Sorry, there's no autoconf script available yet.  However, there are comments
in the makefile to help you out, and there are not a lot of changes to make.
There are different options available, some of which are platform dependent.
For example, under Win32 you can compile the library as a .LIB or as a .DLL.
To change any of the defaults, edit the file ./mimepp/config.h.  It's
probably a good idea to take a look at that file anyway.

There are several makefiles available.  Makefile.unx is a makefile for a
generic UNIX system. is a makefile for Visual C++ 4 or 5.
Makefile.bc is a makefile for Borland C++ 5.

If you are using the library on a non-UNIX system, such as Windows 3.1 or
Macintosh, you will probably need to change msgid.cpp.  The function
DwMsgId::CreateDefault() needs to get the host name and the process ID to
create a msg-id.  I put some conditional compilation macros in to support
Winsock, but I have not tested it under Windows 3.1.  If you do not know how
to get your host name, you can set the static member DwMsgId::sHostName
before using the library functions.

On a UNIX system:

Typing 'make -f makefile.unx' will make the library libmimepp.a and the
example programs exampl01, exampl02, exampl03, exampl04, exampl05;
typing 'make lib' will make just the library.  Finally, type 'make install
' to copy the include files to /usr/local/include/mimepp and the library
to /usr/local/lib.