====== KDE PIM Enterprise release howto ===== David Faure <faure@kde.org>, 02-Aug-2005, last update 12-Mar-2007. # First ensure that translations are uptodate, running "translate". # Packing kdepim doesn't pack the translations themselves, but still, # at release time we have to ensure they are ok. # cd kde-common/release mkdir clean cache dirty sources sources-old echo kdepim > modules # Now save the patch below to a file, and apply it. Index: common =================================================================== --- common (revision 615014) +++ common (working copy) @@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ case $package in koffice-l10n) version=1.3.98 ;; + kdepim) + version=3.5.6.enterprise.0.20070227.637543 + ;; *) version=3.5.5 ;; Index: versions =================================================================== --- versions (revision 615014) +++ versions (working copy) @@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ DESTURL=tags/koffice/1.4.0/$1 subname=$1 ;; + kdepim) + HEADURL=branches/kdepim/enterprise/$1 + DESTURL=tags/kdepim/enterprise.0.20070227.637543/$1 + subname=$1 + export UNSERMAKE= + ;; *) HEADURL=branches/KDE/3.5/$1 DESTURL=tags/KDE/3.5.5/$1 ### --- end of patch --- # Update the version number in "common" and the tagname in "versions" # The version number is: 0.YYYYMMDD.svnrevision # # Also update the version number in those files: # ./kmail/kmversion.h:#define KMAIL_VERSION "1.9.6 (enterprise 0.20070227.637543)" # ./kontact/src/main.cpp:static const char version[] = "1.2.4 (enterprise 0.20070227.637543)"; # ./korganizer/version.h:static const char korgVersion[] = "3.5.6 (enterprise 0.20070227.637543)"; ./tag_all # tag_all checks out the enterprise branch of kdepim into a temporary tagging directory # and then allows to commit - to create the tag. # The script needs the variables SVNUSER and SVNPROTOCOL to be set. # If you used the "cache" feature with an older release, remove it first rm -rf cache/kdepim # Ready? OK, let's pack it: ./pack kdepim # On failure it's always possible to restart from where it stopped, e.g. with # cd dirty ; ../dist kdepim # if the "dist" step failed # (and then ../taritup kdepim for the last step) # But if all goes well, "pack" will have done it all. # You can find the resulting tar.bz2 in sources/, scp it somewhere. # To make sure that snapshots display a useful version number, # change them after release to reflect development status in the branch. # ./kmail/kmversion.h:#define KMAIL_VERSION "1.9.6 (enterprise branch after 0.20070227.637543)" # ./kontact/src/main.cpp:static const char version[] = "1.2.4 (enterprise branch after 0.20070227.637543)"; # ./korganizer/version.h:static const char korgVersion[] = "3.5.6 (enterprise branch after 0.20070227.637543)";