  This file is part of libtdepim.

  Copyright (c) 2004 Bram Schoenmakers <bramschoenmakers@kde.nl>

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Library General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
  along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
  Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqpopupmenu.h>

#include <kdemacros.h>
#include <kdatepicker.h>

   @short This menu helps the user to select a date quickly.

   This menu helps the user to select a date quicly. It offers various ways of selecting, e.g. with a KDatePicker or with words like "Tomorrow".

   The available items are:

   @li NoDate: A menu-item with "No Date". If choosen, the datepicker will emit a null TQDate.
   @li DatePicker: Show a KDatePicker-widget.
   @li Words: Show items like "Today", "Tomorrow" or "Next Week".

   When supplying multiple items, separate each item with a bitwise OR.

   @author Bram Schoenmakers <bram_s@softhome.net>
class TDE_EXPORT KDatePickerPopup: public TQPopupMenu
    enum { NoDate = 1, DatePicker = 2, Words = 4 };

       A constructor for the KDatePickerPopup.

       @param items List of all desirable items, separated with a bitwise OR.
       @param date Initial date of datepicker-widget.
       @param parent The object's parent.
       @param name The object's name.
    KDatePickerPopup( int items = DatePicker, const TQDate &date = TQDate::currentDate(),
                      TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );

       @return A pointer to the private variable mDatePicker, an instance of
    KDatePicker *datePicker() const;

    void setDate( const TQDate &date );

#if 0
    /** Set items which should be shown and rebuilds the menu afterwards. Only if the menu is not visible.
    @param items List of all desirable items, separated with a bitwise OR.
    void setItems( int items = 1 );
    /** @return Returns the bitwise result of the active items in the popup. */
    int items() const { return mItems; }


      This signal emits the new date (selected with datepicker or other
    void dateChanged ( TQDate );

  protected slots:
    void slotDateChanged ( TQDate );

    void slotToday();
    void slotTomorrow();
    void slotNextWeek();
    void slotNextMonth();
    void slotNoDate();

    void buildMenu();

    KDatePicker *mDatePicker;
    int mItems;
