<TITLE> DwString Man Page </TITLE>
  <FONT COLOR="navy"> NAME </FONT>
DwString -- String class
<PRE>class DW_EXPORT DwString {


    static const size_t <A HREF="string.html#npos">npos</A>;
    <A HREF="string.html#DwString">DwString</A>();
    <A HREF="string.html#DwString">DwString</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos=0, size_t aLen=npos);
    <A HREF="string.html#DwString">DwString</A>(const char* aBuf, size_t aLen);
    <A HREF="string.html#DwString">DwString</A>(const char* aCstr);
    <A HREF="string.html#DwString">DwString</A>(size_t aLen, char aChar);
    <A HREF="string.html#DwString">DwString</A>(char* aBuf, size_t aSize, size_t aStart, size_t aLen);
    virtual ~DwString();
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#op_eq">operator =</A> (const DwString&amp; aStr);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#op_eq">operator =</A> (const char* aCstr);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#op_eq">operator =</A> (char aChar);
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#size">size</A>() const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#length">length</A>() const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#max_size">max_size</A>() const;
    void <A HREF="string.html#resize">resize</A>(size_t aLen, char aChar);
    void <A HREF="string.html#resize">resize</A>(size_t aLen);
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#capacity">capacity</A>() const;
    void <A HREF="string.html#reserve">reserve</A>(size_t aSize);
    void <A HREF="string.html#clear">clear</A>();
    DwBool <A HREF="string.html#empty">empty</A>() const;
    const char&amp; <A HREF="string.html#op_brackets">operator []</A> (size_t aPos) const;
    char&amp; <A HREF="string.html#op_brackets">operator []</A> (size_t aPos);
    const char&amp; <A HREF="string.html#at">at</A>(size_t aPos) const;
    char&amp; <A HREF="string.html#at">at</A>(size_t aPos);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#op_plus_eq">operator +=</A> (const DwString&amp; aStr);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#op_plus_eq">operator +=</A> (const char* aCstr);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#op_plus_eq">operator +=</A> (char aChar);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#append">append</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#append">append</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos, size_t aLen);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#append">append</A>(const char* aBuf, size_t aLen);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#append">append</A>(const char* aCstr);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#append">append</A>(size_t aLen, char aChar);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#assign">assign</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#assign">assign</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos, size_t aLen);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#assign">assign</A>(const char* aBuf, size_t aLen);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#assign">assign</A>(const char* aCstr);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#assign">assign</A>(size_t aLen, char aChar);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#insert">insert</A>(size_t aPos1, const DwString&amp; aStr);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#insert">insert</A>(size_t aPos1, const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos2,
        size_t aLen2);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#insert">insert</A>(size_t aPos1, const char* aBuf, size_t aLen2);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#insert">insert</A>(size_t aPos1, const char* aCstr);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#insert">insert</A>(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen2, char aChar);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#erase">erase</A>(size_t aPos=0, size_t aLen=npos);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#replace">replace</A>(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const DwString&amp; aStr);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#replace">replace</A>(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const DwString&amp; aStr,
        size_t aPos2, size_t aLen2);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#replace">replace</A>(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const char* aBuf,
        size_t aLen2);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#replace">replace</A>(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const char* aCstr);
    DwString&amp; <A HREF="string.html#replace">replace</A>(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, size_t aLen2, char aChar);
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#copy">copy</A>(char* aBuf, size_t aLen, size_t aPos=0) const;
    void <A HREF="string.html#swap">swap</A>(DwString&amp; aStr);
    const char* <A HREF="string.html#c_str">c_str</A>() const;
    const char* <A HREF="string.html#data">data</A>() const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find">find</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos=0) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find">find</A>(const char* aBuf, size_t aPos, size_t aLen) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find">find</A>(const char* aCstr, size_t aPos=0) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find">find</A>(char aChar, size_t aPos=0) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#rfind">rfind</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos=npos) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#rfind">rfind</A>(const char* aBuf, size_t aPos, size_t aLen) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#rfind">rfind</A>(const char* aCstr, size_t aPos=npos) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#rfind">rfind</A>(char aChar, size_t aPos=npos) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find_first_of">find_first_of</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos=0) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find_first_of">find_first_of</A>(const char* aBuf, size_t aPos, size_t aLen) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find_first_of">find_first_of</A>(const char* aCstr, size_t aPos=0) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find_last_of">find_last_of</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos=npos) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find_last_of">find_last_of</A>(const char* aBuf, size_t aPos, size_t aLen) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find_last_of">find_last_of</A>(const char* aCstr, size_t aPos=npos) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find_first_not_of">find_first_not_of</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos=0) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find_first_not_of">find_first_not_of</A>(const char* aBuf, size_t aPos, size_t aLen) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find_first_not_of">find_first_not_of</A>(const char* aCstr, size_t aPos=0) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find_last_not_of">find_last_not_of</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos=npos) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find_last_not_of">find_last_not_of</A>(const char* aBuf, size_t aPos, size_t aLen) const;
    size_t <A HREF="string.html#find_last_not_of">find_last_not_of</A>(const char* aCstr, size_t aPos=npos) const;
    DwString <A HREF="string.html#substr">substr</A>(size_t aPos=0, size_t aLen=npos) const;
    int <A HREF="string.html#compare">compare</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr) const;
    int <A HREF="string.html#compare">compare</A>(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const DwString&amp; aStr) const;
    int <A HREF="string.html#compare">compare</A>(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const DwString&amp; aStr,
        size_t aPos2, size_t aLen2) const;
    int <A HREF="string.html#compare">compare</A>(const char* aCstr) const;
    int <A HREF="string.html#compare">compare</A>(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const char* aBuf,
        size_t aLen2=npos) const;
    virtual const char* <A HREF="string.html#ClassName">ClassName</A>() const;
    int <A HREF="string.html#ObjectId">ObjectId</A>() const;
    void <A HREF="string.html#ConvertToLowerCase">ConvertToLowerCase</A>();
    void <A HREF="string.html#ConvertToUpperCase">ConvertToUpperCase</A>();
    void <A HREF="string.html#Trim">Trim</A>();
    void <A HREF="string.html#WriteTo">WriteTo</A>(ostream&amp; aStrm) const;
    int <A HREF="string.html#RefCount">RefCount</A>() const;
    void <A HREF="string.html#TakeBuffer">TakeBuffer</A>(char* aBuf, size_t aSize, size_t aStart, size_t aLen);
    void <A HREF="string.html#ReleaseBuffer">ReleaseBuffer</A>(char** aBuf, size_t* aSize, size_t* aStart, size_t* aLen);
    void <A HREF="string.html#CopyTo">CopyTo</A>(DwString* aStr) const;


    DwStringRep* mRep;
    size_t  mStart;
    size_t  mLength;
    void _copy();
    void _replace(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const char* aBuf, size_t aLen2);
    void _replace(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, size_t aLen2, char aChar);
    friend void mem_free(char*);


    virtual void <A HREF="string.html#PrintDebugInfo">PrintDebugInfo</A>(ostream&amp; aStrm) const;
    virtual void <A HREF="string.html#CheckInvariants">CheckInvariants</A>() const;
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> is the workhorse of the MIME++ library. Creating,
parsing, or otherwise manipulating MIME messages is basically a matter of
manipulating strings. <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> provides all the basic
functionality required of a string object, including copying, comparing,
concatenating, and so on.
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> is similar to the <B><TT>string</TT></B> class that
is part of the proposed ANSI standard C++ library. Some of the member functions
present in the ANSI <B><TT>string</TT></B> are not present in
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B>: mostly these are the functions that deal with
iterators. <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> also includes some member functions and
class utility functions that are not a part of the ANSI
<B><TT>string</TT></B> class. These non-ANSI functions are easy to distinguish:
they all begin with upper-case letters, and all ANSI functions begin with
lower-case letters. The library classes themselves use only the ANSI
<B><TT>string</TT></B> functions. At some point in the future, MIME++ will
probably allow the option to substitute the ANSI <B><TT>string</TT></B> class
for <B><TT>DwString</TT></B>.
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> makes extensive use of copy-on-write, even when
extracting substrings. It is this feature that distiguishes
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> from most other string classes.
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> also handles binary data, which can contain embedded
NUL characters.
  <FONT COLOR="navy"> Public Member Functions </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> <A NAME="DwString">DwString</A>() <BR>
DwString(const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos=0, size_t aLen=npos) <BR>
DwString(const char* aBuf, size_t aLen) <BR>
DwString(const char* aCstr) <BR>
DwString(size_t aLen, char aChar) <BR>
DwString(char* aBuf, size_t aSize, size_t aStart, size_t aLen) </B></FONT>
The first constructor is the default constructor, which sets the
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object's contents to be empty.
The second constructor is the copy constructor, which copies at most
<B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters beginning at position
<B><TT>aPos</TT></B> from <B><TT>aStr</TT></B> to the new
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object. It will not copy more characters than what
are available in <B><TT>aStr</TT></B>. <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> must be less
than or equal to <B><TT>aStr.size()</TT></B>.
The third constructor copies <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters from the buffer
<B><TT>aBuf</TT></B> into the new <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object.
<B><TT>aBuf</TT></B> need not be NUL-terminated and may contain NUL characters.
The fourth constructor copies the contents of the NUL-terminated string
<B><TT>aCstr</TT></B> into the new <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object.
The fifth constructor sets the contents of the new
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object to be the character <B><TT>aChar</TT></B>
repeated <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> times.
The sixth constructor is an <I>advanced</I> constructor that sets the contents
of the new <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object to the <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters
starting at offset <B><TT>aStart</TT></B> in the buffer
<B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>. <B><TT>aSize</TT></B> is the allocated size of
<B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>. This constructor is provided for efficiency in setting
a new <B><TT>DwString</TT></B>'s contents from a large buffer. It is efficient
because no copying takes place. Instead, <B><TT>aBuf</TT></B> becomes the
buffer used internally by the <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object, which takes
responsibility for deleting the buffer. Because <B><TT>DwString</TT></B>
will free the buffer using <B><TT>delete []</TT></B>, the buffer should have
been allocated using <B><TT>new</TT></B>. See also: TakeBuffer(), and
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> DwString&amp; <A NAME="op_eq">operator =</A> (const
DwString&amp; aStr) <BR>
DwString&amp; operator = (const char* aCstr) <BR>
DwString&amp; operator = (char aChar) </B></FONT>
Assigns the contents of the operand to this string. <B><TT>aCstr</TT></B>
must point to a NUL-terminated array of characters (a C string). Returns
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> <A NAME="size">size</A>_t size() const </B></FONT>
Returns the number of characters in this string's contents. This member function
is identical to <B><TT>length()</TT></B>
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> size_t <A NAME="length">length</A>() const </B></FONT>
Returns the number of characters in this string's contents. This member function
is identical to <B><TT>size()</TT></B>
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> size_t <A NAME="max_size">max_size</A>() const
Returns the maximum length that this string can ever attain.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> void <A NAME="resize">resize</A>(size_t aLen, char
aChar) <BR>
void resize(size_t aLen) </B></FONT>
Changes the length of this string. If the string shortened, the final characters
are truncated. If the string is expanded, the added characters will be NULs
or the character specified by <B><TT>aChar</TT></B>.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> size_t <A NAME="capacity">capacity</A>() const
Returns the size of the internal buffer used for this string, which will
always be greater than or equal to the length of the string.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> void <A NAME="reserve">reserve</A>(size_t aSize)
If <B><TT>aSize</TT></B> is greater than the current capacity of this string,
this member function will increase the capacity to be at least
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> void <A NAME="clear">clear</A>() </B></FONT>
Sets this string's contents to be empty.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> DwBool <A NAME="empty">empty</A>() const </B></FONT>
Returns a true value if and only if the contents of this string are empty.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> const char&amp; <A NAME="op_brackets">operator []</A>
(size_t aPos) const <BR>
char&amp; operator [] (size_t aPos) </B></FONT>
Returns <B><TT>DwString::at(aPos) const</TT></B> or
<B><TT>DwString::at(aPos)</TT></B>. Note that the non-const version always
assumes that the contents will be modified and therefore always copies a
shared internal buffer before it returns.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> const char&amp; <A NAME="at">at</A>(size_t aPos) const
char&amp; at(size_t aPos) </B></FONT>
Returns the character at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> in the string's contents.
The non-const version returns an lvalue that may be assigned to. Note that
the non-const version always assumes that the contents will be modified and
therefore always copies a shared internal buffer before it returns.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> DwString&amp; <A NAME="op_plus_eq">operator +=</A>
(const DwString&amp; aStr) <BR>
DwString&amp; operator += (const char* aCstr) <BR>
DwString&amp; operator += (char aChar) </B></FONT>
Appends the contents of the operand to this string. <B><TT>aCstr</TT></B>
must point to a NUL-terminated array of characters (a C string). Returns
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> DwString&amp; <A NAME="append">append</A>(const
DwString&amp; aStr) <BR>
DwString&amp; append(const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos, size_t aLen)
DwString&amp; append(const char* aBuf, size_t aLen) <BR>
DwString&amp; append(const char* aCstr) <BR>
DwString&amp; append(size_t aLen, char aChar) </B></FONT>
Appends characters to (the end of) this string. Returns
The first version appends all of the characters from
The second version appends at most <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters from
<B><TT>aStr</TT></B> beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B>.
<B><TT>aPos</TT></B> must be less than or equal to
<B><TT>aStr.size()</TT></B>. The function will not append more characters
than what are available in <B><TT>aStr</TT></B>.
The third version appends <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters from
<B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>, which is not assumed to be NUL-terminated and can contain
embedded NULs.
The fourth version appends characters from the NUL-terminated string
The fifth version appends <B><TT>aChar</TT></B> repeated
<B><TT>aLen</TT></B> times.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> DwString&amp; <A NAME="assign">assign</A>(const
DwString&amp; aStr) <BR>
DwString&amp; assign(const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos, size_t aLen)
DwString&amp; assign(const char* aBuf, size_t aLen) <BR>
DwString&amp; assign(const char* aCstr) <BR>
DwString&amp; assign(size_t aLen, char aChar) </B></FONT>
Assigns characters to this string. Returns <B><TT>*this</TT></B>.
The first version assigns all of the characters from
The second version assigns at most <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters from
<B><TT>aStr</TT></B> beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B>.
<B><TT>aPos</TT></B> must be less than or equal to
<B><TT>aStr.size()</TT></B>. The function will not assign more characters
than what are available in <B><TT>aStr</TT></B>.
The third version assigns <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters from
<B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>, which is not assumed to be NUL-terminated and can contain
embedded NULs.
The fourth version assigns characters from the NUL-terminated string
The fifth version assigns <B><TT>aChar</TT></B> repeated
<B><TT>aLen</TT></B> times.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> DwString&amp; <A NAME="insert">insert</A>(size_t aPos1,
const DwString&amp; aStr) <BR>
DwString&amp; insert(size_t aPos1, const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos2,
size_t aLen2) <BR>
DwString&amp; insert(size_t aPos1, const char* aBuf, size_t aLen2) <BR>
DwString&amp; insert(size_t aPos1, const char* aCstr) <BR>
DwString&amp; insert(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen2, char aChar) </B></FONT>
Inserts characters into this string beginning at position
<B><TT>aPos1</TT></B>. Returns <B><TT>*this</TT></B>.
The first version inserts all of the characters from
The second version inserts at most <B><TT>aLen2</TT></B> characters from
<B><TT>aStr</TT></B> beginning at position <B><TT>aPos2</TT></B>.
<B><TT>aPos1</TT></B> must be less than or equal to
<B><TT>aStr.size()</TT></B>. The function will not assign more characters
than what are available in <B><TT>aStr</TT></B>.
The third version inserts <B><TT>aLen2</TT></B> characters from
<B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>, which is not assumed to be NUL-terminated and can contain
embedded NULs.
The fourth version inserts characters from the NUL-terminated string
The fifth version inserts <B><TT>aChar</TT></B> repeated
<B><TT>aLen2</TT></B> times.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> DwString&amp; <A NAME="erase">erase</A>(size_t aPos=0,
size_t aLen=npos) </B></FONT>
Erases (removes) at most <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters beginning at position
<B><TT>aPos</TT></B> from this string. The function will not erase more
characters than what are available. Returns <B><TT>*this</TT></B>.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> DwString&amp; <A NAME="replace">replace</A>(size_t
aPos1, size_t aLen1, const DwString&amp; aStr) <BR>
DwString&amp; replace(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const DwString&amp; aStr,
size_t aPos2, size_t aLen2) <BR>
DwString&amp; replace(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const char* aBuf, size_t
aLen2) <BR>
DwString&amp; replace(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const char* aCstr) <BR>
DwString&amp; replace(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, size_t aLen2, char aChar)
Removes <B><TT>aLen1</TT></B> characters beginning at position
<B><TT>aPos1</TT></B> and inserts other characters. Returns
The first version inserts all of the characters from
The second version inserts at most <B><TT>aLen2</TT></B> characters from
<B><TT>aStr</TT></B> beginning at position <B><TT>aPos2</TT></B>.
<B><TT>aPos1</TT></B> must be less than or equal to
<B><TT>aStr.size()</TT></B>. The function will not assign more characters
than what are available in <B><TT>aStr</TT></B>.
The third version inserts <B><TT>aLen2</TT></B> characters from
<B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>, which is not assumed to be NUL-terminated and can contain
embedded NULs.
The fourth version inserts characters from the NUL-terminated string
The fifth version inserts <B><TT>aChar</TT></B> repeated
<B><TT>aLen2</TT></B> times.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> size_t <A NAME="copy">copy</A>(char* aBuf, size_t
aLen, size_t aPos=0) const </B></FONT>
Copies at most <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters beginning at position
<B><TT>aPos</TT></B> from this string to the buffer pointed to by
<B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>. Returns the number of characters copied.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> void <A NAME="swap">swap</A>(DwString&amp; aStr)
Swaps the contents of this string and <B><TT>aStr</TT></B>.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> const char* <A NAME="c_str">c_str</A>() const
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> const char* <A NAME="data">data</A>() const
These member functions permit access to the internal buffer used by the
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object. <B><TT>c_str()</TT></B> returns a NUL-terminated
string suitable for use in C library functions. <B><TT>data()</TT></B> returns
a pointer to the internal buffer, which may not be NUL-terminated.
<B><TT>c_str()</TT></B> may copy the internal buffer in order to place the
terminating NUL. This is not a violation of the const declaration: it is
a logical const, not a bit-representation const. It could have the side effect
of invalidating a pointer previously returned by <B><TT>c_str()</TT></B>
or <B><TT>data()</TT></B>.
The characters in the returned string should not be modified, and should
be considered invalid after any call to a non-const member function or another
call to <B><TT>c_str()</TT></B>.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> size_t <A NAME="find">find</A>(const DwString&amp;
aStr, size_t aPos=0) const <BR>
size_t find(const char* aBuf, size_t aPos, size_t aLen) const <BR>
size_t find(const char* aCstr, size_t aPos=0) const <BR>
size_t find(char aChar, size_t aPos=0) const </B></FONT>
Performs a forward search for a sequence of characters in the
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object. The return value is the position of the
sequence in the string if found, or <B><TT>DwString::npos</TT></B> if not
The first version searches beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> for
the sequence of characters in <B><TT>aStr</TT></B>.
The second version searches beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> for
the sequence of <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters in <B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>,
which need not be NUL-terminated and can contain embedded NULs.
The third version searches beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> for
the sequence of characters in the NUL-terminated string
The fourth version searches beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> for
the character <B><TT>aChar</TT></B>.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> size_t <A NAME="rfind">rfind</A>(const DwString&amp;
aStr, size_t aPos=npos) const <BR>
size_t rfind(const char* aBuf, size_t aPos, size_t aLen) const <BR>
size_t rfind(const char* aCstr, size_t aPos=npos) const <BR>
size_t rfind(char aChar, size_t aPos=npos) const </B></FONT>
Performs a reverse search for a sequence of characters in the
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object. The return value is the position of the
sequence in the string if found, or <B><TT>DwString::npos</TT></B> if not
The first version searches beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> for
the sequence of characters in <B><TT>aStr</TT></B>.
The second version searches beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> for
the sequence of <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters in <B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>,
which need not be NUL-terminated and can contain embedded NULs.
The third version searches beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> for
the sequence of characters in the NUL-terminated string
The fourth version searches beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> for
the character <B><TT>aChar</TT></B>.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> size_t <A NAME="find_first_of">find_first_of</A>(const
DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos=0) const <BR>
size_t find_first_of(const char* aBuf, size_t aPos, size_t aLen) const <BR>
size_t find_first_of(const char* aCstr, size_t aPos=0) const </B></FONT>
Performs a forward search beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> for
the first occurrence of any character from a specified set of characters.
The return value is the position of the character if found, or
<B><TT>DwString::npos</TT></B> if not found.
The first version searches for any character in the string
The second version searches for any of the <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters
in <B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>.
The third version searches for any character in the NUL-terminated string
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> size_t <A NAME="find_last_of">find_last_of</A>(const
DwString&amp; aStr, size_t aPos=npos) const <BR>
size_t find_last_of(const char* aBuf, size_t aPos, size_t aLen) const <BR>
size_t find_last_of(const char* aCstr, size_t aPos=npos) const </B></FONT>
Performs a reverse search beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> for
the first occurrence of any character from a specified set of characters.
If <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> is greater than or equal to the number of characters
in the string, then the search starts at the end of the string. The return
value is the position of the character if found, or
<B><TT>DwString::npos</TT></B> if not found.
The first version searches for any character in the string
The second version searches for any of the <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters
in <B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>.
The third version searches for any character in the NUL-terminated string
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> size_t
<A NAME="find_first_not_of">find_first_not_of</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr,
size_t aPos=0) const <BR>
size_t find_first_not_of(const char* aBuf, size_t aPos, size_t aLen) const
size_t find_first_not_of(const char* aCstr, size_t aPos=0) const </B></FONT>
Performs a forward search beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> for
the first occurrence of any character <I>not</I> in a specified set of
characters. The return value is the position of the character if found, or
<B><TT>DwString::npos</TT></B> if not found.
The first version searches for any character not in the string
The second version searches for any character not among the
<B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters in <B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>.
The third version searches for any character not in the NUL-terminated string
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> size_t
<A NAME="find_last_not_of">find_last_not_of</A>(const DwString&amp; aStr,
size_t aPos=npos) const <BR>
size_t find_last_not_of(const char* aBuf, size_t aPos, size_t aLen) const
size_t find_last_not_of(const char* aCstr, size_t aPos=npos) const
Performs a reverse search beginning at position <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> for
the first occurrence of any character <I>not</I> in a specified set of
characters. If <B><TT>aPos</TT></B> is greater than or equal to the number
of characters in the string, then the search starts at the end of the string.
The return value is the position of the character if found, or
<B><TT>DwString::npos</TT></B> if not found.
The first version searches for any character not in the string
The second version searches for any character not among the
<B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters in <B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>.
The third version searches for any character not in the NUL-terminated string
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> DwString <A NAME="substr">substr</A>(size_t aPos=0,
size_t aLen=npos) const </B></FONT>
Returns a string that contains at most <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters from
the <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object beginning at position
<B><TT>aPos</TT></B>. The returned substring will not contain more characters
than what are available in the superstring <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="compare">compare</A>(const DwString&amp;
aStr) const <BR>
int compare(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const DwString&amp; aStr) const <BR>
int compare(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const DwString&amp; aStr, size_t
aPos2, size_t aLen2) const <BR>
int compare(const char* aCstr) const <BR>
int compare(size_t aPos1, size_t aLen1, const char* aBuf, size_t aLen2=npos)
const </B></FONT>
These member functions compare a sequence of characters to this
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object, or a segment of this
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object. They return -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether
this <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object is less than, equal to, or greater than
the compared sequence of characters, respectively.
The first version compares <B><TT>aStr</TT></B> to this string.
The second version compares <B><TT>aStr</TT></B> to the segment of this string
of length <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> beginning at position
The third version compares the {tt aLen2} characters beginning at position
<B><TT>aPos2</TT></B> in <B><TT>aStr</TT></B> with the
<B><TT>aLen1</TT></B> characters beginning at position
<B><TT>aPos1</TT></B> in this <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object.
The fourth version compares the NUL-terminated string
<B><TT>aCstr</TT></B> to this <B><TT>DwString</TT></B>.
The fifth version compares the <B><TT>aLen2</TT></B> characters in
<B><TT>aBuf</TT></B> with this <B><TT>DwString</TT></B>.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> virtual const char*
<A NAME="ClassName">ClassName</A>() const </B></FONT>
This virtual function returns the name of the class as a NUL-terminated char
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="ObjectId">ObjectId</A>() const
Returns the unique object id for this <B><TT>DwString</TT></B>.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> void
<A NAME="ConvertToLowerCase">ConvertToLowerCase</A>() <BR>
void <A NAME="ConvertToUpperCase">ConvertToUpperCase</A>() </B></FONT>
Converts this <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object's characters to all lower case
or all upper case.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> void <A NAME="Trim">Trim</A>() </B></FONT>
Removes all white space from the beginning and the end of this
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object. White space characters include ASCII HT,
LF, and SPACE.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> void <A NAME="WriteTo">WriteTo</A>(ostream&amp; aStrm)
const </B></FONT>
Writes the contents of this <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object to the stream
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="RefCount">RefCount</A>() const
This <I>advanced</I> member function returns the number of references to
the internal buffer used by the <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> void <A NAME="TakeBuffer">TakeBuffer</A>(char* aBuf,
size_t aSize, size_t aStart, size_t aLen) </B></FONT>
This <I>advanced</I> member function sets the contents of the
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object to the <B><TT>aLen</TT></B> characters starting
at offset <B><TT>aStart</TT></B> in the buffer <B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>.
<B><TT>aSize</TT></B> is the allocated size of <B><TT>aBuf</TT></B>. This
member function is provided for efficiency in setting a
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B>'s contents from a large buffer. It is efficient
because no copying takes place. Instead, <B><TT>aBuf</TT></B> becomes the
buffer used internally by the <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object, which takes
responsibility for deleting the buffer. Because DwString will free the buffer
using <B><TT>delete []</TT></B>, the buffer should have been allocated using
<B><TT>new</TT></B>. See also: ReleaseBuffer().
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> void <A NAME="ReleaseBuffer">ReleaseBuffer</A>(char**
aBuf, size_t* aSize, size_t* aStart, size_t* aLen) </B></FONT>
This <I>advanced</I> member function is the symmetric opposite of
<B><TT>TakeBuffer()</TT></B>, to the extent that such an opposite is possible.
It provides a way to ``export'' the buffer used internally by the
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object. Note, however, that because of the
copy-on-modify feature of <B><TT>DwString</TT></B>, the
<B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object may not have sole ownership of its internal
buffer. When that is case, <B><TT>ReleaseBuffer()</TT></B> will return a
copy of the buffer. You can check to see if the internal buffer is shared
by calling <B><TT>RefCount()</TT></B>. On return from this member function,
the <B><TT>DwString</TT></B> object will have valid, but empty, contents.
It is recommended that you use this function only on rare occasions where
you need to export efficiently a large buffer.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> void <A NAME="CopyTo">CopyTo</A>(DwString* aStr) const
This <I>advanced</I> member function copies this <B><TT>DwString</TT></B>
object to <B><TT>aStr</TT></B>. This member function is different from the
assignment operator, because it physically copies the buffer instead of just
duplicating a reference to it.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> virtual void
<A NAME="PrintDebugInfo">PrintDebugInfo</A>(ostream&amp; aStrm) const
Prints debugging information about the object to <B><TT>aStrm</TT></B>.
This member function is available only in the debug version of the library.
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> virtual void
<A NAME="CheckInvariants">CheckInvariants</A>() const </B></FONT>
Aborts if one of the invariants of the object fails. Use this member function
to track down bugs.
This member function is available only in the debug version of the library.
  <FONT COLOR="navy"> Public Data Members </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="teal"><B> static const size_t <A NAME="npos">npos</A>
<B><TT>npos</TT></B> is assigned the value (size_t)-1.