#include "distributionlist.h" #include <kabc/addressbook.h> static const char* s_customFieldName = "DistributionList"; KPIM::DistributionList::DistributionList() : KABC::Addressee() { // can't insert the custom entry here, we need to remain a null addressee } KPIM::DistributionList::DistributionList( const KABC::Addressee& addr ) : KABC::Addressee( addr ) { } void KPIM::DistributionList::setName( const TQString &name ) { // We can't use Addressee::setName, the name isn't saved/loaded in the vcard (fixed in 3.4) Addressee::setFormattedName( name ); // Also set family name, just in case this entry appears in the normal contacts list (e.g. old kaddressbook) Addressee::setFamilyName( name ); // We're not an empty addressee anymore // Set the custom field to non-empty, so that isDistributionList works if ( custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", s_customFieldName ).isEmpty() ) insertCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", s_customFieldName, ";" ); } // Helper function, to parse the contents of the custom field // Returns a list of { uid, email } typedef TQValueList<TQPair<TQString, TQString> > ParseList; static ParseList parseCustom( const TQString& str ) { ParseList res; const TQStringList lst = TQStringList::split( ';', str ); for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).isEmpty() ) continue; // parse "uid,email" TQStringList helpList = TQStringList::split( ',', (*it), true ); Q_ASSERT( !helpList.isEmpty() ); if ( helpList.isEmpty() ) continue; Q_ASSERT( helpList.count() < 3 ); // 1 or 2 items, but not more const TQString uid = helpList.first(); const TQString email = helpList.last(); res.append( tqMakePair( uid, email ) ); } return res; } void KPIM::DistributionList::insertEntry( const Addressee& addr, const TQString& email ) { // insertEntry will removeEntry(uid), but not with formattedName removeEntry( addr.formattedName(), email ); insertEntry( addr.uid(), email ); } void KPIM::DistributionList::insertEntry( const TQString& uid, const TQString& email ) { Q_ASSERT( !email.isEmpty() || email.isNull() ); // hopefully never called with "", would lead to confusion removeEntry( uid, email ); // avoid duplicates TQString str = custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", s_customFieldName ); // Assumption: UIDs don't contain ; nor , str += ";" + uid + "," + email; insertCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", s_customFieldName, str ); // replace old value } void KPIM::DistributionList::removeEntry( const Addressee& addr, const TQString& email ) { removeEntry( addr.uid(), email ); // Also remove entries with the full name as uid (for the kolab thing) removeEntry( addr.formattedName(), email ); } void KPIM::DistributionList::removeEntry( const TQString& uid, const TQString& email ) { Q_ASSERT( !email.isEmpty() || email.isNull() ); // hopefully never called with "", would lead to confusion ParseList parseList = parseCustom( custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", s_customFieldName ) ); TQString str; for( ParseList::ConstIterator it = parseList.begin(); it != parseList.end(); ++it ) { const TQString thisUid = (*it).first; const TQString thisEmail = (*it).second; if ( thisUid == uid && thisEmail == email ) { continue; // remove that one } str += ";" + thisUid + "," + thisEmail; } if ( str.isEmpty() ) str = ";"; // keep something, for isDistributionList to work insertCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", s_customFieldName, str ); // replace old value } bool KPIM::DistributionList::isDistributionList( const KABC::Addressee& addr ) { const TQString str = addr.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", s_customFieldName ); return !str.isEmpty(); } // ###### KDE4: add findByFormattedName to KABC::AddressBook static KABC::Addressee::List findByFormattedName( KABC::AddressBook* book, const TQString& name, bool caseSensitive = true ) { KABC::Addressee::List res; KABC::AddressBook::Iterator abIt; for ( abIt = book->begin(); abIt != book->end(); ++abIt ) { if ( caseSensitive && (*abIt).formattedName() == name ) res.append( *abIt ); if ( !caseSensitive && (*abIt).formattedName().lower() == name.lower() ) res.append( *abIt ); } return res; } KPIM::DistributionList KPIM::DistributionList::findByName( KABC::AddressBook* book, const TQString& name, bool caseSensitive ) { KABC::AddressBook::Iterator abIt; for ( abIt = book->begin(); abIt != book->end(); ++abIt ) { if ( isDistributionList( *abIt ) ) { if ( caseSensitive && (*abIt).formattedName() == name ) return *abIt; if ( !caseSensitive && (*abIt).formattedName().lower() == name.lower() ) return *abIt; } } return DistributionList(); } static KABC::Addressee findByUidOrName( KABC::AddressBook* book, const TQString& uidOrName, const TQString& email ) { KABC::Addressee a = book->findByUid( uidOrName ); if ( a.isEmpty() ) { // UID not found, maybe it is a name instead. // If we have an email, let's use that for the lookup. // [This is used by e.g. the Kolab resource] if ( !email.isEmpty() ) { KABC::Addressee::List lst = book->findByEmail( email ); KABC::Addressee::List::ConstIterator listit = lst.begin(); for ( ; listit != lst.end(); ++listit ) if ( (*listit).formattedName() == uidOrName ) { a = *listit; break; } if ( !lst.isEmpty() && a.isEmpty() ) { // found that email, but no match on the fullname a = lst.first(); // probably the last name changed } } // If we don't have an email, or if we didn't find any match for it, look up by full name if ( a.isEmpty() ) { // (But this has to be done here, since when loading we might not have the entries yet) KABC::Addressee::List lst = findByFormattedName( book, uidOrName ); if ( !lst.isEmpty() ) a = lst.first(); } } return a; } KPIM::DistributionList::Entry::List KPIM::DistributionList::entries( KABC::AddressBook* book ) const { Entry::List res; const TQString str = custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", s_customFieldName ); const ParseList parseList = parseCustom( str ); for( ParseList::ConstIterator it = parseList.begin(); it != parseList.end(); ++it ) { const TQString uid = (*it).first; const TQString email = (*it).second; // look up contact KABC::Addressee a = findByUidOrName( book, uid, email ); if ( a.isEmpty() ) { // ## The old DistributionListManager had a "missing entries" list... kdWarning() << "Addressee not found: " << uid << endl; } else { res.append( Entry( a, email ) ); } } return res; } TQStringList KPIM::DistributionList::emails( KABC::AddressBook* book ) const { TQStringList emails; const TQString str = custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", s_customFieldName ); ParseList parseList = parseCustom( str ); for( ParseList::ConstIterator it = parseList.begin(); it != parseList.end(); ++it ) { const TQString thisUid = (*it).first; const TQString thisEmail = (*it).second; // look up contact KABC::Addressee a = findByUidOrName( book, thisUid, thisEmail ); if ( a.isEmpty() ) { // ## The old DistributionListManager had a "missing entries" list... continue; } const TQString email = thisEmail.isEmpty() ? a.fullEmail() : a.fullEmail( thisEmail ); if ( !email.isEmpty() ) { emails.append( email ); } } return emails; } TQValueList<KPIM::DistributionList> KPIM::DistributionList::allDistributionLists( KABC::AddressBook* book ) { TQValueList<KPIM::DistributionList> lst; KABC::AddressBook::Iterator abIt; for ( abIt = book->begin(); abIt != book->end(); ++abIt ) { if ( isDistributionList( *abIt ) ) { lst.append( KPIM::DistributionList( *abIt ) ); } } return lst; }