ( ConstIterator it = begin() ; it != end() ; ++it ) if ( (*it).isDefault() ) return (*it); (mIdentities.isEmpty() ? kdFatal( 5006 ) : kdWarning( 5006 ) ) << "IdentityManager: No default identity found!" << endl; return *begin(); } bool IdentityManager::setAsDefault( const TQString & name ) { // First, check if the identity actually exists: TQStringList names = shadowIdentities(); if ( names.find( name ) == names.end() ) return false; // Then, change the default as requested: for ( Iterator it = modifyBegin() ; it != modifyEnd() ; ++it ) (*it).setIsDefault( (*it).identityName() == name ); // and re-sort: sort(); return true; } bool IdentityManager::setAsDefault( uint uoid ) { // First, check if the identity actually exists: bool found = false; for ( ConstIterator it = mShadowIdentities.begin() ; it != mShadowIdentities.end() ; ++it ) if ( (*it).uoid() == uoid ) { found = true; break; } if ( !found ) return false; // Then, change the default as requested: for ( Iterator it = modifyBegin() ; it != modifyEnd() ; ++it ) (*it).setIsDefault( (*it).uoid() == uoid ); // and re-sort: sort(); return true; } bool IdentityManager::removeIdentity( const TQString & name ) { for ( Iterator it = modifyBegin() ; it != modifyEnd() ; ++it ) if ( (*it).identityName() == name ) { bool removedWasDefault = (*it).isDefault(); mShadowIdentities.remove( it ); if ( removedWasDefault ) mShadowIdentities.first().setIsDefault( true ); return true; } return false; } Identity & IdentityManager::newFromScratch( const TQString & name ) { return newFromExisting( Identity( name ) ); } Identity & IdentityManager::newFromControlCenter( const TQString & name ) { KEMailSettings es; es.setProfile( es.defaultProfileName() ); return newFromExisting( Identity( name, es.getSetting( KEMailSettings::RealName ), es.getSetting( KEMailSettings::EmailAddress ), es.getSetting( KEMailSettings::Organization ), es.getSetting( KEMailSettings::ReplyToAddress ) ) ); } Identity & IdentityManager::newFromExisting( const Identity & other, const TQString & name ) { mShadowIdentities << other; Identity & result = mShadowIdentities.last(); result.setIsDefault( false ); // we don't want two default identities! result.setUoid( newUoid() ); // we don't want two identies w/ same UOID if ( !name.isNull() ) result.setIdentityName( name ); return result; } void IdentityManager::createDefaultIdentity() { TQString fullName, emailAddress; bool done = false; // Check if the application has any settings createDefaultIdentity( fullName, emailAddress ); // If not, then use the kcontrol settings if ( fullName.isEmpty() && emailAddress.isEmpty() ) { KEMailSettings emailSettings; fullName = emailSettings.getSetting( KEMailSettings::RealName ); emailAddress = emailSettings.getSetting( KEMailSettings::EmailAddress ); if ( !fullName.isEmpty() && !emailAddress.isEmpty() ) { newFromControlCenter( i18n("Default") ); done = true; } else { // If KEmailSettings doesn't have name and address, generate something from KUser KUser user; if ( fullName.isEmpty() ) fullName = user.fullName(); if ( emailAddress.isEmpty() ) { emailAddress = user.loginName(); if ( !emailAddress.isEmpty() ) { KConfigGroup general( mConfig, "General" ); TQString defaultdomain = general.readEntry( "Default domain" ); if( !defaultdomain.isEmpty() ) { emailAddress += '@' + defaultdomain; } else { emailAddress = TQString::null; } } } } } if ( !done ) mShadowIdentities << Identity( i18n("Default"), fullName, emailAddress ); mShadowIdentities.last().setIsDefault( true ); mShadowIdentities.last().setUoid( newUoid() ); if ( mReadOnly ) // commit won't do it in readonly mode mIdentities = mShadowIdentities; } int IdentityManager::newUoid() { int uoid; // determine the UOIDs of all saved identities TQValueList<uint> usedUOIDs; for ( TQValueList<Identity>::ConstIterator it = mIdentities.begin() ; it != mIdentities.end() ; ++it ) usedUOIDs << (*it).uoid(); if ( hasPendingChanges() ) { // add UOIDs of all shadow identities. Yes, we will add a lot of duplicate // UOIDs, but avoiding duplicate UOIDs isn't worth the effort. for ( TQValueList<Identity>::ConstIterator it = mShadowIdentities.begin() ; it != mShadowIdentities.end() ; ++it ) { usedUOIDs << (*it).uoid(); } } usedUOIDs << 0; // no UOID must be 0 because this value always refers to the // default identity do { uoid = kapp->random(); } while ( usedUOIDs.find( uoid ) != usedUOIDs.end() ); return uoid; } TQStringList KPIM::IdentityManager::allEmails() const { TQStringList lst; for ( ConstIterator it = begin() ; it != end() ; ++it ) { lst << (*it).primaryEmailAddress(); } return lst; } void KPIM::IdentityManager::slotIdentitiesChanged( TQCString appId, TQCString objId ) { // From standalone kmail to standalone korganizer, the appId will differ // From kontact the appId will match, so we need to test the objId if ( kapp->dcopClient()->appId() != appId || DCOPObject::objId() != objId ) { mConfig->reparseConfiguration(); Q_ASSERT( !hasPendingChanges() ); readConfig( mConfig ); } } #include "identitymanager.moc"