<TITLE> DwPopClient Man Page </TITLE>
  <FONT COLOR="navy"> NAME </FONT>
DwPopClient -- Class for handling the client side of a POP session
<PRE>class DW_EXPORT DwPopClient : public <A HREF="protocol.html">DwProtocolClient</A> {


    enum {
    <A HREF="pop.html#DwPopClient">DwPopClient</A>();
    virtual ~DwPopClient();
    virtual int <A HREF="pop.html#Open">Open</A>(const char* aServer, DwUint16 aPort=110);
    DwObserver* <A HREF="pop.html#SetObserver">SetObserver</A>(DwObserver* aObserver);
    int <A HREF="pop.html#StatusCode">StatusCode</A>() const;
    const DwString&amp; <A HREF="pop.html#SingleLineResponse">SingleLineResponse</A>() const;
    const DwString&amp; <A HREF="pop.html#MultiLineResponse">MultiLineResponse</A>() const;
    int <A HREF="pop.html#User">User</A>(const char* aName);
    int Pass(const char* a<A HREF="pop.html#Pass">Pass</A>wd);
    int <A HREF="pop.html#Quit">Quit</A>();
    int <A HREF="pop.html#Stat">Stat</A>();
    int <A HREF="pop.html#List">List</A>();
    int <A HREF="pop.html#List">List</A>(int aMsg);
    int <A HREF="pop.html#Retr">Retr</A>(int aMsg);
    int <A HREF="pop.html#Dele">Dele</A>(int aMsg);
    int <A HREF="pop.html#Noop">Noop</A>();
    int <A HREF="pop.html#Rset">Rset</A>();
    int <A HREF="pop.html#Apop">Apop</A>(const char* aName, const char* aDigest);
    int <A HREF="pop.html#Top">Top</A>(int aMsg, int aNumLines);
    int <A HREF="pop.html#Uidl">Uidl</A>();
    int <A HREF="pop.html#Uidl">Uidl</A>(int aMsg);
<B><TT>DwPopClient</TT></B> is a class that handles the client side of a
POP session. Specifically, <B><TT>DwPopClient</TT></B> provides facilities
for opening a connection to a POP server, sending commands to the server,
receiving responses from the server, and closing the connection. The protocol
implemented is the Post Office Protocol version 3, as specified in RFC-1939.
<B><TT>DwPopClient</TT></B> is derived from
<B><TT><A HREF="protocol.html">DwProtocolClient</A></TT></B>. For information
about inherited member functions, especially member functions for detecting
failures or errors, see the man page for
In a POP session, the client sends commands to the server and receives responses
from the server. A client command consists of a command word and zero or
more argument words. A server response consists of a single line status response,
which may be followed immediately by a multi-line response. The first word
of the status response is either +OK or -ERR, indicating the success or failure
of the command. The status line may also contain other information requested
by the client.
<B><TT>DwPopClient</TT></B> has only a default constructor. On Win32 platforms,
it is possible for the constructor to fail. (It calls WSAStartup().) You
should verify that the constructor succeeded by calling the inherited member
function <B><TT>DwProtocolClient::LastError()</TT></B> and checking for a
zero return value.
To open a connection to the server, call the member function
<B><TT>Open()</TT></B> with the name of the server as an argument.
<B><TT>Open()</TT></B> accepts an optional argument that specifies the TCP
port that the server listens to. The default port is the standard POP port
(110). <B><TT>Open()</TT></B> may fail, so you should check the return value
to verify that it succeeded. To close the connection, call the inherited
member function <B><TT>DwProtocolClient::Close()</TT></B>. To check if a
connection is open, call the inherited member function
<B><TT>DwProtocolClient::IsOpen()</TT></B>. <B><TT>IsOpen()</TT></B> returns
a boolean value that indicates whether or not a call to
<B><TT>Open()</TT></B> was successful; it will not detect failure in the
network or a close operation by the remote host.
For each POP command, <B><TT>DwPopClient</TT></B> has a member function that
sends that command and receives the server's response. If the command takes
any arguments, then those arguments are passed as function arguments to the
command function. The command functions return the first character of the
server's response, which will be '+' if the command succeeded or '-' if the
command failed. In some cases, because of a communications error or some
other error, it is not possible for the command function to send the command
or receive the response. When this happens, the command function will return
0. You can determine the precise error or failure by calling the inherited
member functions <B><TT>DwProtocolClient::LastError()</TT></B> or
After each command is sent, <B><TT>DwPopClient</TT></B> receives the server's
response and remembers it. The member function
<B><TT>StatusCode()</TT></B> returns the first character of the server's
status response; it will be '+' or '-', indicating success or failure, or
zero if no response was received from the server.
<B><TT>SingleLineResponse()</TT></B> returns the entire single line status
response from the server, including the initial "+OK" or "-ERR" status word.
The server sends a single-line response, including a status code, for all
POP commands. For some commands, such as when the client requests a mail
message, the server sends a multi-line text response immediately following
the single-line status response. Multi-line text responses can be received
in either of two ways. The simplest way is to call the member function
<B><TT>MultiLineResponse()</TT></B> after a command completes successfully.
This simple method works fine for non-interactive applications. It can be
a problem in interactive applications, however, because there is no data
to display to a user until the entire multi-line response is retrieved. An
alternative method allows your program to retrieve the multi-line response
one line at a time as it is received. To use this method, you must define
a subclass of <B><TT>DwObserver</TT></B> and assign an object of that class
to the <B><TT>DwPopClient</TT></B> object using the member function
<B><TT>SetObserver()</TT></B>. <B><TT>DwObserver</TT></B> is an abstract
class, declared in protocol.h, that has just one pure virtual member function
<B><TT>Notify()</TT></B>. After each line of the multi-line response is received,
<B><TT>DwPopClient</TT></B> will call the <B><TT>Notify()</TT></B> member
function of its assigned <B><TT>DwObserver</TT></B> object. Each invocation
of <B><TT>Notify()</TT></B> should call the <B><TT>DwPopClient</TT></B> member
function <B><TT>MultiLineResponse()</TT></B> to retrieve the next line of
the text response. Note that you cannot use both of these methods at the
same time: if an observer is assigned,
<B><TT>MultiLineResponse()</TT></B> returns only the last line received,
not the entire multi-line response.
  <FONT COLOR="navy"> Public Member Functions </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> <A NAME="DwPopClient">DwPopClient</A>() </B></FONT>
Initializes the <B><TT>DwPopClient</TT></B> object. It is possible for the
constructor to fail. To verify that the constructor succeeded, call the member
function <B><TT>LastError()</TT></B> and check that it returns zero. (In
the Win32 implementation, the constructor calls the Winsock function
<B><TT>WSAStartup()</TT></B>, which may fail.)
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> virtual int <A NAME="Open">Open</A>(const char* aServer,
DwUint16 aPort=110) </B></FONT>
Opens a TCP connection to the server <B><TT>aServer</TT></B> at port
<B><TT>aPort</TT></B>. <B><TT>aServer</TT></B> may be either a host name,
such as "news.acme.com" or an IP number in dotted decimal format, such as
"". The default value for <B><TT>aPort</TT></B> is 110, the
well-known port for POP3 assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
If the connection attempt succeeds, the server sends a response.
<B><TT>Open()</TT></B> returns the server's status code ('+' or '-'). The
full response from the server can be retrieved by calling
If the connection attempt fails, <B><TT>Open()</TT></B> returns 0. To determine
what error occurred when a connection attempt fails, call the inherited member
function <B><TT>DwProtocolClient::LastError()</TT></B>. To determine if a
failure also occurred, call the inherited member function
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> DwObserver*
<A NAME="SetObserver">SetObserver</A>(DwObserver* aObserver) </B></FONT>
Sets the observer object that interacts with the
<B><TT>DwPopClient</TT></B> object to retrieve a multi-line response. If
an observer is set, <B><TT>DwPopClient</TT></B> will call the observer's
<B><TT>Notify()</TT></B> method after each line of the multi-line response
is received. To remove an observer, call <B><TT>SetObserver()</TT></B> with
a NULL argument. <B><TT>SetObserver()</TT></B> returns the previously set
observer, or NULL if no observer was previously set.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="StatusCode">StatusCode</A>() const
Returns the status code received from the server in response to the last
client command. The status codes in POP3 are '+', indicating success, and
'-', indicating failure. If no response was received,
<B><TT>StatusCode()</TT></B> returns zero.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> const DwString&amp;
<A NAME="SingleLineResponse">SingleLineResponse</A>() const </B></FONT>
Returns the single line status response last received from the server. If
no response was received, perhaps because of a communications failure,
<B><TT>SingleLineResponse()</TT></B> returns an empty string.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> const DwString&amp;
<A NAME="MultiLineResponse">MultiLineResponse</A>() const </B></FONT>
If no observer is set for this object,
<B><TT>MultiLineResponse()</TT></B> returns a string that comprises the entire
sequence of lines received from the server. Otherwise, if an observer
<I>is</I> set for this object, <B><TT>MultiLineResponse()</TT></B> returns
only the most recent line received.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="User">User</A>(const char* aName)
Sends the USER command and returns the status code received from the server.
If no response is received, the function returns zero.
<B><TT>aName</TT></B> is the name of the user, which is sent in the command.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="Pass">Pass</A>(const char* aPasswd)
Sends the PASS command and returns the status code received from the server.
If no response is received, the function returns zero.
<B><TT>aPasswd</TT></B> is the password, which is sent in the command.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="Quit">Quit</A>() </B></FONT>
Sends the QUIT command and returns the status code received from the server.
If no response is received, the function returns zero.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="Stat">Stat</A>() </B></FONT>
Sends the STAT command and returns the status code received from the server.
If no response is received, the function returns zero.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="List">List</A>() <BR>
int List(int aMsg) </B></FONT>
Sends the LIST command, with or without a message number, and returns the
status code received from the server. If no response is received, the function
returns zero.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="Retr">Retr</A>(int aMsg) </B></FONT>
Sends the RETR command and returns the status code received from the server.
If no response is received, the function returns zero.
<B><TT>aMsg</TT></B> is the message number, which is sent in the command.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="Dele">Dele</A>(int aMsg) </B></FONT>
Sends the DELE command and returns the status code received from the server.
If no response is received, the function returns zero.
<B><TT>aMsg</TT></B> is the message number, which is sent in the command.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="Noop">Noop</A>() </B></FONT>
Sends the NOOP command and returns the status code received from the server.
If no response is received, the function returns zero.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="Rset">Rset</A>() </B></FONT>
Sends the RSET command and returns the status code received from the server.
If no response is received, the function returns zero.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="Apop">Apop</A>(const char* aName, const
char* aDigest) </B></FONT>
Sends the APOP command and returns the status code received from the server.
If no response is received, the function returns zero.
<B><TT>aName</TT></B> is the name of the user, which is sent in the command.
<B><TT>aDigest</TT></B> is the digest argument for the command.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="Top">Top</A>(int aMsg, int aNumLines)
Sends the TOP command and returns the status code received from the server.
If no response is received, the function returns zero.
<B><TT>aMsg</TT></B> is the message number. <B><TT>aNumLines</TT></B> is
the number of lines to send.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="Uidl">Uidl</A>() <BR>
int Uidl(int aMsg) </B></FONT>
Sends the TOP command, with or without a message number, and returns the
status code received from the server. If no response is received, the function
returns zero.