<!-- $Revision$ --> <!-- $Date$ --> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> MIME++ Utility Functions </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <H2> <FONT COLOR="navy"> NAME </FONT> </H2> <P> MIME++ Utilities <H2> <FONT COLOR="navy"> SYNOPSIS </FONT> </H2> <PRE>#include &ltmimepp/mimepp.h> void <A HREF="#DwInitialize">DwInitialize</A>(); int <A HREF="#DwToCrLfEol">DwToCrLfEol</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); int <A HREF="#DwToLfEol">DwToLfEol</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); int <A HREF="#DwToCrEol">DwToCrEol</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); int <A HREF="#DwToLocalEol">DwToLocalEol</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); int <A HREF="#DwEncodeBase64">DwEncodeBase64</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); int <A HREF="#DwDecodeBase64">DwDecodeBase64</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); int <A HREF="#DwEncodeQuotedPrintable">DwEncodeQuotedPrintable</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); int <A HREF="#DwDecodeQuotedPrintable">DwEncodeQuotedPrintable</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); </PRE> <H2> <FONT COLOR="navy"> DESCRIPTION </FONT> </H2> <P> <FONT COLOR="teal"><B> void <A NAME="DwInitialize">DwInitialize</A>(); </B></FONT> <P> Initializes the class library. Call this member function before creating any objects from MIME++ classes. <P> <FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="DwToCrLfEol">DwToCrLfEol</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); </B></FONT> <P> Converts all end-of-line markers in <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> to CR LF and puts the result in <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B>. The contract explicitly allows <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> and <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B> to be references to the same string. <P> <FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="DwToLfEol">DwToLfEol</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); </B></FONT> <P> Converts all end-of-line markers in <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> to LF ('\n') and puts the result in <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B>. The contract explicitly allows <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> and <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B> to be references to the same string. <P> <FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="DwToCrEol">DwToCrEol</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); </B></FONT> <P> Converts all end-of-line markers in <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> to CR ('\r') and puts the result in <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B>. The contract explicitly allows <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> and <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B> to be references to the same string. <P> <FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="DwToLocalEol">DwToLocalEol</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); </B></FONT> <P> Converts all end-of-line markers in <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> to the end-of-line marker native to the operating system and puts the result in <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B>. The contract explicitly allows <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> and <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B> to be references to the same string. <P> The end-of-line markers for various operating systems are the following: <PRE> MS-DOS, WIN32 CR LF UNIX LF Macintosh CR </PRE> <P> <FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="DwEncodeBase64">DwEncodeBase64</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); </B></FONT> <P> Encodes the characters in <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> using the base64 encoding and puts the result into <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B>. The contract explicitly allows <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> and <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B> to be references to the same string. <P> <FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="DwDecodeBase64">DwDecodeBase64</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); </B></FONT> <P> Decodes the characters in <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> from the base64 encoding and puts the result into <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B>. The contract explicitly allows <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> and <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B> to be references to the same string. <P> <FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="DwEncodeQuotedPrintable">DwEncodeQuotedPrintable</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); </B></FONT> <P> Encodes the characters in <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> using the quoted-printable encoding and puts the result into <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B>. The contract explicitly allows <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> and <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B> to be references to the same string. <P> <FONT COLOR="teal"><B> int <A NAME="DwDecodeQuotedPrintable">DwDecodeQuotedPrintable</A>(const DwString& aSrcStr, DwString& aDestStr); </B></FONT> <P> Decodes the characters in <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> from the quoted-printable encoding and puts the result into <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B>. The contract explicitly allows <B><TT>aSrcStr</TT></B> and <B><TT>aDestStr</TT></B> to be references to the same string. </BODY></HTML>