<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> DwBoyerMoore Man Page </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <H2> <FONT COLOR="navy"> NAME </FONT> </H2> <P> DwBoyerMoore -- Class for executing Boyer-Moore string search algorithm <H2> <FONT COLOR="navy"> SYNOPSIS </FONT> </H2> <PRE>class DW_EXPORT DwBoyerMoore { public: <A HREF="boyermor.html#DwBoyerMoore">DwBoyerMoore</A>(const char* aCstr); <A HREF="boyermor.html#DwBoyerMoore">DwBoyerMoore</A>(const DwString& aStr); virtual ~DwBoyerMoore(); void <A HREF="boyermor.html#Assign">Assign</A>(const char* aCstr); void <A HREF="boyermor.html#Assign">Assign</A>(const DwString& aStr); size_t <A HREF="boyermor.html#FindIn">FindIn</A>(const DwString& aStr, size_t aPos); }; </PRE> <H2> <FONT COLOR="navy"> DESCRIPTION </FONT> </H2> <P> <B><TT>DwBoyerMoore</TT></B> implements the Boyer-Moore algorithm for searching for a string. The Boyer-Moore algorithm is fast, but requires a bit of start-up overhead compared to a brute force algorithm. <H2> <FONT COLOR="navy"> Public Member Functions </FONT> </H2> <P> <FONT COLOR="teal"><B> <A NAME="DwBoyerMoore">DwBoyerMoore</A>(const char* aCstr) <BR> DwBoyerMoore(const DwString& aStr) </B></FONT> <P> Constructs a <B><TT>DwBoyerMoore</TT></B> object for searching for a particular string. <P> <FONT COLOR="teal"><B> void <A NAME="Assign">Assign</A>(const char* aCstr) <BR> void Assign(const DwString& aStr) </B></FONT> <P> Sets the string to search for. <P> <FONT COLOR="teal"><B> size_t <A NAME="FindIn">FindIn</A>(const DwString& aStr, size_t aPos) </B></FONT> <P> Searches for the search string in <B><TT>aStr</TT></B> starting at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B>. If found, the function returns the first position in <B><TT>aStr</TT></B> where the search string was found. If not found, the function returns <B><TT>DwString::npos</TT></B>. </BODY></HTML>